John PIGOTT Senior raised his family in Dublin, including his eldest son and namesake, John PIGOTT Junior. Both were employed in the Revenue service of the Government.
John PIGOTT Senior was born about 1759.
His precise origins are surrounded in some uncertainty, but it appears, from research conducted by his grandson William Jackson PIGOTT (1842-1921), that his father was John PIGOTT of Stradbally, in the Queen's County (perhaps ? of Brockley Park), and probably also at some time in his career holding the rank of Captain, that Captaincy being of a West India Merchant ship, undoubtedly engaged in the trans-Atlantic trade.
There are two candidates who fit this description.
One was the John PIGOTT who was born in 1704, perhaps at Kilcromin, Queen's County, the younger son of Captain John PIGOTT (about 1668-1710), of Kilcromin and Antigua, by his wife Frances PROCTOR of Rendezvous Bay, Antigua. He was at some time a resident at Brockle Park in Stradbally. See his separate blog on this blog-page, originally posted on 24 May 2008:
The other, and more likely contender, was his first cousin, probably up to ten years his junior, and perhaps the son of Major Walter PIGOTT; he was named in his nephew Robert PIGOTT's 1808 Petition (concerning his forced early retirement from the Customs and Excise Department in Dublin), as having arrived back in Ireland about 1760 after many years service abroad. See also the same May 2008 blog-link.
I had originally thought that the former candidate was the more likely than the latter, but I now believe that the reverse is more likely to have been the case.
It would appear that John Senior's mother was Hester or Esther HILCOCK, the daughter of Barnaby HILCOCK, Vintner, the proprietor of a Cock Fighting Pit on Cork Hill, City of Dublin, by his wife Frances (her maiden surname remains unknown).
There was a Barnaby HILLCOCK of the Fleece Tavern, City of Dublin, Drawer (?), who witnessed a deed in Dublin in January 1723 (Memorial Number 25203, Dublin Deeds Registry), concerning a money transaction between Dennis SHIELL of Ballykillro, county Westmeath, and Terence GEOGHAN of Dublin - but whether this was Esther's father is not yet clear.
Barnaby did make a Deed of Lease dated 4 January 1744 (Memorial No 91471), by which he leased a stable and loft, adjacent to his dwelling, over the cockpitt on Cork Hill, to Glassney McMAHON of Dublin, Merchant.
Barnaby was living in 1751, when his details were recorded on a Book-plate [William HAZLITT, "Roll of Honour," 1971, page 109].
Barnaby and Frances HILCOCK had other issue, including a son Nicholas KILCOCK (born Cork Hill, 1743, and baptised at SS Michael and John Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, sponsors being Francis and Ann DOLAN), and daughters Frances HILLCOCK (born Cork Hill, 1744, baptised ditto, sponsors Dominick BROWNE and Margrett ERWIN), and Caroline HILOCK (born Cork Hill, 1746, baptised ditto, sponsors Rob't GOSON and Dorothy EILDON?) - spellings are as recorded in the web-site, which did not identify birth days or months, probably due to them being obscure.
Frances HILCOCK sponsored the 1742 baptism at Saint Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, of Margaret, daughter of John DONOGHOE; and Hester likewise sponsored the 1758 baptism, in the same Church, of Joes Baptist, child of Joes and Lucia HUTON; it is possible that some of these baptismal events may have involved Frances's and Hester's blood relations.
Further, there was a younger Barnaby HILCOCK, baptized at St Mary's (R.C.) Pro Cathedral, Dublin, 1 June 1747, a son of Thomas and Mary HILCOCK, who may well have been related, perhaps as a nephew to Esther's father Barnaby HILCOCK (Senior); Thomas and Mary had several younger children baptized in the same church - Michael HILCOCK, on 9 May 1748 (with sponsors Peter DOWLING and Frances HILCOCK), and Ann on 2 June 1751 (sponsors James BAYLON and Miss Bridget ?). This may account for Esther naming her elder DECYX son Michael?
The date of John PIGOTT Senior's birth is unclear.
One version of it, 1758, was given by a person who identified himself simply as E. EVANS, in his letter to the Editor, published in the Dublin Builder on 15 February 1896, wrote:
"In an old manuscript pedigree of the family of PIGOTT, I find that Hester HILCOCK, daughter of Barnaby HILCOCK of Dublin (1751), was married firstly to John PIGOTT, Esq, of the Queen's County, by whom she had a son John PIGOTT of Dublin, born in 1758, and married on 3 December 1793 to Mary VICKERS, daughter of Joseph VICKERS of Dublin, Esq, by whom she had issue. It appears that John PIGOTT, husband of Hester HILCOCK, died soon after the birth of her 1st child, or probably before the birth, because she married her second husband, Peter DECYX, a French Huguenot, on 12 August 1760, by whom she had issue... But in her marriage license with Peter DECYX, she is called Spinster. This license was issued 9th August 1760, by his grace Charles COBBE, Archbishop of Dublin."
He repeated, in another part of his letter, that:
"Esther HILCOCK, Spinster, married 12 August 1760, by License of Archbishop COBB dated 9 August 1760, Pierre DECYX, Silk Throwster of Dublin."
The fact of John Junior's illegitimacy is corroborated in the published record - Hester HILCOCK and Peter DEEYX (sic), 1760, Marriage License (Diocese of Dublin), page 143 [Appendix to the 26th Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, page 288]; or as BETHAM's abstract confirms:
[Image courtesy of]
"201. DECYX, Peter, of City of Dublin, Silk Throster, and Hester HILCOCK of Donnabrook, Spinster - 9th Aug't, 1760."
This is not Hester PIGOTT, a widow!
The letter writer was probably Edward EVANS, the father-in-law of Emily PIGOTT of Cork, John Senior's grand-daughter by his second son Joseph PIGOTT, and so John Junior's cousin.
EVANS does not identify the source of the MS pedigree; but he does clearly illustrate that there was one major flaw in it - that Hester HILCOCK, being a Spinster when she married DECYX in 1860, could therefore not have been John PIGOTT Senior's wife.
The other detail which is at variance with some other pedigree evidence is John PIGOTT's status, recorded here as Esquire - which is clearly not Captain.
Further, the birth year of 1758 does not agree with his age at burial, which indicates that his family believed he was born after October 1759; or wanted to believe - perhaps his mother may have tried to shield him from his "illegitimacy" by letting him believe he was born a little later, and closer to her actual marriage date (which would not really make sense).
Further evidence of this family connection comes in the form of three deeds for a residential property in Ring's End, County Dublin, which (Captain) John PIGOTT the Elder apparently signed over to Hester HILCOCK, for the benefit of their son John PIGOTT (Senior), or which Hester otherwise acquired from him.
One of the deeds was evidently in the possession of William Jackson PIGOTT (WJP), as he revealed in his query published in Notes and Queries [4th Series, Volume XII, 8 November 1873], at page 368, under the title of HILCOCK OF DUBLIN:
"...The name seems to have died out, and the only mention of it is in an old deed in my possession, where one Hester HILCOCK, alias PIGOTT, alias DECEYX, makes a consignment of house property at Ring's End, Dublin, to her son John PIGOTT, son of Capt John PIGOTT of Brockley Park, Queen's County."
This deed has not yet been located in the Deeds Office, and may only have been a draft. And in his 1873 letter, WJP does not reveal the date of the "alleged" deed.
[Notes and Queries, 4th Series, Volume XII, 8 November 1873.]
The two other deeds were registered, as was required by law, in the Registry of Deeds, Henrietta Street, Dublin.
The first was a Deed of Lease dated 26 March 1756 (Memorial Number 120390) by Jeremiah O'SULLIVAN, Builder, to John PIGOTT, Esq, of a newly built dwelling house at Ring's End, for the price of £100, and at a yearly rental of £8 sterling.
The other was a Deed of Assignment dated 7 January 1762 (Memorial 141387), made by Peter DECYX, of the City of Dublin, Gent, "... in whom the said premises were then legally vested," and for the same property, to Isaac VIGNAU, of the City of Dublin, Gent, for the considerably reduced price of £20.
[Images courtesy of the web-site.]
The fact that the second Deed of 1762 was made as an endorsement on the back of the original Deed of 1756, suggests that WJP's "alleged" and intervening deed was not found in the Deeds Registry at the time, suggesting that it was never registered.
Hester's property would have become Peter DECYX's when she married him.
However, it is clear from the above that Hester was not married to John PIGOTT the Elder, so her tenure on his property would have been precarious, especially without the deed referred to by WJP.
And without the deed, DECYX's sale of the leasehold of the property may only have been possible if John PIGOTT the Elder was already dead.
Indeed, John's death would have removed the perceived necessity for registering it.
But it appears that John PIGOTT the Elder did not die until December 1763!
So perhaps I got the wrong John PIGOTT - indeed, it is this consideration that has convinced me his father was not the M.P. for the Borough of Banagher!
Further, this evidence indicates that WJP, in his 1873 query, was probably putting his own slant on events - the deed could not have stated that Hester HILCOCK was "alias PIGOTT" as she had never been married to any PIGOTT - and the difficulty presented by being unable to find the deed is that we cannot tell just how much of the wording WJP cites was actually in the supposed deed.
But it does appear that WJP wanted to find a legitimate grandfather, and this would explain why he and EVANS came to verbal "blows" after EVANS revealed, but without stating, the truth of it.
Hester DECYX otherwise HILCOCK, Widow, was Plaintiff in a Bill brought before the Chancery Court, Dublin, dated 28 May 1789, to which the Defendants were Matthew FINGLAS and Philip VIGNAU; Answer of VIGNAU 3 August 1789; final date 16 October 1789; officiated by Messrs PALMER and WOODS; Attorneys D. POWER and W. JOHNSTON [Chancery Court Bill Books, Findmypast]. Philip VIGNAU was probably a son of Isaac.

[Detail of the ROCQUE Map of County Dublin, 1756.]
The infant John Senior was probably raised by his mother Hester and step-father Peter DECYX. But he was to retain the use for life of his father's surname. The association with the Silk industry may explain how John Senior made the acquaintance of his future wife, Mary VICKERS (1769-1828), the daughter of Joseph VICKERS, a Dublin Silk Manufacturer.
His step-family was as follows:
2. Susannah DECYX, baptised at Saint Peter's, Dublin, 23 July 1762.
3. Peter DECYX, born in Dublin, 1763; probably married Mary HALL (perhaps a sister of John HALL who married Dinah WILSON); issue - an eldest son William De SAIX, who married Bridget NORTON, and a third son John De SAIX (born 1795, married 2ndly, his 2nd cousin Diannah HALL, daughter of John HALL and; Dinah WILSON
4. (?) John De SAIX, who had issue a son Peter De SAIX, by whom grandsons Miles De SAIX (born Wicklow, 1819) and Peter De SAIX (born Wicklow, 1832).
However, not all of this descent has as yet been validated.
As books in those days did, it had a much longer sub-title - "A collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c, Latin as well as English, the Original Production of Ireland, to which are Subjoined, Thoughts of the Prevailing System of Education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen, with Practical proposals for a Reformation."
Several other subscribers to its publication are of interest - William PIGGOT, William VICKERS and Picket SANDES.
It appears that the majority of students at the school in 1771 were born about 1760 give or take a year or two - just the right age for our John PIGOTT.
But it is not certain that it was actually him. If so, who was William PIGOTT? Evidently not a brother of our John. And how would his mother Hester have paid for this education?
And by 1793, John PIGOTT was recorded as a Servant.
From 1805 until 1816, John PIGOTT Senior resided at 2 Grafton Lane.
John PIGOTT Senior was named as grantee in a Deed of Lease, dated 1 February 1805 (Memorial 385902, Deeds Registry, Dublin), made by John CROSTHWAITE, of the City of Dublin, Esq, concerning the dwelling house at No 2 Grafton Lane, at the yearly rental of £28 8s 9d, for the term of three lives, viz't the longest survivor of himself, or his son John PIGOTT (Junior) aged about 8 years, or his younger son Joseph PIGOTT aged 3 years.

[Part of ROCQUE's 1756 Map of Dublin, showing Span Lane, later Grafton Lane,
now Lemon St. The PIGOTT house probably the one highlighted in red.]
This dwelling stood on the north side of Grafton Lane (formerly Span's Lane; now Lemon Street), between the holdings of Mrs ENNIS (on the north and east boundaries) and Mr BURNES (west boundary). Methodist records suggest that CROSTHWAITE was probably a Member of that Society.
John PIGOTT Senior, of Grafton Lane, City of Dublin, made a Deed of Conveyance, dated 27 April 1811 (Memorial 437851), as a joint party together with his wife Mary PIGOTT otherwise VICKERS, and her sister Eliza HALE otherwise VICKERS, concerning a dwelling at No 2 Ormond Quay, City of Dublin, to John VICKERS, of Hanover Street, City of Dublin, Silk Manufacturer.
John PIGOTT Senior, of the City of Dublin, was grantor of a Deed of Release and Assignment, dated 16 May 1816 (Memorial 481337), by which he disposed of the same premises at 2 Grafton Lane, to Martin FARRELL, of the City of Dublin, Horsdeman.
Where John Senior resided, with his family, from that time until 1825 remains unclear.
John's early career is also obscure.
And there is more than just a distinct possibility that a few years after his marriage, John PIGOTT gained employment in the Department of Revenue as a Land Carriage Officer in Dublin for Customs and Excise, his original commission having been dated January 1804 [Appendix to the Second Report of the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Collection and Management of the Revenue arising in Ireland, 1822, page 290]:
In August 1785, John SHERLOCK, a Surveyor of the Land Carriage Officers who were employed in London, was examined by the Commissioners Appointed to Examine, Take, and State the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, and presented to both Houses of Parliament, by John LANE, Secretary to the Commissioners (and published by T. CADELL, The Strand, in 1787, Volume 3, Appendix to the Fourteenth Report, No 133, at page 545).
SHERLOCK made the following statement about the Land Carriage Officers:
"They are on the Establishment... by Warrant of the Treasury...
"It is their duty to attend at the Inns in [London, Westminster and Southwark], and to inspect all carriages of every kind, in order to see that there are no uncustomed goods, or goods without Permit of Certificate; they also inspect, in the best manner thay are able, the Warehouses at the different Inns, for the same purposes; when they find such goods, they sieze them, and take them to the Customs House, where they are deposited in the Warehouse. When they receive Information of Goods liable to seizure, they proceed to search for them according to the Information received, whether they are on the Land or on the Water...
"The Land Carriage Officers are paid upon the Establishment a salary of Thirty five Pounds a year each. They paid, as he believes, to the Superannuation Fund Eighteen shillings, and for Stamps Eight pence, and upon Receipts of their Salary Four shillings. He does not, neither, as he believes, do any of the Land Carriage Officers, receive any Fees, Allowances or Gratuities."
I presume their counterparts in Dublin would have been required to operate in the same manner.
I also find it to be of interest to speculate on the possibility that John PIGOTT's 1804 appointment may have been facilitated by one of the recently promoted Inspectors-General, Robert PIGOTT, who is very likely to have been a cousin.
John's retirement on 14 December 1824, aged 64, after 20 years service, on a pension of £15/-/- ["Return of Officers of Excise in Ireland who have been Superannuated and are now receiving Pensions..."], provides yet another date which fits our John rather well, especially his age - and the two employment dates approximate with the dates of John's house movements as well; the details were ordered to be published by the House of Commons on 1 February 1832:
The Treasury Order, dated 10 September 1824, described him as Land-carriage Officer, in Dublin, with Amount of Allowance of £16/5/- Increase, for 20 years service, Salary before being superannuated at £35/-/-, and that the grounds upon which the increase took place was "...Impaired Heath and Sight" [Parliamentary Papers, 1780-1849, Volume 19, for the session 3 February to 6 July 1825, at page 165], and was ordered to be published by the House of Commons on 14 May 1825:
John Senior was recorded with the occupation "Publicanus" (otherwise Civil Servant in the Revenue, or Tax Collector), in the Admissions Register of Trinity College, Dublin, for the entry on 5 July 1832 of his youngest son William PIGOTT (he was to become the father of William Jackson PIGOTT or WJP).
John PIGOTT Senior died at his residence, in Charlotte Street, on 30 September 1838, aged 79.
His death notice was published in the Saunder's Daily News-Letter, Friday 5 October, as follows:
"Died. On the 30th ultimo, at his residence, No 12 Charlotte Street, Mr John PIGOTT, aged 78 years."
A similar notice was inserted in the Cork Chronicle, inevitably by his middle son Joseph, where his age was recorded as the more appropriate 79 years.
[Part of the ROCQUE Map of County Dublin, 1756. The PIGOTT dwelling may well have been
among those illustrated in the top right of the picture.]
[Detail of the ROCQUE Map of County Dublin, 1756.]
The infant John Senior was probably raised by his mother Hester and step-father Peter DECYX. But he was to retain the use for life of his father's surname. The association with the Silk industry may explain how John Senior made the acquaintance of his future wife, Mary VICKERS (1769-1828), the daughter of Joseph VICKERS, a Dublin Silk Manufacturer.
His step-family was as follows:
Pierre DECYX (alias DESSIS or DECEASE) was of a Huguenot family, possibly a relation of Jeremy DECYX and Maria HANNAH (who buried their daughter JEANNE in Dublin in 1710-11), and also of Hannah DECEASE (alias RABAULT) who was buried at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, on 28 December 1754); in November 1753, Peter was a Silk Throwster, and was in partnership with Paul SEGUIN when they petitioned the House of Commons for financial support for some factories they had built for mechanical throwing of silks, based on European models (which was supported by the Parliament with a £500 grant); there is a suggestion in the literature that Peter may have installed one of these mechanised factories in the Netherlands in 1757; by February 1762, he was facing financial ruin, and having sold his step-son's inheritance the month before (at what appears to have been a rock-bottom price - although he did not sign and seal this deed, that instead being done by the grantee and his creditor, Isaac VIGNAU), he petitioned the House of Commons once again, for relief as an insolvent debtor; he evidently did not succeed, as he appears to have been thereafter imprisoned for debt; he died in June 1763 "...a few days ago, in the Four Courts Marshalsea , ...formerly of Chequer-lane, Silk Throwster" [Dublin Courier, 17-20 June 1763]:
Peter was married to Hester HILCOCK, as stated, in 1760; and by her he had further issue:
1. Michael DECYX, born about 1761; died in Dublin, 16 January 1831, aged 70, and buried at Saint Mark's, Dublin; married Elizabeth, with issue a daughter Elizabeth (born about 1816, and died 8 December 1818, aged 2).Peter was married to Hester HILCOCK, as stated, in 1760; and by her he had further issue:
2. Susannah DECYX, baptised at Saint Peter's, Dublin, 23 July 1762.
3. Peter DECYX, born in Dublin, 1763; probably married Mary HALL (perhaps a sister of John HALL who married Dinah WILSON); issue - an eldest son William De SAIX, who married Bridget NORTON, and a third son John De SAIX (born 1795, married 2ndly, his 2nd cousin Diannah HALL, daughter of John HALL and; Dinah WILSON
4. (?) John De SAIX, who had issue a son Peter De SAIX, by whom grandsons Miles De SAIX (born Wicklow, 1819) and Peter De SAIX (born Wicklow, 1832).
However, not all of this descent has as yet been validated.
The "early" death of Peter DECYX does raise some interesting questions - in particular, how did Esther manage, as a widow with four young children, all under 6 years of age, the youngest perhaps not yet born? We have no indication as to whether she re-married, which I expect she would probably have done. But it may have resulted in relations offering help, and John PIGOTT may perhaps have been "looked after" by PIGOTT relations in Dublin. Perhaps the DECYX or DESAIX relations, if there were any, took the DESAIX children to Wicklow?
But a far more interesting question arises as to what John PIGOTT Senior might have thought of his illegitimate son's step-father. If young John's father was the M.P. for Banagher, then he would have been sitting in Parliament when Peter DECYX made his second petition to it in February 1762, praying to be included in the Heads of a Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors (unless that petition was instead sponsored in his absence by one of DECYX's creditors). And he may well have been alerted to the fact that Peter then "cashed in" young John's "inheritance" by selling the house property at Rings End. In respect of that sale, the Deputy Registrar, William HALL, did endorse the earlier deed with a reference to Peter DECYX "... in whom the said Lease and premises were then Legally Vested" - although I wonder, in the absence of formal registration of the alleged deed granting Esther HILOCK that property for the benefit of their son John PIGOTT (the undated deed William Jackson PIGOTT claimed to have in his possession), what proof he had asked DECYX to furnish. And what John PIGOTT, M.P., might have made of all of that? If indeed, he was the father. I am beginning to think that all of this mitigates against that speculation, and that young John's father may have been the other Captain John PIGOTT, who had returned to Ireland after many years service abroad, about the time of John junior's birth.A John PIGGOTT attended Samuel WHYTE's School in Dublin; in 1772, he was one of a number of subscribers to the publication of a book, most of whom were probably, like him, fellow scholars, and probably purchasing a "compulsory" text book written by their Head Master. Entitled "The Shamrock: or, Hibernian Tresses," by Samuel WHYTE, Dublin and London, 1772.
As books in those days did, it had a much longer sub-title - "A collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c, Latin as well as English, the Original Production of Ireland, to which are Subjoined, Thoughts of the Prevailing System of Education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen, with Practical proposals for a Reformation."
Several other subscribers to its publication are of interest - William PIGGOT, William VICKERS and Picket SANDES.
It appears that the majority of students at the school in 1771 were born about 1760 give or take a year or two - just the right age for our John PIGOTT.
But it is not certain that it was actually him. If so, who was William PIGOTT? Evidently not a brother of our John. And how would his mother Hester have paid for this education?
And by 1793, John PIGOTT was recorded as a Servant.
From 1805 until 1816, John PIGOTT Senior resided at 2 Grafton Lane.
John PIGOTT Senior was named as grantee in a Deed of Lease, dated 1 February 1805 (Memorial 385902, Deeds Registry, Dublin), made by John CROSTHWAITE, of the City of Dublin, Esq, concerning the dwelling house at No 2 Grafton Lane, at the yearly rental of £28 8s 9d, for the term of three lives, viz't the longest survivor of himself, or his son John PIGOTT (Junior) aged about 8 years, or his younger son Joseph PIGOTT aged 3 years.

[Part of ROCQUE's 1756 Map of Dublin, showing Span Lane, later Grafton Lane,
now Lemon St. The PIGOTT house probably the one highlighted in red.]
This dwelling stood on the north side of Grafton Lane (formerly Span's Lane; now Lemon Street), between the holdings of Mrs ENNIS (on the north and east boundaries) and Mr BURNES (west boundary). Methodist records suggest that CROSTHWAITE was probably a Member of that Society.
John PIGOTT Senior, of Grafton Lane, City of Dublin, made a Deed of Conveyance, dated 27 April 1811 (Memorial 437851), as a joint party together with his wife Mary PIGOTT otherwise VICKERS, and her sister Eliza HALE otherwise VICKERS, concerning a dwelling at No 2 Ormond Quay, City of Dublin, to John VICKERS, of Hanover Street, City of Dublin, Silk Manufacturer.
John PIGOTT Senior, of the City of Dublin, was grantor of a Deed of Release and Assignment, dated 16 May 1816 (Memorial 481337), by which he disposed of the same premises at 2 Grafton Lane, to Martin FARRELL, of the City of Dublin, Horsdeman.
[An image of the signature attributed to John PIGOTT (1759-1838), and; reproduced in the PIGOTT family pedigree
published by William Jackson PIGOTT in "The Modern Visitation of Ireland," Edited by HOWARD and CRISP, 1895, Volume 2, page 94.]
published by William Jackson PIGOTT in "The Modern Visitation of Ireland," Edited by HOWARD and CRISP, 1895, Volume 2, page 94.]
[Another signature of John PIGOTT taken from the 1816 Deed of sale of the lease of the Grafton Lane dwelling.
It is not easy to reconcile these as both being of the same John PIGOTT.]
Where John Senior resided, with his family, from that time until 1825 remains unclear.
On 17 March 1825, John PIGOTT Senior was grantee of the lease of premises at 11 and 12 Charlotte Street, City of Dublin, by Thomas Richard NEEDHAM, for the term of 38 years, and at a yearly rental of £45 10s.
The memorial for this deed has not yet been located, but the details are cited in another Deed or Indenture of Assignment dated 19 September 1836 (Memorial - 1836, Volume 10, page 128), by which John PIGOTT Senior transferred the leasehold to his daughter Charlotte PIGOTT, Spinster, of the same address.
These two con-joined dwellings stood on the east side of Charlotte Street, between the premises of Humphrey BEVAN on the south, and a lane on the north which led to Sir Samuel Synge HUTCHISON's garden on the east. They were still standing when I visited Dublin in 1982, but have since been demolished.
John's early career is also obscure.
Nothing is known of him prior to his marriage in 1793 to Mary VICKERS, whose father, Joseph VICKERS, was a Silk Manufacturer. This might suggest that our John had found his new wife in the milieu of the silk trade in Dublin, but it does not prove that he worked in that industry himself, although the possibility does exist.
However, in the FISHER Manuscripts, his abstracts of Diocese of Dublin Marriage licenses, Volume VII, at page 115 [N.L.I., digitalised MS Sources], the license dated 2 December 1793 was for John PIGOTT, of Dublin, Servant, and Mary VICKERS, of St Catherine's Parish.
Evidently John was in service, but whether that was residential service or otherwise is unknown. This would account for John's name not appearing in any Dublin Directories over this period. It is likewise not yet known whether John's service was domestic or commercial, nor whether with a family or with a Merchant or a Tradesman. Scans of Dublin Deeds for this period might just show him up as witness to deeds of his employer.
[James MALTON's 1792 view of the then recently completed Customs House on the north bank of the Liffey, Dublin.]
However, in the FISHER Manuscripts, his abstracts of Diocese of Dublin Marriage licenses, Volume VII, at page 115 [N.L.I., digitalised MS Sources], the license dated 2 December 1793 was for John PIGOTT, of Dublin, Servant, and Mary VICKERS, of St Catherine's Parish.
Evidently John was in service, but whether that was residential service or otherwise is unknown. This would account for John's name not appearing in any Dublin Directories over this period. It is likewise not yet known whether John's service was domestic or commercial, nor whether with a family or with a Merchant or a Tradesman. Scans of Dublin Deeds for this period might just show him up as witness to deeds of his employer.
[James MALTON's 1792 view of the then recently completed Customs House on the north bank of the Liffey, Dublin.]
And there is more than just a distinct possibility that a few years after his marriage, John PIGOTT gained employment in the Department of Revenue as a Land Carriage Officer in Dublin for Customs and Excise, his original commission having been dated January 1804 [Appendix to the Second Report of the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Collection and Management of the Revenue arising in Ireland, 1822, page 290]:
In August 1785, John SHERLOCK, a Surveyor of the Land Carriage Officers who were employed in London, was examined by the Commissioners Appointed to Examine, Take, and State the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, and presented to both Houses of Parliament, by John LANE, Secretary to the Commissioners (and published by T. CADELL, The Strand, in 1787, Volume 3, Appendix to the Fourteenth Report, No 133, at page 545).
SHERLOCK made the following statement about the Land Carriage Officers:
"They are on the Establishment... by Warrant of the Treasury...
"It is their duty to attend at the Inns in [London, Westminster and Southwark], and to inspect all carriages of every kind, in order to see that there are no uncustomed goods, or goods without Permit of Certificate; they also inspect, in the best manner thay are able, the Warehouses at the different Inns, for the same purposes; when they find such goods, they sieze them, and take them to the Customs House, where they are deposited in the Warehouse. When they receive Information of Goods liable to seizure, they proceed to search for them according to the Information received, whether they are on the Land or on the Water...
"The Land Carriage Officers are paid upon the Establishment a salary of Thirty five Pounds a year each. They paid, as he believes, to the Superannuation Fund Eighteen shillings, and for Stamps Eight pence, and upon Receipts of their Salary Four shillings. He does not, neither, as he believes, do any of the Land Carriage Officers, receive any Fees, Allowances or Gratuities."
I presume their counterparts in Dublin would have been required to operate in the same manner.
I also find it to be of interest to speculate on the possibility that John PIGOTT's 1804 appointment may have been facilitated by one of the recently promoted Inspectors-General, Robert PIGOTT, who is very likely to have been a cousin.
John's retirement on 14 December 1824, aged 64, after 20 years service, on a pension of £15/-/- ["Return of Officers of Excise in Ireland who have been Superannuated and are now receiving Pensions..."], provides yet another date which fits our John rather well, especially his age - and the two employment dates approximate with the dates of John's house movements as well; the details were ordered to be published by the House of Commons on 1 February 1832:
The Treasury Order, dated 10 September 1824, described him as Land-carriage Officer, in Dublin, with Amount of Allowance of £16/5/- Increase, for 20 years service, Salary before being superannuated at £35/-/-, and that the grounds upon which the increase took place was "...Impaired Heath and Sight" [Parliamentary Papers, 1780-1849, Volume 19, for the session 3 February to 6 July 1825, at page 165], and was ordered to be published by the House of Commons on 14 May 1825:
John Senior was recorded with the occupation "Publicanus" (otherwise Civil Servant in the Revenue, or Tax Collector), in the Admissions Register of Trinity College, Dublin, for the entry on 5 July 1832 of his youngest son William PIGOTT (he was to become the father of William Jackson PIGOTT or WJP).
John PIGOTT Senior died at his residence, in Charlotte Street, on 30 September 1838, aged 79.
His death notice was published in the Saunder's Daily News-Letter, Friday 5 October, as follows:
"Died. On the 30th ultimo, at his residence, No 12 Charlotte Street, Mr John PIGOTT, aged 78 years."
A similar notice was inserted in the Cork Chronicle, inevitably by his middle son Joseph, where his age was recorded as the more appropriate 79 years.
The Dublin Morning Register, Saturday 6 October, also carried a brief notice:
"DEATHS. In Charlotte Street, Mr John PIGOTT."
He was buried on 2 October, with his late wife in the PIGOTT family plot in the Vicar's Bawn, the south burial ground of Saint Patrick's (Church of Ireland) Cathedral, Dublin. This unmarked plot lies immediately adjacent to the north of the MAGUIRE plot, marked by the granite obelisk erected by William MAGUIRE in 1828, both about 20 feet due south of the S.W. corner of the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral.
[One of James MALTON's views of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, looking across the Vicar's Bawn.
The PIGOTT plot lies just above and a little to the right of where the dog is wagging its tail.]
John PIGOTT, of the City of Dublin, Servant, was married by License of the Diocese of Dublin [BETHAM's Abstract; FISHER's Abstract], in the parish church of Saint Catherine's, Dublin, on 3 December 1793, to Mary VICKERS, Spinster, of St Catherine's parish, the daughter of Joseph VICKERS of Elbow Lane, Silk Manufacturer, by his wife Elizabeth (see below).
1. Elizabeth PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 19 August 1795; she died on 3 September 1795, aged 2 weeks.
2. John PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 22 October 1796. See "JOHN PIGOTT, JUNIOR" next below.
3. Hester PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 1 October 1797, and baptised at Saint Luke's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 15 October 1797; she died aged 2 years.
4. Susannah PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 11 October 1798; Robe Keeper, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 1855, and resigned 17 November 1871; her death details have not been found in Irish records - she may have gone to Cornwall, and been recorded in Penzance in 1871; she died before early March 1879.
5. Joseph PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, Dublin, on 6 February 1802; Hairdresser and Perfumer in Cork City, styled as the Court Hairdresser; resided at 28 Marlborough Street, 1842-44, later 38 Marlborough Street; he died at 39 Marlborough Street, Cork, on 7 January 1861; married at Cork, by License dated 14 February 1830, Ellen RUMLEY (or ROMILLY), of Ballytrasna House, Cloyne (daughter of William RUMLEY); she died at 39 Marlborough Street, Cork, 20 September 1857; issue:
6. Charlotte PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, 21 July 1805; at Winding Alley, Dundrum, County Dublin, 1877; she died at 25 North Gloucester Place, North Dublin, 6 November 1882, widow of Brush Manufacturer, aged 77, of Angina Pectoris, 5 months (cert), the death informed by her son Thomas; she was married at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 19 January 1837, to James Henry GREY, Merchant and Brush Maker of Dublin; he resided at 12 Charlotte Street, (1837-39), Lower Sackville (1840), and at Mount Anville Park (1842-48); he died at 25 North Gloucester Street, North Dublin, 17 March 1897, Brush Manufacturer, aged 74, of senile decay, the death informed by his son Thomas, who attended his last illness; they had issue:
7. William PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, 29 July 1810, and baptised at Saint Luke's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 19 August 1810; admitted Trinity College, Dublin, 1832; he published a pamphlet, in Dublin, 1833, entitled "Is England an Enemy to Irish Progress, Considered; or, Political Disturbances in Ireland, Remedied," then residing at 12 Charlotte Street; Clerk, Secretary's Office, Paving Board, Dublin, 1835; 1st Clerk, Paving Board, 1841-48; Solicitor, Bolton Street, Dublin, 1842, and 7 Mountjoy Street Upper, 1844; he died at Mountpleasant Square, Dublin, 11 May 1856, his death notice recording him as the "... grandson of Captain John PIGOTT" [Notes and Queries]; married at Saint Bridget's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 23 February 1841, Mary JACKSON (daughter of Joseph JACKSON of Brockfield, Tencurry, County Tipperary, by Sarah MILLER); Mary was married secondly, at Saint Thomas's, Dublin, on 3 November 1857, to John ROBERTS, of Dundrum, County Down.
William and Mary had issue an only son:
[2] JOHN PIGOTT, JUNIOR, 1796 - 1877.
[Only known photo of John PIGOTT Junior, aged 67; picture taken in New York, 1863.]
During John Junior's time at the Foundling Hospital, their Supervisor of the House Tax and Accounts was James HENDRICK, who also acted as Treasurer to the Paving Board of the Corporation for the Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Streets of Dublin (which would later become the Dublin Corporation).
In September 1823, HENDRICK recommended John Junior to fill a vacancy that had arisen among the Collectors of Tax for the Paving Board, stating that PIGOTT had been:
"... for some years a Collector of the Foundling Hospital Tax, in which department he has conducted himself in a very satisfactory manner."
[HENDRICK's letter, Paving Board Minutes, Dublin City Library, Pearse Street, Dublin.]
John Junior's appointment was dated 1 October 1823, at a salary of £110 per annum, paid monthly, with "...responsibility for collecting the Paving and Lighting Tax, and the assessment for works chargeable" [Returns of the Commissioner, Paving Establishment, 1831-32]; he was required to post two sureties of £500 each.
John Junior's subsequent movements, recorded in Dublin Triple Almanacs and THOM's Directories (Listings of the Corporation for the Paving, Lighting and Cleansing the Streets of Dublin), almost certainly indicate where the children were born - Tax Collector, 12 Charlotte Street, Dublin (next door to his father), 1824; Collector, 12 Mountpleasant, 1827-31; Collector, Sandymount, County Dublin, 1832-33; Collector, 12 East Hanover Street, Dublin, 1834.
John Junior's final role in Dublin as a Revenue Collector was as Receiving Officer for the South Dublin Union, from about 1835. The premises occupied by the Union was the old Work House together with that part of it that had served as the Foundling Hospital; but again John was not a residentiary officer, and his collecting area was much larger, covering large areas of County Dublin towards the south, in the electoral sub-divisions of Whitechurch and Rathfarnham.
[Early plan of south west Dublin showing the Work House on James's Street. The Foundling Hospital
was established just south of the Work House. It is now the site of Saint James's Hospital.]
Here again, John Junior got into some temporary difficulties, perhaps again at the hands of his political "enemies." In 1851, John BYRNE, one of the Guardians, accused PIGOTT of "... assisting to deprive the very rate payers who paid him his salary of their parliamentary franchise." He was called upon by the Board of Guardians to explain, in writing, the circumstances of his appearing as an employed political agent in the Voter's Revision Court at Heuston Street, and elsewhere when the court met.
His reply was dated 23 July 1851:
"Having been called upon to explain the circumstances of my appearing as an agent in the Court of Revision of Parliamentary Franchise, I beg respectfully to state that I did so in consequence of the great reduction (namely, one-third of my salary as one of the rural receiving officers) made on account of the diminution of duties. stated to be caused by the cessation of outdoor relief, and also agreeably to the understanding I had with the Committee, who recommended such reduction, which was, that if the board acted on their report, the officers affected by it should be at liberty to make what use they could of any unoccupied time they might have to advance their interests in the support of their families, provided their duty was not neglected, which I trust the Board will admit has not been the case. Hoping this explanation will appear satisfactory, I remain your very obedient servant.
"John PIGOTT, Relieving Officer."
When the Board considered PIGOTT's explanation, his "patron" supporters amongst the 33 elected Guardians, including Sir Robert SHAW (Whitechurch division), Dr KIRKWOOD (Rathfarnham division), and John Ousley BONSALL were in the ascendant, the vote being 13 to 7 to keep him on, with his original detractor, John BYRNE, abstaining.
John Junior's further house movements are recorded in Dublin Triple Almanacs and THOM's Directories (Trade Listings), and in his children's baptismal registrations - Tax Collector, 12 Charlotte Street, 1835-38; Collector of Public Monies, 16 Charlemont Street, October 1839; Agent and Collector of Public Monies, 2 Rehobeth Street, off South Circular Road, Dublin, 1841-42; Collector of Public Monies, Cullenswood Avenue, Ranelagh, County Dublin, 1844-47, and August 1842 (St Peter's Register); Aspen Cottage, Rathmines, April 1847 (St Peter's Register); Receiving Officer, Elm Park, Roundtown, County Dublin, 1851; and Receiving Officer, Terenure Lodge, Roundtown, 1852-55.
To add to the MAGUIRE family connection in revenue collection, John Junior also served in several capacities at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, where William MAGUIRE was Sexton - he was appointed Assistant Sexton on 7 January 1839, and was succeeded by his nephew Joseph KELLY in January 1850; and he was appointed to succeed his brother-in-law Charles KELLY as Beadle there on 4 July 1844, and was himself succeeded (Richard Matchet CARNEGIE's name is inserted without date) again by his nephew Joseph KELLY on 16 June 1858.
Despite this apparently strong connection with the Established Church, it appears that John Junior was instead a Member of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Dublin, as was his mother's VICKERS family and his wife's related MAGUIRE family. He inserted an affecting obituary notice for his son William in the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1842; and he was recorded in the Minutes of the Society's Annual Conference of 1855 as having subscribed 10/- to the Superannuated Fund.
The Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Ireland separated from mainstream Methodism by exercising their desire to remain loyal to the Established Church in matters relating to the dispensation of the sacraments (communion, as well as the basics - baptism, marriage and burial). John WESLEY, the founder of Methodism, had made it as his last request that his followers should never separate from the Established Church; and they had followed him to the hilt, their Preachers showing their allegiance by attending service in Saint Patrick's Cathedral each year to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the hands the the Ministers of that church [Report of an address by the Archdeacon of Ardagh to the Irish Church Convention, published in the Press (N.Z.), 17 February 1871].
John Junior was "... regularly initiated" into membership of Masonic Lodge No 1672, Dublin City, by certificate dated 21 January 1824, which was signed by him (with a signature that matched that on his 1834 Deed), and by William HILL (Master), A. ELLISON (Deputy Master) and Thomas B. SUTHERLAND (Secretary).
John PIGOTT of Sandymount, County Dublin, Gent, was named as grantee in an Indented Deed dated 15 December 1832 (Memorial 588926), made by William BATES of Clare Lane, City of Dublin, Coach Owner, concerning the dwelling house on the corner of Fitzwilliam and Baggot Streets, and known as No 11 Fitzwilliam Street (and still is in 2012), for a term of 115 years, subject to a mortgage to Lawrence CORCORAN, witnessed by two including William MAGUIRE.
[No 11 Fitwilliam Street, Dublin, on the intersection with Baggot Street. Photographed in 2004.]
By his Deed of Assignment dated 23 December 1833 (Memorial No 1834, Volume 8, page 18), John PIGOTT, of East Hanover Street, City of Dublin, Gent, and late of Sandymount, standing "... fairly in debt" to William MAGUIRE (his father-in-law) for the sum of £105, assigned all his right, title and interest in the said dwelling house and premises known as No 11 Fitzwilliam Street, City of Dublin, witnessed by two including William MAGUIRE "...the younger," Attorney-at-Law (John's brother-in-law).
In December 1841, John PIGOTT was admitted to the Freedom of the City of Dublin, by right of servitude [Freemans Dublin Journal, Tuesday 21 December]; in March 1847, John PIGOTT applied for the position of Clerk to the South City Relief Committee, but was defeated on the third and last ballot by Mr SCANLON [Freeman's Dublin Journal, Saturday 27 March]; it is not certain whether either or both of these entries concern our John Junior, but in the absence of other suitable candidates, it seems likely.
In May 1851, a published list of Insolvent debtors included "John PIGOTT, late of Terenure, County Dublin, Receiving Officer, his petition to be heard on 18 June" [Freeman's Dublin Journal, 28 May].
John PIGOTT Junior was recorded in the Griffith's Valuation of the County of Dublin (about 1852-55), at Kimmage Road, Terenure, Parish of Rathfarnham - for House, Office and Garden, rated at £1 10s. per annum; and 38 perches of land rated at £38 p.a.; Lessor William MOYERS, Esq.
On 13 August 1854, John Junior's wife Elizabeth died "... at Garville Terrace, Rathgar, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation... an affectionate mother, and regretted by all who knew her", John being recorded as "... Esq, late of Terenure Lodge, County Dublin" [Saunder's Newsletter, Dublin, Wednesday 23 August].
On 16 June 1858, Joseph KELLY was appointed Beadle of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, to succeed his uncle, John PIGOTT Junior. This appears to be the last "implied" reference in Dublin records to John's former and apparently relatively "recent" existence there.
[The park where 94 Columbia Street used to stand, photographed in March 2001.
The classic downtown Manhattan skyline, viewed across the East River.]
[A "birds-eye" illustration of the part of Lawrence, Kansas, looking approximately S.S.W.
Henry Street is the one running across the lower right part of the picture.
The PIGOTT residence in 1873-74 was one of those with a view across Delaware Street,
somewhere under the smoke plume, through a grove of trees towards the Railroad.
Photo taken of a glazed and framed poster hanging in Lawrence City Library, November 2011.]
Searches have failed to find credible enumerations for our John PIGOTT Junior in either of the 1860 or 1870 Federal Censuses. His "breaching" the conditions of his temporary "visa" might account for this reticence in being recorded in government census returns, although circumstances of his time may not have required such caution.
In the PIGOTT family pedigree published in HOWARD and CRISP's "Modern Visitation of Ireland," William Jackson PIGOTT states that his widower uncle, John PIGOTT Junior, made two more marriages in America, without further issue. Once again, there is time enough for these later marriages to have taken place, but once again, no other evidence has yet been found to support W.J.P.'s assertion.
John PIGOTT Junior and Elizabeth MAGUIRE were married by Consistorial License, in the Parish Church of Saint Peter, City of Dublin, on 18 June 1824, by Rev Robert MAGUIRE (Elizabeth's first cousin), and witnessed by E. PERROTT of College Green, Charles KELLY (John's future brother-in-law) of Georges Street, and William KELLY [Parish Register, Representative Church Body Library, Dublin].ìotice of the marriage was published in the Dublin Evening Mail of Friday 18 June:
"This morning, in Saint Peter's Church, by the Rev Robert MAGUIRE, John PIGOTT, of Charlotte Street, Esq, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr William MAGUIRE, of Peter Place."
And which notice was repeated in Saunders's News-Letter, 19 June, "On the 18th instant," all ditto.
Elizabeth was born at 5 South (or Patrick's Close), Dublin, on 1 December 1804, the eldest child of William MAGUIRE and Mary VICKERS (Mary was John Junior's first cousin - see the VICKERS Family below).
See also William MAGUIRE's separate blog on the blog-page, originally posted on 20 September 2010:
It is evident Elizabeth's family were Members of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Dublin; as had been John Junior's mother before she married his father back in 1793 (before the Methodist schism in 1814, by which the Primitive branch was created); but whether John Junior had joined them, or when, is not yet established.
Elizabeth died "... at Garville Terrace, Rathgar," on 13 August 1854, after a lingering illness, aged 50, the "... wife of John PIGOTT, Esq, late of Terenure Lodge, County Dublin" [Dublin Evening Mail, Wednesday 23 August], and which lingering illness "... she bore with Christian resignation... She was an affectionate wife and kind mother, and regretted by all who knew her" [Saunders's News-Letter, 23 August].
She was buried in her father's plot in the Churchyard of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
John Junior and Elizabeth had issue:
A family tree on records his origins in Mitchellstown, County Cork - if this is correct, he could not be our J.V.P. whose origins were in Dublin,
John PIGOTT, a native of Mitchellstown, was last heard of in Saint Louis, Missouri, in May 1857, and being sought by his friend John TOBIN of Bridgeport, Hanson County, Virginia [a Missing Friends advertisement, Boston Pilot newspaper].
John PIGOTT was at District 2, Augusta County, Virginia, in 1850, aged 25, Laborer, with wife and daughter; he settled in Rose Township, Ramsay County, Minnesota, and enumerated there in 1860, 1870 and 1880 Census returns, with wife Mary O'BRIEN, and 4 children; she was residing in Saint Paul, Minnesota, when she posted a "Missing Friends" notice, 3 January 1874, seeking word about her brother, John LUDDY, who had been living in Lynn, Massachusetts, for several years with his wife and children.
John was enumerated in the Minnesota State Census of 1857, aged 45, Farmer, with wife Mary and 4 children; and at Rose Township, Ramsey County, 1870 and 1880 U.S. Federal censuses, Gardener, with wife and family.
Sarah died in New York, on 14 March 1890, and she was buried in the plot of her late father, Rev John PHAYRE, at Cypress Hills Cemetery. They were also a Methodist family, Rev John PHAYRE having been raised in Dublin by his widowed maternal grandmother, Mrs Letitia MAGUIRE, who was Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT's great-grandmother.
[88 President Street, Brooklyn, the middle building of yellowish brick, photographed in March 2001.
Alfred Joseph PIGOTT received his Army Leave approval notice at this address in 1862,
where his brother Thomas was then residing, possibly with their father John Junior.]
[Captain Alfred Joseph PIGOTT, in officer's uniform, Union Army, New York, 1863.]
In Camp Brightswood, D.C., when granted leave, 12 January 1862, for 7 days, to conduct essential business affairs; further sick leave of 30 days (chronic dysentery), 8 January 1863, the letter of approval sent to him at 88 Brooklyn Street, Manhattan. While on that home leave, Alfred was baptised into the Catholic faith and was married to Ellen WALSH, 6 February 1863, both events at Saint James's Roman Catholic Church, New York City, witnessed by Thomas and Mary WALSH; Ellen may have been a relation of his commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel James J. WALSH.
Alfred died at the Citizen's Volunteers Hospital, Philadelphia, on 5 July 1863, as the result of "concussion of the brain" received while on the roof of a rail-car (on his Commanding Officer's orders), on the Railroad at Darby Creek near Philadelphia, while returning to New York at the end of his two year tour of duty; this notice appeared in the New York Herald, 9 July 1863:
"It is our painful duty to record the death of the gallant Captain Alfred PIGOTT, of the 36th New York volunteers, who bravely fought in 22 engagements in Central India (Siege of Lucknow, etc) and in our wicked and fratricidal rebellion, was accidentally killed while returning to New York by coming into collision with one of the bridges over the railroad from Washington to Philadelphia. He is deeply regretted by his brother officers and privates of the Regiment, by all of whom he was admired and beloved. He died in the Citizen's Volunteers Hospital, Philadelphia, on Sunday July 5th, 1863, from the effects of the injuries he received on the Wednesday previous, aged 30 years."
7. Henry Robert PIGOTT, born at 16 Charlemont Street, Parish of Saint Peter, City of Dublin, on 16 October 1838, and baptised as Robert Henry, at Saint Peter's, Dublin, 23 July 1839 (from Mount Pleasant Avenue).
See his separate blog on this blog-page, originally posted on 21 June 2008:
[Georgian houses in Charlemont Street, in 1982. Number 16 had been demolished,
[A photograph of Mary PIGOTT, in the possession of Sidney Schuhmann LEVESQUE, of the U.S.;
Mary was married at McAlister, Central District, Indian Territory, by Rev J.F. YORK, 28 January 1906, to George Albert ROGERS, Farmer (born at Walnut Springs, Hill County, Texas, on 1 February 1883, son of Adenstone "Dense" ROGERS and Martha Ollivein MILLARD); George and Mary were at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, 1910 Census, living next door to Mary's parents; George was at Oran, Palopinto County, Texas, December 1918, when his step-mother Annie PIGOTT died, and he petitioned to be granted Administration of her estate on behalf his son Charles, as her only grandchild; George was at Martha Township, Jackson County, Oklahoma, 1930 Census, aged 47, Widower, with his widowed mother Ollie ROGERS (68) and his two daughters Thelma (15) and Marie (14) by his second marriage to Eva May BONDS; he was at Blair, Jackson County, 1940 Census, aged 56, Widower, with his son Charles, daughter(-in-law) Elizabeth, and (evidently Charles') "step-daughter" Barbara Ann BELL (aged 7); he died at Blair, Jackson County, 1953, and was buried at Blair Cemetery [M.I., Findagrave].
[Lizzie Letitia PIGOTT, in New York, July 1874, aged 34.]
Elizabeth was listed as Music Teacher, residing at 306 West 14th Street, Manhattan, 1884, 1898, and 348 West 21st Street, 1900 Census ("boarding" with Augustus NEVIES, Hotel Clerk), 1903, 1906.
She was named as a beneficiary in the 1896 will of her uncle Richard MAGUIRE of South Amboy, New Jersey, to have the monies due to him on deposit in The Seaman's Savings Bank in New York City, as well as a half share of the monies due to him on deposit in The Bowery Savings Bank, also in New York City.
[348 West 21st Street, Manhattan, photo taken in January 2001. Elizabeth Letitia lived here 1903-06.]
Elizabeth was enumerated in the 1915 New York Census, as an Inmate in the Home for Aged and Indigent Females, Amsterdam Avenue, aged 71; ditto, 1920 Census Federal Census, aged 75, an Inmate at the Association for the Relief of Aged and Indigent Females, 891 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan; she was still there in 1930, aged 86, a Patient; unmarried; she died at the "Old Ladies Home" at 891 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan, 17 February 1935, aged 91 [Certificate #4116], and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery.
[The former Home for Aged and Indigent Females, 891 Amsterdam Ave, Manhattan.
[A] Joseph VICKERS, born 1734; Silk Weaver, New Row, Saint Catherine's Parish, Dublin, October 1766; Silk Weaver, of Golden Lane, of the Coombe (1780), and of Chambre Street (1792); death details not yet found; married Elizabeth (maiden surname unknown, possibly YATES); she probably died 14 May 1797, "...relict of the late Mr VICKERS of Dublin."
He was buried on 2 October, with his late wife in the PIGOTT family plot in the Vicar's Bawn, the south burial ground of Saint Patrick's (Church of Ireland) Cathedral, Dublin. This unmarked plot lies immediately adjacent to the north of the MAGUIRE plot, marked by the granite obelisk erected by William MAGUIRE in 1828, both about 20 feet due south of the S.W. corner of the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral.
[One of James MALTON's views of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, looking across the Vicar's Bawn.
The PIGOTT plot lies just above and a little to the right of where the dog is wagging its tail.]
John PIGOTT, of the City of Dublin, Servant, was married by License of the Diocese of Dublin [BETHAM's Abstract; FISHER's Abstract], in the parish church of Saint Catherine's, Dublin, on 3 December 1793, to Mary VICKERS, Spinster, of St Catherine's parish, the daughter of Joseph VICKERS of Elbow Lane, Silk Manufacturer, by his wife Elizabeth (see below).
Mary was probably already a Methodist before she married John PIGOTT; she had been of The Coombe, June 1788, when admitted to Membership of the Dublin Methodist Society, in the Class of Amelia SINGLETON.
Mary died at Charlotte Street, on 21 April 1829, aged 59, and was buried on the 24th in the plot in Vicar's Bawn, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
Mary died at Charlotte Street, on 21 April 1829, aged 59, and was buried on the 24th in the plot in Vicar's Bawn, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
John PIGOTT Senior and Mary VICKERS had issue:
1. Elizabeth PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 19 August 1795; she died on 3 September 1795, aged 2 weeks.
2. John PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 22 October 1796. See "JOHN PIGOTT, JUNIOR" next below.
3. Hester PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 1 October 1797, and baptised at Saint Luke's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 15 October 1797; she died aged 2 years.
4. Susannah PIGOTT, born at Dublin, 11 October 1798; Robe Keeper, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 1855, and resigned 17 November 1871; her death details have not been found in Irish records - she may have gone to Cornwall, and been recorded in Penzance in 1871; she died before early March 1879.
She was married at St Peter's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, on 18 January 1827, to Charles Aylmer KELLY, then of Henry Street, parish of St Mary's, Dublin, and witnessed by John PIGOTT of 12 Charlotte Street and Charles Aylmer KELLY of 19 Henry Street [Parish Register, Representative Church Body Library, Dublin].
He was identified by William Jackson PIGOTT ["Modern Visitation of Ireland," Edited by HOWARD and CRISP - see below], as the son of Charles Aylmer KELLY (Senior) and his wife Priscilla HATTON (daughter of William HUTTON, of the Stamp Office), who were married in Dublin, 17 February 1784 [Hibernian Journal, 1 March].
Charles (the younger) was a Chandler and Coal Merchant in Dublin; he resided at 51 Patrick Street, Dublin (1836, 1838), 6 Bishop Street (1839), 31 Clanbrassil Street (1841-44), and 4 Patrick's Close South (1846-77); he succeeded William WHITE as Beadle, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 4 July 1839, and resigned in favour of his son Joseph, 16 June 1858; he succeeded William MAGUIRE as Sexton of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 4 July 1844, and resigned 3 July 1878; he died at 11 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin, 9 March 1879, aged 82 [Dublin Daily Express, 12 March], a widower; he was buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery, 13 March; they had issue:
a. Joseph Aylmer KELLY, born at Dublin, 17 December 1827; Assistant Sexton, 1845, and Beadle, June 1858, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin; he died at 100 Tritonville Road, Sandymount, 26 December 1865 [Dublin Evening Mail, 28 December], eldest son and unmarried; he was buried at St Patrick's Cathedral, 30 December, aged 38 [Volume 2, Page 687].
b. Sarah Matilda KELLY, baptised 27 July 1830, and buried 28 June 1851 (both at Saint Patrick's Cathedral).
c. Susannah KELLY, born at Dublin, 9 September 1832, and baptised at St Patrick's Cathedral, 19 September; she was married at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 28 February 1872, John Thomas DAVIDSON, Agent, a Widower, son of James DAVIDSON, Agent, witnessed by John R. KELLY and Isabella DAVISON; he may have died at Dublin South, 1874, aged 44 [Volume 2, Page 582]; a Susannah DAVIDSON died at 4 Ashfield Road, Rathmines, 4 November 1896, Widow of Gentleman, aged 55 (9 years younger than Susannah KELLY), informed by L. VEITCH, present, same address.
d. Charles James KELLY, born at 51 Patrick Street, Dublin, 3 March 1837, and baptised at St Patrick's Cathedral, 20 April; Sanitary Inspector, 86 Sandymount Road, South Dublin, 1872; he died on 10 August 1879, "... only surviving son of the late Charles Aylmer KELLY, of St Patrick's Cathedral, aged 40 years" [Northern Whig, 12 August]; he was married by License at the Rathmines Chapel of Ease, Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland) Parish, Dublin, 6 December 1865, to Anna Maria JONES alias DRISCOLL, of Leinster Road West, a widow, daughter of James DRISCOLL, Lawyer; they had issue:
i. Charles Richard KELLY, born at Donnybrook, 12 June 1868 and was baptized at St Patrick's Cathedral, 12 August; Outfitter; he was married at Christ Church, Leeson Park, Dublin, 4 August 1891, to Susan O'KEEFE (daughter of Thomas Dixon O'KEEFE, Baker).
ii. Arthur Henry KELLY, born at 47 Bushfield Avenue, Donnybrook, 7 February 1870; Auctioneer and Land Agent, of Anglesea Avenue, Blackrock, County Dublin, 1911 census; George's Avenue, Blackrock, 1911 Census; he was married in the Baptist Chapel, Dublin St Peter, 26 December 1896, to Katie Mary O'KEEFE (daughter of Thomas Dixon O'KEEFE, Biscuit Baker); they had issue - two sons and three daughters.
iii. male child, born at 86 Sandymount Road, Dublin South, 25 December 1872, the birth informed by his father, a Sanitary Inspector.
i. Charles Richard KELLY, born at Donnybrook, 12 June 1868 and was baptized at St Patrick's Cathedral, 12 August; Outfitter; he was married at Christ Church, Leeson Park, Dublin, 4 August 1891, to Susan O'KEEFE (daughter of Thomas Dixon O'KEEFE, Baker).
ii. Arthur Henry KELLY, born at 47 Bushfield Avenue, Donnybrook, 7 February 1870; Auctioneer and Land Agent, of Anglesea Avenue, Blackrock, County Dublin, 1911 census; George's Avenue, Blackrock, 1911 Census; he was married in the Baptist Chapel, Dublin St Peter, 26 December 1896, to Katie Mary O'KEEFE (daughter of Thomas Dixon O'KEEFE, Biscuit Baker); they had issue - two sons and three daughters.
iii. male child, born at 86 Sandymount Road, Dublin South, 25 December 1872, the birth informed by his father, a Sanitary Inspector.
e. William Henry KELLY, born at 6 Bishop Street, Dublin, 16 August 1839; Teacher; he witnessed his sister Charlotte's marriage, May 1866; he died at Dublin, 25 July 1873, aged 30, unmarried, and was buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery.
f. Charlotte Priscilla KELLY, born about 1842; she died in child-birth, 2 April 1867, and was buried at St Patrick's Cathedral, 20 April, aged 25 [Volume 12, Page 589]; she was married by License at St Mary's, Donnybrook, 8 May 1866, to Roger John MARTIN [Dublin Evening Post, 10 May], of Dublin, Commercial Traveler, of Tritonville Road, a widower, son of John MARTIN, Farmer, the marriage witnessed by Charles Aylmer KELLY and William Henry KELLY; as Priscilla MARTIN, she died at Dublin South, 3rd quarter 1867 [Volume 12, page 589], aged 25 years; they had issue:
i. Charles Joseph Aylmer MARTIN, born 1 April 1867; died 24 April 1867, infant.
ii. Joseph MARTIN, born at 100 Tritonville Road, Dublin South, 2 April 1867, mother deceased. Probably same as (i).
i. Charles Joseph Aylmer MARTIN, born 1 April 1867; died 24 April 1867, infant.
ii. Joseph MARTIN, born at 100 Tritonville Road, Dublin South, 2 April 1867, mother deceased. Probably same as (i).
5. Joseph PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, Dublin, on 6 February 1802; Hairdresser and Perfumer in Cork City, styled as the Court Hairdresser; resided at 28 Marlborough Street, 1842-44, later 38 Marlborough Street; he died at 39 Marlborough Street, Cork, on 7 January 1861; married at Cork, by License dated 14 February 1830, Ellen RUMLEY (or ROMILLY), of Ballytrasna House, Cloyne (daughter of William RUMLEY); she died at 39 Marlborough Street, Cork, 20 September 1857; issue:
a. Mary PIGOTT, born at Cork, 20 August 1831; died at 29 August 1831; an infant.
b. Emily PIGOTT, born at Cork, 12 May 1833; she died at 33 Effra Road, Rathmines, County Dublin, 7 May 1891, aged 56, wife of Accountant, the death informed by her daughter E.M. EVANS; she was married at Holy Trinity, Cork, 9 September 1856, to William Bennett EVANS, Accountant (son of Edward and Hannah EVANS of Cullenswood Avenue - he was undoubtedly the E. EVANS who corresponded acrimoniously with William Jackson PIGOTT in 1896); Clerk, Accountant and Book-keeper; he died at 23 Mary Street, Dublin North, 18 July 1906, aged 68; issue:
i. William George EVANS, married in Dublin, 23 September 1885, Jennie Nicholson EVANS, with issue.
ii. Frederick EVANS, born Dublin, about 1861, Wholesale Druggist, 1901.
iii; Edith Florence EVANS, born at 70 Haddington Road, Dublin South, 31 March 1866, and baptised St Patrick's Cathedral.
iv. Robert Charles EVANS, born at 70 Haddington Road, Dublin South, 28 September 1872.
i. William George EVANS, married in Dublin, 23 September 1885, Jennie Nicholson EVANS, with issue.
ii. Frederick EVANS, born Dublin, about 1861, Wholesale Druggist, 1901.
iii; Edith Florence EVANS, born at 70 Haddington Road, Dublin South, 31 March 1866, and baptised St Patrick's Cathedral.
iv. Robert Charles EVANS, born at 70 Haddington Road, Dublin South, 28 September 1872.
c. Charlotte Elizabeth PIGOTT, born at Cork, 16 October 1834; died at Cork, 22 November 1839; a child.
d. Robert Joseph PIGOTT, born at Cork, 12 June 1836; Clerk to Wine Merchant; he died at Cork, 24 February 1869; unmarried.
e. Eleanor PIGOTT, born at Cork, 7 January 1838; Housekeeper; she witnessed her sister Julia's marriage in Dublin, 1870; she died at 36 Marlborough Street, Cork, 21 January 1902, Housekeeper, informed by her sister Jessie WHITE, also of 36 Marlborough Street; unmarried.
f. Julia PIGOTT, born at Cork, 10 April 1839; returned to Ireland by 1901; residing with her two brothers at Marlborough Street, Cork City, 1901 Census, aged 60, Widow, with her 3 children; she informed her sister Eleanor PIGOTT's death, 36 Marlborough Street, Cork, 1902; she was still there, with brother George, 1911 Census, aged 70, and two of her children; she died at her residence, 14 South Terrace, Cork, on 28 January 1915; of 70 Haddington Road, of full age, spinster, when she was married at Saint Peter's, Dublin, 27 September 1870, to John WHITE, Commercial Clerk, of Ballsbridge, son of Nicholas WHITE, Commercial Clerk, witnessed by George PIGOTT and Eleanor PIGOTT; they went to Surrey; issue:
i. Nicholas Robert WHITE, born Dublin, 21 July 1871; aged 29, Grocery Clerk, with mother and his PIGOTT uncles in Cork City, 1901 Census; aged 39, Clerk (Land Agent), 1911 Census, with mother and his PIGOTT uncle at Marlborough Street, Cork City; informed his mother's death, 1915, occupier of 14 South terrace, Cork.
ii. Mary WHITE, born Surrey, 1875; aged 35, with mother and her PIGOTT uncle, Cork City, 1911 Census; informed her uncle Joseph PIGOTT's death, 1905, residing at 14 South Terrace; informed her uncle George PIGOTT's death, 14 South terrace, 1933..
iii. Frederick WHITE, born Surrey, 1878; aged 22, Perfumer's Clerk, with mother and his PIGOTT uncles, Cork City, 1901 Census.
iv. Ethel Esther WHITE, born Chelsea, 1879; with parents 1881.
v. Jessie WHITE, born London, 1881; aged 19, Scholar, with mother and her PIGOTT uncles, Cork City, 1901 Census.
i. Nicholas Robert WHITE, born Dublin, 21 July 1871; aged 29, Grocery Clerk, with mother and his PIGOTT uncles in Cork City, 1901 Census; aged 39, Clerk (Land Agent), 1911 Census, with mother and his PIGOTT uncle at Marlborough Street, Cork City; informed his mother's death, 1915, occupier of 14 South terrace, Cork.
ii. Mary WHITE, born Surrey, 1875; aged 35, with mother and her PIGOTT uncle, Cork City, 1911 Census; informed her uncle Joseph PIGOTT's death, 1905, residing at 14 South Terrace; informed her uncle George PIGOTT's death, 14 South terrace, 1933..
iii. Frederick WHITE, born Surrey, 1878; aged 22, Perfumer's Clerk, with mother and his PIGOTT uncles, Cork City, 1901 Census.
iv. Ethel Esther WHITE, born Chelsea, 1879; with parents 1881.
v. Jessie WHITE, born London, 1881; aged 19, Scholar, with mother and her PIGOTT uncles, Cork City, 1901 Census.
g. Joseph PIGOTT, born at Cork, 29 March 1841; took over his father's hairdressing business in Cork City; M.R.S.A., 1896; at 36 Marlborough Street, 1901 Census, aged 59, Perfumer, with brother George and sister Julia and her 3 children; he died at 36 Marlborough Street, Cork, on 14 June 1905; unmarried.
h. Alice PIGOTT, born at Cork, 29 September 1842; died at her father's residence, 39 Marlborough Street, Cork, 22 November 1855, aged 13 [Cork Examiner, 26 November].
j. George PIGOTT, born City of Cork, about 1844; he witnessed his sister Julia's marriage in 1870; aged 56, Clerk (Land Agent), unmarried, with brother Joseph, 1901 Census; at Marlborough Street, City of Cork, 1911 Census, aged 66, Commercial Clerk (Land Agency), Unmarried, with sister Julia and her two children.
j. George PIGOTT, born City of Cork, about 1844; he witnessed his sister Julia's marriage in 1870; aged 56, Clerk (Land Agent), unmarried, with brother Joseph, 1901 Census; at Marlborough Street, City of Cork, 1911 Census, aged 66, Commercial Clerk (Land Agency), Unmarried, with sister Julia and her two children.
j. Charlotte Elizabeth PIGOTT (2), born at Cork, 12 February 1846; at 9 South Circular Raod, Merchant's Quay, 1911 Census, aged 54, with her husband and four children; ditto, 1911 Census, aged 65, with two children (having had nine born, with eight living); she died at 31 Kenilworth Park, Harold's Cross, County Dublin, 11 January 1926, aged 79, wife of Clergyman, of Cerebral Haemorrhage (cert), the death informed by Kathleen WALSHE, Occupier, present at the death; Charlotte was married at Holy Trinity, Cork, 28 December 1869, to Rev John Dryden SMYLIE, Church of Ireland Curate of Mount Shannon, Galway, and later Rector of Saint Nicholas Without, Dublin; he died at Summerville, Cross Avenue, Blackrock, 6 April 1926, Clerk in Holy Orders, Widower, aged 86, of Chronic Nephritis and Ureamia, the death informed by R.R. SMYLIE, present at the death, of 14 Lansdowne Road, Dublin; of 1 Eglinton Road, Bray, County Wicklow, probate granted at Belfast to Robert Romilly SMYLIE, Barrister at Law, and Rev Ernest Maunsell BATEMAN, Clerk, Effects £454 10s [National Probate Calendar]; they had issue:
i. John Dryden SMYLIE, born at Clonola, County Galway, 3 November 1870, the birth informed by his father; M.D, Dublin University, 1897; of 66 North Road, Devonshire Park, Birkenhead, Liverpool, 1900, surgeon, Dominion Line, late Resident Surgeon Pupil Meath Hospital and Clinical Clerk, Coombe Lying-in Hospital [U.K. Medical Directory]; for 37 years a Surgeon with the White Star Line; serving on the S.S. Baltic, April 1927, a day out of New York on a voyage to Cobh, when he was involved in a dangerous ship-to-ship transfer in heavy seas to render medical/surgical assistance to the captain of the German cargo steamer Falkenstein; he retired as Senior Surgeon in October 1933, having spent 20 years on the N.Y. to Mediterranean service (mostly on the S.S. Canobic) and 17 years on the trans Atlantic service between N.Y. and Liverpool, planning to retire to Dublin [New York Times, 31 October]; he died on 9 August 1944, late of 9 Brighton Road, Blackpool; probate granted at Llandudno, 12 January 1945, to Robert Romilly SMYLIE, Barrister-at-Law, effects £1629 3s 7d [National Probate Calendar].
ii. Charlotte Elizabeth SMYLIE, born at Intshannon, County Galway, 30 October 1871, the birth informed by her father; she was married by License by her father at St Nicholas Without, Dublin, 14 December 1898, to Rev William George DORMER, of 11 Woodlands Terrace, Middlesborough, son of John William DORMER, Teacher, the marriage witnessed by W.J. McCREERY and Jane Ellen SMYLIE.
iii. Jane Ellen SMYLIE, born at Clonard, County Wexford, 28 April 1873, the un-named birth informed by her father; she witnessed her sister's marriage, 1898.
iv. Robert Romilly SMYLIE, born at Castletown Rectory, Rathkeale, County Limerick, 14 April 1875, the un-named birth informed by Sarah HUNT, present at the birth, of Limerick; T.C.D., B.A. 1897, M.A. 1908; at 14 Carrigallan, Clonerick Main Street, County Leitrim, 1901 Census, aged 25, Barrister in Practice, unmarried, a visitor to Herbert Carlyle HUGHES, Assistant Priest; aged 35, ditto, with his parents, 1911 Census; at Eldon Terrace, Circular Road south, 1913; Barrister-at-Law, of 14 Lansdowne Road, 1918; of 14 Lansdowne Road, 1926, when he informed his father's death.
v. William George SMYLIE, born at 2 Fingal Crescent, Clontarf, 28 November 1876; he died at Dublin North, December quarter 1877, aged 0 [Volume 17, Page 348]an infant.
vi. William George SMYLIE (2), born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, County Dublin, 23 November 1878, the birth informed by his father; Trinity College Dublin, B.A. 1901, M.A. 1909; spent some time at Shottesbroo, Maidenhead; Curate, St George-in-the-East, Cannon Street, London, 1907-09; he saw active service in France; Vicar at Cadmore End, High Wycombe, 1924; retired to Hythe, Kent, 1949.
vii. Thomas SMYLIE, born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, 3 November 1880, the birth informed by E. LYONS, present at the birth, of 18 Haddington Road; aged 20, Studen, with his parents, 1901 Census; Trinity College Dublin, BA. 1906, M.A 1909; Curate of Forgeny (Meath Diocese); Curate of Saint Mary's, Bexley, Kent, 1913, residing at North Cray Road.
viii. Margaret Webber SMYLIE, born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, 1 August 1882, the birth informed by M.A. WHITE, present at the birth, of 27 Upper Dorset Street; aged 18, with her parents, 1901 Census; aged 28, ditto, 1911; she died on 19 March 1968; she was married by her father at St Nicholas Withut and St Luke's Dublin, 5 June 1912, to Rev Ernest Maunsell BATEMAN, a son of Godfrey BATEMAN and Frances Emily SCANLAN; Trinity Colege Dublin (Div. Test.), 1911; M.A 1920; Curate of St Luke's, Dubin, 1911-13; Curate of Taney (Dublin Diocese), 1913-21; Vicar of St James's, Dublin, 1923-33; Chaplain of Dr STEVEN's Hospital, 1924-33; Incumbent, Booterstown, 1933-65; Wallace Lecturer Divinity), TC.D, 1939-44; Preend of Castlenoc, St Patrick's cathedral 1945-65; he died on 8 April 1979; they had issue a son Arthur Reginald Maunsel BATEMAN (he died at Kilmacud, County Dublin, 13 December 2009, leaving a wife surviving him), and daughter Sheila Margaret (the widow of Darcy CHILLINGWORTH, she died at Great Shelford, Oxfordshire, 13 August 2010, formerly of Whitehouse Par, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, leaving issue).
ix. Joshua Luke Leonard SMYLIE, born at 9 Eildon Terrace, Dublin South, 14 May 1886, informed by Mary (X) McCORMACK, present at the birth; aged 14, Studet, with his parents, 1901 Census; Trinity College Dublin (Div. Test.) 1908; Deacon, 1909, Dublin Diocese for Meath; Priest, 1910, Meath Diocese;at 7 Clonmellan, Killua, County Wexford, 1911 Census, aged 24, Priest of the Church f Ireland, boarding with Eleanor and Harriett DICKSON, Farmers, aged 45 and 50, unmarried sisters;Curate of Devlin with Clonmellan (Meath), 1090-12; Curate of Chapelizod , 1912-14; Curate of Clonfordforam (Meath), 1914-15; Curate of St Bartholomew's (Dublin), 1915-19; Vicar of Collinstown, 1919-23; incumbent f Devlin and Rathconnell (Meath), 1923-32, residing at the Rectory, Killucan, 1930; Vicar of Ellastone (Licfield Diocese) 1932-40, residing at the rectory, Ashbourn, Derbyshire, at a salary of 350 plus house; he died on 24 January 1973; he was married at St Bartholomew's, Dublin, 31 August 1915, to Mary Violet Alderson SHAW, aged 25, of Newcastle House, Tyrrelspass, daughter of John SHAW, Gent, the marriage witnessed by John and Beatrice SHAW and C.E. SMYLIE; with issue - a daughter Mary Patricia SMYLIE.
i. John Dryden SMYLIE, born at Clonola, County Galway, 3 November 1870, the birth informed by his father; M.D, Dublin University, 1897; of 66 North Road, Devonshire Park, Birkenhead, Liverpool, 1900, surgeon, Dominion Line, late Resident Surgeon Pupil Meath Hospital and Clinical Clerk, Coombe Lying-in Hospital [U.K. Medical Directory]; for 37 years a Surgeon with the White Star Line; serving on the S.S. Baltic, April 1927, a day out of New York on a voyage to Cobh, when he was involved in a dangerous ship-to-ship transfer in heavy seas to render medical/surgical assistance to the captain of the German cargo steamer Falkenstein; he retired as Senior Surgeon in October 1933, having spent 20 years on the N.Y. to Mediterranean service (mostly on the S.S. Canobic) and 17 years on the trans Atlantic service between N.Y. and Liverpool, planning to retire to Dublin [New York Times, 31 October]; he died on 9 August 1944, late of 9 Brighton Road, Blackpool; probate granted at Llandudno, 12 January 1945, to Robert Romilly SMYLIE, Barrister-at-Law, effects £1629 3s 7d [National Probate Calendar].
ii. Charlotte Elizabeth SMYLIE, born at Intshannon, County Galway, 30 October 1871, the birth informed by her father; she was married by License by her father at St Nicholas Without, Dublin, 14 December 1898, to Rev William George DORMER, of 11 Woodlands Terrace, Middlesborough, son of John William DORMER, Teacher, the marriage witnessed by W.J. McCREERY and Jane Ellen SMYLIE.
iii. Jane Ellen SMYLIE, born at Clonard, County Wexford, 28 April 1873, the un-named birth informed by her father; she witnessed her sister's marriage, 1898.
iv. Robert Romilly SMYLIE, born at Castletown Rectory, Rathkeale, County Limerick, 14 April 1875, the un-named birth informed by Sarah HUNT, present at the birth, of Limerick; T.C.D., B.A. 1897, M.A. 1908; at 14 Carrigallan, Clonerick Main Street, County Leitrim, 1901 Census, aged 25, Barrister in Practice, unmarried, a visitor to Herbert Carlyle HUGHES, Assistant Priest; aged 35, ditto, with his parents, 1911 Census; at Eldon Terrace, Circular Road south, 1913; Barrister-at-Law, of 14 Lansdowne Road, 1918; of 14 Lansdowne Road, 1926, when he informed his father's death.
v. William George SMYLIE, born at 2 Fingal Crescent, Clontarf, 28 November 1876; he died at Dublin North, December quarter 1877, aged 0 [Volume 17, Page 348]an infant.
vi. William George SMYLIE (2), born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, County Dublin, 23 November 1878, the birth informed by his father; Trinity College Dublin, B.A. 1901, M.A. 1909; spent some time at Shottesbroo, Maidenhead; Curate, St George-in-the-East, Cannon Street, London, 1907-09; he saw active service in France; Vicar at Cadmore End, High Wycombe, 1924; retired to Hythe, Kent, 1949.
vii. Thomas SMYLIE, born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, 3 November 1880, the birth informed by E. LYONS, present at the birth, of 18 Haddington Road; aged 20, Studen, with his parents, 1901 Census; Trinity College Dublin, BA. 1906, M.A 1909; Curate of Forgeny (Meath Diocese); Curate of Saint Mary's, Bexley, Kent, 1913, residing at North Cray Road.
viii. Margaret Webber SMYLIE, born at 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, 1 August 1882, the birth informed by M.A. WHITE, present at the birth, of 27 Upper Dorset Street; aged 18, with her parents, 1901 Census; aged 28, ditto, 1911; she died on 19 March 1968; she was married by her father at St Nicholas Withut and St Luke's Dublin, 5 June 1912, to Rev Ernest Maunsell BATEMAN, a son of Godfrey BATEMAN and Frances Emily SCANLAN; Trinity Colege Dublin (Div. Test.), 1911; M.A 1920; Curate of St Luke's, Dubin, 1911-13; Curate of Taney (Dublin Diocese), 1913-21; Vicar of St James's, Dublin, 1923-33; Chaplain of Dr STEVEN's Hospital, 1924-33; Incumbent, Booterstown, 1933-65; Wallace Lecturer Divinity), TC.D, 1939-44; Preend of Castlenoc, St Patrick's cathedral 1945-65; he died on 8 April 1979; they had issue a son Arthur Reginald Maunsel BATEMAN (he died at Kilmacud, County Dublin, 13 December 2009, leaving a wife surviving him), and daughter Sheila Margaret (the widow of Darcy CHILLINGWORTH, she died at Great Shelford, Oxfordshire, 13 August 2010, formerly of Whitehouse Par, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, leaving issue).
ix. Joshua Luke Leonard SMYLIE, born at 9 Eildon Terrace, Dublin South, 14 May 1886, informed by Mary (X) McCORMACK, present at the birth; aged 14, Studet, with his parents, 1901 Census; Trinity College Dublin (Div. Test.) 1908; Deacon, 1909, Dublin Diocese for Meath; Priest, 1910, Meath Diocese;at 7 Clonmellan, Killua, County Wexford, 1911 Census, aged 24, Priest of the Church f Ireland, boarding with Eleanor and Harriett DICKSON, Farmers, aged 45 and 50, unmarried sisters;Curate of Devlin with Clonmellan (Meath), 1090-12; Curate of Chapelizod , 1912-14; Curate of Clonfordforam (Meath), 1914-15; Curate of St Bartholomew's (Dublin), 1915-19; Vicar of Collinstown, 1919-23; incumbent f Devlin and Rathconnell (Meath), 1923-32, residing at the Rectory, Killucan, 1930; Vicar of Ellastone (Licfield Diocese) 1932-40, residing at the rectory, Ashbourn, Derbyshire, at a salary of 350 plus house; he died on 24 January 1973; he was married at St Bartholomew's, Dublin, 31 August 1915, to Mary Violet Alderson SHAW, aged 25, of Newcastle House, Tyrrelspass, daughter of John SHAW, Gent, the marriage witnessed by John and Beatrice SHAW and C.E. SMYLIE; with issue - a daughter Mary Patricia SMYLIE.
k. William PIGOTT, born at Cork, September 1847; he died at Cork, 11 November1847, aged 2 months.
m. John Vickers PIGOTT, born at Cork, 3 December 1848; Ship's Mate; he died at Marlborough Street, Cork, 22 September 1895, unmarried.
6. Charlotte PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, 21 July 1805; at Winding Alley, Dundrum, County Dublin, 1877; she died at 25 North Gloucester Place, North Dublin, 6 November 1882, widow of Brush Manufacturer, aged 77, of Angina Pectoris, 5 months (cert), the death informed by her son Thomas; she was married at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 19 January 1837, to James Henry GREY, Merchant and Brush Maker of Dublin; he resided at 12 Charlotte Street, (1837-39), Lower Sackville (1840), and at Mount Anville Park (1842-48); he died at 25 North Gloucester Street, North Dublin, 17 March 1897, Brush Manufacturer, aged 74, of senile decay, the death informed by his son Thomas, who attended his last illness; they had issue:
a. John Joseph GREY, born at 12 Charlotte Street, Dublin, 6 December 1837, and baptized at St Patrick's Cathedral, 11 February 1838; House Agent and Auctioneer in Dublin; he died at Clontarf, 27 April 1923; he was married firstly, by License, at Saint George's (Church of Ireland) Chapel, Dublin, 26 August 1865, to Eliza CRICHTON, of Lower Sackville Street, daughter of Archibald CRICHTON, Merchant; they had issue:
i. Margaret GRAY, born at 19 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 6 June 1866.
ii. John Joseph GRAY, born at 19 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 21 November 1867; Accountant; he died in 1940; he was married in 1899, to Annie Mary WALLACE with issue.
iii. James William GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 31 June 1870; he died an infant.
iv. Archibald Crichton GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 21 June 1872; House Agent.
v. Eliza Charlotte GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 15 February 1875; she died a child.
John Joseph was married secondly by License, at Drumcondra Parish Church, 7 February 1891, to Elizabeth BATT, of 5 Richmond Avenue, daughter of Thomas BATT, Gent, witnessed by Thomas and Rachel BATT; they had further issue:
vi. Thomas Henry GRAY, born at 17 Lower Drumcondra Road, Dublin, 19 December 1891; Bank Clerk.
vii. Percy Edward GRAY, born at 77 Drumcondra Terrace, Dublin, 15 October 1893; Insurance Clerk.
viii. Dorothy Rachel GRAY, born at 3 Warrenpoint, Clontarf, 1 May 1897.
i. Margaret GRAY, born at 19 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 6 June 1866.
ii. John Joseph GRAY, born at 19 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 21 November 1867; Accountant; he died in 1940; he was married in 1899, to Annie Mary WALLACE with issue.
iii. James William GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 31 June 1870; he died an infant.
iv. Archibald Crichton GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 21 June 1872; House Agent.
v. Eliza Charlotte GRAY, born at 52 Lower Gloucester Street, Dublin, 15 February 1875; she died a child.
John Joseph was married secondly by License, at Drumcondra Parish Church, 7 February 1891, to Elizabeth BATT, of 5 Richmond Avenue, daughter of Thomas BATT, Gent, witnessed by Thomas and Rachel BATT; they had further issue:
vi. Thomas Henry GRAY, born at 17 Lower Drumcondra Road, Dublin, 19 December 1891; Bank Clerk.
vii. Percy Edward GRAY, born at 77 Drumcondra Terrace, Dublin, 15 October 1893; Insurance Clerk.
viii. Dorothy Rachel GRAY, born at 3 Warrenpoint, Clontarf, 1 May 1897.
b. Charlotte Elizabeth GRAY, born 18 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin, 6 December 1839, and baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 19 January 1840; she witnessed her brother's marriage, August 1865; she died at 25 Gloucester Place, North Dublin, 10 December 1882, spinster, aged 43, the death informed by her brother Thomas; unmarried.
c. James William GRAY, born at Dublin, 29 June 1842, and baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 27 July; Brush Maker of Dublin; he died at 28 Upper Sherrard Avenue, Dublin North, 25 August 1913; married Elizabeth (born Glasgow about 1832).
d. Thomas Edward GRAY, born at Dublin, 8 October 1848, and baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 3 December; of 25 North Gloucester Street when he informed the deaths of his father (1879), mother (November 1882) and sister Charlotte (December 1882); Registrar and Secretary, Royal Hospital for Incurables; he died at Dublin, 22 November 1898; unmarried.
7. William PIGOTT, born at 2 Grafton Lane, 29 July 1810, and baptised at Saint Luke's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 19 August 1810; admitted Trinity College, Dublin, 1832; he published a pamphlet, in Dublin, 1833, entitled "Is England an Enemy to Irish Progress, Considered; or, Political Disturbances in Ireland, Remedied," then residing at 12 Charlotte Street; Clerk, Secretary's Office, Paving Board, Dublin, 1835; 1st Clerk, Paving Board, 1841-48; Solicitor, Bolton Street, Dublin, 1842, and 7 Mountjoy Street Upper, 1844; he died at Mountpleasant Square, Dublin, 11 May 1856, his death notice recording him as the "... grandson of Captain John PIGOTT" [Notes and Queries]; married at Saint Bridget's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 23 February 1841, Mary JACKSON (daughter of Joseph JACKSON of Brockfield, Tencurry, County Tipperary, by Sarah MILLER); Mary was married secondly, at Saint Thomas's, Dublin, on 3 November 1857, to John ROBERTS, of Dundrum, County Down.
William and Mary had issue an only son:
a. William Jackson PIGOTT, born at Claremont Villa, Dublin, 13 September 1842 [Dublin Monitor, Wednesday 21 September]; a gentleman landowner, of Dundrum Manor, County Down, and the family historian; died at Newcastle, County Down, 26 July 1921; probate granted to his widow, Elizabeth Sharpe PIGOTT; married at Old Monkland Church, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, 21 November 1888, Elizabeth Shairpe MACKINTOSH; with issue two daughters:
i. Dorothy de Say PIGOTT, born at Dundrum, 2 September 1893; died at Bangor Hospital, 9 Jun 1963, late of Orlock, near Groomsport, County Down; probate granted at Belfast, 17 July 1963, to John McROBERT, Solicitor, and William Henry BRITTON, Retired Royal Ulster Constabulary officer.
ii. Ethelreda Jackson PIGOTT, born at Dundrum, 2 January 1901; probably married R. BRITTON.
William Jackson PIGOTT published the pedigree of his grandfather's family in Volume 2 of HOWARD and CRISP's "Modern Visitation of Ireland" in 1895. In it he records that John PIGOTT Senior had fathered, by an earlier wife named Catherine, two children, both of whom died in infancy. Whilst there is certainly time enough for this earlier marriage to have taken place, no other evidence has yet been found to support W.J.P.'s assertion.
Further, an item published in Notes and Queries on 2 July 1873 [4th Series, Volume XII, page 75, by a contributor who styled himself or herself "THEN-NE-CURRAGH" and concerning the genealogy of the JACKSON family, contained the following paragraph:
Here again, in mid 1873, we find an assertion that John PIGOTT's father was Captain John PIGOTT of Brockley Park, Queen's County. But whether "Then-Ne-Curragh" was a pseudonym used by William Jackson PIGOTT, or he/she had been in correspondence with the same, is not yet known - but one or other does appear to have been entirely likely.
John PIGOTT Senior was my great-great-great-grandfather.
This pedigree was constructed before I came to the then tentative conclusion that John PIGOTT (ca1759-1838) was the son of Capt John PIGOTT (1704-1763). I now believe that to be incorrect, and that his father was instead that Captain's first cousin, also a Captain John PIGOTT.
[2] JOHN PIGOTT, JUNIOR, 1796 - 1877.
[Only known photo of John PIGOTT Junior, aged 67; picture taken in New York, 1863.]
John Junior was the second known child, but eldest son of John PIGOTT Senior and Mary VICKERS. Although the birth year 1795 appears on his grave marker, John Junior's birth date is recorded "22 October 1796" in the family pedigree published by his nephew (William Jackson PIGOTT of Dundrum, County Down) in HOWARD and CRISP's "Modern Visitation of Ireland," (1895, Volume 2, page 94 - see below).
Details of his early life and his education are not recorded.
Details of his early life and his education are not recorded.
John PIGOTT Junior was a Tax Collector, firstly from about 1818, for the Dublin Foundling Hospital; he was recorded as one of their Non-Residentiary Officers in Directory listings from 1819, along with Mr T. MAGUIRE, who was brother of his future father-in-law.
The Foundling Hospital was created in 1729 in the main part of the Poor House which had been established in 1704, south of Mount Brown, between Throat Lane and the City Basin. Intended to prevent the widespread mortality rates prevailing among new-born illegitimate children (many of which deaths were apparently deliberate), it had, over the long term, largely failed to achieve that purpose (essentially institutionalising the "infanticide" process); despite being "taken over" from the Dublin Corporation by government in 1797, it remained substantially ineffective, and by 1830, after a Parliamentary enquiry, had been ordered to close.
During the period of its operation, it was subsidised by government grant as well as a local tax on Dublin houses (in 1818, these figures stood at £34,000 grant and nearly £8,000 in house taxes).
The building then reverted back to its original use as a work-house for the poor, and became part of the South Dublin Poor Law Union, which was formally declared in June 1839, under the governance of an elected Board of Guardians, and which John Junior would serve once more in the future.
The Foundling Hospital was created in 1729 in the main part of the Poor House which had been established in 1704, south of Mount Brown, between Throat Lane and the City Basin. Intended to prevent the widespread mortality rates prevailing among new-born illegitimate children (many of which deaths were apparently deliberate), it had, over the long term, largely failed to achieve that purpose (essentially institutionalising the "infanticide" process); despite being "taken over" from the Dublin Corporation by government in 1797, it remained substantially ineffective, and by 1830, after a Parliamentary enquiry, had been ordered to close.
During the period of its operation, it was subsidised by government grant as well as a local tax on Dublin houses (in 1818, these figures stood at £34,000 grant and nearly £8,000 in house taxes).
The building then reverted back to its original use as a work-house for the poor, and became part of the South Dublin Poor Law Union, which was formally declared in June 1839, under the governance of an elected Board of Guardians, and which John Junior would serve once more in the future.
[The Dublin Foundling Hospital, which began receiving "unwanted" infants in 1729.]
During John Junior's time at the Foundling Hospital, their Supervisor of the House Tax and Accounts was James HENDRICK, who also acted as Treasurer to the Paving Board of the Corporation for the Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Streets of Dublin (which would later become the Dublin Corporation).
In September 1823, HENDRICK recommended John Junior to fill a vacancy that had arisen among the Collectors of Tax for the Paving Board, stating that PIGOTT had been:
"... for some years a Collector of the Foundling Hospital Tax, in which department he has conducted himself in a very satisfactory manner."
[HENDRICK's letter, Paving Board Minutes, Dublin City Library, Pearse Street, Dublin.]
John Junior's appointment was dated 1 October 1823, at a salary of £110 per annum, paid monthly, with "...responsibility for collecting the Paving and Lighting Tax, and the assessment for works chargeable" [Returns of the Commissioner, Paving Establishment, 1831-32]; he was required to post two sureties of £500 each.
John Junior filled this position for over a decade; he paid into consolidated revenue £10 "... being the produce of a distress for tax of 1825" [Paving Board Report for the year ending 5 June 1829]; he was named 1st in the list of 8 Collectors of Paving and Lighting Tax, salary not recorded [Report of the Commissioners on Municipal Corporations in Ireland, House of Lords Sessional Papers, 1835, Volume 9, Part 1, page 95]; sometime during the year previous year, 1834 (and too late for his name to have been removed from the Commissioners' 1835 Report), he was dismissed by the Board, apparently for failing to bank a weekly deposit within the time prescribed in the Board regulations.
Evidence for this dismissal did not come from Paving Board minutes (not yet searched for this period), but was revealed instead in a report published in the Dublin Freeman's Journal [Monday 31 January 1835], concerning the cross examination of a Mr REILLY, during hearings of the Dublin Electoral Commission, appointed to investigate electoral irregularities that were alleged to have occurred during the General Election of January 1835 for the constituency of Dublin.
In this election, the Government (or Tory) candidates, George Alexander HAMILTON and John Beatty WEST, were narrowly defeated by the Repeal candidates and now sitting members, Daniel O'CONNELL (Leader of the Repeal Association, which had entered into a pact with the ruling Whig Party under Prime Minister Baron Melbourne) and Edward RUTHVEN. Thereupon WEST and HAMILTON petitioned the new Parliament, alleging that O'CONNELL and RUTHVEN had engaged in electoral fraud, bribery and corruption, and a Commission of Enquiry was established.
Evidently O'CONNELL countered by making allegations against R. SMITH, the then Lord Mayor of Dublin, details of which were published in the Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail, on 15 October 1836:
"Immediately after the late Parliament was dissolved, a person who had been a clerk in the Paving Establishment was employed by Alderman SMITH, daily and nightly for several weeks, in taking extracts from the paving tax ledger, to ascertain if any of the voters who had registered in 1832 (the first registry after the Reform Act passed) were at the time of such registry in arrears for paving tax, and consequently disabled from exercising the electoral franchise in favour of Messrs O'CONNELL and RUTHVEN. The person so employed was John PIGOTT, a dismissed collector of the paving tax, who was during his employment, supplied with fire and candles by the Paving Board, at the expense of the public."
In this election, the Government (or Tory) candidates, George Alexander HAMILTON and John Beatty WEST, were narrowly defeated by the Repeal candidates and now sitting members, Daniel O'CONNELL (Leader of the Repeal Association, which had entered into a pact with the ruling Whig Party under Prime Minister Baron Melbourne) and Edward RUTHVEN. Thereupon WEST and HAMILTON petitioned the new Parliament, alleging that O'CONNELL and RUTHVEN had engaged in electoral fraud, bribery and corruption, and a Commission of Enquiry was established.
Evidently O'CONNELL countered by making allegations against R. SMITH, the then Lord Mayor of Dublin, details of which were published in the Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail, on 15 October 1836:
"Immediately after the late Parliament was dissolved, a person who had been a clerk in the Paving Establishment was employed by Alderman SMITH, daily and nightly for several weeks, in taking extracts from the paving tax ledger, to ascertain if any of the voters who had registered in 1832 (the first registry after the Reform Act passed) were at the time of such registry in arrears for paving tax, and consequently disabled from exercising the electoral franchise in favour of Messrs O'CONNELL and RUTHVEN. The person so employed was John PIGOTT, a dismissed collector of the paving tax, who was during his employment, supplied with fire and candles by the Paving Board, at the expense of the public."
REILLY gave evidence that he had observed John PIGOTT Junior at the Paving Board, after he had been dismissed, and about 2 months before the hearing (and so in about November-December 1834), making extracts from the tax record books (presumably in the office of his father-in-law), as the political agent for Messrs WEST and HAMILTON.
It appears that electors could be disqualified if they were in arrears on their taxes, and John Junior was collecting these arrears details, probably from among lists of voters who were known, or suspected, to be supporters of the two Repeal candidates.
It appears that electors could be disqualified if they were in arrears on their taxes, and John Junior was collecting these arrears details, probably from among lists of voters who were known, or suspected, to be supporters of the two Repeal candidates.
REILLY added that John PIGOTT "...was, I believe, also in London."
John PIGOTT himself gave evidence to the Commission of Enquiry, on Friday 20 October 1835 [as reported in Saunders News-letter (Dublin), Monday 24 October 1836?], as follows:
"John PIGOTT was examined - He was formerly in the employment of the paving board; he proved that in February 1834, he was employed by Mr REILLY to make out a list of registered persons who had not paid their taxes in 1832; that WEST and HAMILTON were to have paid him for his trouble, and that he was employed in the paving board office on electioneering purposes, and had access to all the books."
In later evidence, he is recorded as having said:
"I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that I knew to be a fact that Alderman SMITH took a very active part in forwarding the elections of the government candidates. I mean in the two elections where Mr O'LOGHEN, Mr LATOUCHE, Ald. HARTY and the present Judge PERRIN were concerned."
There is a possibility that this John REILLY was related to several members of the REILLY family who married into the family of Robert PIGOTT, one of the Inspectors General of the Excise in Dublin, 1808, who was probably a cousin of our John Senior.
John PIGOTT himself gave evidence to the Commission of Enquiry, on Friday 20 October 1835 [as reported in Saunders News-letter (Dublin), Monday 24 October 1836?], as follows:
"John PIGOTT was examined - He was formerly in the employment of the paving board; he proved that in February 1834, he was employed by Mr REILLY to make out a list of registered persons who had not paid their taxes in 1832; that WEST and HAMILTON were to have paid him for his trouble, and that he was employed in the paving board office on electioneering purposes, and had access to all the books."
In later evidence, he is recorded as having said:
"I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that I knew to be a fact that Alderman SMITH took a very active part in forwarding the elections of the government candidates. I mean in the two elections where Mr O'LOGHEN, Mr LATOUCHE, Ald. HARTY and the present Judge PERRIN were concerned."
There is a possibility that this John REILLY was related to several members of the REILLY family who married into the family of Robert PIGOTT, one of the Inspectors General of the Excise in Dublin, 1808, who was probably a cousin of our John Senior.
John Junior's subsequent movements, recorded in Dublin Triple Almanacs and THOM's Directories (Listings of the Corporation for the Paving, Lighting and Cleansing the Streets of Dublin), almost certainly indicate where the children were born - Tax Collector, 12 Charlotte Street, Dublin (next door to his father), 1824; Collector, 12 Mountpleasant, 1827-31; Collector, Sandymount, County Dublin, 1832-33; Collector, 12 East Hanover Street, Dublin, 1834.
John Junior's final role in Dublin as a Revenue Collector was as Receiving Officer for the South Dublin Union, from about 1835. The premises occupied by the Union was the old Work House together with that part of it that had served as the Foundling Hospital; but again John was not a residentiary officer, and his collecting area was much larger, covering large areas of County Dublin towards the south, in the electoral sub-divisions of Whitechurch and Rathfarnham.
[Early plan of south west Dublin showing the Work House on James's Street. The Foundling Hospital
was established just south of the Work House. It is now the site of Saint James's Hospital.]
Here again, John Junior got into some temporary difficulties, perhaps again at the hands of his political "enemies." In 1851, John BYRNE, one of the Guardians, accused PIGOTT of "... assisting to deprive the very rate payers who paid him his salary of their parliamentary franchise." He was called upon by the Board of Guardians to explain, in writing, the circumstances of his appearing as an employed political agent in the Voter's Revision Court at Heuston Street, and elsewhere when the court met.
His reply was dated 23 July 1851:
"Having been called upon to explain the circumstances of my appearing as an agent in the Court of Revision of Parliamentary Franchise, I beg respectfully to state that I did so in consequence of the great reduction (namely, one-third of my salary as one of the rural receiving officers) made on account of the diminution of duties. stated to be caused by the cessation of outdoor relief, and also agreeably to the understanding I had with the Committee, who recommended such reduction, which was, that if the board acted on their report, the officers affected by it should be at liberty to make what use they could of any unoccupied time they might have to advance their interests in the support of their families, provided their duty was not neglected, which I trust the Board will admit has not been the case. Hoping this explanation will appear satisfactory, I remain your very obedient servant.
"John PIGOTT, Relieving Officer."
When the Board considered PIGOTT's explanation, his "patron" supporters amongst the 33 elected Guardians, including Sir Robert SHAW (Whitechurch division), Dr KIRKWOOD (Rathfarnham division), and John Ousley BONSALL were in the ascendant, the vote being 13 to 7 to keep him on, with his original detractor, John BYRNE, abstaining.
It appears that he continued to collect for the Union, perhaps back at his reduced salary of £60 per annum, up until at least 1854.
John Junior's further house movements are recorded in Dublin Triple Almanacs and THOM's Directories (Trade Listings), and in his children's baptismal registrations - Tax Collector, 12 Charlotte Street, 1835-38; Collector of Public Monies, 16 Charlemont Street, October 1839; Agent and Collector of Public Monies, 2 Rehobeth Street, off South Circular Road, Dublin, 1841-42; Collector of Public Monies, Cullenswood Avenue, Ranelagh, County Dublin, 1844-47, and August 1842 (St Peter's Register); Aspen Cottage, Rathmines, April 1847 (St Peter's Register); Receiving Officer, Elm Park, Roundtown, County Dublin, 1851; and Receiving Officer, Terenure Lodge, Roundtown, 1852-55.
He may also have been the John PIGOTT listed as Muslin and Lace Warehouse, 9 Dame Street, Dublin, 1856, 1857; this would be consistent with family folk-lore, which recorded him as both an Irish Civil Servant, and a "... speculative merchant who made and lost large amounts of money..." - undoubtedly the reduction in his income at the South Dublin Union is one of the reasons for this attempted, but apparently not so successful broadening of his income base.
To add to the MAGUIRE family connection in revenue collection, John Junior also served in several capacities at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, where William MAGUIRE was Sexton - he was appointed Assistant Sexton on 7 January 1839, and was succeeded by his nephew Joseph KELLY in January 1850; and he was appointed to succeed his brother-in-law Charles KELLY as Beadle there on 4 July 1844, and was himself succeeded (Richard Matchet CARNEGIE's name is inserted without date) again by his nephew Joseph KELLY on 16 June 1858.
Despite this apparently strong connection with the Established Church, it appears that John Junior was instead a Member of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Dublin, as was his mother's VICKERS family and his wife's related MAGUIRE family. He inserted an affecting obituary notice for his son William in the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1842; and he was recorded in the Minutes of the Society's Annual Conference of 1855 as having subscribed 10/- to the Superannuated Fund.
The Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Ireland separated from mainstream Methodism by exercising their desire to remain loyal to the Established Church in matters relating to the dispensation of the sacraments (communion, as well as the basics - baptism, marriage and burial). John WESLEY, the founder of Methodism, had made it as his last request that his followers should never separate from the Established Church; and they had followed him to the hilt, their Preachers showing their allegiance by attending service in Saint Patrick's Cathedral each year to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the hands the the Ministers of that church [Report of an address by the Archdeacon of Ardagh to the Irish Church Convention, published in the Press (N.Z.), 17 February 1871].
John Junior was "... regularly initiated" into membership of Masonic Lodge No 1672, Dublin City, by certificate dated 21 January 1824, which was signed by him (with a signature that matched that on his 1834 Deed), and by William HILL (Master), A. ELLISON (Deputy Master) and Thomas B. SUTHERLAND (Secretary).
John PIGOTT of Sandymount, County Dublin, Gent, was named as grantee in an Indented Deed dated 15 December 1832 (Memorial 588926), made by William BATES of Clare Lane, City of Dublin, Coach Owner, concerning the dwelling house on the corner of Fitzwilliam and Baggot Streets, and known as No 11 Fitzwilliam Street (and still is in 2012), for a term of 115 years, subject to a mortgage to Lawrence CORCORAN, witnessed by two including William MAGUIRE.
[No 11 Fitwilliam Street, Dublin, on the intersection with Baggot Street. Photographed in 2004.]
By his Deed of Assignment dated 23 December 1833 (Memorial No 1834, Volume 8, page 18), John PIGOTT, of East Hanover Street, City of Dublin, Gent, and late of Sandymount, standing "... fairly in debt" to William MAGUIRE (his father-in-law) for the sum of £105, assigned all his right, title and interest in the said dwelling house and premises known as No 11 Fitzwilliam Street, City of Dublin, witnessed by two including William MAGUIRE "...the younger," Attorney-at-Law (John's brother-in-law).
In December 1841, John PIGOTT was admitted to the Freedom of the City of Dublin, by right of servitude [Freemans Dublin Journal, Tuesday 21 December]; in March 1847, John PIGOTT applied for the position of Clerk to the South City Relief Committee, but was defeated on the third and last ballot by Mr SCANLON [Freeman's Dublin Journal, Saturday 27 March]; it is not certain whether either or both of these entries concern our John Junior, but in the absence of other suitable candidates, it seems likely.
In May 1851, a published list of Insolvent debtors included "John PIGOTT, late of Terenure, County Dublin, Receiving Officer, his petition to be heard on 18 June" [Freeman's Dublin Journal, 28 May].
John PIGOTT Junior was recorded in the Griffith's Valuation of the County of Dublin (about 1852-55), at Kimmage Road, Terenure, Parish of Rathfarnham - for House, Office and Garden, rated at £1 10s. per annum; and 38 perches of land rated at £38 p.a.; Lessor William MOYERS, Esq.
On 13 August 1854, John Junior's wife Elizabeth died "... at Garville Terrace, Rathgar, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation... an affectionate mother, and regretted by all who knew her", John being recorded as "... Esq, late of Terenure Lodge, County Dublin" [Saunder's Newsletter, Dublin, Wednesday 23 August].
On 16 June 1858, Joseph KELLY was appointed Beadle of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, to succeed his uncle, John PIGOTT Junior. This appears to be the last "implied" reference in Dublin records to John's former and apparently relatively "recent" existence there.
A few years after John Junior buried his wife Elizabeth in the Vicar's Bawn, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, in August 1854, he tidied up his affairs in Dublin and went to America " reside with his sons."
While the elder John PIGOTT is clearly the wrong age for our John Junior, the three boys are exactly the same ages as were his three eldest sons John Vickers, William Frederick and Thomas Lancelot (see below); however, if this was a family group of father and three sons, then it is evident that the age recorded for the elder John PIGOTT could not have been correct; although he may have been instead another relation (uncle, or cousin).
I can think of only one family of relations then living in New York - Rev John PHAYRE, a Methodist, was a first cousin of John Junior's wife Elizabeth MAGUIRE; with him was his first wife Frances A. (BOGERT) and their daughter Sarah Ann PHAYRE, then aged about 11, who would much later become Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT's wife!
If it was our PIGOTT family with a wrong age for John Junior, then it is clear at least John Junior and son William returned to Ireland. But it is not impossible that John Junior's financial predicaments may have inspired him to look early at emigrating, and he may even have "deposited" one or two of his sons in New York well earlier than I had ever thought possible.
This might also account for the elder boys later "getting away" with passing themselves off as U.S. born - they would not have had time to acquire anything resembling an Irish accent.
There is a possibility that John Junior had already briefly visited New York as early as 1837 - the ship "Independence" arrived there from Liverpool on 19 June 1837, carrying among the passengers four Irish born PIGOTTs - namely John PIGOTT (aged 26), John PIGOTT (11), William PIGOTT (10) and Thomas PIGOTT (6).While the elder John PIGOTT is clearly the wrong age for our John Junior, the three boys are exactly the same ages as were his three eldest sons John Vickers, William Frederick and Thomas Lancelot (see below); however, if this was a family group of father and three sons, then it is evident that the age recorded for the elder John PIGOTT could not have been correct; although he may have been instead another relation (uncle, or cousin).
I can think of only one family of relations then living in New York - Rev John PHAYRE, a Methodist, was a first cousin of John Junior's wife Elizabeth MAGUIRE; with him was his first wife Frances A. (BOGERT) and their daughter Sarah Ann PHAYRE, then aged about 11, who would much later become Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT's wife!
If it was our PIGOTT family with a wrong age for John Junior, then it is clear at least John Junior and son William returned to Ireland. But it is not impossible that John Junior's financial predicaments may have inspired him to look early at emigrating, and he may even have "deposited" one or two of his sons in New York well earlier than I had ever thought possible.
This might also account for the elder boys later "getting away" with passing themselves off as U.S. born - they would not have had time to acquire anything resembling an Irish accent.
John Junior is not recorded in published Passenger Arrival lists or U.S. Immigration Indents for the 1850's; but there was a John PIGOTT who made application for a British Passport, No 3181, dated 23 April 1858. This may have been our John Junior, seeking temporary admittance to the U.S. to visit his sons, but later changing his mind and deciding to stay there permanently.[The park where 94 Columbia Street used to stand, photographed in March 2001.
The classic downtown Manhattan skyline, viewed across the East River.]
John Junior appears to have been listed in several addresses in New York, as Book-keeper - at 94 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, 1858, 1859; he was probably residing at 88 President Street, Brooklyn, where two of his sons are mentioned - Thomas L. PIGOTT in Directory listings (1862-64), and Capt Alfred J. PIGOTT as going there on sick leave from his Army Camp in January 1863; and he was at 28 Middagh Street, Brooklyn, 1874-75.
John Junior was probably visiting his sons George and Edward, at Delaware Street (west side, between Henry and Warren Streets), Lawrence, Kansas, 1873-74.
[A "birds-eye" illustration of the part of Lawrence, Kansas, looking approximately S.S.W.
Henry Street is the one running across the lower right part of the picture.
The PIGOTT residence in 1873-74 was one of those with a view across Delaware Street,
somewhere under the smoke plume, through a grove of trees towards the Railroad.
Photo taken of a glazed and framed poster hanging in Lawrence City Library, November 2011.]
Searches have failed to find credible enumerations for our John PIGOTT Junior in either of the 1860 or 1870 Federal Censuses. His "breaching" the conditions of his temporary "visa" might account for this reticence in being recorded in government census returns, although circumstances of his time may not have required such caution.
There was a John PIGOTT, Salesman, born Ireland, who was residing, probably as one of a number of Boarders, in the household of William BAVIER, Auctioneer, and his family, at 2nd Division, 1st Ward, Brooklyn, King's County, New York, in 1860; but he gave his age as 52, and our John was then aged about 64, and the occupation is not entirely consistent with his Directory Listings as Book-keeper.
In the PIGOTT family pedigree published in HOWARD and CRISP's "Modern Visitation of Ireland," William Jackson PIGOTT states that his widower uncle, John PIGOTT Junior, made two more marriages in America, without further issue. Once again, there is time enough for these later marriages to have taken place, but once again, no other evidence has yet been found to support W.J.P.'s assertion.
And one unpublished family pedigree records that John Junior as having been "... a sprightly old man, walking 5 miles a day until his death."
John PIGOTT Junior died on 30 August 1877, at Lawrence, Kansas, probably while again visiting his son George in Lawrence (Wakarusa Township), Douglas County.
Death notices were published in the London Times (15 October), the Dublin Freeman's Journal (16 October), and the Belfast Newsletter (17 October):
"August 30, John PIGOTT, Esq, of Brooklyn, U.S., aged 80 years, son of the late John PIGOTT, Esq, of Dublin, and Mary, daughter of Joseph VICKERS, Esq, and brother of Sir William PIGOTT, Bart."
A fortnight later, The Dublin Weekly Nation, 3 November 1877, carried a more detailed notice:
"August 30, at Lawrence, Kansas, U.S., John PIGOTT, Esq, of Brooklyn, in the 81st year of his age; eldest son of the late John PIGOTT, Esq, Dublin, and Mary, daughter of Joseph VICKERS, Esq; grandson of John PIGOTT, Esq, the Queen's County; and brother of Sir William PIGOTT, Bart."
However, the mention of his brother William being a Baronet is clearly a fabrication.
A fortnight later, The Dublin Weekly Nation, 3 November 1877, carried a more detailed notice:
"August 30, at Lawrence, Kansas, U.S., John PIGOTT, Esq, of Brooklyn, in the 81st year of his age; eldest son of the late John PIGOTT, Esq, Dublin, and Mary, daughter of Joseph VICKERS, Esq; grandson of John PIGOTT, Esq, the Queen's County; and brother of Sir William PIGOTT, Bart."
However, the mention of his brother William being a Baronet is clearly a fabrication.
His remains were interred in Grave 549, Section 4, Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Kansas, on 31 August 1877.
[View, looking up-hill in the middle of Section 4, Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, where John PIGOTT Junior lies buried.
His grave marker (detail below) stands in the centre fore-ground (above), and faces up-hill.]
John PIGOTT Junior and Elizabeth MAGUIRE were married by Consistorial License, in the Parish Church of Saint Peter, City of Dublin, on 18 June 1824, by Rev Robert MAGUIRE (Elizabeth's first cousin), and witnessed by E. PERROTT of College Green, Charles KELLY (John's future brother-in-law) of Georges Street, and William KELLY [Parish Register, Representative Church Body Library, Dublin].ìotice of the marriage was published in the Dublin Evening Mail of Friday 18 June:
"This morning, in Saint Peter's Church, by the Rev Robert MAGUIRE, John PIGOTT, of Charlotte Street, Esq, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr William MAGUIRE, of Peter Place."
And which notice was repeated in Saunders's News-Letter, 19 June, "On the 18th instant," all ditto.
Elizabeth was born at 5 South (or Patrick's Close), Dublin, on 1 December 1804, the eldest child of William MAGUIRE and Mary VICKERS (Mary was John Junior's first cousin - see the VICKERS Family below).
See also William MAGUIRE's separate blog on the blog-page, originally posted on 20 September 2010:
It is evident Elizabeth's family were Members of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Dublin; as had been John Junior's mother before she married his father back in 1793 (before the Methodist schism in 1814, by which the Primitive branch was created); but whether John Junior had joined them, or when, is not yet established.
Elizabeth died "... at Garville Terrace, Rathgar," on 13 August 1854, after a lingering illness, aged 50, the "... wife of John PIGOTT, Esq, late of Terenure Lodge, County Dublin" [Dublin Evening Mail, Wednesday 23 August], and which lingering illness "... she bore with Christian resignation... She was an affectionate wife and kind mother, and regretted by all who knew her" [Saunders's News-Letter, 23 August].
She was buried in her father's plot in the Churchyard of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
John Junior and Elizabeth had issue:
1. John Vickers PIGOTT, baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 12 June 1825; possibly arrived in New York, aged 11, on 19 June 1837 on the ship Independence from Liverpool, with his father and two brothers; if so, and if he remained, he was probably left boarding with relations; he evidently did go to America - he was recorded as living in the U.S. in his aunt Charlotte GRAY's obituary in Gentleman's Magazine, 1882, and without issue.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There was another John PIGOTT, and recorded in U.S. Census returns, who was born in Ireland and of the same age our John Vickers PIGOTT. I researched his detail some time ago, to see if he could have been J.V.P. of Dublin. No evidence has surfaced to support the possibility. Dublin family information that J.V.P. died without issue confirms that negative finding.THE FOLLOWING JOHN PIGOTT IS NOT RELATED TO THIS FAMILY.
A family tree on records his origins in Mitchellstown, County Cork - if this is correct, he could not be our J.V.P. whose origins were in Dublin,
John PIGOTT, a native of Mitchellstown, was last heard of in Saint Louis, Missouri, in May 1857, and being sought by his friend John TOBIN of Bridgeport, Hanson County, Virginia [a Missing Friends advertisement, Boston Pilot newspaper].
John PIGOTT was at District 2, Augusta County, Virginia, in 1850, aged 25, Laborer, with wife and daughter; he settled in Rose Township, Ramsay County, Minnesota, and enumerated there in 1860, 1870 and 1880 Census returns, with wife Mary O'BRIEN, and 4 children; she was residing in Saint Paul, Minnesota, when she posted a "Missing Friends" notice, 3 January 1874, seeking word about her brother, John LUDDY, who had been living in Lynn, Massachusetts, for several years with his wife and children.
John died on 12 August 1881, at Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA (before his name-sake John Vickers PIGOTT's aunt Charlotte GRAY's obituary); he was buried in Calvary Cemetery, Grave 10, Lot 2, Block 32, Section 16.
John was enumerated in the Minnesota State Census of 1857, aged 45, Farmer, with wife Mary and 4 children; and at Rose Township, Ramsey County, 1870 and 1880 U.S. Federal censuses, Gardener, with wife and family.
John was directory listed as "vegetable stand, No 6 Market House, res west side Rice Street, near city limits," 1878-81.
John and Mary had issue:
a. Catharine PIGOTT, born Virginia, about 1849; aged 1, with parents, 1850; died young.
a. Catharine PIGOTT, born Virginia, about 1849; aged 1, with parents, 1850; died young.
b. Richard H. PIGOTT, born in Virginia, about 1850; named in his father's property deeds, 1872, 1874 and 1878; lived in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, with wife Elizabeth Blair JONES (married in 1878) and daughter; they had issue:
i. Bertha PIGOTT, born in Minnestoa, January 1880; died at Hennepin County, 7 January 1927; married Edwin D. BOWEN, with issue a son Francis BOWEN (born about 1905).
i. Bertha PIGOTT, born in Minnestoa, January 1880; died at Hennepin County, 7 January 1927; married Edwin D. BOWEN, with issue a son Francis BOWEN (born about 1905).
c. Margaret PIGOTT, born in Virginia, 1855; she died at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 13 May 1926 - her death notice recorded her death in Saint Paul, with funeral from the Chapel of O'HALLORAN and MURRAY, service at the Cathedral, interment at Calvary Cemetery, and "Members of the W.C.O.F. please take note" [Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Friday 14 May]; she was married firstly, at Ramsey County, 27 June 1882, to James HENNESSEY; she was married secondly, also at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 27 October 1897, to William BELL (he died in 1924); they had issue:
i. Mary E. HENNESSEY, born in Ramsey County, 1883, and buried at Calvary Cemetery, 1886.
ii. Charles E. HENNESSEY-BELL, born in Minnesota, 12 March 1885; adopted his step-father's surname, a Cinemtographer, died 197?, married Florence SCHULTZ.
iii. George HENNESSEY-BELL, born at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 17 March 1890, also adopted his step-father's surname, went to California and died in Los Angeles, 5 April 1976, apparently unmarried.
i. Mary E. HENNESSEY, born in Ramsey County, 1883, and buried at Calvary Cemetery, 1886.
ii. Charles E. HENNESSEY-BELL, born in Minnesota, 12 March 1885; adopted his step-father's surname, a Cinemtographer, died 197?, married Florence SCHULTZ.
iii. George HENNESSEY-BELL, born at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 17 March 1890, also adopted his step-father's surname, went to California and died in Los Angeles, 5 April 1976, apparently unmarried.
d. John Robert PIGOTT, born in Minnesota, about 1858; aged 12, with parents, 1870 Census; he went to Iowa before 1885; at Stearns Precinct, Stanley County, South Dakota, 1900, aged 41, Stock-raiser, with wife and three daughters; at Township 104, Lyman County, South Dakota, 1910; he died at Hot Springs, Fall River County, South Dakota, 6 December 1911; he was married at Rockford, Iowa, 3 October 1880, to Sara Climena SMITH; she died in 1928; issue:
i. Pearl Alma PICKETT, born Iowa, September 1881; died 1973; married BOWEN.
ii. Jenevieve Grace PICKETT, born Iowa, May 1883; died 1943; married BLATT.
iii. Iva Dale PICKETT, born Iowa, June 1891; died 1988; married GAY.
iv. Charles Dwight PICKETT, born South Dakota, 1903.
i. Pearl Alma PICKETT, born Iowa, September 1881; died 1973; married BOWEN.
ii. Jenevieve Grace PICKETT, born Iowa, May 1883; died 1943; married BLATT.
iii. Iva Dale PICKETT, born Iowa, June 1891; died 1988; married GAY.
iv. Charles Dwight PICKETT, born South Dakota, 1903.
e. Thomas J. PIGOTT, born in Minnesota, 1862; with parents, 1870 and 1880; went to Tellor County, Colorado, after 1895; married Kath (born Austria/Hungary) and divorced, with issue:
i. Marnie PIGOTT, born Colorado, December 1889, a Hotel Porter in Salida City, 1910; two children died young.
ii. Irene (Nina) A. PIGOTT, born Colorado, April 1898, with mother 1910, went to Portland, Oregon.
i. Marnie PIGOTT, born Colorado, December 1889, a Hotel Porter in Salida City, 1910; two children died young.
ii. Irene (Nina) A. PIGOTT, born Colorado, April 1898, with mother 1910, went to Portland, Oregon.
f. Charles Edward PIGOTT, born Minnesota, June 1863; went to Missabe Mountain Township, Saint Louis County, Minnesota, after 1900; went to Parker Township, Yakima County, Washington State, about 1908; Fruit Rancher; he died at Parker Heights, 30 April 1941; he married firstly, with issue:
i. Albert A. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, March 1886; with father, 1900. Possibly instead his step-son, a son of Mrs Julia OTT by her 1st husband.
Charles was married secondly, August 1898, to Julia Louisa STAUS, the widow OTT; she died at Yakima County, 1951; they had further issue:
ii. Lucinda A. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, about 1903; with parents, 1910, 1920 - possibly instead adopted; married KRUGER.
i. Albert A. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, March 1886; with father, 1900. Possibly instead his step-son, a son of Mrs Julia OTT by her 1st husband.
Charles was married secondly, August 1898, to Julia Louisa STAUS, the widow OTT; she died at Yakima County, 1951; they had further issue:
ii. Lucinda A. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, about 1903; with parents, 1910, 1920 - possibly instead adopted; married KRUGER.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. William Frederick PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 January 1827; possibly visited New York with his father and 2 brothers, aged 10, arriving on 19 June 1837 on the ship Independence from Liverpool on 19 June 1837; he clearly did not settle there; in Dublin, he spent Sundays with his MAGUIRE grand-parents, and attended Sunday School at South Great George's Street; a young member of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Dublin; he died at his family home at Cullenswood Avenue, and was buried in the Vicar's Bawn, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 6 June 1842, aged 15; his father published an affecting obituary for him in the Methodist Magazine, 1842.
3. Mary Georgina PIGOTT, baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 5 October 1828; she died at Summerfield Cottage, Dalkey, County Dublin, 10 May 1837, and was buried at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, aged 8.
4. Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 20 March 1831; possibly visited New York with his father and two brothers, aged 6, arriving on 19 June 1837 on the ship Independence from Liverpool on 19 June 1837; however, information he gave to the Census enumerator in 1900 indicates that he probably did not then settle, and that he emigrated to New York in 1855; Salesman, 94 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, 1857-59; Collector/Clerk, 88 President Street, Brooklyn, 1862-63, 1863-64; Clerk, 332 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, 1865-67; Clerk, 568 Broome Street, Manhattan, 1867-70; Clerk, 323 West 35th Street, Manhattan, 1871-72; Collector at Store, res 225 West 21st Street, 1874-76, 345 West 29th Street, 1877; 306 West 35th Street, 1883; at Bleecher Street, Manhattan, 1900 Census, aged 68, Widower, Clerk, a boarder in the Hotel managed by John L. THOMAS and his wife and 5 children; at East 14th Street, Manhattan, 1910 Census, aged 79, Widower, Inmate at the residence of Ada STEWART and Nurse GILLETT; he was buried in the PHAYRE plot at Cypress Hills Cemetery, 11 July 1911; his death details do not appear in the on-line index to New York deaths under the name PIGOTT or similar.
[345 West 29th Street, Manhattan. Photo taken in March 2001.]
Thomas married in New York, January 1863, his 2nd cousin Sarah Ann PHAYRE, with issue a son:
1. William H. PIGOTT, aged 15 in the 1880 Census, residing with his parents (no further particulars - probably died young).
Sarah died in New York, on 14 March 1890, and she was buried in the plot of her late father, Rev John PHAYRE, at Cypress Hills Cemetery. They were also a Methodist family, Rev John PHAYRE having been raised in Dublin by his widowed maternal grandmother, Mrs Letitia MAGUIRE, who was Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT's great-grandmother.
[88 President Street, Brooklyn, the middle building of yellowish brick, photographed in March 2001.
Alfred Joseph PIGOTT received his Army Leave approval notice at this address in 1862,
where his brother Thomas was then residing, possibly with their father John Junior.]
5. Alfred Joseph PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 21 May 1833; served in the Imperial Army in the Crimea (1855) and in India, and was present at the Siege of Lucknow (1857); sailed to America from Liverpool on the ship Edinburgh, arriving in New York on 9 April 1861; enlisted in the Union Army, 13 May 1861, and served in the Army of the Potomac, as Lieutenant, "K" Coy, 36th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment; promoted Captain, in Camp near Falmouth, Virginia, 26 August 1862; he saw action at the Siege of Yorktown (April 1862), Chickahominy River (May 1862), Fair Oaks/Seven Pines (May-June 1862), Seven Days Battles (June-July 1862), Antietam (September 1862), Fredericksburg (December 1862), and Mary's Heights/Salem Ridge (May 1863).
[Captain Alfred Joseph PIGOTT, in officer's uniform, Union Army, New York, 1863.]
In Camp Brightswood, D.C., when granted leave, 12 January 1862, for 7 days, to conduct essential business affairs; further sick leave of 30 days (chronic dysentery), 8 January 1863, the letter of approval sent to him at 88 Brooklyn Street, Manhattan. While on that home leave, Alfred was baptised into the Catholic faith and was married to Ellen WALSH, 6 February 1863, both events at Saint James's Roman Catholic Church, New York City, witnessed by Thomas and Mary WALSH; Ellen may have been a relation of his commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel James J. WALSH.
Alfred died at the Citizen's Volunteers Hospital, Philadelphia, on 5 July 1863, as the result of "concussion of the brain" received while on the roof of a rail-car (on his Commanding Officer's orders), on the Railroad at Darby Creek near Philadelphia, while returning to New York at the end of his two year tour of duty; this notice appeared in the New York Herald, 9 July 1863:
"It is our painful duty to record the death of the gallant Captain Alfred PIGOTT, of the 36th New York volunteers, who bravely fought in 22 engagements in Central India (Siege of Lucknow, etc) and in our wicked and fratricidal rebellion, was accidentally killed while returning to New York by coming into collision with one of the bridges over the railroad from Washington to Philadelphia. He is deeply regretted by his brother officers and privates of the Regiment, by all of whom he was admired and beloved. He died in the Citizen's Volunteers Hospital, Philadelphia, on Sunday July 5th, 1863, from the effects of the injuries he received on the Wednesday previous, aged 30 years."
Ellen PIGOTT, of 65 East Broadway, the widow, was granted, 2 December 1864, a U.S. Civil War pension of $20 per month; Administration of her estate granted, 7 March 1888, to Thomas WALSH.
6. George Maguire PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 11 September 1836, and baptised at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), 23 July 1839 (from Mount Pleasant Avenue); went to America; enlisted as a Private, "C" Company, 3rd U.S. Cavalry, 18 February 1858; settled in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 20 July 1858 [the Kansas Memorial]; Civil War veteran, discharged 27 April 1865, after 60 months service; he was enumerated at Wakarusa, Douglas County, 1875, 1880, 1895 Census returns; he joined the Grand Army of the Republic, Washington Post, Lawrence, Kansas, in 1891; at 811 East Lee Street, Lawrence, Douglas County, 1900 U.S. Census, aged 64, married for 33 years, with wife Elizabeth, aged 58, born Alabama; George died at his brother Edward's farm at Kiowa, Oklahoma, 26 February 1910, by his own hand, while suffering depression over the death of his wife; his body was returned to Lawrence, and buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Section 5 Old, Row A, Grave 8, next to his wife Lizzie (1843-1907) in grave 9.
He was recorded in 1900 as having had no children - however, a burial in Section 4, Oak Hill Cemetery, of W. J. PIGOTT, born and died in 1871, was probably his; and a "...child of George PIGOTT" was buried in Section 4, Grave 363, on 1 June 1873.
6. George Maguire PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 11 September 1836, and baptised at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), 23 July 1839 (from Mount Pleasant Avenue); went to America; enlisted as a Private, "C" Company, 3rd U.S. Cavalry, 18 February 1858; settled in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 20 July 1858 [the Kansas Memorial]; Civil War veteran, discharged 27 April 1865, after 60 months service; he was enumerated at Wakarusa, Douglas County, 1875, 1880, 1895 Census returns; he joined the Grand Army of the Republic, Washington Post, Lawrence, Kansas, in 1891; at 811 East Lee Street, Lawrence, Douglas County, 1900 U.S. Census, aged 64, married for 33 years, with wife Elizabeth, aged 58, born Alabama; George died at his brother Edward's farm at Kiowa, Oklahoma, 26 February 1910, by his own hand, while suffering depression over the death of his wife; his body was returned to Lawrence, and buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Section 5 Old, Row A, Grave 8, next to his wife Lizzie (1843-1907) in grave 9.
He was recorded in 1900 as having had no children - however, a burial in Section 4, Oak Hill Cemetery, of W. J. PIGOTT, born and died in 1871, was probably his; and a "...child of George PIGOTT" was buried in Section 4, Grave 363, on 1 June 1873.
7. Henry Robert PIGOTT, born at 16 Charlemont Street, Parish of Saint Peter, City of Dublin, on 16 October 1838, and baptised as Robert Henry, at Saint Peter's, Dublin, 23 July 1839 (from Mount Pleasant Avenue).
See his separate blog on this blog-page, originally posted on 21 June 2008:
[Georgian houses in Charlemont Street, in 1982. Number 16 had been demolished,
but had stood a little further to the left of this original block.]
8. Edward Albert PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 December 1840, and baptised at Saint Peter's (Church of Ireland), 2 August 1842 (from Cullenswood Avenue); went to America, about 1855; probably at Garrison Barracks, Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1860 Census, aged 18, Musician; enlisted at New York City, 1 April 1860, by Lieutenant GIBBS, aged 19, in the 3rd Regiment of U.S. Cavalry, Regular Army, Civil War and beyond, being invalided out in November 1871; possibly served earlier with the 3rd Regiment, N.J. Cavalry, but this Edward PIGOTT gave his occupation as Traveller, and was discharged due to disability, 24 March 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee, a Bugler (possibly later listed as a "deserter" from Chester, PA, on 3 April 1864) - not all of these details are consistent with Edward Albert's later army record, so perhaps another, or a part of his Army record is yet to be found. He joined the Grand Army of the Republic, Washington Post, Lawrence, Kansas, in 1908, stating that he entered the Army in 1862 as Bugler, "C" Coy, 3rd U.S. Cavalry (his brother's unit), and was discharged on 4 January 1863, wounded.
Edward was Directory listed as Gardener, residing with his brother George, in Lawrence, Kansas, 1873-74; he was at District No 7, Grayson County, Texas, 1880 Census, aged 30 (sic), Switchman, with wife Annie; Edward being a Switchman, presumably with a Railroad Company, may well account for him eventually settling in the Indian Territory - in 1872, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad was extended southwards from McAlester, in Indian Territory, to Denison, Texas; the railroad workers set up camp on the present Kiowa town site, and was known as the Kiowa switch; the location was in the then Atoka County, Indian Territory, and this was not known as Pittsburg County until after Oklahoma Statehood in 1907.
Edward settled in Indian Territory, about 1882, with his wife, apparently on a Government grant of Indian land; he and his wife Annie attested in support of Henry SORRELS in his case vs the Choctaw Nation, heard in the U.S. Court in the Indian Territory, Southern District, at Ardmore, March 1897, stating that SORRELS had been married in 1861 to Mary COUNTEE otherwise NORRIS, who was Annie's older half-sister (both with the same mother, Marinda HALL); Edward was at Township #2, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, 1900 Census, aged 58, Farmer, with wife Annie (married for 27 years) and daughter Mary; Edward applied to the DAWES Commission, 1902, for Citizenship of the Choctaw Nation by right of inter-marriage, citing his residence for 20 years, and naming his parents as John and Eliza (both "Non Citizens"); Edward was at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, 1910 Census, aged 69, with wife Annie (aged 58), having one child surviving of three born.
Edward was Directory listed as Gardener, residing with his brother George, in Lawrence, Kansas, 1873-74; he was at District No 7, Grayson County, Texas, 1880 Census, aged 30 (sic), Switchman, with wife Annie; Edward being a Switchman, presumably with a Railroad Company, may well account for him eventually settling in the Indian Territory - in 1872, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad was extended southwards from McAlester, in Indian Territory, to Denison, Texas; the railroad workers set up camp on the present Kiowa town site, and was known as the Kiowa switch; the location was in the then Atoka County, Indian Territory, and this was not known as Pittsburg County until after Oklahoma Statehood in 1907.
Edward settled in Indian Territory, about 1882, with his wife, apparently on a Government grant of Indian land; he and his wife Annie attested in support of Henry SORRELS in his case vs the Choctaw Nation, heard in the U.S. Court in the Indian Territory, Southern District, at Ardmore, March 1897, stating that SORRELS had been married in 1861 to Mary COUNTEE otherwise NORRIS, who was Annie's older half-sister (both with the same mother, Marinda HALL); Edward was at Township #2, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, 1900 Census, aged 58, Farmer, with wife Annie (married for 27 years) and daughter Mary; Edward applied to the DAWES Commission, 1902, for Citizenship of the Choctaw Nation by right of inter-marriage, citing his residence for 20 years, and naming his parents as John and Eliza (both "Non Citizens"); Edward was at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, 1910 Census, aged 69, with wife Annie (aged 58), having one child surviving of three born.
However, in Census returns Edward recorded his birthplace as New York, and not Dublin.
Edward A. PIGOTT died at Kiowa, Oklahoma, about 31 January 1911; his body was removed to Lawrence, Kansas, 2 February, and was buried on 3 February in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Kansas - in Section 5 Old, Row A, Grave 7, immediately next to his brother George M. PIGOTT, in George's plot, and with a grave marker identical in style to those on George and his wife Elizabeth's graves; the funeral was "furnished" by the Grand Army of the Republic; the U.S. Army was informed of his death by his widow on 9 March 1911.
Edward was married, by Rev E. COUCH, at Paul's Valley, Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation, on 24 July 1871, to Annie NORRIS, the ceremony witnessed by Perry HALL (her uncle) and Patsy HALL; Annie was born in Indian Territories, about 1851, daughter of Joshua NORRIS, of Old Doakesville (born in Maryland, he was at Doakesville, 1869 Census, aged 56, Carpenter/Farmer, but without any family living with him), by Mirindel otherwise Marinda HALL (a 1/4 Choctaw Indian, born in Mississippi, and the widow of COUNTEE); Annie was admitted to the Choctaw Roll, at Atoka County, in 1896 #10546, aged 47 (1/8 Choctaw); Annie died "... on or about" 19 December 1918, according to a signed petition, dated 10 March 1919 - Filing Date on an Index Card to "Oklahoma Wills and Probate Records, 1808-2008" (Ancestry), for Pittsburg County [Deceased Estate, Case 1981, Roll 115, Frame 237] - by which George A. ROGERS was granted, on 19 March, Letters of Administration on her estate, amounting to $5583.30 (comprising 120 acres of land, in 5 bundles, all in Section 35 T 3N. R 13 E, valued at $4,200, and personal estate of $221 in hand and $1162.30 cash in the First National Bank), on behalf of his son Charles A. ROGERS, Annie's only grandchild and her Heir at Law, then residing at Oran, Palopinto County, Texas..
Edward and Annie had issue:
a. First child, who died young, before the 1900 Census.
b. Second child, who died young, before the 1900 Census.
b. Second child, who died young, before the 1900 Census.
c. Mary A. PIGOTT, born Indian Territory, [26] September 1887, admitted to the Choctaw Roll, at Atoka County, in 1896, #10547, aged 11 (1/16 Choctaw); aged 12 years, living with her parents in 1900; her photo (below) appears to have been taken in February 1905; death details unknown, but evidently at Kiowa (as recorded in an on-line Family Tree), after 15 April 1910 (Census night), and and some time (and perhaps shortly) before 20 September 1910, when George A. ROGERS applied to the County Court, in McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, to be appointed Guardian to Charles A. and Mary A. ROGERS, both Minors, the grant being made on 5 October 1910, the filing date on an Index Card to "Oklahoma Wills and Probate Records, 1808-2008" [Guardianship, Case 586, Roll 7, Frame 418] - I am unsure as to why George needed to obtain formal Guardiancy of his own children, unless they being of Choctaw Blood (on their mother's side) made a difference.
[A photograph of Mary PIGOTT, in the possession of Sidney Schuhmann LEVESQUE, of the U.S.;
it is more than likely of our Mary A. PIGOTT, taken a year or so before her marriage.]
Mary was married at McAlister, Central District, Indian Territory, by Rev J.F. YORK, 28 January 1906, to George Albert ROGERS, Farmer (born at Walnut Springs, Hill County, Texas, on 1 February 1883, son of Adenstone "Dense" ROGERS and Martha Ollivein MILLARD); George and Mary were at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, 1910 Census, living next door to Mary's parents; George was at Oran, Palopinto County, Texas, December 1918, when his step-mother Annie PIGOTT died, and he petitioned to be granted Administration of her estate on behalf his son Charles, as her only grandchild; George was at Martha Township, Jackson County, Oklahoma, 1930 Census, aged 47, Widower, with his widowed mother Ollie ROGERS (68) and his two daughters Thelma (15) and Marie (14) by his second marriage to Eva May BONDS; he was at Blair, Jackson County, 1940 Census, aged 56, Widower, with his son Charles, daughter(-in-law) Elizabeth, and (evidently Charles') "step-daughter" Barbara Ann BELL (aged 7); he died at Blair, Jackson County, 1953, and was buried at Blair Cemetery [M.I., Findagrave].
George and Mary had issue:
i. Charles "Charlie" Arnold ROGERS, born in Oklahoma, 12 April 1907; he was aged 3, with his parents, 1910 Census; he was aged 11 when his maternal grandmother died, and he was named as her only grandchild and her Heir at Law; he was residing with his father at Blair, Jackson County, Oklaholma, 1940 Census, aged 32, Trucking Private, with his wife of two years Elizabeth Ann (aged 26, born Texas), and her daughter Barbara Ann BELL (aged 7) from her previous marriage; State Highway Department, 16 October 1940, aged 33, of Blair, Jackson County, next of kin Elizabeth Ann ROGERS [W.W.2 Draft Card], 5 feet 8 inches high, 165 pounds weight, of light complexion, with gray eyes and brown hair; he died at Altus, Jackson County, 24 December 1966, and was buried at Blair Cemetery [M.I., Findagrave]; Charles was married firstly, at Friendship, Jackson County, Oklahoma, on 4 June 1928, to Velma GRIDER, daughter of Mrs GRIDER of Blair; they were divorced; he was married secondly, at Blair, 19 January 1935, to Elizabeth Ann BELL, aged 21, Widow, of Odell, Wilbarger County, Texas, a daughter of W.A. WHITE, of Odell (she already had a daughter aged about 2 years); Anna Elizabeth ROGERS died on 9 April 1988, and was buried at Bell Cemetery, Odell, Texas, near her parents' grave [M.I., Findagrave]; no evidence has yet been found of any issue for Charlie by either marriage.
ii. Mary A. ROGERS, probably born between April and September 1910; not recorded in the 1910 Census; living in September 1910, when her father applied for Guardianship of her brother and her; she was dead before her maternal grandmother died in December 1918.
9. Elizabeth Letitia PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 9 October 1843 and baptised at Trinity Church Rathmines (Parish of Saint Peter), 1 April 1847 (from Aspen Cottage, Rathmines); went to America in 1870 [1900 Census return]; received into membership of the Broadway Tabernacle Church, 29 April 1874, and recorded in their history, published in 1901, as still being a member.
i. Charles "Charlie" Arnold ROGERS, born in Oklahoma, 12 April 1907; he was aged 3, with his parents, 1910 Census; he was aged 11 when his maternal grandmother died, and he was named as her only grandchild and her Heir at Law; he was residing with his father at Blair, Jackson County, Oklaholma, 1940 Census, aged 32, Trucking Private, with his wife of two years Elizabeth Ann (aged 26, born Texas), and her daughter Barbara Ann BELL (aged 7) from her previous marriage; State Highway Department, 16 October 1940, aged 33, of Blair, Jackson County, next of kin Elizabeth Ann ROGERS [W.W.2 Draft Card], 5 feet 8 inches high, 165 pounds weight, of light complexion, with gray eyes and brown hair; he died at Altus, Jackson County, 24 December 1966, and was buried at Blair Cemetery [M.I., Findagrave]; Charles was married firstly, at Friendship, Jackson County, Oklahoma, on 4 June 1928, to Velma GRIDER, daughter of Mrs GRIDER of Blair; they were divorced; he was married secondly, at Blair, 19 January 1935, to Elizabeth Ann BELL, aged 21, Widow, of Odell, Wilbarger County, Texas, a daughter of W.A. WHITE, of Odell (she already had a daughter aged about 2 years); Anna Elizabeth ROGERS died on 9 April 1988, and was buried at Bell Cemetery, Odell, Texas, near her parents' grave [M.I., Findagrave]; no evidence has yet been found of any issue for Charlie by either marriage.
ii. Mary A. ROGERS, probably born between April and September 1910; not recorded in the 1910 Census; living in September 1910, when her father applied for Guardianship of her brother and her; she was dead before her maternal grandmother died in December 1918.
9. Elizabeth Letitia PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 9 October 1843 and baptised at Trinity Church Rathmines (Parish of Saint Peter), 1 April 1847 (from Aspen Cottage, Rathmines); went to America in 1870 [1900 Census return]; received into membership of the Broadway Tabernacle Church, 29 April 1874, and recorded in their history, published in 1901, as still being a member.
[Lizzie Letitia PIGOTT, in New York, July 1874, aged 34.]
Elizabeth was listed as Music Teacher, residing at 306 West 14th Street, Manhattan, 1884, 1898, and 348 West 21st Street, 1900 Census ("boarding" with Augustus NEVIES, Hotel Clerk), 1903, 1906.
She was named as a beneficiary in the 1896 will of her uncle Richard MAGUIRE of South Amboy, New Jersey, to have the monies due to him on deposit in The Seaman's Savings Bank in New York City, as well as a half share of the monies due to him on deposit in The Bowery Savings Bank, also in New York City.
[348 West 21st Street, Manhattan, photo taken in January 2001. Elizabeth Letitia lived here 1903-06.]
Elizabeth was enumerated in the 1915 New York Census, as an Inmate in the Home for Aged and Indigent Females, Amsterdam Avenue, aged 71; ditto, 1920 Census Federal Census, aged 75, an Inmate at the Association for the Relief of Aged and Indigent Females, 891 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan; she was still there in 1930, aged 86, a Patient; unmarried; she died at the "Old Ladies Home" at 891 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan, 17 February 1935, aged 91 [Certificate #4116], and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery.
[The former Home for Aged and Indigent Females, 891 Amsterdam Ave, Manhattan.
Built in 1883-84, on the corner of Amsterdam and 104th Street, it is now the New York City Hostel.]
10. Adelaide Kate PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 19 May 1848; after her mother's death in 1854, she went to live with her uncle, Rev Edward MAGUIRE; she died in Torquay, County Devon, April 1856 - indexes do not show her death in that quarter, but there was a registration for Adelaide Day...[...e] [I...][I..], at Newton Abbot, Devonshire, March quarter 1856, Volume 5b, page 80, which may have been her with a corrupted view of her middle and last names (same Registration district as her aunt Sarah Jane MAGUIRE and cousin William Ewart MAGUIRE died in March and June quarters respectively, on the same "holiday").
The above birth dates appear in the family pedigree published in HOWARD and CRISP's "Modern Visitation of Ireland," Volume 2, pages 95-97. It was submitted by William Jackson PIGOTT of Dundrum, John's nephew, who managed to record birth dates for John Vickers and Mary Georgina that were both after the date of baptism obtained from the Saint Patrick's Register, Volume 2, held in Marsh's Library next to the Cathedral. The other dates that are not yet confirmed from Dublin Parish Registers may also therefore be questionable.
John PIGOTT Junior was my great-great-grandfather.
Both John PIGOTTs, Senior and Junior, married into members of the Dublin VICKERS family.
Captain James VICKERS was probably of English origin, and despite attempts by some family historians to attach him to the descent of Don VICARO, a Spanish Cavalier said to have been attached to the retinue of Catherine of Aragon when she went to England to marry Henry TUDOR's older brother Alfred, Prince of Wales, James probably instead came from the VICKERS family most numerously connected with County Cumberland, and perhaps specifically connected with the parish of Eskdale in that County.
Captain James VICKERS was a Merchant in Dublin; he was buried at Saint Andrew's, Dublin, on 8 May 1705; he died intestate, and his property was the subject of two Administration Grants - the first, dated 16 May 1705, named three children; the second, dated 23 January 1710, named those three and six more.
All of which might tempt one to presume there were two sets of issue by two different wives, although some evidence does suggest that there may have been another James VICKERS having issue in Dublin about the same time.
See further details on this family at the following link:
See further details on this family at the following link:
One of these children was John VICKERS, baptised at Saint Andrew's, Dublin, on 4 July 1682, son of James VICKERS by his wife Mary (perhaps Mary ANDREWES, who married James VICKERS at Saint Bride's, Dublin, on 30 December 1680); John was a Brewer in Aledrape, Dublin; he also died intestate, Administration dated 20 June 1739 to his widow Mary; he was married at Saint Catherine's (Church of Ireland), 30 March 1719, to Mary EMERSON (probably baptised at Saints Peter and Kevin, Dublin, 14 April 1686, daughter of John and Elizabeth EMERSON of Whitefriars Lane); she was buried at Crumlin Church, Dublin, 4 September 1753 (although one source in London records the year as 1759).
John and Mary VICKERS had issue:
1. Elizabeth VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 20 July 1720; named in her father's Administration, 1739.
2. Thomas VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 14 July 1723.
3. George VICKERS; named in his father's Administration, 1739; probably made his own will, 9 October 1751, a mariner on H.M.'s Ship Ipswich, proved Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 August 1757, bequeathing his property to his brother, Joseph VICKERS of Dublin, Velvet Weaver.
4. Mary VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 8 May 1726.
5. Ann VICKERS; named in her father's Administration, 1739.
6. Joseph VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 17 June 1734. See [A] below.
[John MALTON's view of Saint Catherine's Church of Ireland, Thomas Street, Dublin, about 1790's.]
[A] Joseph VICKERS, born 1734; Silk Weaver, New Row, Saint Catherine's Parish, Dublin, October 1766; Silk Weaver, of Golden Lane, of the Coombe (1780), and of Chambre Street (1792); death details not yet found; married Elizabeth (maiden surname unknown, possibly YATES); she probably died 14 May 1797, "...relict of the late Mr VICKERS of Dublin."
Joseph and Elizabeth had issue:
1. Mary VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 54 August 1759; buried at Crumlin, Dublin, 6 July 1767.
2. Esther VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 12 May 1761; buried at Crumlin, 21 June 1763.
3. John VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 20 March1763; married Elizabeth STINSON. See [B] below.
4. George VICKERS, baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 5 October 1766, of New Row, Dublin.
5. Alice VICKERS; buried at Crumlin, 5 March 1768, daughter of Joseph.
6. Mary VICKERS, born at Dublin, 7 July 1769; probably of the Coombe, June 1788, when admitted to Membership of the Dublin Methodist Society, in the Class of Amelia SINGLETON; married in 1793, John PIGOTT Senior. See above.
7. Elizabeth VICKERS, born at Saint Brides, Dublin, 1772.
8. Susannah VICKERS, baptised Saint Luke's, Dublin, 1 August 1780.
[Ruins of Saint Luke's Church (built 1709, closed 1975) on Saint Luke's Avenue, near the Coombe, Dublin.]
[B] John VICKERS, born 1763; Weaver, Phordham's Alley, Dublin, June 1784 and February 1788; of 5 Elbow Lane, Dublin, January 1788, when he was admitted to the Methodist Society of Dublin, as a member of Samuel DAN's First Class; of the Coombe, Dublin, March 1789, when he was Listed in the Bands of the Methodist Society; Weaver, Phordham's Alley, Dublin, May 1788; of Elbow Lane, 1790-99; admitted Freeman of the Dublin Corporation, Weaver's Guild, Easter 1790; a Warden of the Weaver's Guild, 1794; subscribed to the publication of WHISTON's "Josephus," 1796, of Elbow Lane; died 22 April 1806 (recorded in William MAGUIRE's Memoir of 1823); married at Saint Catherine's (Church of Ireland), Dublin, 22 August 1783, Elizabeth STINSON (baptised at Saint Catherine's, 15 September 1765, daughter of Robert STINSON, Twister and Throwster, by his wife Elizabeth); she was at 2 Elbow Lane, June 1787, when admitted as member of the Second Class of the Methodist Society of Dublin (unless that was instead John's mother, perhaps already a widow?); she died on 27 July 1799, aged 33, and was buried at Saint Luke's, Dublin, 29 July, a day after the burial of her child.
John and Elizabeth VICKERS had issue:
1. Susannah VICKERS, born at Phordham's Alley, 10 June 1784, and baptised at Saint Luke's, Church of Ireland, 13 June 1784.
2. Mary VICKERS, born at Elbow Lane, 25 January 1786, and baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 29 January; married in 1804, William MAGUIRE of Dublin (see his separate blog on this blog-page); they had issue 16 children, including the first-born - Elizabeth MAGUIRE, born December 1804, and married 1824, John PIGOTT Junior. See above.
3. Hester VICKERS, born at Phordham's Alley, and baptised at Saint Luke's, 2 February 1788; died 18 May 1810.
4. John VICKERS, born on 21 February 1790, and baptised at Saint Catherine's, 11 March; Treasury Department, Dublin; died at Charlotte Street, 30 November 1824, and buried at Saint Luke's, 3 December, aged 34; married in Dublin, 20 November 1815, Hannah LEESON; issue:
a. George VICKERS, born in Dublin, 30 August 1816; Organist; went to England then Canada; died at his brother's house, Toronto, 11 October 1883.
b. John Joseph VICKERS, born in Dublin, 5 May 1818; emigrated to New York then Canada; founded VICKER's Express Coy; a Conservative Local Politician in Toronto; died there 11 May 1896; married 1 August 1855, Catherine Mary MOODIE (daughter of John Wedderburn Dunbar MOODIE, by his wife Susannah STRICKLAND, a pioneering Canadian author); issue.
c. William Henry VICKERS, born in Dublin, 30 January 1820.
d. Elizabeth VICKERS, born in Dublin, 25 December 1821; Musician; died at 1 Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines, 12 December 1908, aged 87, Spinster, Lady, the death informed by her cousin Henry MAGUIRE of 30 Kenilworth Road, present at the death, and buried in his plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery..
e. Harriett VICKERS, born in Dublin, 24 August 1823; died 29 September 1824.
f. Frederick Torrens VICKERS, born in Dublin, 27 July 1825; buried at Saint Luke's, Dublin, 24 September 1827, of Charlotte Street.
5. Joseph VICKERS, born on 13 November 1792, and baptised at Saint Luke's, 21 November; Constable, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin; married in 1818, Mary SPRATT.
6. George VICKERS, born on 7 February 1794, and baptised at Saint Catherine's, 9 February; died 1828, and buried Saint Patrick's Cathedral; married in 1817, Margaret CONNELL; she died in 1847, and was buried with her husband.
7. Elizabeth VICKERS, born at Elbow Lane, 17 October 1795, and baptised at Saint Catherine's, 26 October; died young.
8. Elizabeth VICKERS, born at Elbow Lane, 3 October 1796, and baptised at Saint Luke's, 5 October.
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