to mark his own burial plot, and in memory of his son Thomas.
Photo by Yvonne RUSSELL, William's great-great-great-grand-daughter.]
Dean Jonathan SWIFT was very fond of gardening; in about 1724, he constructed a garden on the south side of Long Lane, Parish of Saint Kevin, not far from his Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick, in Dublin; around it he built a substantial wall; and within it, a small dwelling; but for the most part he planted orchards and vines.
And he gave it a name - Naboth's Vineyard.
Several decades later, in January 1782, under the care of a different Dean, Dr William CRADOCK, the small dwelling was the residence of Thomas MAGUIRE, formerly of Mullalougher near Ballyhaise in County Cavan, his wife Letitia MAGUIRE alias PHAYRE, and their family of five surviving children (Mary Anne, aged 17; Martha, 16; Joseph, 11; Thomas, 9; and John, 6) from eight born.
And on the 14th of that January, in the house in Naboth's Vineyard, on Long Lane, was born their ninth and last child, their youngest son, William MAGUIRE.
[Part of John ROCQUE's 1756 Map of Dublin, showing "Naboth's Vineyard" south of Long Lane and
east of Williams's Lane; the dwelling house is shown (dotted) in the very bottom left-hand corner,
where Williams's Lane makes a 90 degree turn to the north; the hatched building above it, a quarter of the
way up the western boundary, was a shed or out-house. It became the site, and still is, of Meath Hospital.]
William is the subject of this article.
His father Thomas MAGUIRE, born in 1739, was the youngest of four sons of John MAGUIRE, probably of Clara, near Red Hills, County Cavan, by his wife Martha BUCK, of Mullieghara (perhaps in error for Mullalougher?), near Ballyhaise, County Cavan.
John MAGUIRE, who was born in 1693, died in 1774 and was buried with his father at Killoughter Churchyard.
In his Memoir, our William MAGUIRE noted that his father had held a lease on Mullalougher from Thomas NEWBURGH, of Ballyhaise House. The Indexes to Deeds held in the Deeds Registry, Henrietta Street, Dublin, do record a number of deeds made by Thomas NEWBURGH as Grantor, but the only Grantee name that resembles MAGUIRE is MARGUERIN, to whom he granted three Leases of premises in or near Ballyhaise in County Cavan.
Given that these deeds and the memorials of them were taken on circuit, rather than in Dublin, it is likely that any difficulties in reading signatures were a step or two removed from easy verification. Indeed, the name also appears as MAGUERIN and as MAGUIREN - so it appears likely that John MAGUIRE's signature may have had a flourish at the end which has been misinterpreted as a letter N, and that the UIRE bit has suffered occasional dyslexical variations.
In the first of these, a Deed of Lease dated 14 June 1767, Thomas NEWBURGH of Ballyhaise, Esq, granted, demised, set and to farm let unto John MAGUERIN, of Ballyhaise, County Cavan:
"... all that and those the Town and Lands of Mullalougher in as full and ample a manner as Bryan CADDEN, his wife and undertenants held and enjoyed the same, and also that part occupied of the said lands by Robert McKEE and James CARRAN, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the said lands for and during the natural lives of Samuel SHEPHERD, Robert GREER and John GREER, or the longest liver of them..."
[Memorial No 170015, Deeds Registry.]
Another Indented Deed of Lease, dated 23 November 1773, was made by Thomas NEWBURGH of Ballyhaise, Esq, and in it he demised and set unto John MAGUERIN of Ballyhaise:
"... all that and those the malthouse, dwelling house, backyard and Francis REILLY's, together with that part of Killire (?) as possessed by Phillip BRADY deceased, containing by estimation ten acres, also the whole grazing of Ballyhaise to SCOTT's house, and the grazing of that Part of the Grove on the left hand of the road from the cross-road to Killiro (?) opposite George SMOTHERGILL's house to Mr COTTINGHAM's land, together with a lot of bog in Ellin Bog sufficient to cut six clamps, to hold to the said John MAGUERIN and his heirs from the 1st day of November 1772, for the lives of H.R.H. George the Prince of Wales, James eldest son of Alexander SANDERSON of Cloverhill, and John eldest son of the said John MAGUERIN, or the longest liver of them, at the yearly rent of £10 10s 6d, to be paid... on every 1st day of November and every 1st day of May..."
[Memorial Number 200307.]
And a third deed of Lease, dated 15 November 1775, was made by the same Thomas NEWBURGH to John MARGUERIN, in which he was demised and set unto:
"... all that and those the Lands of Carnioge (?) adjoining the Lands of Curtrish (?), in as ample a manner as George MOORE lately held the same, in the Mannor of Aghaliduffe, parish of Castleterra and county aforesaid, Royalties excepted. To hold to the said John MARGUIREN, his heirs, executors, Administrators or assigns from 1st November then just past, for the lives of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, James the eldest son of Alexander SANDERSON, and John the eldest son of the said John MARGUIREN, or the term of 31 years whichever should last longest, at the yearly rent of 10 shillings an acre plantation measure, to be paid... on every 1st of May and 1st of November, above all taxes, quit and crown rent excepted, with the usual clauses of Distress and Re-entry..."
[Memorial Number 206907.]
Which last deed, given the date of our John MAGUIRE's death, does appear to be impossible! Perhaps it was instead his son of the same name?
Or John MAGUERIN and our John MAGUIRE were two different men.
Indeed, a John MAGUERIN, of Ballyhaise, County Cavan, Gent, died in 1793; his will, dated 28 January 1793 was proved in Dublin on 5 May 1793, mentioning his wife Margaret and only son Francis MAGUERIN [BETHAM's Abstract on Findmypast]- and this family is clearly not provided for in W.M.'s Memoir!
John MAGUIRE, who was born in 1693, died in 1774 and was buried with his father at Killoughter Churchyard.
In his Memoir, our William MAGUIRE noted that his father had held a lease on Mullalougher from Thomas NEWBURGH, of Ballyhaise House. The Indexes to Deeds held in the Deeds Registry, Henrietta Street, Dublin, do record a number of deeds made by Thomas NEWBURGH as Grantor, but the only Grantee name that resembles MAGUIRE is MARGUERIN, to whom he granted three Leases of premises in or near Ballyhaise in County Cavan.
Given that these deeds and the memorials of them were taken on circuit, rather than in Dublin, it is likely that any difficulties in reading signatures were a step or two removed from easy verification. Indeed, the name also appears as MAGUERIN and as MAGUIREN - so it appears likely that John MAGUIRE's signature may have had a flourish at the end which has been misinterpreted as a letter N, and that the UIRE bit has suffered occasional dyslexical variations.
In the first of these, a Deed of Lease dated 14 June 1767, Thomas NEWBURGH of Ballyhaise, Esq, granted, demised, set and to farm let unto John MAGUERIN, of Ballyhaise, County Cavan:
"... all that and those the Town and Lands of Mullalougher in as full and ample a manner as Bryan CADDEN, his wife and undertenants held and enjoyed the same, and also that part occupied of the said lands by Robert McKEE and James CARRAN, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the said lands for and during the natural lives of Samuel SHEPHERD, Robert GREER and John GREER, or the longest liver of them..."
[Memorial No 170015, Deeds Registry.]
Another Indented Deed of Lease, dated 23 November 1773, was made by Thomas NEWBURGH of Ballyhaise, Esq, and in it he demised and set unto John MAGUERIN of Ballyhaise:
"... all that and those the malthouse, dwelling house, backyard and Francis REILLY's, together with that part of Killire (?) as possessed by Phillip BRADY deceased, containing by estimation ten acres, also the whole grazing of Ballyhaise to SCOTT's house, and the grazing of that Part of the Grove on the left hand of the road from the cross-road to Killiro (?) opposite George SMOTHERGILL's house to Mr COTTINGHAM's land, together with a lot of bog in Ellin Bog sufficient to cut six clamps, to hold to the said John MAGUERIN and his heirs from the 1st day of November 1772, for the lives of H.R.H. George the Prince of Wales, James eldest son of Alexander SANDERSON of Cloverhill, and John eldest son of the said John MAGUERIN, or the longest liver of them, at the yearly rent of £10 10s 6d, to be paid... on every 1st day of November and every 1st day of May..."
[Memorial Number 200307.]
And a third deed of Lease, dated 15 November 1775, was made by the same Thomas NEWBURGH to John MARGUERIN, in which he was demised and set unto:
"... all that and those the Lands of Carnioge (?) adjoining the Lands of Curtrish (?), in as ample a manner as George MOORE lately held the same, in the Mannor of Aghaliduffe, parish of Castleterra and county aforesaid, Royalties excepted. To hold to the said John MARGUIREN, his heirs, executors, Administrators or assigns from 1st November then just past, for the lives of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, James the eldest son of Alexander SANDERSON, and John the eldest son of the said John MARGUIREN, or the term of 31 years whichever should last longest, at the yearly rent of 10 shillings an acre plantation measure, to be paid... on every 1st of May and 1st of November, above all taxes, quit and crown rent excepted, with the usual clauses of Distress and Re-entry..."
[Memorial Number 206907.]
Which last deed, given the date of our John MAGUIRE's death, does appear to be impossible! Perhaps it was instead his son of the same name?
Or John MAGUERIN and our John MAGUIRE were two different men.
Indeed, a John MAGUERIN, of Ballyhaise, County Cavan, Gent, died in 1793; his will, dated 28 January 1793 was proved in Dublin on 5 May 1793, mentioning his wife Margaret and only son Francis MAGUERIN [BETHAM's Abstract on Findmypast]- and this family is clearly not provided for in W.M.'s Memoir!
There are no remaining legible stones with appropriate MAGUIRE inscriptions.]
Thomas's elder siblings, our William's uncles and aunt, were as follows:
1. Mathew MAGUIRE. If the above MAGUERIN deeds are actually MAGUIRE deeds, as seems likely from statements made in W.M.'s Memoir, then it appears that Mathew probably died young, and before 1774.
2. John MAGUIRE. Probably the MAGUERIN deed maker.
Possibly associated with Belturbet, County Cavan, and married Alice ROYAL, with issue including:
a. John McGUIRE, born in County Cavan in 1774; emigrated to Ontario, about 1825; there married secondly, about 1828, Letitia BOYD, with issue.
Possibly married Alice ROYAL; sometime of Belturbet, County Cavan; issue - a son John MAGUIRE, born County Cavan, about 1774; married Letitia BOYD; John Junior emigrated to Ontario, 1823-24, with sons Thomas and Matthew, probably by an earlier marriage, the son Matthew marrying Sally BOYD with issue.
John MAGUIRE, of Mullalougher (probably Junior), attended Vestry meetings at the Parish Church of Killoughter (Church of Ireland), Diocese of Kilmore, from March 1813 until July 1824, and was appointed one of the two Church Wardens for the ensuing year at a vestry meeting on Easter Monday, 7 April 1817, signing Vestry minutes as Warden for meetings on 10 April 1817, 14 June 1817 and 23 March 1818; also named in Vestry records were Matthew MAGUIRE (May 1815 and April 1824), as were Thomas BUCK (1813-1820), Daniel BUCK (1814-1820) [their great-grandmother was Martha BUCK - see above - and their mother was Martha MAGUIRE, a first cousin of John MAGUIRE Junior - see below]; further, Robert MAGUIRE (no known relation) was named as curate of the Parish from July 1821 until 31 March 1823 (when he had been succeeded as Curate by James GUMLEY).
John and Matthew MAGUIRE, both of Mullalougher, Redhills, County Cavan, and probably Methodists, both over 23 and both of the yeomanry, made a petition dated 5 December 1823 to the Colonial Office for assistance to emigrate to Carleton County, Canada west (later Ontario), perhaps to join relations already there [see Bruce S. ELLIOTT's "Irish Immigrants in the Canadas: a new approach," page 327, in a foot-note to text on page 125. See also Canada section at [#] below.]
4. Martha MAGUIRE, born in 1735; died in 1822; married in the Diocese of Kilmore and Ardagh, 1767, Samuel MARTIN, of Tullyvin, County Cavan; he may have been buried at Saint Peter's (C.of I.,), Dublin, 12 July 1813, aged 75; issue unknown, but possibly including(? Thomas MARTIN, of Sandymount, County Dublin, the father of Joseph MARTIN, who married at Saint John's (C.of I.), Dublin, 12 September 1849, Elizabeth PHAIR, a daughter of John PHAIR of 48 Fleet Street, Dublin, and a sister of Letitia PHAIR, the wife of Nathaniel COLGAN; ? a Dr MARTIN was Tutor to Robert MAGUIRE, son of Thomas MAGUIRE and Lucinda KENNY, on his admission to Trinity College. Thomas was living in Ballyhaise in 1759, when he had possession of a book entitled "Friendship in Death; in Twenty-one letters from the Dead to the Living," by Mrs Elizabeth ROWE (1674-1719), published in Dublin in 1752; on the title page, he inscribed - "Thomas MAGUIRE, Ballyhays, county Cavan, 1759"; this title page, probably removed from the book, was later one of a number (including those of Lord KEANE, Sir William PIGOTT, James GREY and Charles KELLY, the last two married to PIGOTT sisters of William's son-in-law John PIGOTT), and with a Book-plate of his son (our William) attached to it, which came into the possession of Bertha SMITH of Saint Bees, and detailed in an item submitted by her and published in Notes and Queries, 6th Series, Volume II, 1880, page 28.
Possibly associated with Belturbet, County Cavan, and married Alice ROYAL, with issue including:
a. John McGUIRE, born in County Cavan in 1774; emigrated to Ontario, about 1825; there married secondly, about 1828, Letitia BOYD, with issue.
Possibly married Alice ROYAL; sometime of Belturbet, County Cavan; issue - a son John MAGUIRE, born County Cavan, about 1774; married Letitia BOYD; John Junior emigrated to Ontario, 1823-24, with sons Thomas and Matthew, probably by an earlier marriage, the son Matthew marrying Sally BOYD with issue.
John MAGUIRE, of Mullalougher (probably Junior), attended Vestry meetings at the Parish Church of Killoughter (Church of Ireland), Diocese of Kilmore, from March 1813 until July 1824, and was appointed one of the two Church Wardens for the ensuing year at a vestry meeting on Easter Monday, 7 April 1817, signing Vestry minutes as Warden for meetings on 10 April 1817, 14 June 1817 and 23 March 1818; also named in Vestry records were Matthew MAGUIRE (May 1815 and April 1824), as were Thomas BUCK (1813-1820), Daniel BUCK (1814-1820) [their great-grandmother was Martha BUCK - see above - and their mother was Martha MAGUIRE, a first cousin of John MAGUIRE Junior - see below]; further, Robert MAGUIRE (no known relation) was named as curate of the Parish from July 1821 until 31 March 1823 (when he had been succeeded as Curate by James GUMLEY).
John and Matthew MAGUIRE, both of Mullalougher, Redhills, County Cavan, and probably Methodists, both over 23 and both of the yeomanry, made a petition dated 5 December 1823 to the Colonial Office for assistance to emigrate to Carleton County, Canada west (later Ontario), perhaps to join relations already there [see Bruce S. ELLIOTT's "Irish Immigrants in the Canadas: a new approach," page 327, in a foot-note to text on page 125. See also Canada section at [#] below.]
4. Martha MAGUIRE, born in 1735; died in 1822; married in the Diocese of Kilmore and Ardagh, 1767, Samuel MARTIN, of Tullyvin, County Cavan; he may have been buried at Saint Peter's (C.of I.,), Dublin, 12 July 1813, aged 75; issue unknown, but possibly including(? Thomas MARTIN, of Sandymount, County Dublin, the father of Joseph MARTIN, who married at Saint John's (C.of I.), Dublin, 12 September 1849, Elizabeth PHAIR, a daughter of John PHAIR of 48 Fleet Street, Dublin, and a sister of Letitia PHAIR, the wife of Nathaniel COLGAN; ? a Dr MARTIN was Tutor to Robert MAGUIRE, son of Thomas MAGUIRE and Lucinda KENNY, on his admission to Trinity College. Thomas was living in Ballyhaise in 1759, when he had possession of a book entitled "Friendship in Death; in Twenty-one letters from the Dead to the Living," by Mrs Elizabeth ROWE (1674-1719), published in Dublin in 1752; on the title page, he inscribed - "Thomas MAGUIRE, Ballyhays, county Cavan, 1759"; this title page, probably removed from the book, was later one of a number (including those of Lord KEANE, Sir William PIGOTT, James GREY and Charles KELLY, the last two married to PIGOTT sisters of William's son-in-law John PIGOTT), and with a Book-plate of his son (our William) attached to it, which came into the possession of Bertha SMITH of Saint Bees, and detailed in an item submitted by her and published in Notes and Queries, 6th Series, Volume II, 1880, page 28.
One might speculate that the book was originally given to Thomas in connection with a death in the family circle in that year, perhaps his mother, or even a grand-parent.
Thomas is recorded in the W.M. Memoir (see below) as having held the lease of a farm at Mullalougher from Colonel Thomas NEWBURGH, of Ballyhaise House, although confirming evidence has not yet been found in the Deeds Registry (unless the 1767 Lease to John MAGUERIN of Ballyhaise is relevant - see above); NEWBURGH was an acquaintance of both Dean SWIFT and of John WESLEY, which two reverend gentlemen were both involved with institutions that would become pivotal in the lives of several of the MAGUIRE children, and in particular, our William MAGUIRE.
Thomas was married, on 6 April 1763, to Letitia PHAYRE of Kilmore (probably her Diocese); this date is recorded in William MAGUIRE's Memoir (see below), and we have no further details relating to it.
So far, I have been unable to determine the identity of Letitia's parents - all we know is that her father's name was undoubtedly PHAYRE (or PHAIR/FAIR); and that her mother was still living, aged 77, around the year 1766, and probably living with her daughter in Mullalougher, County Cavan.
So far, I have been unable to determine the identity of Letitia's parents - all we know is that her father's name was undoubtedly PHAYRE (or PHAIR/FAIR); and that her mother was still living, aged 77, around the year 1766, and probably living with her daughter in Mullalougher, County Cavan.
Thomas and Letitia took their family to Dublin in November 1777. We cannot be entirely sure of the exact reasons behind the move, but we have indicators from several sources.
William wrote an account of his life in 1823, which hereafter will be referred to as the W.M. Memoir - the leather-bound volume, with entries from reverse ends, one personal, the other genealogical, is now in the possession of George John CRAWFORD, of Buckinghamshire, and in 2001 he wrote his "MAGUIRE FAMILY HISTORY, 1648 - 2001" , which included a typed transcription of the Diary part of the Memoir - a copy of his this 2001 transcription was sent to me from Dublin in 2010 by his son Derek CRAWFORD, followed by digital images of the original Memoir pages as well - for all of which I am very grateful).
In his Memoir, William stated that Colonel NEWBURGH's widow:
William wrote an account of his life in 1823, which hereafter will be referred to as the W.M. Memoir - the leather-bound volume, with entries from reverse ends, one personal, the other genealogical, is now in the possession of George John CRAWFORD, of Buckinghamshire, and in 2001 he wrote his "MAGUIRE FAMILY HISTORY, 1648 - 2001" , which included a typed transcription of the Diary part of the Memoir - a copy of his this 2001 transcription was sent to me from Dublin in 2010 by his son Derek CRAWFORD, followed by digital images of the original Memoir pages as well - for all of which I am very grateful).
In his Memoir, William stated that Colonel NEWBURGH's widow:
"... having a particular liking for my mother, when she married the Dean and came to Dublin, induced my parents to come and settle also."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
[The W.M. Memoir.]
The widow was Martha CARY, who had married NEWBURGH (he was widowered in November 1745 when his first wife, Charity Julia BLAKE, died without issue) on 16 January 1747 [St James's Evening Post, London, Thursday 22 January 1747]; the Dean was William CRADOCK, who married the widow Martha on 26 January 1777 ["Exshaw's Magazine, 1777, page 152" - as cited in Notes and Queries, 6th Series VI, 16 September 1882, page 223]; and CRADOCK, as one of the lineal successors to Dean SWIFT, was now the "master" of Naboth's Vineyard.
I had a sneaking suspicion that William's mother, Letitia MAGUIRE alias PHAYRE, may have been related to Martha CRADOCK alias NEWBURGH alias CARY, but research has not yet established whether this was the case, and probably will not.
If not, one might then speculate that the connection may have been through Letitia's mother, perhaps in service with Martha at Ballyhaise House, where she met Mr PHAYRE, possibly working his profession or trade in the NEWBURGH estate at Ballyhaise. Estate Accounts, if they still exist, might prove interesting.
If not, one might then speculate that the connection may have been through Letitia's mother, perhaps in service with Martha at Ballyhaise House, where she met Mr PHAYRE, possibly working his profession or trade in the NEWBURGH estate at Ballyhaise. Estate Accounts, if they still exist, might prove interesting.
But perhaps there is another and simpler explanation - Martha may also have been a Methodist?
Indeed, she would undoubtedly have met John WESLEY on 29 May 1775, when he visited Ballyhaise on his way from Belturbet to Clones, "... and spent an hour with that venerable old man, Colonel NEWBURGH. It does me good to converse with those who have just finished their course, and are quivering over the great gulf..." [WESLEY's Diary].
Martha may have been a force behind CRADOCK's desire to renovate the old Deanery in Saint Kevin Street, so that they might live there - and evidently able to invite the MAGUIREs to make their home there as well around the mid 1780's; widowed again in 1794, Martha died in Dublin on 13 December 1804, and was buried in the Vicar's Bawn, aged 73, and without issue.
More detail may be found concerning Letitia PHAIR's origins in my PHAIR family blog at this link:
Indeed, she would undoubtedly have met John WESLEY on 29 May 1775, when he visited Ballyhaise on his way from Belturbet to Clones, "... and spent an hour with that venerable old man, Colonel NEWBURGH. It does me good to converse with those who have just finished their course, and are quivering over the great gulf..." [WESLEY's Diary].
Martha may have been a force behind CRADOCK's desire to renovate the old Deanery in Saint Kevin Street, so that they might live there - and evidently able to invite the MAGUIREs to make their home there as well around the mid 1780's; widowed again in 1794, Martha died in Dublin on 13 December 1804, and was buried in the Vicar's Bawn, aged 73, and without issue.
More detail may be found concerning Letitia PHAIR's origins in my PHAIR family blog at this link:
And I suspect that William's father may have been acting as a caretaker-cum-gardener in Naboth's Vineyard until a more substantial role was found for him, several years later, as Sexton of his "patron's" Church of Ireland Cathedral of Saint Patrick.
There is a second source that provides another reason for the MAGUIRE family's departure from Mullalougher. Charles Henry CROOKSHANK, M.A., wrote a comprehensive "History of Methodism in Ireland" (published by B.S. ALLEN and Son, Belfast, 1885); in it, he records the following details, naming MAGUIREs who are confirmed as our William's parents (see also William's obituary, published in the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1845, pages 26-37), as follows:
"Mr [John] SLOCOMB, who had been appointed to the Clones circuit, and is described by WESLEY as 'an old labourer, worn out in service,' came to the house of Mr MAGUIRE in Mullalougher, ill of fever, the week before Christmas [1776]. Although he was tended with unremitting care and affection, on the last day of the year he sank under the virulence of the disease...
"When Mr and Mrs MAGUIRE returned from the interment... they found that two of their children had taken the infection, and soon after Mr MAGUIRE and two others of the family caught the disease; but the Lord supported and healed them. Mr MAGUIRE then resolved to move to Dublin, which he did as soon as practicable..."
["History of Methodism in Ireland," by Charles Henry CROOKSHANK, Chapter 27, page 308.]
Perhaps the timing of Mrs CRADOCK's removal to Dublin was just coincidence, but a fortuitous one in Thomas's case, leading, as it appears, to an immediate employment and accommodation package.
But Methodists had not always been welcome in the MAGUIRE household in Mullalougher:
But Methodists had not always been welcome in the MAGUIRE household in Mullalougher:
"The young convert [evidently John BREDIN] felt an earnest desire to lead others to a saving knowledge of Christ; and with this end visited Mrs MAGUIRE of Mullalougher, whom he had previously known. He spoke to her of what the Lord had done for him, and his words sank deep into her heart. On leaving he promised to return on the following Sabbath and pray with any persons that would be present; but before Sunday came, the people of the neighbourhood tauntingly spoke of him as being a Methodist, and Mr MAGUIRE refused to let him pray in the house. A poor neighbour, however, gave a hearty invitation to God's servant, and Mrs MAGUIRE went to hear him.
"Mr MAGUIRE following, to bring her back, arrived during prayer. He went in, and wishing to escape observation, knelt down; and was deeply convinced of sin. When the young convert concluded his address to the throne of grace, Mr MAGUIRE went forward to him, in great distress, requested an interest in his prayers, and invited him to his house on the next Sabbath."
["History of Methodism in Ireland" by Charles Henry CROOKSHANK; Chapter 17, page 197.]
Although this does conflict with William's obituary, which stated that Rev John BREDIN had preached in the MAGUIRE house "shortly after" Letitia's 1763 marriage.
However, 3 years after they were married, Thomas MAGUIRE and his wife Letitia, with an infant child in tow, joined the Society of Methodists; another who did was Mrs MAGUIRE's mother, "...poor... blind" and aged 77 years, although CROOKSHANK did not identify her by name; but we can be certain that it was Mrs PHAYRE, and probably a widow; although possibly re-married.
However, 3 years after they were married, Thomas MAGUIRE and his wife Letitia, with an infant child in tow, joined the Society of Methodists; another who did was Mrs MAGUIRE's mother, "...poor... blind" and aged 77 years, although CROOKSHANK did not identify her by name; but we can be certain that it was Mrs PHAYRE, and probably a widow; although possibly re-married.
Methodism made its introduction in Dublin in 1746, when an English Methodist preacher, Mr WILLIAMS, under instructions from the English Methodist Conference, arrived and established a society there.
Rev John WESLEY himself followed up with his first visit to Ireland in the ensuing year, as we learn from his Journal, for August 1747:
"Sunday 9 August. Before ten we came to Saint George's Quay... About three I wrote a line to the Curate of Saint Mary's, who sent me word he should be glad of my assistance; so I preached there...
Monday 10. Between eight and nine I went to Mr R. (the curate of Saint Mary's). He professed an abundance of good will, commended my sermon in strong terms, and begged he might see me again the next morning. But at the same time he expressed the most deep rooted prejudice against lay-preachers, or preaching out of a church, and said, the Archbishop of Dublin was resolved to suffer no such irregularities in his Diocese. I went to see our brethren, that we might pour out our souls before God. I then went straight to wait upon the Archbishop myself; but he was gone out of town...
"Tuesday 11. I awaited on the Archbishop at Newbridge, ten miles from Dublin. I had the favour of conversing with him two to three hours; in which I answered abundance of objections...
"Sunday 16. We went to Saint James's church in the morning (there being no service at Saint Patrick's), and in the afternoon to Christ Church..."
The Archbishop was Charles COBBE (1689-1765), whose seat (the Episcopal throne) was in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin; but on the south side of the River Liffey was another Church of Ireland Collegiate and Cathedral church named Saint Patrick's, built beside the River Poddle on the site of the well which folk-lore has it Saint Patrick himself used for baptising early Irish converts to Christianity.
And there was installed a sympathetic Dean, Francis CORBET.
From the Journal of Charles WESLEY, who followed his brother John shortly after in his first visit to Ireland, we see that contact had already been made with Saint Patrick's, probably by Mr WILLIAMS; Charles made this entry for October 1747:
"Sunday October 25. Passed three hours at Saint Patrick's, under my usual burden among the dry bones of the House of Israel [fn - Ezek 37: 1-14]. I seldom enter this place but they are ready to drag me out as a profaner of the temple. The Dean [fn - Francis CORBET, became Dean in January 1747] I must except, who has always treated us with great courtesy; looks pleased to see us make the bulk of the communicants; appointed us a set by ourselves; and constantly administers to me first, as the rubric directs."
Thereafter, the nexus established between the Dublin Methodists and the Dean of Saint Patrick's continued, in particular in connection with the administration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper.
WESLEY himself notes his attendances at service there from time to time, even up to within a couple of years of his death, and mentions several occasions when the numbers of Methodist communicants was so great that it became necessary, if they were all to get home in time for dinner, for the Dean to seek his assistance, as we see from his Journal entries:
"Sunday 19 July 1752. I preached at five and eight, but not to so large a congregation as I expected. I was greatly shocked at the behaviour of the congregation in Saint Patrick's church..."
"Sunday 9 April 1775... The good old dean [Francis CORBET] of Saint Patrick's desired me to come within the rails and assist him at the Lord's Supper..."
"Sunday 23 August 1775. I again assisted at Saint Patrick's in delivering the elements of the Lord's Supper..."
The 9 April entry was Dean CORBET's last mention by WESLEY - he may not have been there on 23 August, as he died two days later, on 25 August 1775, aged 87; he was succeeded as Dean by William CRADOCK, who continued the arrangements of his predecessor, and appears to have presided over the employment favours shown subsequently to members of the MAGUIRE family.
John WESLEY's diary entries continued:
"Sunday 5 October 1777. I was much comforted at Saint Patrick's, where an uncommon awe seemed to rest on the whole assembly..."
"Sunday 3 July 1785. We had a larger congregation than ever at Saint Patrick's, where many of our brethren found such a blessing, that they will not easily be so prejudiced against the church as they were in time past."
"Monday 30 March 1789... Meantime, I had letter upon letter concerning the Sunday service; but I could not give an answer till I made a full inquiry both into the occasion and the effects of it. The conversation was this:- About two years ago it was complained, that few of our society attended church on Sunday; most of them either sitting at home, or going on Sunday morning to some Dissenting meeting. Hereby many of them were hurt, and inclined to separate from the Church. To prevent this, it was proposed to have service at the Room; which I consented to, on condition that they would attend Saint Patrick's every first Sunday in the month. The effect was, (1) That they went no more to meetings, (2) That three times more went to Saint Patrick's (perhaps six times) in six or twelve months than had done for ten or twelve years before. Observe! This is done not to prepare for, but to prevent, a separation from the Church...
"Sunday 5 April. I preached in the new Room at seven. At eleven I went to the Cathedral. I desired those of our Society who did not go to their parish churches, would go with me to Saint Patrick's. Many of them did so. It was said the number of communicants was about 500, more than went there in the whole year before Methodists were known in Ireland...
"April 12 - Being Easter Day. We had a solemn assembly indeed; many hundred communicants in the morning; and in the afternoon far more hearers than our Room would contain, though it is considerably enlarged..."
Archbishop COBBE's resolve to have no lay-preachers in his churches, and no preachers preaching out of church, meant that the Methodists had no option but to build their own Meeting House. The Methodist Society had commenced meeting in a former Lutheran Church located in Marlborough street (evidently on the site of the present Roman Catholic Pro-Cathedral), although some local opposition did see it damaged by rioters.
But WESLEY also wanted permanency, by purchasing their own land; however, he had to settle for a 99 year lease, on land in Whitefriar Street, on which a Meeting House was built, and which was opened for preaching in 1752.
The site was undoubtedly the one shown on ROCQUE's 1756 map of Dublin, marked "M.H" in the top right corner of the above map image - standing on the east side of Whitefriar Street, just south of Whitefriar Park, immediately opposite Wood Street (and opposite the Presbyterian Meeting House marked "P.M.H" on the north side of Wood Street).
And the site was very convenient to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, which lay a short 3 or 4 minute walk to the west, along Wood Street, across Saint Bridget's Street, along Petty Cannon Lane, and into the North Close of Saint Patrick's.
The Meeting House in Whitefriar Street continued in use until 1843, when the "Centenary Church" was built by the Methodist Society on the south side of Saint Stephen's Green. The society had hoped to renew their 99 lease after it's due expiry in 1849, but found that the Carmelites had gazumped them. After the new church was opened, the Methodists continued to use the old building at Whitefriar Street as a school, until the lease term expired.
Subsequently, the Carmelite, Father SPRATT, ran a school there for female children of the neighbourhood, and it was later demolished to erect a custom-built school, which was opened in 1895, and is still standing. A Carmelite publication produced to mark their centenary (see the Whitefriar Street Church Centenary Souvenir web-site) has a slightly hazy photograph of the old Methodist Meeting house.
It was this Meeting House which the MAGUIRE family would have attended after their arrival in Dublin in 1777 - up until the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist schism in 1818-20, when they attended the newly constructed P.W.M. chapel in South Great Georges Street.
Thomas was not the first MAGUIRE of his blood to undergo a significant religious "conversion."
His alleged great-grandfather, Bryan McConnagher MAGUIRE, was recorded in our William's diary as having been born at Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh, in the year 1648.
However, there is no hard evidence that William's great grandfather, evidently named Bryan MAGUIRE, was the same as Bryan McConnagher MAGUIRE. Irish scholars believe it to be unlikely.May this notice serve as a caveat.
the main burial ground for the MAGUIREs of the Lisnaskea Sept. A number of MAGUIRE killings by
close MAGUIRE relations took place either inside the Church, or in the Church-yard, particularly
around the time of the abdication of Edmond, 8th MAGUIRE Chief, in the 1480's (see below).]
By 1689, Bryan was a Captain, and serving in the Army of the Catholic King James II (and VII); he was made prisoner by the Williamite forces garrisoned in Crom Castle, under command of Col CRIGHTON; Bryan may have been serving under Piers BUTLER, 3rd Viscount Galmoy, who led a small Army under orders from King James in Dublin to take Enniskillen.
In March 1689, the garrison at Crom had held out sufficiently for it to be reinforced from Enniskillen, virtually under Galmoy's nose; whence the garrison immediately set upon the besiegers, and routed them from their trenches, forcing them to retreat back to Belturbet. Galmoy had with him several young Protestant officers as prisoners, and used them as bait, offering a prisoner exchange between Captain Woolston DIXIE and the Jacobite prisoner in Crom Castle, our Captain Bryan MAGUIRE.
All was proceeding with due caution, including the obtaining of permission from Enniskillen; until Galmoy reneged, and had the Protestant officers tried for treason; whereupon they were sentenced to death. MAGUIRE, already released into Galmoy's care at Belturbet as part of the deal, protested Galmoy's actions, and offered his life and freedom for DIXIE's release; when Galmoy proceeded with the executions, MAGUIRE:
"... returned to Crom, according to his parole, so much disgusted at what was done that he lay down his commission and would serve King James no longer.
"Bryan... obtained security for his life and liberty, to go at large with a protection from Col CREIGHTON... He retired from military service, and took some ground at a place called Clara, about a mile from Red Hills in the County of Cavan." [The W.M. Memoir.]
"Bryan... obtained security for his life and liberty, to go at large with a protection from Col CREIGHTON... He retired from military service, and took some ground at a place called Clara, about a mile from Red Hills in the County of Cavan." [The W.M. Memoir.]
There was an eyewitness to these events, whose identity I have yet to establish; his report, perhaps the most authentic available (notwithstanding his anonymity), was cited by Thomas WRIGHT in his "The History of Ireland: from the earliest period of the Irish Annals to the present time", 1854, Volume 2, pages 201-202, as follows:
"At this time, one Brian MacConagher Maguire (who had been a captain in the Irish army), was a prisoner with us at Crom. Him the Lord Gillmoy had a desire to release, and the next day he sent an express to captain Crighton (the proprietor of the Castle of Crom, and governor thereof), proposing to exchange captain Dixie for this Captain Maguire, and desiring, if the change were approved of, that Captain Maguire might be sent to him, promising upon his honour to return us Captain Dixie for him.
"The exchange was very acceptable to the governor, and all that were in the castle of Crom, but yet they would conclude nothing until they had the consent of the governor of Enniskillen, and the other officers that were there, and so sent an express from Crom to Enniskillen for their resolution. The messenger was immediately sent back to Captain Crighton, with orders from the governor to go on with the exchange. Accordingly Captain Crighton sent Maguire to the lord Gillmoy, desiring that Captain Dixie might be returned to him, according to his promise under his hand, which letter is in the hands of the governor of Enniskillen. But the lord Gillmoy, as soon as he had Maguire in his hands, called a council of war on Captain Dixie and his cornet, Mr. Charleton, where they were both found guilty, and sentence of death passed upon them, for levying men by the Prince of Orange's commission, which was found in their pockets; and immediately they were desired to prepare to die against the next day; but in the meantime great endeavours were used, and promises made them of life and preferment, if they would turn Papists and adhere to King James. But they though both young men, resolutely rejected the offer, and preferred their religion to the saving of their lives.
"And here, I cannot but remember Maguire's carriage, who (as it was reported) showed an extraordinary concern for the Lord Gillmoy's breach of faith; he went to him, and told him that his putting Mr. Dixie to death (after his promise under his hand to return him,) would be a perpetual stain to his honour, and rather than he should do so base a thing, prayed that he might be returned a prisoner back to Crom, and that Mr. Dixie's life might be saved, for he did not desire to purchase his freedom by so great injustice.
"But the Lord Gillmoy, deaf to anything that could be said on their behalf, caused both the young gentlemen to be hanged on Mr. Russell's sign-post in Belturbet, and, when they were dead, commanded to take their corpses into the kitchen, to cut off both their heads, and ordered them to be thrown out into the street to the soldiers to play at foot-ball with, and when the soldiers for some time had pleased themselves with this barbarous sport, the heads were set up on the market-house in Belturbet."
"But the Lord Gillmoy, deaf to anything that could be said on their behalf, caused both the young gentlemen to be hanged on Mr. Russell's sign-post in Belturbet, and, when they were dead, commanded to take their corpses into the kitchen, to cut off both their heads, and ordered them to be thrown out into the street to the soldiers to play at foot-ball with, and when the soldiers for some time had pleased themselves with this barbarous sport, the heads were set up on the market-house in Belturbet."

[The ruins of Crom Castle, built 1610, and destroyed by fire in 1764.
From the "Somme Memorial Loyal Orange Lodge 842" web-site.
An information sign at the site records that the round tower in the middle
distance was one of two "added" in the 19th century to enhance
the view of the ruins from the new castle.]
But Bryan's old world order had not quite finished with him:
"Bryan had a brother, a Romish priest, who apprehended that his retirement from the cause of King James might lead to his giving up the Romish religion, came to see him one day, and, with a loaded pistol in his hand, threatened to shoot him if he did not then promise that he would go to Church.
"Bryan had to make the extorted promise, but at the same time, with great determination he vowed he would never go to Mass, and then the brothers departed..." [W.M.'s Memoir.]
And against this somewhat other-worldly display of "brotherly love and Christian charity," not all of which we will have the luxury of verifying in every detail, and without being forced to view it through the propagandist glare of a warring sectarian prism, Bryan may have the last laugh:
"Bryan soon after married a Protestant, Mary LLOYD, and died about the year 1724, leaving one son named John. He was buried in the church-yard of Killoughter alias Drumerra near Red Hills." [The W.M. Memoir.]
There is a Church of Ireland, with burial ground, in Drumerra Townland, just a mile or so east of Redhills on the road to Cootehill, immediately to the north of Killoughter Townland; but it was not constructed until 1814 (when the Parish was created out of Annagh Parish), and the earliest decipherable burial date on any stone there is 1820.
It seems certain that Bryan was therefore buried in the old burial ground, on or near the site of an much older church (early O.S. maps), in Killoughter Townland, about 200 metres NNE of the Saint Brigid's R.C. Church carpark, off the road that leads eastwards into the heart of Mullalougher Townland.
Although we cannot be certain, Bryan's future wife may have been among the Protestant citizenry who had found their way to the apparent "sanctuary" inside Crom Castle (and if not there, almost certainly instead in the Enniskillen garrison). There was indeed a Colonel Thomas LLOYD who served under Gustavus HAMILTON, Governor of Enniskillen, in 1688-89, and who actually captured the garrison at Redhills, County Cavan, in May 1689; he was married, but apparently died without issue.
HAMILTON appears to have been related to the CARY family of Derry and the NEWBURGH family which acquired Ballyhaise House near Cavan; he approved the prisoner transfer between Crom Castle and Belturbet in March 1689; Enniskillen garrison records from that period, if they still exist, may prove to be of interest. It is interesting to speculate on the possibility that our Bryan, having formed a "romantic" attachment to a LLOYD relation, may have been deemed by the Colonel to have been a suitable settler in the hinterland of the Redhills garrison under Protestant control.
William's father Thomas was, on 21 March 1779, appointed to succeed Fergus GIBBONS as Sexton of Saint Patrick's Cathedral. His predecessor, and his daughter Isabella CROSS the Robekeeper, had been dismissed under suspicion of being involved in a theft from the Cathedral:
"... some villains (who it is imagined concealed themselves for the purpose in the church) broke through the Chapter Room of Saint Patrick's Cathedral into a place where the Cathedral plate was deposited and carried it entirely away, together with the pulpit cloth, and Strict searching is making in order to discover these sacrilegious wretches..."
[Saunder's News-Letter, 20 March 1779.]
The replacement plate, evidently including two large chalices, was manufactured by Dublin Silversmith Richard WILLIAMS in 1779; they had Methodist connections, suggesting that the Methodists who took communion there may have dug deep in making contributions for the purchasepurchase of them. See Wesley WEIR's blog at in his entry for 27 February 2011.
Thomas's promotion probably came with a different residence, closer to his new job, in South Close, adjacent to the Cathedral, although evidence has not yet surfaced as to when this move took place - but it was clearly not until after our William's birth in 1782.
But, judging by the speedy action taken in removing GIBBONS, the Cathedral Chapter would have been well advised to have the next Sexton living very close to the front door, and as soon as practicable.

Patrick's Close (alias South or Back Close).
The Sexton's house, No 5, is one of the dwellings shown on the south side of Saint Patrick's Close,
but the which is unknown; probably one of those opposite the south transept of the Cathedral,
perhaps on or near the corner of Mitre Alley.
The Deanery is the larger building on the north side of Saint Kevan Street, set back from the street frontage,
under the "Sepu" of Saint Sepulchre's.]
under the "Sepu" of Saint Sepulchre's.]
Apart from securing the fabric of the Cathedral, the Sexton was the officer "...on whom all notices of burial are served, and who secures all fees on same" [Virger's note in the Register, 1854], and was required to supply the Virger with the list of burials, presumably for him to write up in the register.
In 1783, Thomas was probably involved in the preparations for the inaugural installation of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick (for Irish Peers); Dean CRADOCK was appointed the first Registrar of the order, as it had been decided that the Cathedral was to be the Order's chapel.
In 1785, John WESLEY commenced a brown leather-bound volume of Dublin Membership Lists of the Methodist Society, which survives among the holdings of the Library of the Wesleyan Historical Society in Ireland, Edgehill College, Belfast; dated 28 June, it included entries for Thomas MAGUIRE, Sexton, and Letitia MAGUIRE, both of Deanery House. Subsequent entries were made, but in a different hand, and recorded Thomas and Letty at Deanery House, June 1787; and separate entries in June 1788 for Thomas at Deanery House, and Letty at Vineyard Row - I do not know whether this apparent "separation" has any significance - perhaps they had moved from the Deanery, but Thomas's details alone had not yet been up-dated?
[The Deanery, on Saint Kevans Street, south of Saint Patrick's Close. Photo courtesy of Patrick COMERFORD.]
And on 9 February 1794, Thomas was himself buried in the first of several family plots that he had organised for himself and his family; the W.M. Diary records his death, aged 54, on the same day, which is not impossible, although a little unlikely (perhaps William, then only 11, relied later on the Register for the details, and only the burial date had been entered).
The Register records the detail:
"Mr Thomas MAGUIRE, late Sexton (for 16 years) was interred 9 February 1794 in the Vicar's Bawn." [Cathedral Register, Volume 1, Marsh's Library, 1983.]
And upon his death, he was succeeded as Sexton by his widow Letitia (appointed 31 March 1794), although the physical side of the role may have been too much for, as her son Thomas "returned" to Dublin to assist her.
To which responsibility she added the post of Robe Keeper (appointed 13 April 1797, in the Room of Mrs FERNS, deceased). Letitia resigned both these positions on 5 June 1810, aged 70, and was succeeded as Sexton by her youngest son, our William, and as Robe-Keeper by her daughter-in-law, William's wife of 6 years, Mary MAGUIRE alias VICKERS.
I am a little at a loss as to why William got this post instead of his older brother Thomas, who eventually became Virger, but it may well have had something to do with William having secured a position with the Paving Board in 1803 (see below); prior to the establishment of the Corporation for the Paving, Lighting and Cleansing the Streets of Dublin (the predecessor of the Dublin Corporation), these were the duties of the Vestry, and the Sexton had control of the Vestry responsibilities for Liberty of the Cathedral.
Letitia herself died two years later, on 21 March 1812, aged 72 (W.M. Diary):
"Mrs Letitia MAGUIRE, late Sextonness and Robe-keeper of the Cathedral, interred 24 March 1812 in the family burial place, aged 72 years."
[Cathedral Register, Volume 2, Marsh's Library, 1992 - now at the Representative Church Body Library.]
There is no surviving memorial to mark the original burial location of Thomas and Letitia MAGUIRE.
A plan of the Vicar's Bawn (the above illustration was abstracted from it) was drawn up in the Register in 1824 by their son, our William, and on it is shown the MAGUIRE plot, immediately adjacent to the southern wall of the "French" or "Lady" Chapel, directly under the last two windows nearest to the corner of the Chapel (the Lady Chapel had been, for a time, turned over for use by French Huguenots as a place of worship). Thomas was almost certainly buried in this plot.
A plan of the Vicar's Bawn (the above illustration was abstracted from it) was drawn up in the Register in 1824 by their son, our William, and on it is shown the MAGUIRE plot, immediately adjacent to the southern wall of the "French" or "Lady" Chapel, directly under the last two windows nearest to the corner of the Chapel (the Lady Chapel had been, for a time, turned over for use by French Huguenots as a place of worship). Thomas was almost certainly buried in this plot.
By 1812, it is probable that a second plot had been purchased; it is almost certainly shown by William in 1823 as the PHAYRE plot, adjacent but one to the south of the original MAGUIRE plot. Letitia may have instead been buried there.
It is highly likely that this MAGUIRE grave was disturbed when work was carried out on the cathedral foundations, and it is possible the remains were re-buried elsewhere (perhaps filling up the PHAYRE plot).
It is clear that there were several related burials in one or other of the two plots:
1. Joseph MAGUIRE; appointed Clerk of the Cathedral, 17 March 1788; buried in the Vicar's Bawn, "...near the end of the French Chapel," 3 November 1791. Probably William's eldest surviving brother (although at age 16 perhaps too young to be the Cathedral Clerk).
2. Rebecca PHAIR, interred in the Vicar's Bawn, in Mr Thomas MAGUIRE's ground, 29 July 1795.
3. Mrs Rebecca PHAIRE, aged 81, interred in Thomas MAGUIRE's ground. Too young to be William's maternal grandmother; unless she was instead Letitia's step-mother; perhaps more likely to have been instead the mother of Thomas PHAYRE, the husband of William's eldest sister Mary Ann (see below).
Could any of the people depicted here have perhaps been of our MAGUIRE family?]
Before we return to the subject of this article, and his illustrious career in Dublin, let us take a look at his immediate family connections. The little we know of his MAGUIRE aunts and uncles was recorded above; what we know of his siblings is as follows:
Before we return to the subject of this article, and his illustrious career in Dublin, let us take a look at his immediate family connections. The little we know of his MAGUIRE aunts and uncles was recorded above; what we know of his siblings is as follows:
1. Mary Ann MAGUIRE was born 19 April 1764; she was interred in the Vicar's Bawn, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, almost certainly in the PHAYRE plot, on 5 August 1802; she was married, by License of the Dublin Diocese, dated 12 August 1785, to Thomas PHAYRE of Kilmore, County Cavan [W.M.'s Memoir], a Private in the 8th Regiment of Light Dragoons [Sir William BETHAM's Abstracts, Findmypast], who was probably already her relation; as a Sergeant in Captain VANDALEUR's Troop, he served with this regiment in Flanders in 1794, where he lost the use of his limbs, which resulted in his medical discharge, as a Chelsea Pensioner, 25 April 1795, aged 49 years, after service of 19 years and 7 months, his birthplace recorded as Ballyhaise, County Cavan [TNA, Chelsea Pensioners discharge documents, 1760-1887, on]; he was buried with her on 5 December 1802; they left issue:
a. Robert PHAYRE, who settled in England with his wife Margaret TACKABURY; probably had issue (a child of Robert PHAIR buried in the Vicar's Bawn, 1 June 1815,"... in Mr Maguire's burial place").
b. John PHAYRE, born in Dublin, 12 May 1790, and after his parents died in 1802, he was raised by his MAGUIRE grandmother, and went to New York in 1817 (obituary, New York Christian Advocate, 4 April 1867, p.107); Deacon and Elder, Wesleyan Methodist Church, New York; died suddenly at his residence, 201 West 30th Street, New York, 4 December 1866, and buried in his own plot, Cypress Hills Cemetery (see their Burial Records); married firstly, Frances A. BOGERT; she died at 198 Allen Street, New York, 19 January 1841; with issue:
i. Elizabeth D. PHAYRE, born about 1825, married Isaac JOLLIE, with issue.
ii. Sarah Anne PHAYRE; married her second cousin Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT.
iii. Francis PHAYRE, born about 1830, died February 1852.
iv. (daughter) married Mr SMITH with two children buried at Cypress Hills in Rev John PHAYRE's plot - John F. SMITH in January 1851 and Letitia M. SMITH in January 1853, both children.
John married secondly, 16 October 1841, Catharine McComb JOLLIE; she died at 325 West 30th Street, New York, 9 June 1873, aged 66; they had further issue:
v. John Francis PHAYRE, born New York City 11 July 1842, B.A. from the University City of New York, died at New York in 1919, having married on 20 August 1869 Augusta C. TALLMAN, with issue a daughter Mary A. PHAYRE, born in 1871.
c. Letitia PHAYRE, Assistant Sexton at Saint Patrick's, 1817; Robekeeper, 1831; Sextonness, 3 Patrick's Close South, 1842-48; Gallery Keeper, 1845; married William WHITE, Carpenter, also of Saint Patrick's Cathedral; he was buried there on 14 December 1838; issue baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral:
i. Mary Anne WHITE, born 5 May 1821, and baptised 14 May.
ii. Letitia WHITE, born 11 July 1823, and baptised 24 Jul.
iii. William WHITE, baptised 13 November 1824, and buried 6 May 1825.
iv. Henry WHITE, baptised 25 May 1826, and buried 7 January 1829.
v. William Eustace WHITE, bapt 22 April 1827, and buried 8 April 1833.
vi. Thomas WHITE, born 13 December 1828, baptised 21 December, and buried 22 March 1845.
vii. Lucinda WHITE, born 5 November 1830, and baptised 25 November.
a. Robert PHAYRE, who settled in England with his wife Margaret TACKABURY; probably had issue (a child of Robert PHAIR buried in the Vicar's Bawn, 1 June 1815,"... in Mr Maguire's burial place").
b. John PHAYRE, born in Dublin, 12 May 1790, and after his parents died in 1802, he was raised by his MAGUIRE grandmother, and went to New York in 1817 (obituary, New York Christian Advocate, 4 April 1867, p.107); Deacon and Elder, Wesleyan Methodist Church, New York; died suddenly at his residence, 201 West 30th Street, New York, 4 December 1866, and buried in his own plot, Cypress Hills Cemetery (see their Burial Records); married firstly, Frances A. BOGERT; she died at 198 Allen Street, New York, 19 January 1841; with issue:
i. Elizabeth D. PHAYRE, born about 1825, married Isaac JOLLIE, with issue.
ii. Sarah Anne PHAYRE; married her second cousin Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT.
iii. Francis PHAYRE, born about 1830, died February 1852.
iv. (daughter) married Mr SMITH with two children buried at Cypress Hills in Rev John PHAYRE's plot - John F. SMITH in January 1851 and Letitia M. SMITH in January 1853, both children.
John married secondly, 16 October 1841, Catharine McComb JOLLIE; she died at 325 West 30th Street, New York, 9 June 1873, aged 66; they had further issue:
v. John Francis PHAYRE, born New York City 11 July 1842, B.A. from the University City of New York, died at New York in 1919, having married on 20 August 1869 Augusta C. TALLMAN, with issue a daughter Mary A. PHAYRE, born in 1871.
c. Letitia PHAYRE, Assistant Sexton at Saint Patrick's, 1817; Robekeeper, 1831; Sextonness, 3 Patrick's Close South, 1842-48; Gallery Keeper, 1845; married William WHITE, Carpenter, also of Saint Patrick's Cathedral; he was buried there on 14 December 1838; issue baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral:
i. Mary Anne WHITE, born 5 May 1821, and baptised 14 May.
ii. Letitia WHITE, born 11 July 1823, and baptised 24 Jul.
iii. William WHITE, baptised 13 November 1824, and buried 6 May 1825.
iv. Henry WHITE, baptised 25 May 1826, and buried 7 January 1829.
v. William Eustace WHITE, bapt 22 April 1827, and buried 8 April 1833.
vi. Thomas WHITE, born 13 December 1828, baptised 21 December, and buried 22 March 1845.
vii. Lucinda WHITE, born 5 November 1830, and baptised 25 November.
2. Martha MAGUIRE, born on 13 July 1765; she died at Smith's Falls, Larnark County, Ontario, 15 January 1846, aged 80 years; she was married at Saint Audoen's (C.of I.), Dublin, 27 May 1783, to Thomas BUCK, of Ballyhaise, County Cavan [W.M.'s Memoir], to whom she may already have been related; he was named, with his son Daniel, in Vestry records, Parish of Killoughter (Church of Ireland), Diocese of Kilmore, County Cavan, between 1813 and 1820; the family departed for Canada West on 28 April 1823 [William MAGUIRE's "Memoir"]; Carpenter, Rideau Canal, and was recommended by Colonel John BY as Lockmaster at Merrickville Lock (probably from its opening in 1832, until May 1836) - BY, a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Royal Engineers, oversaw the building of the canal (from the fall of 1826 until the spring of 1832), and is said to have brought over 2,000 men from Ireland to work on the project, with Carpenters offered higher pay rates to erect the lock gates; Thomas lived at Smith's Falls, and retired to Ottawa, where he died on 10 November 1851 - he was buried with his wife, at St John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Smith's Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, aged 87 years; they had issue:
a. Daniel BUCK , born in Ireland, about 1802; he is said to have been named, with his father, in Vestry records for the Parish of Killoughter (Church of Ireland), Diocese of Kilmore, between 1813 and 1820, but this appears to be unlikely if he was born in 1802; he probably emigrated to Canada West with his parents, in 1828; Carpenter, Rideau Canal, and was recommended by Colonel BY as Lockmaster at Clowes (until April 1843), when he was transferred to Black Rapids (until May 1843), then to Poonmallie (until October 1847), and finally to Old Slys (until 26 June 1871).
Thomas and Daniel BUCK also witnessed a marriage in Johnstown District, Grenville County, November 1835, between Samuel MEECH and Eliza ENGLISH, performed by William BROWN, a Methodist Episcopal Church Minister [Johnstown District Marriage Registers, Archives of Ontario, Microfilm MS 248, Reel 3].
Daniel died at Smith's Falls, 17 September 1893, aged 90; he was married, shortly after his arrival in Canada, to Margaret MOSTYN; she died in 1879, "... a few weeks after" their daughter Sarah [his Obituary, Ottawa Daily Citizen, 18 September 1893]; they had issue:
i. a daughter, who "... died when quite young" [her father's obituary].
ii. Thomas BUCK; he died at Hull, 1887.
iii. Sarah BUCK, born about 1834; she died at Smith's Falls, 1878; she was married, in 1853, to William McCANN (1826-1882); Lock-master, near Smith's Falls; they had issue.
b. Letitia BUCK, born in Ireland, about 1810; her death details have not yet been found, but she evidently died before May 1847, when her widower was re-married; she was married in Canada West, 9 September 1834, as his first wife, to Hiram HOLDEN (1810-1877), both of Marchville, Grenville County, the ceremony performed by Rev Anson GREEN, another Methodist Episcopal Church Minister; they had issue, including an only son; he died in 1887; Hiram was married secondly, 20 May 1847, to Maria HOWARD, with further issue; by his first marriage, an only son:
i. Thomas Buck HOLDEN, born at Oneida County, New York, 7 February 1840; Solicitor; Mayor of Belleville, 1871, 1873; he died at Belleview, Grenville County, Ontario, 28 June 1884; he was married at Belleview, 9 September 1834, to Mary Elizabeth PIPER; she died at Toronto, 25 February 1920 (or 1921); they had issue, four sons and three daughters.
c. Thomas BUCK, born in Canada West, about 1830; he died at Smith's Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, 2 September 1834, aged 4 years, and was buried in his parents' plot.
3. Jean MAGUIRE; born on 18 November 1766; died young.
4. John MAGUIRE; born on 28 July 1768; died in infancy.
5. Joseph MAGUIRE; born on 5 May 1770; probably appointed Clerk of Saint Patrick's Cathedral (but ? perhaps too young); died on 1 November 1792 (W.M. Memoir) and buried in the Vicar's Bawn "... near then end of the French Chapel," on 3 November 1791 (Cathedral Register); apparently unmarried.
6. Thomas MAGUIRE; born on 10 May 1772; sent to school "in the country" (perhaps at County Cavan?) but returned to Dublin on his father's death, to assist his mother in her duties as Sexton; apprenticed for 7 years to Mr BRITTLE (Obit, Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1845, p.30], whose business was not stated, but probably involved with glazing (there was a family of Dublin Glaziers named BRETTL) and from as early as 1789, as indicted by the next; the Glass Cutter in Dublin who bound his younger brother William as an apprentice, 1795; joined the Methodist Society in 1788-89, and possibly at the start of his apprenticeship; directory-listed as Delf Seller of 70 Camden Street, Dublin (1803-20); Collector of the House Tax, Dublin Foundling Hospital, 1808-27; of 80 Camden Street (1820-22); of 111 Saint Stephen's Green (1824-29: of 2 Harcourt Road (1836-44); Constable (24 November 1789 and 1814), Beadle (27 June 1795) and Virger (1 December 1818) of Saint Patrick's Cathedral; died on 6 August 1844, of cholera, and was buried in the Vicar's Bawn, in his own plot, as recorded in the Cathedral Register:
"Mr Thomas MAGUIRE, Ae 72 years, for many years Verger of this Cathedral and Sub-Proctor, buried 7 August 1844 in the family burial ground."
A Cathedral publication "Gravestones; Saint Patrick's Cathedral" consulted in Marsh's Library, records the inscription, now effectively illegible, as follows:
"...Also the remains of his father, Mr Thomas MAGUIRE of Harcourt Road, who departed this life the 6th of August 1844, aged 72 years."
The stone is now located on a plot unidentified on William MAGUIRE's 1842 Plan - it was almost certainly relocated from one of the two earlier graves, excavated when foundation work was carried out.
"Mr Thomas MAGUIRE, Ae 72 years, for many years Verger of this Cathedral and Sub-Proctor, buried 7 August 1844 in the family burial ground."
A Cathedral publication "Gravestones; Saint Patrick's Cathedral" consulted in Marsh's Library, records the inscription, now effectively illegible, as follows:
"...Also the remains of his father, Mr Thomas MAGUIRE of Harcourt Road, who departed this life the 6th of August 1844, aged 72 years."
The stone is now located on a plot unidentified on William MAGUIRE's 1842 Plan - it was almost certainly relocated from one of the two earlier graves, excavated when foundation work was carried out.
[The relocated tabular stone covering the re-interred remains of Rev Robert MAGUIRE and
his parents Thomas MAGUIRE and Lucinda MAGUIRE formerly KENNY; it is highly likely that the
remains of Thomas MAGUIRE Senior and Letitia MAGUIRE formerly PHAYRE were also re-interred here;
there is a complete transcription of the now largely illegible inscription in Marsh's Library.
Photo by Derek CRAWFORD of Dublin, gt-gt-grandson of Henry MAGUIRE.]
Thomas was married, in the Cathedral, by Consistorial License, on 13 March 1796, to Lucinda KENNY; she was buried with Thomas, 25 May 1853, aged 82; they had issue:
a. Robert MAGUIRE, baptised at St Patricks, 15 December 1796: B.A., Trinity College Dublin; Residentiary Preacher and Minor Canon of Saint Patrick's Cathedral; died 23 March 1837, of fever, and buried Vicar's Bawn; several plaques installed inside the Cathedral in his memory; married at Saint Peter's (C.of I.), 26 June 1831, Margaret HEWSON; she survived as widow; no issue.
b. Thomas MAGUIRE, baptised 20 April 1800, and buried Vicar's Bawn, 27 August 1801.
c. Letitia MAGUIRE, baptised 27 August 1802 and buried Vicar's Bawn, 24 March 1817.
d. Lucinda MAGUIRE, born 9 September 1809, and baptised 10 September; declared Bankrupt, 1863; married April 1839, William ROBERTS, Wine Merchant in Abbey Street, Dublin; he was a Methodist; at 17 Ranelagh Road, 1849-1859; issue:
i. Anne Letitia ROBERTS, born 2 April 1840, and baptised 10 June.
ii. Robert Maguire ROBERTS, born 17 May 1841, and baptised 18 May.
iii. William ROBERTS, born 16 November 1843, and baptised 27 December.
iv. Lucinda Emily ROBERTS, born December 1844, baptised 29 January 1845, and buried at Saint Patrick's on 30 May 1859.
v. Thomas Maguire ROBERTS, born 1 May 1846, and baptised at Saint Peter's 28 May; Physician, at Dundrum, County Dublin, 1911 Census, with wife and family; died at Llanfairfechan, Caernarvonshire, 4 November 1930; married at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, in 1875 to Annie COOKE; she died at Llanfairfechan, 10 October 1936; with issue - Sophia Caroline ROBERTS, born County Wexford, 26 July 1877; Lucie Eleanor ROBERTS, born Enniscorthy, 9 April 1879; Annie Ethel ROBERTS, born Enniscorthy, about 1880; Elsie Alice ROBERTS, born County Wexford, 1886; Thomas Philips Herbert ROBERTS, born County Wexford, about 1889, a Medical and Dental Student in 1911 living with his parents at age 22.
vi. Margaret Martha ROBERTS, born 1 September 1847 and baptised Saint Peter's 21 October.
vii. Mary Ellen ROBERTS, born 22 July 1849 and baptised Saint Peter's 13 September.
viii. Letitia Alice ROBERTS, born 22 November 1850 and baptised Saint Peter's 28 January 1851.
i. Anne Letitia ROBERTS, born 2 April 1840, and baptised 10 June.
ii. Robert Maguire ROBERTS, born 17 May 1841, and baptised 18 May.
iii. William ROBERTS, born 16 November 1843, and baptised 27 December.
iv. Lucinda Emily ROBERTS, born December 1844, baptised 29 January 1845, and buried at Saint Patrick's on 30 May 1859.
v. Thomas Maguire ROBERTS, born 1 May 1846, and baptised at Saint Peter's 28 May; Physician, at Dundrum, County Dublin, 1911 Census, with wife and family; died at Llanfairfechan, Caernarvonshire, 4 November 1930; married at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, in 1875 to Annie COOKE; she died at Llanfairfechan, 10 October 1936; with issue - Sophia Caroline ROBERTS, born County Wexford, 26 July 1877; Lucie Eleanor ROBERTS, born Enniscorthy, 9 April 1879; Annie Ethel ROBERTS, born Enniscorthy, about 1880; Elsie Alice ROBERTS, born County Wexford, 1886; Thomas Philips Herbert ROBERTS, born County Wexford, about 1889, a Medical and Dental Student in 1911 living with his parents at age 22.
vi. Margaret Martha ROBERTS, born 1 September 1847 and baptised Saint Peter's 21 October.
vii. Mary Ellen ROBERTS, born 22 July 1849 and baptised Saint Peter's 13 September.
viii. Letitia Alice ROBERTS, born 22 November 1850 and baptised Saint Peter's 28 January 1851.
7. John MAGUIRE (the second); born on 10 May 1774; went to America on 18 March 1795; "...went to N.Y. in 1794 died there" [W.M.'s Memoir], perhaps before 1844 (detail appears to be recorded in William's hand); no further particulars.
Possibly (but clearly not if he was dead before 1844) enumerated at No 2 Township (Edwardsburgh), Grenville County, Canada West (Ontario), 1851 Census, aged 77, Farmer, born Ireland, with Leticia McGUIRE, aged 51, and next door to Mathew McGUIRE, aged 27, Farmer ( in error for 37, on indications of later Census index information), both also born Ireland, and what appear to be other relations born Canada.
[Possibly settled in Carleton County, Ontario, anyway - if so, perhaps the relation of John and Matthew MAGUIRE, both of Mullalougher, Redhills, County Cavan, who on 5 December 1823 petitioned the government for assistance to emigrate, perhaps to join relations already there - see above and Canada section at [#] below.]
8. William MAGUIRE; born on 20 May 1777; died in 1777, an infant.
Of his PHAYRE relations, we know almost nothing, other than to speculate that Thomas PHAYRE (above) was the son of one of William's uncles.

to illustrate a booklet entitled "St Patrick's Cathedral," by Victor JACKSON [The Irish Heritage Series, No 9].
The Organ was at that time located immediately east of the transepts, blocking the view of the whole of
the area where the choir and altar presently stand, the east window and the Lady Chapel.
The illuminated area seen through the second arch from the left, at ground floor level, just above the choir stalls, is
the entry to the north transept, then separated off for use by the congregation of the parish of Saint Nicholas Without.
Again, it is interesting to speculate whether any of the people depicted, especially the three in the foreground,
may have been members of our MAGUIRE family.]
At the time of his father's death in February 1794, William, then aged 12, was still at school. In the following year, as he records in his "Memoir," he was bound as an apprentice to his brother Thomas, who was a glass cutter (Thomas, aged 22, was not yet married); William remained with Thomas until the end of 1799, when Thomas:
"... removed to a distant part of the city, and I not liking the business, did not continue."
[The W.M. Memoir. With gratitude to George CRAWFORD, of Buckinghamshire, for preserving the original and for privately publishing a transcript of it - and to his son Derek (Del) CRAWFORD for sending me digital copies of his father's transcript and the original Memoir in 2010.]
"... removed to a distant part of the city, and I not liking the business, did not continue."
[The W.M. Memoir. With gratitude to George CRAWFORD, of Buckinghamshire, for preserving the original and for privately publishing a transcript of it - and to his son Derek (Del) CRAWFORD for sending me digital copies of his father's transcript and the original Memoir in 2010.]
William apparently went back to school, occasionally, and:
"... preparing myself for whatever situation providence might please to direct me to."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
"... preparing myself for whatever situation providence might please to direct me to."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
He did not have to wait long. In March 1800, and at the recommendation of Mr Bennet DUGDALE, William was appointed 2nd Master at the General Free School in Abbey Street. William observed that the school was directed principally by Quakers; although it appears that DUGDALE was yet another member of the Methodist Society, who had led the class into which his brother Thomas had made his entry into the Society some 8 years earlier. But here William did not stay long.
A mercantile career beckoned, and by 12 January 1801, he had resigned his teaching post to take up a position as Clerk for Mack MONSARRAT, Esq, of Abbey Street, Wine Merchant and Perfumer, with premises in Kertland House. Despite a three week illness with the fever (in June 1801), William lived with MONSARRAT until April 1802, when he took up a position as Clerk, in the room of his brother, with Mr J.T. ALLAN, of Cook Street, Brass Founder; here he stayed until June 1803.
And then, making one final career change, on 3 September 1803, and at the recommendation of Rev James VERSCHOYLE, Dean of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, William was appointed a Supervisor of the Dublin Paving Board, under the Commissioners for Paving, Lighting and Cleansing the Streets of Dublin.
And in the big league, William early encountered "persuasions" that were thrown his way:
"I found this place a great temptation for I was placed over Contractors, who, to gain the Officer placed over them, were in the habit of constantly treating them. The first day I entered on my new employment, I, with other Officers, was invited to a tavern to dinner after which drink was freely applied. At the end of the quarter the Contractor sent in his bill to the Board for the Paving and Cleansing the Streets in his Contract. This Account was certified by the Supervisor and this was usually done after a Dinner given by the Contractor. The second Dinner I went to was one for this purpose, and after a plentiful supply of Punch, the Contract was certified in due form whether in or out of order. This, I found on reflection, would lead me into a Snare..."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
And in the big league, William early encountered "persuasions" that were thrown his way:
"I found this place a great temptation for I was placed over Contractors, who, to gain the Officer placed over them, were in the habit of constantly treating them. The first day I entered on my new employment, I, with other Officers, was invited to a tavern to dinner after which drink was freely applied. At the end of the quarter the Contractor sent in his bill to the Board for the Paving and Cleansing the Streets in his Contract. This Account was certified by the Supervisor and this was usually done after a Dinner given by the Contractor. The second Dinner I went to was one for this purpose, and after a plentiful supply of Punch, the Contract was certified in due form whether in or out of order. This, I found on reflection, would lead me into a Snare..."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
No time wasted here - and how things haven't changed much over the last 200 years!
William took the advice of "...a good man" named Edward KINSLEY:
" I advised with a good man who was a lamp Inspector (Mr Edw. KINSLEY), his advice to me was 'If you accept the Invitation of the Contractor you put yourself under a Compliment to him, and whether the Division over which you are placed is in or out of order, you will have to sign his Bill, but if you refuse to attend his invitations, you will be independent of the Contractor.' The advice he gave me I was, through the divine aid, enabled to keep. I, from that day, totally refused to accept any treat or present, and consequently would not give a certificate on my Division until I was satisfied it was in order. When I would be out on inspection with my brother officers, they would go to the taverns and leave me without asking me to go with them, so completely did I get out of this Snare, through the Lord's help.
"And yet after all this I had the pleasure of the Contractors saying that I did then more justice than those who were living on them, for the Supervisors received all money for deposits for private openings of paving, and very little of this the Contractors received. I met with the approbations of the Board and was enabled to continue in this Course, and often I recollect with gratitude the kind advice of my Dear Friend KINSLEY."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
William took the advice of "...a good man" named Edward KINSLEY:
" I advised with a good man who was a lamp Inspector (Mr Edw. KINSLEY), his advice to me was 'If you accept the Invitation of the Contractor you put yourself under a Compliment to him, and whether the Division over which you are placed is in or out of order, you will have to sign his Bill, but if you refuse to attend his invitations, you will be independent of the Contractor.' The advice he gave me I was, through the divine aid, enabled to keep. I, from that day, totally refused to accept any treat or present, and consequently would not give a certificate on my Division until I was satisfied it was in order. When I would be out on inspection with my brother officers, they would go to the taverns and leave me without asking me to go with them, so completely did I get out of this Snare, through the Lord's help.
"And yet after all this I had the pleasure of the Contractors saying that I did then more justice than those who were living on them, for the Supervisors received all money for deposits for private openings of paving, and very little of this the Contractors received. I met with the approbations of the Board and was enabled to continue in this Course, and often I recollect with gratitude the kind advice of my Dear Friend KINSLEY."
[The W.M. Memoir.]
William's attitude met with approbation of the Board, as he continued to note in his Diary:
"On January 23rd 1804 I entered on the marriage State; and found the Commissioners still observant of my conduct. I was appointed to assist one of the Collectors in addition to my other situation, and my immediate Commissioner, I.M. ORMSBY, Esq, placed very great confidence in me. After some time, the citizens became dissatisfied with the Commissioners.
"In 1807 the Government appointed an enquiry which terminated in the removal of the Commissioners, and a temporary Board was established until a new Act of Parliament was passed. The temporary Board was pleased to extend my sphere of action and I had to inspect the whole of the streets out of order, and get them repaired at the expense of the Contractors. In August 1807 a new Board was established by an act of Parliament and the old Board dismissed with pensions. The Officers were also discontinued and only a few of them were reappointed. I was the only Officer to whom the new Board were pleased to offer a choice of situation, and the Secretary, who brought the message from the Board, advised me to take a Collector's place, which I did, and was immediately appointed. O, may I be thankful to Him who has enabled me to provide things lawful for my family.
"I continued in the employ of the Commissioners as a Collector until February 1826, when I was appointed Inspector of taxes. This appointment was a new one arising from a Commission of Enquiry into sundry irregularities of the Commissioners and their Officers. The person I succeeded had only got the appointment the August before and had been a Collector, but had been in the Habit of applying the Public Money to his private use and repaying it in the course of the year with the Privity of the Collector who followed him. In 1823 it was my turn to follow him and he asked me not to apply to certain houses in walk, where, he stated, the arrears charged thereon were paid to him and that in the course of the year he would hand me that amount. I considered it my duty to let the Treasurer know what was going on, but he took no steps to stop this proceeding. The money was handed to me and accounted for but the Commission of Enquiry discovered this irregular mode of acting. I had to make a full statement of the transactions and my having told the Treasurer of the proceeding saved me, and was the means of my promotion, my predecessor having resigned to save himself the disgrace of dismissal. The Treasurer had previously resigned and the Chief Commissioner was dismissed soon after by the Lord Lieutenant. The Commission of Enquiry in their report made particular remark on the Treasurer's conduct in not acting on the Report made by me in 1823, as it appeared the system was continued up to the time of my predecessor's appointment to be Inspector of taxes.
"Thus I may say, tho' dead, my old Friend KINSLEY speaketh, providence enabled me to follow his advice and I revere his memory."
[W.M.'s Memoir.]
During this period, William was recorded as residing at 5 South Close (also known as Patrick's or Back Close), clearly the Sexton's residence, with his widowed mother Letitia. Undoubtedly things did not change when William assumed that responsibility on his mother's resignation in 1810.
"On January 23rd 1804 I entered on the marriage State; and found the Commissioners still observant of my conduct. I was appointed to assist one of the Collectors in addition to my other situation, and my immediate Commissioner, I.M. ORMSBY, Esq, placed very great confidence in me. After some time, the citizens became dissatisfied with the Commissioners.
"In 1807 the Government appointed an enquiry which terminated in the removal of the Commissioners, and a temporary Board was established until a new Act of Parliament was passed. The temporary Board was pleased to extend my sphere of action and I had to inspect the whole of the streets out of order, and get them repaired at the expense of the Contractors. In August 1807 a new Board was established by an act of Parliament and the old Board dismissed with pensions. The Officers were also discontinued and only a few of them were reappointed. I was the only Officer to whom the new Board were pleased to offer a choice of situation, and the Secretary, who brought the message from the Board, advised me to take a Collector's place, which I did, and was immediately appointed. O, may I be thankful to Him who has enabled me to provide things lawful for my family.
"I continued in the employ of the Commissioners as a Collector until February 1826, when I was appointed Inspector of taxes. This appointment was a new one arising from a Commission of Enquiry into sundry irregularities of the Commissioners and their Officers. The person I succeeded had only got the appointment the August before and had been a Collector, but had been in the Habit of applying the Public Money to his private use and repaying it in the course of the year with the Privity of the Collector who followed him. In 1823 it was my turn to follow him and he asked me not to apply to certain houses in walk, where, he stated, the arrears charged thereon were paid to him and that in the course of the year he would hand me that amount. I considered it my duty to let the Treasurer know what was going on, but he took no steps to stop this proceeding. The money was handed to me and accounted for but the Commission of Enquiry discovered this irregular mode of acting. I had to make a full statement of the transactions and my having told the Treasurer of the proceeding saved me, and was the means of my promotion, my predecessor having resigned to save himself the disgrace of dismissal. The Treasurer had previously resigned and the Chief Commissioner was dismissed soon after by the Lord Lieutenant. The Commission of Enquiry in their report made particular remark on the Treasurer's conduct in not acting on the Report made by me in 1823, as it appeared the system was continued up to the time of my predecessor's appointment to be Inspector of taxes.
"Thus I may say, tho' dead, my old Friend KINSLEY speaketh, providence enabled me to follow his advice and I revere his memory."
[W.M.'s Memoir.]
During this period, William was recorded as residing at 5 South Close (also known as Patrick's or Back Close), clearly the Sexton's residence, with his widowed mother Letitia. Undoubtedly things did not change when William assumed that responsibility on his mother's resignation in 1810.
It is only around the year 1822 that we find William has moved, with what had already become a large family, from the Sexton's house, to premises at 9 Peter Place, in or near Charlemont Street.
For, on 23 January 1804, William of Back Close, Gent, was married, by Consistorial License dated 17 January [BETHAM's Abstracts], and by the Rev James NEVINS (Curate of Saint Andrew's), to Mary VICKERS, of the Parish of St Nicolas Without, Spinster; and by 1822, 11 of their 16 children had been born (see below).
[The record William MAGUIRE made in his own hand, in his 1823 Diary, of his marriage to Mary VICKERS.]
Mary was born at Elbow Lane, Dublin, on 25 January 1786, the second daughter of John VICKERS, Weaver of Phordham's Alley (1788) and of Elbow Lane (1790-99), by his wife Elizabeth STINSON (died 27 July 1799; baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 15 September 1765, third daughter of Robert STINSON of the Coombe, Twister and Throwster, by his wife Elizabeth).
Her father, John VICKERS, died on 22 April 1806, aged 43; he was born at New Row, Parish of Saint Catherine's, 20 March 1763, elder son of Joseph VICKERS, of the Coombe, Dublin, Silk Weaver, by his wife Elizabeth (her maiden surname has not yet been determined); John was the elder brother of Mary VICKERS, born 7 July 1769, the wife of John PIGOTT of Grafton Lane and Charlotte Street, whose son John PIGOTT married in 1824 William's eldest daughter Elizabeth MAGUIRE (see below). Her grandfather, Joseph VICKERS, was baptised at Saint Catherine's, Dublin, 17 June 1734, son of John VICKERS and Mary EMERSON [see image at and scroll down to the last entry in the left column].
Mary's siblings were as follows:
1. Susana VICKERS, born on 10 June 1784; died young.
3. Esther VICKERS, born on 2 February 1788; died 18 May 1810.
4. John VICKERS, born on 21 February 1790; died at Charlotte Mall, Dublin, 30 November 1824; married in Dublin, 20 November 1815, Hannah LEESON, with issue:
a. George VICKERS, born in Dublin, 30 August 1816; Organist in Limerick, 1853; Professor of Music, Ventnor Villas, Hove, Sussex, 1871; went to Canada; died at his brother's residence in Toronto, 11 October 1883, the childless widower of Miss FORT of Limerick.
b. John Joseph VICKERS, born in Dublin 5 May 1818; emigrated to New York, 1848; went to Canada, 1850; Businessman and local Tory politician in Toronto, from 1852; founder and sole proprietor of Vickers Express Company, 1854-1888; business at 55 Yonge Street, Toronto, 1868, house at 171 Richmond W.; at St Patrick's Ward, Toronto West, 1871 Census, aged 52, Express Proprietor, with his wife Catherine, eight children and five domestic servants; business at 55 Yonge, 1874, house 152 Adelaide W.; business 10 Wellington W., 1877, house 152 Adelaide W.; residing at St Andrew's Ward, Toronto City, 1891 Census, aged 72, Gentleman, with wife and five children; he died at Toronto, 11 March 1896; he was married in Belleville, Ontario, in 1851, to Catherine Mary MOODIE (born in England, 14 February 1832, eldest daughter of John Wedderburn Dunbar MOODIE by Susanna STRICKLAND); she was at Ward 3, Toronto City, 1901 Census, with three children; she died on 14 December 1904, leaving issue:
i. Georgina Eliza VICKERS, born at Toronto, 28 May 1856; aged 14, at school, with her parents, 1871; she died at Toronto, 6 October 1893; married at Toronto, 6 August 1881, Edward Philip LEACOCK, with issue.
ii. John Alexander Dunbar VICKERS, born at Toronto, 22 May 1858; Upper Canada College, 1866-73; aged 12, at school, with his parents, 1871; went to Illinois in 1892; at Maddison Ave, Chicago, 1900 Census, aged 40, Sup't Express Co, with wife and two children; at Washington Avenue, Chicago, 1910 Census, aged 51, Manager Express Coy, with wife, three children and his mother-in-law (Ellen TENCH, aged 82, Widow); of 29 Munro Street, Chicago, 1917, Vice President and General Manager, Western Lines, American Express Company; he died at Chicago, 17 February 1918; his will, dated 7 November 1907, was proved at Chicago, 12 June 1918, naming his wife Ellen Florence as a joint executor and trustee, and his three children John Harold, Margaret Dunbar (unmarried) and Murray Alexander (under age) VICKERS; he was married at Chippawa, Welland County, 27 March 1889, to Ellen Florence TENCH (daughter of William E. and Ellen TENCH); with issue - John Harold VICKERS (born in Canada, September 1899), Margaret Dunbar VICKERS (born in Illinois, April 1899), and Murray Alexander VICKERS (born in Illinois, about 1901, and died at Montreal, 12 June 1985).
iii. Katie Moodie VICKERS, born Toronto, 28 January 1860; as Catherine, aged 10, at school, with her parents, 1871; she died 1932; married at Toronto, 20 September 1882, to James Playford McMURRICH, aged 22, Professor, of Guelph, Wallington County, Ontario; with issue.
iv. William Wallbridge VICKERS, born at Toronto, 6 August 1862; aged 8, at school, with his parents, 1871; Upper Canada College, 1872-81; B.A., University of Toronto, 1885; Ontario Bar, 1888; he witnessed his brother John's marriage in 1889; aged 28, Lawyer, with his parents, 1891; Barrister-at-Law; visited London in 1905, returning on the S.S. Cedric, from Liverpool, arriving at New York on 16 April, with his wife, and going to 77 York Street, Toronto; at 77 York Street, Toronto, 1917, Barrister and Solicitor; he died at Toronto, 28 June 1927, and buried at St James's Cemetery, Toronto; he was married at Toronto, 13 December 1897, to Mary HOWLAND; with issue.
v. Isabella Josephine VICKERS, born at Toronto, 7 August 1864; aged 6, at school, with her parents, 1871; she died at Denver, May 1943; married on 21 September 1887, Henry SEWALL, M.D. (1855-1936), Professor of Physiology, Universities of Michigan (1881-89) and Denver (from 1889), Denver Health Commissioner, and Secretary of the Colorado Board of Health; no issue.
vi. Victor Gilmore Ridgeway VICKERS, born at 140 Adelaide Street, Toronto, 1 June 1866; aged 4, at school, with his parents, 1871; at Ahunstic, Laval, Quebec, 1911 Census, aged 45, with wife Marcella, daughter Catherine, living with his father-in-law William SMITH (aged 82, born Scotland), along with his wife's three sons by her former ROUTH husband; Victor died at Montreal, 1944; married in 1905, Marcella Hay ROUTH (formerly SMITH); issue included a daughter Catherine VICKERS (born in February 1907).
vii. Ethel Rosina VICKERS, born at Toronto, 4 March 1868; as Esther, aged 2, with her parents, 1871; she witnessed her brother John's marriage, 1889; as Ethel, aged 23, with her parents, 1891; she was married on 11 November 1891, to Samuel William EWING, of Montreal; with issue a daughter - Katherine Hamilton EWING (born Montreal, 1 December 1893, twice married with issue, and also known as Doria MARCH, silent film actress).
viii. Henrietta Moodie VICKERS, born at Toronto, 2 March 1870; aged 1, with her parents, 1871; aged 21, with her parents, 1891; aged 31, with her widowed mother, 1901; she died in 1938; unmarried.
ix. Arthur Algoma VICKERS, born at Toronto, 26 March 1872; Upper Canada College, 1881-88; University of Toronto, 1890-93; aged 19, Law Student, with his parents, 1891; aged 29, with his widowed mother, 1901; partner of WALSH and VICKERS, Real Estate business, Fort William, Ontario; he died at Fort William, 6 April 1914; he was married to Marcella Gertrude FINN.
x. Agnes Strickland VICKERS, born at Toronto, 6 November 1874; aged 16, with her parents, 1891; aged 26, with her widowed mother, 1901; she died in 1950; she was married at Toronto, 24 September 1902, to Philip Edward McKENZIE, of Port Portage, Ontario.
c. Elizabeth VICKERS , born in Dublin, 25 December 1821; residing in Hove, Sussex, 1871, with her widowered brother George; died in Dublin, 12 December 1908, and buried in her MAGUIRE cousin's plot in Mt Jerome Cemetery.
ii. John Alexander Dunbar VICKERS, born at Toronto, 22 May 1858; Upper Canada College, 1866-73; aged 12, at school, with his parents, 1871; went to Illinois in 1892; at Maddison Ave, Chicago, 1900 Census, aged 40, Sup't Express Co, with wife and two children; at Washington Avenue, Chicago, 1910 Census, aged 51, Manager Express Coy, with wife, three children and his mother-in-law (Ellen TENCH, aged 82, Widow); of 29 Munro Street, Chicago, 1917, Vice President and General Manager, Western Lines, American Express Company; he died at Chicago, 17 February 1918; his will, dated 7 November 1907, was proved at Chicago, 12 June 1918, naming his wife Ellen Florence as a joint executor and trustee, and his three children John Harold, Margaret Dunbar (unmarried) and Murray Alexander (under age) VICKERS; he was married at Chippawa, Welland County, 27 March 1889, to Ellen Florence TENCH (daughter of William E. and Ellen TENCH); with issue - John Harold VICKERS (born in Canada, September 1899), Margaret Dunbar VICKERS (born in Illinois, April 1899), and Murray Alexander VICKERS (born in Illinois, about 1901, and died at Montreal, 12 June 1985).
iii. Katie Moodie VICKERS, born Toronto, 28 January 1860; as Catherine, aged 10, at school, with her parents, 1871; she died 1932; married at Toronto, 20 September 1882, to James Playford McMURRICH, aged 22, Professor, of Guelph, Wallington County, Ontario; with issue.
iv. William Wallbridge VICKERS, born at Toronto, 6 August 1862; aged 8, at school, with his parents, 1871; Upper Canada College, 1872-81; B.A., University of Toronto, 1885; Ontario Bar, 1888; he witnessed his brother John's marriage in 1889; aged 28, Lawyer, with his parents, 1891; Barrister-at-Law; visited London in 1905, returning on the S.S. Cedric, from Liverpool, arriving at New York on 16 April, with his wife, and going to 77 York Street, Toronto; at 77 York Street, Toronto, 1917, Barrister and Solicitor; he died at Toronto, 28 June 1927, and buried at St James's Cemetery, Toronto; he was married at Toronto, 13 December 1897, to Mary HOWLAND; with issue.
v. Isabella Josephine VICKERS, born at Toronto, 7 August 1864; aged 6, at school, with her parents, 1871; she died at Denver, May 1943; married on 21 September 1887, Henry SEWALL, M.D. (1855-1936), Professor of Physiology, Universities of Michigan (1881-89) and Denver (from 1889), Denver Health Commissioner, and Secretary of the Colorado Board of Health; no issue.
vi. Victor Gilmore Ridgeway VICKERS, born at 140 Adelaide Street, Toronto, 1 June 1866; aged 4, at school, with his parents, 1871; at Ahunstic, Laval, Quebec, 1911 Census, aged 45, with wife Marcella, daughter Catherine, living with his father-in-law William SMITH (aged 82, born Scotland), along with his wife's three sons by her former ROUTH husband; Victor died at Montreal, 1944; married in 1905, Marcella Hay ROUTH (formerly SMITH); issue included a daughter Catherine VICKERS (born in February 1907).
vii. Ethel Rosina VICKERS, born at Toronto, 4 March 1868; as Esther, aged 2, with her parents, 1871; she witnessed her brother John's marriage, 1889; as Ethel, aged 23, with her parents, 1891; she was married on 11 November 1891, to Samuel William EWING, of Montreal; with issue a daughter - Katherine Hamilton EWING (born Montreal, 1 December 1893, twice married with issue, and also known as Doria MARCH, silent film actress).
viii. Henrietta Moodie VICKERS, born at Toronto, 2 March 1870; aged 1, with her parents, 1871; aged 21, with her parents, 1891; aged 31, with her widowed mother, 1901; she died in 1938; unmarried.
ix. Arthur Algoma VICKERS, born at Toronto, 26 March 1872; Upper Canada College, 1881-88; University of Toronto, 1890-93; aged 19, Law Student, with his parents, 1891; aged 29, with his widowed mother, 1901; partner of WALSH and VICKERS, Real Estate business, Fort William, Ontario; he died at Fort William, 6 April 1914; he was married to Marcella Gertrude FINN.
x. Agnes Strickland VICKERS, born at Toronto, 6 November 1874; aged 16, with her parents, 1891; aged 26, with her widowed mother, 1901; she died in 1950; she was married at Toronto, 24 September 1902, to Philip Edward McKENZIE, of Port Portage, Ontario.
c. Elizabeth VICKERS , born in Dublin, 25 December 1821; residing in Hove, Sussex, 1871, with her widowered brother George; died in Dublin, 12 December 1908, and buried in her MAGUIRE cousin's plot in Mt Jerome Cemetery.
d. Frederick Torrens VICKERS, born Dublin, 27 June 1825; died at Dublin, 28 February 1827.
5. Joseph VICKERS, born on 13 November 1792; married Mary Ann SPRATT.
6. George VICKERS, born on 7 February 1794; died on 27 July 1828; married on 21 August 1817, Margaret CONNELL.
7. Elizabeth VICKERS, born on 17 October 1795; died an infant.
8. Elizabeth VICKERS, born on 3 October 1796; died young.
9. Robert VICKERS, born on 13 September 1798; died young.
See further details of this VICKERS family at the following link:
See further details of this VICKERS family at the following link:
William remained at 9 Peter Place until his death; although in 1832-33 he was recorded as living at Sidney Villa, Merrion.
In 1823, William was encouraged to join with the Dublin Methodists, a large number of whom had, in 1816, separated themselves into the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Connection, in order that they could remain "loyal" to the Established Church of Ireland in matters sacramental. William would serve this Connection in financial matters for the rest of his life, as periodical Representative of the Dublin Circuit at Annual Conferences, and as Treasurer of several Funds, including the Family Fund.
Back at the Paving Board, William continued to impress his superiors, and on 12 April 1826, he was appointed Inspector of Taxes for the Paving Board, with an annual salary of £200, paid monthly, and the responsibility:
"... to report on applications upon the subject of Taxes, prepare Collector's books for Paving, Lighting and Watering taxes, examine and control weekly abstracts of Collector's receipts, and personally investigate all cases of non-collection and the causes thereof." [Returns of the Commissioner, Paving Establishment, 1831-32.]
"... to report on applications upon the subject of Taxes, prepare Collector's books for Paving, Lighting and Watering taxes, examine and control weekly abstracts of Collector's receipts, and personally investigate all cases of non-collection and the causes thereof." [Returns of the Commissioner, Paving Establishment, 1831-32.]
This added to the smaller remuneration he received for exercising his duties as Sexton of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, which in 1834 was recorded as £31 13 s. and 2d. halfpenny per annum [Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons, 1834, p.50]. And at the same time, his wife Mary was earning £10 per annum for performing her duties as Robe Keeper.
And not only did William get paid to be Sexton - there are one or two heirlooms in the family which came to William for performing the duties associated with Cathedral burials - Dean KEATING gave him a silver snuff box, with the inscription:
"The gift of Rev'd Jn Wm KEATING, D.D., Dean of Saint Patrick's, to Mr Wm MAGUIRE, as a Token of his Regard for his Great Kindness and Attention on a late Melancholy Occasion. March 25th, 1811."
[In the possession of Brian Herbert MAGUIRE, of Leeton, N.S.W., 1992; Brian was a grandson of William's eldest surviving son William MAGUIRE, Solicitor of Dublin and Sydney.]
Dean KEATING's wife Mervyn, elder daughter of Oliver NUGENT of Bobsgrove, County Cavan, had died on 20 March 1811, leaving the Dean with 2 infant children, and perhaps with several others. And the Dean was to die himself on 6 May 1817, aged 47; there is no doubt that his other gift, a gold or silver ring, engraved with the name "MAGUIRE" and the date "1 May 1817" was in expectation of William doing him the same justice in death as he had done for his wife 6 years earlier - although Thomas McFANN, William's obituary writer, observed that KEATINGE:
"... held Mr William MAGUIRE in such high esteem that on his death-bed, he took off his gold ring and presented it to him, as a token of his friendship."
"... held Mr William MAGUIRE in such high esteem that on his death-bed, he took off his gold ring and presented it to him, as a token of his friendship."
William also got involved in Antiquarian activities associated with the Cathedral.
Saunders News-Letter, Wednesday 16 November 1825:
"DEAN SWIFT. Mr William MAGUIRE of St Patrick's Cathedral, is in possession of a small locket, with a highly finished original miniature of the celebrated Dean SWIFT, it is set in a plain gold rim, with a Wicklow pebble back. The only miniature of Dean SWIFT, in a locket, was that worn by Mrs Esther JOHNSON, who was celebrated in the writings of the Dean by the name of Stella; after her death, which was in January 1727, the locket could not be found, although search had been made for it by Dr CORBET, her executor, who was afterwards Dean of St Patrick's. From these circumstances it is very probable that this is the locket which was born by the accomplished Stella, and after the lapse of a century has again appeared, and is now in the hands of one, who, from his situation is enabled to appreciate its value, and is a rare addition to his present valuable collection of antient Irish curiosities."
In 1835, he supervised the excavation and opening up of Dean SWIFT's coffin, to enable medical studies of his skull, along with that of his Stella; when the relics were replaced, William enclosed with them a bottle, sealed with wax impressed with his Arms of MAGUIRE of Fermanagh, in which was a document, dated 13 August 1835, and containing this note:
Saunders News-Letter, Wednesday 16 November 1825:
"DEAN SWIFT. Mr William MAGUIRE of St Patrick's Cathedral, is in possession of a small locket, with a highly finished original miniature of the celebrated Dean SWIFT, it is set in a plain gold rim, with a Wicklow pebble back. The only miniature of Dean SWIFT, in a locket, was that worn by Mrs Esther JOHNSON, who was celebrated in the writings of the Dean by the name of Stella; after her death, which was in January 1727, the locket could not be found, although search had been made for it by Dr CORBET, her executor, who was afterwards Dean of St Patrick's. From these circumstances it is very probable that this is the locket which was born by the accomplished Stella, and after the lapse of a century has again appeared, and is now in the hands of one, who, from his situation is enabled to appreciate its value, and is a rare addition to his present valuable collection of antient Irish curiosities."
In 1835, he supervised the excavation and opening up of Dean SWIFT's coffin, to enable medical studies of his skull, along with that of his Stella; when the relics were replaced, William enclosed with them a bottle, sealed with wax impressed with his Arms of MAGUIRE of Fermanagh, in which was a document, dated 13 August 1835, and containing this note:
"Doctor SWIFT's grave was opened this day by permission of the Dean, the British Association being holding their meeting in Dublin; her scull was in two as it now appears, having been opened on his death to examine the brain."
In the inner fold of the document was another paper, also signed by Wm MAGUIRE, Sexton, with a second date of 13 August 1838 (although the year may be in error for 1835) which stated: "Stella's scull was taken out of the adjoining grave and is now deposited with SWIFT's." This information came to light in 1882, when work was being carried out to repair the Cathedral's foundations. William's bottle was found, and the seal broken, revealing that some water had entered the bottle; and the "discovery" was published in the Church of Ireland Gazette for that year:
"...a coffin was discovered containing the skulls and other bones of the celebrated Jonathan SWIFT, D.D., and Stella, the lady on whose life he had such a mysterious and melancholy influence. The coffin of the Dean was immersed in water, and the bones were much decayed, but the skulls were enclosed in a box and were in good preservation.
A sealed bottle, containing the record of the fact that they were lent to the Phrenological Society some 40 years ago, was found in the box, crushed into one of the skulls, and to this circumstance their preservation is in some degree due."
"...a coffin was discovered containing the skulls and other bones of the celebrated Jonathan SWIFT, D.D., and Stella, the lady on whose life he had such a mysterious and melancholy influence. The coffin of the Dean was immersed in water, and the bones were much decayed, but the skulls were enclosed in a box and were in good preservation.
A sealed bottle, containing the record of the fact that they were lent to the Phrenological Society some 40 years ago, was found in the box, crushed into one of the skulls, and to this circumstance their preservation is in some degree due."
William does not appear to have been a prolific maker of property deeds; research has yet to discover whether his ancestors made property transfers in County Cavan that, after 1708, would have been required to have been registered at the Registry of Deeds in Henrietta Street, Dublin; but William himself figured in several of his own:
1. Of Patrick's South Close, County of the City of Dublin, Gent, when named as grantee in an Indenture of Lease, dated 24 March 1819, concerning a lot of ground on the east side of Patrick Street (which he had from the three Commissioners of Wide Streets); grantee of additional leases on land on the east side of Patrick Street in April 1824 and February 1825; on which lands William had erected several substantial brick dwellings, which, by an Indented Deed of Mortgage, dated 31 August 1840 (Register Volume 20, page 90); and which, as William MAGUIRE of Peter Place, County of Dublin, Gent, he made the lot over to a Committee of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society (comprising John HAYES of Ormond Quay, Merchant; Robert QUEALE of Back Lane, Merchant; John SIBTHORPE of Cork Hill, Merchant; Henry James SIBTHORPE of Cork Hill, Medical Doctor; and William ROBERTS of Dublin, Merchant). The names HAYES, SIBTHORPE and ROBERTS will become familiar - members of them married members of William's family. Here too we see more connections with the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society. And it appears from several later wills (his son Rev Robert's in 1890; and his grandson William Robert of Tower Hill Lodge) that William made bequests of property in Patrick Street , Dublin; William's will has not yet been discovered.
2. Of Peter Place, County Dublin, Gent, when he was joint third party (with William EWART of Belfast, Merchant, father of William's future daughter-in-law) to the Marriage Settlement, dated 11 November 1830 (Memorial No 576300), for his daughter Letitia MAGUIRE and John HOLDEN of Belfast, Merchant, in which John HOLDEN was required to execute his bond for £1,500 sterling to make provision for Letitia in case she survived him.
3. Of Peter Place, City Dublin, Gent, when he made an Indented Deed dated 23 December 1833, in which his son-in-law, John PIGOTT of East Hanover Street, but late of Sandymount, made over to him the lease of the dwelling house at No 11 Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin, on the northern corner of Baggot Street, as the result of John PIGOTT being "... fairly in debt" to William in the sum of £106 (G.B. currency), PIGOTT cited as having purchased the lease 12 months earlier from William BATES.
4. Of the City of Dublin, Gent, when he was named as grantee in a Deed of Mortgage, dated 9 May 1837 (Volume 8, page 87), made by his son-in-law John HOLDEN of Belfast, Merchant, and executed after William had prosecuted HOLDEN in the Court of Chancery for the recovery of a 500 pound sterling debt and the interest accrued upon it, which HOLDEN had failed to repay by the nominated date; the mortgage involved two properties in High Street, Belfast, leases of which HOLDEN had purchased in 1833 and 1835 from Catherine ASHMORE of Dorset Street, Dublin.
4. Of the City of Dublin, Gent, when he was named as grantee in a Deed of Mortgage, dated 9 May 1837 (Volume 8, page 87), made by his son-in-law John HOLDEN of Belfast, Merchant, and executed after William had prosecuted HOLDEN in the Court of Chancery for the recovery of a 500 pound sterling debt and the interest accrued upon it, which HOLDEN had failed to repay by the nominated date; the mortgage involved two properties in High Street, Belfast, leases of which HOLDEN had purchased in 1833 and 1835 from Catherine ASHMORE of Dorset Street, Dublin.
5. Of Peter Place, City of Dublin, Gent, when named as grantor in a Deed dated 8 November 1843 (Volume 17, page 13), concerning the sale to Col Henry WHITE of Saint Helen's, County Dublin, of a property at Old Merrion, Parish of Booterstown, County Dublin, which he had acquired by Deed of Assignment date 18 September 1830 from Richard CHARLES of Shaw Street, Dublin, Slate Merchant, Edmund ORFORD of Kildare Street, Dublin, Hotel Keeper, and his wife Mary ORFORD otherwise KEARNS. This was probably Sidney Villa, where William was directory listed in 1834, and which address was recorded in Minutes of Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society Annual Conferences for 1832 and 1833.
William died at 9 Peter Place on 24 June 1844, aged 62; notice of the death was published in Saunder's News-Letter and Dublin Gazette, 27 June, as follows:
"DIED - On the 28th (sic - and impossible!) inst., at his residence, 9 Peter-place, after a painfully lingering illness, Mr William MAGUIRE, deeply and deservedly regretted by his family and circle of numerous friends."
His obituary referred to William's last illness as follows:
"In the early part of the last winter [late 1843], in a letter to his wife Mrs MAGUIRE, who was then on a visit with her daughter, Mrs HOLDEN, in Belfast, he remarks, 'I am beginning to feel I am in a tenement of clay.'
"In January, 1844, he was obliged to take his leave of his office at the Paving Board... His cough had become very troublesome, and his strength gradually declined, yet no serious fears were entertained of the issue until about the month of May. A consultation on his case was then held by the most eminent medical men in this city, when they pronounced his case to be hopeless. His disease proved to be an inward cancer, and his sufferings occasionally were very severe and protracted."
[Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1845, p.34. From an issue held in the Library of the Wesleyan Historical Society in Ireland, Edgehill College, Belfast, and kindly extracted by the Archivist, Robin RODDIE.]
"In January, 1844, he was obliged to take his leave of his office at the Paving Board... His cough had become very troublesome, and his strength gradually declined, yet no serious fears were entertained of the issue until about the month of May. A consultation on his case was then held by the most eminent medical men in this city, when they pronounced his case to be hopeless. His disease proved to be an inward cancer, and his sufferings occasionally were very severe and protracted."
[Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1845, p.34. From an issue held in the Library of the Wesleyan Historical Society in Ireland, Edgehill College, Belfast, and kindly extracted by the Archivist, Robin RODDIE.]
The Cathedral Register recorded his burial:
"28th June 1844: Mr William MAGUIRE, for 34 years Sexton of this Cathedral, aged 62, interred in the family burial ground, Vicar's Bawn."
Again, we turn to his obituary for the detail:
"His funeral took place on the Friday morning following. It being the time of the Annual Conference, of which body Mr MAGUIRE had been an official member for many years, as Treasurer of the Family Fund, the morning session of the Conference was suspended, and all its members attended, and preceeded the hearse three abreast. They were followed by the leaders and members of the Strangers' Friend Society, and nearly all the male members of the Society; the family followed in mourning coaches, and a long line of carriages of clergymen and gentlemen closed the mournful procession.
"When the funeral arrived at the north entrance to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, those preceeding the corpse formed into a semi-circle; and the coffin was met by the present Dean, the Hon and Very Rev Henry PAKENHAM. The writer of these pages never recollects to have heard the beautiful burial service of the Church of England more impressively or solemnly read than on this occasion. At the grave the Dean delivered an address, distinguished by fervid eloquence, deep feeling, and important evangelical truth.
"Thus was our respected brother honoured in death as well as in life." [P.W.M. Magazine, 1845, p.35.]
"When the funeral arrived at the north entrance to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, those preceeding the corpse formed into a semi-circle; and the coffin was met by the present Dean, the Hon and Very Rev Henry PAKENHAM. The writer of these pages never recollects to have heard the beautiful burial service of the Church of England more impressively or solemnly read than on this occasion. At the grave the Dean delivered an address, distinguished by fervid eloquence, deep feeling, and important evangelical truth.
"Thus was our respected brother honoured in death as well as in life." [P.W.M. Magazine, 1845, p.35.]
He was undoubtedly buried in his own plot, indicated on his 1824 plan of the Vicar's Bawn as lying about 30 feet south of the south-eastern corner of the Lady Chapel, and marked "MAGUIRE #2" on the illustration above. The grave is marked by a granite obelisk (pictured at the top of this article), which he caused to be erected on the sad occasion of the death, in 1828, of his eldest son Thomas MAGUIRE. After his own death, an additional inscription was added, to the eastern face of the obelisk:

[Job 1; 21: "And said naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return; the Lord gave and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord."]
William's widow Mary continued to live at 9 Peter Place, until 1853; thereafter she was recorded at 5 Garville Avenue, Rathgar (1854-58); and at 5 Garville Terrace, Rathgar (1861-65), probably with her son Henry. On 3 June 1845, an Indented Deed was made between the same Committee of Primitive Wesleyan Methodists named in her late husband's deed (see above), and the other party, comprising Mary MAGUIRE of Peter Place, Dublin, Widow, and her 5 younger sons, Joseph, Richard, Edward, Henry and Robert, all also of Peter Place, and concerning the same mortgaged premises at Patrick Street, Dublin. I do not know whether the naming of Joseph before Richard in this deed may indicate that the birth order of the triplets in the Saint Patrick's Register may have been incorrect.
Mary was living at 21 Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, when she died, 28 June 1871, of Senility; the death was informed by her son Joseph, of 21 Kenilworth Square, present at death; a notice was published in Saunders News Letter, Friday 30 June 1871, for "... Mrs Mary MAGUIRE, widow of the late William MAGUIRE, of this city, Esq," advising that "... the funeral will leave on tomorrow (Saturday) morning, nine o'clock, for Mount Jerome, not St Patrick's, as before notified."
She was buried on 1 July at Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section 5C, Plot 4081], about 60 feet east of South Walk, and 10 feet north of Guinness Walk, in an unmarked grave immediately to the west of the grave of her son John (died 1865), and purchased for her burial by her son Henry.
It had probably been intended to bury her with her late husband in the Vicar's Bawn at St Patrick's Cathedral, but that other plans were then made, probably after it was discovered that there was no more space in that grave.
She was buried on 1 July at Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section 5C, Plot 4081], about 60 feet east of South Walk, and 10 feet north of Guinness Walk, in an unmarked grave immediately to the west of the grave of her son John (died 1865), and purchased for her burial by her son Henry.
It had probably been intended to bury her with her late husband in the Vicar's Bawn at St Patrick's Cathedral, but that other plans were then made, probably after it was discovered that there was no more space in that grave.
William and Mary had thirteen children born at 5 South (or Back or Patrick's) Close, and another three born at 9 Peter Place; all were baptised at Saint Patrick's Cathedral.
They were as follows:
They were as follows:
1. Elizabeth MAGUIRE, born at 10 o'clock in the evening, on Saturday 1 December 1804 (the W.M. Diary), and baptised 23 Dec; she died at Garville Terrace, Rathgar, on 13 August 1854, "... after a lingering illness" [Dublin Evening Mail, Wednesday 23 August], and was buried in the PIGOTT plot, Vicar's Bawn, 15 August, with her husband's parents, John PIGOTT (died in 1838) and Mary PIGOTT alias VICKERS (died in 1829) who was her mother's aunt; Elizabeth was married at Saint Peter's (C.of I.), Dublin, in June 1824, to John PIGOTT Junior (1796-1877) of Dublin, Brooklyn and Kansas; with issue:
a. John Vickers PIGOTT, born in Dublin and baptised at Saint Patrick's 12 June 1825; went to America; possibly settled in Rose Township, Ramsey County Minnesota; died at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 10 August 1881; probably married Mary O'BRIEN; she died at Saint Paul, 21 June 1902, aged 68 with issue:
i. Richard PIGOTT, born Virginia 1850.
ii. Margaret A. PIGOTT, born Virginia 1853, married William BELL.
iii. John PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1858.
iv. Thomas J. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1862.
v. Charles E. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1863.
b. William Frederick PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 January 1827; buried Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 6 June 1842.
c. Mary Georgina PIGOTT, born in Dublin and baptised at Saint Patrick's, 5 October 1828; died at Dalkey, 18 May 1837 and buried at Saint Patrick's.
d. Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 20 March 1831; went to New York before 1859; died at Manhattan, July 1911, and buried at Cypress Hills Cemetery, 11 July; married at New York, 1863, his second cousin Sarah Ann PHAYRE; issue (
i. William H. PIGOTT, aged 15, with parents, 1880 Census; n.f.p. Possibly died before reaching adulthood.
e. Alfred Joseph PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 21 May 1833; Imperial Army, in the Crimea and in India (Siege of Lucknow); went to New York, March 1861; 36th N.Y. Volunteer Infantry, Civil War; died at Philadelphia, 5 July 1863, without issue; married at New York, February 1863, Ellen WALSH.
f. George Maguire PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 11 September 1836, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 23 July 1839; went to Kansas, July 1858; died on a visit to his brother, Kiowa, Oklahoma, 26 February 1910, and buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Kansas; married Elizabeth, born Alabama, died 1907, without surviving issue.
g. Henry Robert PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 5 October 1838, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 23 July 1839; went to Ceylon, 1862; emigrated to N.S.W., 1890; died at Faulconbridge, 26 April 1904; married at Battersea, London, 5 June 1862, Ellen GILES (daughter of Rev John Eustace GILES by his second wife Anne LEESE); she died at Burwood, N.S.W., 21 July 1925, with issue (including my grandfather Henry Robert Maguire PIGOTT - see all of their separate and earlier postings on this blog page).
h. Edward Albert PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 December 1840, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 2 August 1842; went to the Choctaw Nation (later re-named Oklahoma); died at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, January 1912, and buried in his brother George's Plot, Lawrence, Kansas; married at Chickasaw Nation, 24 July 1871, Annie NORRIS (of the Choctaw Nation), with issue only one surviving daughter (
i. Mary A. PIGOTT, born Indian Territories, September 1887; married 1908, George A. ROGERS; with issue a son Charles ROGERS, born Oklahoma 1909.
j. Elizabeth Letitia PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 9 October 1843; went to New York, 1870; living in Manhattan, 1930 Census; unmarried.
k. Adelaide Kate PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 19 May 1848; went to live with her uncle Edward MAGUIRE after her mother's death; she died at Torquay, April 1856.
a. John Vickers PIGOTT, born in Dublin and baptised at Saint Patrick's 12 June 1825; went to America; possibly settled in Rose Township, Ramsey County Minnesota; died at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 10 August 1881; probably married Mary O'BRIEN; she died at Saint Paul, 21 June 1902, aged 68 with issue:
i. Richard PIGOTT, born Virginia 1850.
ii. Margaret A. PIGOTT, born Virginia 1853, married William BELL.
iii. John PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1858.
iv. Thomas J. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1862.
v. Charles E. PIGOTT, born Minnesota, 1863.
b. William Frederick PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 January 1827; buried Saint Patrick's Cathedral, 6 June 1842.
c. Mary Georgina PIGOTT, born in Dublin and baptised at Saint Patrick's, 5 October 1828; died at Dalkey, 18 May 1837 and buried at Saint Patrick's.
d. Thomas Lancelot PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 20 March 1831; went to New York before 1859; died at Manhattan, July 1911, and buried at Cypress Hills Cemetery, 11 July; married at New York, 1863, his second cousin Sarah Ann PHAYRE; issue (
i. William H. PIGOTT, aged 15, with parents, 1880 Census; n.f.p. Possibly died before reaching adulthood.
e. Alfred Joseph PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 21 May 1833; Imperial Army, in the Crimea and in India (Siege of Lucknow); went to New York, March 1861; 36th N.Y. Volunteer Infantry, Civil War; died at Philadelphia, 5 July 1863, without issue; married at New York, February 1863, Ellen WALSH.
f. George Maguire PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 11 September 1836, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 23 July 1839; went to Kansas, July 1858; died on a visit to his brother, Kiowa, Oklahoma, 26 February 1910, and buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Kansas; married Elizabeth, born Alabama, died 1907, without surviving issue.
g. Henry Robert PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 5 October 1838, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 23 July 1839; went to Ceylon, 1862; emigrated to N.S.W., 1890; died at Faulconbridge, 26 April 1904; married at Battersea, London, 5 June 1862, Ellen GILES (daughter of Rev John Eustace GILES by his second wife Anne LEESE); she died at Burwood, N.S.W., 21 July 1925, with issue (including my grandfather Henry Robert Maguire PIGOTT - see all of their separate and earlier postings on this blog page).
h. Edward Albert PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 22 December 1840, and baptised at Saint Peter's, 2 August 1842; went to the Choctaw Nation (later re-named Oklahoma); died at Kiowa, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, January 1912, and buried in his brother George's Plot, Lawrence, Kansas; married at Chickasaw Nation, 24 July 1871, Annie NORRIS (of the Choctaw Nation), with issue only one surviving daughter (
i. Mary A. PIGOTT, born Indian Territories, September 1887; married 1908, George A. ROGERS; with issue a son Charles ROGERS, born Oklahoma 1909.
j. Elizabeth Letitia PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 9 October 1843; went to New York, 1870; living in Manhattan, 1930 Census; unmarried.
k. Adelaide Kate PIGOTT, born in Dublin, 19 May 1848; went to live with her uncle Edward MAGUIRE after her mother's death; she died at Torquay, April 1856.

i. William Sinclair HOLDEN, born 19 February 1832; died 31 May 1833, and buried Shankhill Cemetery.
ii. Mary Jane HOLDEN, born Belfast, 4 December 1833; aged 75, unmarried, 1911 Census, living with her MAGOWAN nephew.
iii. John Sinclair HOLDEN, born Belfast, 14 February 1836; Medical Practitioner in Glenarm, County Antrim, and after 1869, in Sudbury, County Suffolk; died at Sudbury, 13 July 1923; married firstly, at Sudbury, 13 April 1880, to Mary ANDREWES, with issue:
a. George Sinclair HOLDEN, born 1881.
b. Nora May HOLDEN, born 1883.
c. Rosalind Letitia HOLDEN, born 1887.
John was married secondly, at Sudbury, 1895, to Mary SIKES, with further issue:
d. Agnes Joyce HOLDEN, born 1896.
e. Marjory Joan HOLDEN, born 1900.
iv. William Thomas HOLDEN, born 14 December 1838; Church of Ireland Clergyman; Curate of Bocking, Essex, 1871; Rector of Whipsnade, near Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 1878-1914; married at Braintree, Essex, 1872, Sarah Blake WYATT; issue:
a. Lilian Kate HOLDEN, born 1874.
b. William Meynell HOLDEN, born 1878.
a. George Sinclair HOLDEN, born 1881.
b. Nora May HOLDEN, born 1883.
c. Rosalind Letitia HOLDEN, born 1887.
John was married secondly, at Sudbury, 1895, to Mary SIKES, with further issue:
d. Agnes Joyce HOLDEN, born 1896.
e. Marjory Joan HOLDEN, born 1900.
iv. William Thomas HOLDEN, born 14 December 1838; Church of Ireland Clergyman; Curate of Bocking, Essex, 1871; Rector of Whipsnade, near Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 1878-1914; married at Braintree, Essex, 1872, Sarah Blake WYATT; issue:
a. Lilian Kate HOLDEN, born 1874.
b. William Meynell HOLDEN, born 1878.
v. Letitia HOLDEN, born Belfast, 15 June 1842, a twin; at Royal Road, Smithfield, County Antrim, 1911 Census, aged 68, with her husband and unmarried sister; married at Belfast, 1867, Samuel John MAGOWAN, of Glenarm, County Antrim, Bank Manager; he died at Ballygarland, 20 January 1921, aged 80, retired Bank Manager, the death informed by his son S. M. MAGOWAN, of Glenarm, county Antrim, present at the death; with issue:
a. Samuel McDonald MAGOWAN, born at Holywood, 11 January 1868, the birth informed by his father; married Elizabeth IRVINE, with issue.
b. Emily MAGOWAN, living 1911; married at St George's Parish Church, Belfast, 17 April 1894, Francis Joseph HOEY, Wine Merchant (son of Ralph HOEY, Linen Merchant).
a. Samuel McDonald MAGOWAN, born at Holywood, 11 January 1868, the birth informed by his father; married Elizabeth IRVINE, with issue.
b. Emily MAGOWAN, living 1911; married at St George's Parish Church, Belfast, 17 April 1894, Francis Joseph HOEY, Wine Merchant (son of Ralph HOEY, Linen Merchant).
vi. Lucinda HOLDEN, born 15 June 1842, the other twin; died at Belfast, 1892; unmarried.
vii. Henry Brian McConnagher Maguire HOLDEN, born Belfast, 10 January 1845; Church of Ireland Clergyman; Curate of Kilconrida, 1869; Curate of Ballymena, 1873; went to England; Secretary, C.of E. Temperence Society, Ripon, Yorkshire, 1877; Vicar of Saint Bart's, Bowling, Bradford, 1880; Vicar of Caunton, Nottinghamshire, 1888; living at Saint Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex, 1911 Census; married at Holywood Parish Church, 3 August 1870, Dora Adams GRANT; no issue.
viii. Elizabeth Emily HOLDEN, born Belfast, 13 August 1847; aged 63, 1911 Census, with her married sister; unmarried.
3. Thomas MAGUIRE, born on 8 October 1808, and baptised 23 Oct; Organist; Student at Trinity College, Dublin; Organist at Saint Anne's Parish Church; died January 1828, aged 19, and buried 23 January in his father's plot, Vicar's Bawn; unmarried; on this grave was erected the MAGUIRE obelisk.
4. William MAGUIRE (pictured above); born on 4 April 1811, and baptised 26 April; Solicitor in Dublin; emigrated to South Australia, 1848, and advertised his intention to Register with the Supreme Court of S.A. as Barrister, etc, 13 November 1848; his business papers were disposed of by notice dated 4 December 1852; he sailed from Melbourne, on the schooner Mary and Ellen, arrived Sydney 23 December 1852, his wife and three children following on the ship Golden Spring, arrived Sydney 14 March 1853; practiced as a Solicitor in Sydney; resident, Alderman and Mayor of Randwick; died at Randwick, 1 August 1877; he was married at Saint Mary's (C.of I.), Dublin, 21 June 1836, to Hannah HENEY [see image at ]; issue four children, three of whom survived to emigrate with their parents:
i. Hannah MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, 2 July 1837; went to Australia; died 27 August 1921, and buried at Woronora Cemetery; married at Sydney, 1854, John Willis DAVISON, with issue:
a. Hannah Willis DAVISON, born Sydney, 1856; married in Melbourne, 1878, John Howard LOUCHE, with issue - Richmond John LOUCHE, born 1879; Desmond Fitzgibbon LOUCHE, born 1881; Ormonde Ernest LOUCHE, born 1883; Frances Olive LOUCHE, born 1885; Marion Grace LOUCHE, born 1889 (died at Kogarah, 5 July 1969, her ashes buried Woronora Cemetery); and Annie Marguerite LOUCHE, born 1891.
b. Frances Ellen DAVISON, born 1857; married in Sydney, 1886, Charles Chester DUNSTAN, with issue - Kathleen Beatrice DUNSTAN, born 1887; Hilda Maude DUNSTAN, born 1888, married Canon Frederick TUGWELL; Dorothy Frances DUNSTAN, married WILSON; Edith Lilian DUNSTAN, born 1894, married James CAMPBELL; Chester Kingsley DUNSTAN, born 1897, married Beth STONEY; and Willis M.F. DUNSTAN, died 1901.
c. Robert William Henry DAVISON, born Surry Hills, 1859; died 1899; married in 1890, Kate DEMPSTER, with issue - Rita Willis DAVISON, born Glebe, 1891; Falkland Eric DAVISON, born Glebe, 1894.
d. John Charles DAVISON, born 1861; died at Carcoar, 1901, unmarr.
e. Mary Edith DAVISON, born 1863; died in 1950; married in 1890, Arthur Cole Valentia POWNALL, with issue - Ina Valentia POWNALL, born 1891; Marjorie Maud POWNALL, born 1892, married Edward HAYLOCK; and Wilfred Hall POWNALL, born 1897.
f. Elizabeth Maude DAVISON, born 1866, unmarried.
f. Elizabeth Maude DAVISON, born 1866, unmarried.
ii. Mary MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1840; emigrated to Australia; died at North Sydney, 31 August 1859, aged 20; unmarried.
iii. William Henry MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1842; emigrated to Australia; Postal Inspector, N.S.W. Government; he died at Neutral Bay, 1924; married at Tamworth, 1863, Maria SMITH; with issue:
a. William MAGUIRE, born Sydney, 1863; died 1915; married in 1897, Edith S. LAMBERT.
b. Arthur Robert MAGUIRE, born Goulburn, 1865; died at Chatswood, 1922; married in 1893, Agnes HINCHCLIFF; issue - Edith L. MAGUIRE, born 1895; and Eric Lindsay MAGUIRE, born 1898.
c. Walter Charles MAGUIRE, born Goulburn, 12 March 1867, baptised at St Peter's C.of E., Woolloomooloo, 25 August 1869; married in 1906, Constance READ, with issue - Philip Read MAGUIRE, born 1909; and Robert Read MAGUIRE, born 1911.
d. Edithe Mary MAGUIRE, born Sydney, 29 April 1869, baptised at St Peter's, Woolloomooloo, 25 August; died at Balmain, 1897, unmarried.
e. Alfred Thomas MAGUIRE, born Maitland, 1871; died at Chatswood, 1941, unmarried.
f. Eva Maude MAGUIRE, born West Maitland, 1873; died at Albury, 1875, infant.
g. Florence May MAGUIRE, born Albury, 1875; died at Chatswood, 1960, unmarried.
h. Mabel Lillian MAGUIRE, born Sydney, 1877; died at Bathurst, 1891, unmarried.
j. Ethel Gray MAGUIRE, born Balmain, 1879; died at Chatswood, 1961, unmarried.
k. Leslie Gault MAGUIRE, born Balmain, 1880; died at Chatswood, 1977, unmarried.
l. Herbert Edwin MAGUIRE, born Balmain, 1882; married in 1913, Muriel Nyree Adele NEWTON, with issue - Brian Herbert MAGUIRE, born 1914, later of Leeton (in 1992, he had possession of the William MAGUIRE Senior ring and snuff box given as presents by Dean KEATINGE); Elsbeth Minnie MAGUIRE, born 1916 (descendants in N.Z.); and Derek William MAGUIRE, born 1919.
5. John MAGUIRE (pictured above); born in September 1813, and baptised 30 September; Manufacturing Ironmonger, of 10 Dawson Street, Dublin, 1841; founder of the firm MAGUIRE and Son; died at Bullock, Killiney, County Dublin, 6 June 1865, and buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section C5, Plot 3264]; married on 5 March 1841, probably in Dublin (or perhaps instead in Neneagh), Catherine FLETCHER (she was probably a daughter of Robert FLETCHER of Nenagh, County Tipperary, Merchant, by his wife Sarah BURR); issue:
i. William Robert MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1841; went into business with his father, and carried it on after his father's death; Managing Director of the merged public company named MAGUIRE and GATCHELL, Ltd, 10 Dawson Street Dublin, 1899; resided at Tower Hill Lodge, Killiney; died there on 9 December 1923, and buried at Deansgrange Cemetery, Blackrock [Plot 6, Row B1, South Section]; married firstly, at Saint Anne's (C.of I.), Dublin, 27 April 1865, Rosetta SCOTT [see image at ]; she died on 4 December 1895, without issue.
William married secondly, at Holy Trinity, Bournemouth, 18 December 1905, his cousin Amy MAGUIRE (daughter of his uncle Joseph MAGUIRE - see below); she died at Tower Hill Lodge, 17 February 1940, without issue.
ii. Mary Elizabeth MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1850; married at Dalkey (C.of I.) Church, 9 December 1873, Edward Irwin SCOTT (brother of Rosetta MAGUIRE alias SCOTT), a Medical Practitioner; they lived in Gwangchow and Swatow, Guangdung Province, China, 1874-1880; in Brackley, Northants, 1883-87; went to Hove, Sussex, 1888; he died at Hove, 1914; issue:
a. Edward Fletcher SCOTT, born 1874; married Neva M. ULAND.
b. Ernest Christian SCOTT, born 1876; unmarried.
c. Mary Katherine SCOTT, born 1878, unmarried.
d. Margaretta SCOTT, born 1880; married Edward WIGHT.
e. William Howard SCOTT, born 1881, unmarried.
f. Rosetta SCOTT, born 1883, unmarried.
g. John Maguire SCOTT, born 1883.
h. Alice Elizabeth SCOTT, born 1885, married Richard Minton COURTAULD.
j. Dorothy SCOTT, born 1887, unmarried.
iii. Elizabeth Kate MAGUIRE, born Dublin, about 1852; married at Tower Hill Lodge, Dalkey, 24 November 1875, Joshua George BRERETON, Medical Practitioner; they lived in Chefoo, Shantung Province, China, 1879-1884; at Newport, Shropshire, 1891 Census; at Villa d'Este, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1901 Census; with issue:
a. Violet Kate BRERETON, born 1880; married John Walter PRIDMORE.
b. Adam Charles BRERETON, born 1884, unmarried.
c. Dorothy Rosetta BRERETON, born 1891, married Maurice Woodman EMLEY).
iv. John Burr MAGUIRE, born about 1855; died suddenly, of heart disease, while skating at Kingstown, 6 September 1875, and buried in his father's plot at Mount Jerome Cemetery, aged 19; unmarried.
6. Mary Anne MAGUIRE, born on 16 December 1815, and baptised on 2 February 1816; probably cared for her widowed mother in her old age; died at Leicester Avenue, Rathgar, County Dublin, 22 May 1885, and was buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery, with her mother; unmarried.
According to the passenger manifest, furnished by the Dublin authorities who prepared the list of proposed passengers for the Commissioners, Mary Ann McGUIRE was aged 20 on embarkation.
Subsequent information, provided by her in the course of several Court appearances in Sydney and at least one prison admission record, suggest that this emigrant was born in Dublin, was a Protestant (or had subsequently became one- especially so if she was raised in the Foundling Hospital), and appears with an alternate birth year of 1815, 3 years at variance with the formal record from her institution of origin in Dublin.
Her activities did not markedly distinguish her from the other co-emigrants, all of which resulted in the coining of the sarcastic epithet, Red Rovers, which was applied very loosely to women with very loose morals - although this McGUIRE emigrant does appear to have found her way back to Ireland, probably paid for by moneys she "extorted" from the father of the illegitimate daughter she took with her (and who subsequently re-emigrated, in 1849, as an unaccompanied 14 year-old, to her place of birth, her mother apparently being "constrained" to remain in Dublin).
Despite clear evidentiary difficulties (the most obvious being that many foundlings bore their mother's surname anyway), an Australian descendant of this 1832 emigrant believes that this ancestor may have been the above Mary Anne MAGUIRE, born in Dublin in December 1815.
It is my considered opinion that she does not belong to this family. However, I will happily include her details in this blog if and when validated evidence of a connection is forthcoming.
Although that will always be tempered by another great difficulty - any alternate Protestant baptisms that may have taken place in Dublin in the time frame is likely to have been recorded in one or other of the Registers surrendered to the Public Record Office at the commencement of Irish Statutory Registration - and more than half of these were destroyed in the fires which consumed the contents of the Four Courts Building in Dublin in 1922, as the result of Artillery bombardments that took place about the time of the Partition of the Six Counties in the North from the emerging Irish Free State.
Another Mary Ann McGUIRE, formerly an inmate of the Dublin Foundling Hospital, or instead of the Dublin House of Industry, was one of 30 young women from Dublin (10 of them from the Foundling Hospital), who were selected by Emigration Commissioners appointed by the Colonial Office, along with another 170 from similar institutions in the City of Cork, to emigrate as free settlers to New South Wales, on the ship "Red Rover" in 1832, all costs covered by sale of Crown Lands, in an attempt to ease the shortage of domestic help in the colony (and in the eyes of some colonists, to increase their own marriage prospects).According to the passenger manifest, furnished by the Dublin authorities who prepared the list of proposed passengers for the Commissioners, Mary Ann McGUIRE was aged 20 on embarkation.
Subsequent information, provided by her in the course of several Court appearances in Sydney and at least one prison admission record, suggest that this emigrant was born in Dublin, was a Protestant (or had subsequently became one- especially so if she was raised in the Foundling Hospital), and appears with an alternate birth year of 1815, 3 years at variance with the formal record from her institution of origin in Dublin.
Her activities did not markedly distinguish her from the other co-emigrants, all of which resulted in the coining of the sarcastic epithet, Red Rovers, which was applied very loosely to women with very loose morals - although this McGUIRE emigrant does appear to have found her way back to Ireland, probably paid for by moneys she "extorted" from the father of the illegitimate daughter she took with her (and who subsequently re-emigrated, in 1849, as an unaccompanied 14 year-old, to her place of birth, her mother apparently being "constrained" to remain in Dublin).
Despite clear evidentiary difficulties (the most obvious being that many foundlings bore their mother's surname anyway), an Australian descendant of this 1832 emigrant believes that this ancestor may have been the above Mary Anne MAGUIRE, born in Dublin in December 1815.
It is my considered opinion that she does not belong to this family. However, I will happily include her details in this blog if and when validated evidence of a connection is forthcoming.
Although that will always be tempered by another great difficulty - any alternate Protestant baptisms that may have taken place in Dublin in the time frame is likely to have been recorded in one or other of the Registers surrendered to the Public Record Office at the commencement of Irish Statutory Registration - and more than half of these were destroyed in the fires which consumed the contents of the Four Courts Building in Dublin in 1922, as the result of Artillery bombardments that took place about the time of the Partition of the Six Counties in the North from the emerging Irish Free State.
7. James George Lambart MAGUIRE, born on 24 January 1818, and baptised 5 February, a twin; died in July 1830, and buried Vicar's Bawn, 22 July, aged 12.
8. Lucinda MAGUIRE, born on 24 January 1818, and baptised 5 February, the other twin; of Peter Place, Dublin, September 1838, when she wrote verses to her cousin John Joseph VICKERS (born Dublin 1818, son of John VICKERS and Hannah LEESON) of Toronto, Ontario; died in October 1840, and buried Vicar's Bawn, 31 October, aged 22; unmarried.
9. Robert MAGUIRE, born on 26 February 1820, and baptised 27 February, a triplet; died in March 1822, and buried Vicar's Bawn, 7 March, aged 2.
10. Richard MAGUIRE, (pictured above); born on 26 February 1820, and baptised 27 February, the second triplet; of Peter Place, Dublin, when named on a Deed of his mother, dated 3 June 1845; Carpenter; emigrated to New Jersey; Steward, Saint Stephen's Lodge No 63, South Amboy, Grand Lodge (Masonic) of New Jersey, January 1867; Lay Deputy, Christ Church, South Amboy (Diocese of New Jersey, Episcopal Church), March 1867; at South Amboy Township, 1870 and 1880 Censuses; died at South Amboy, N.J., 20 December 1898, and buried Christ Church Cemetery, although his Monumental Inscription records his birth on 21 February 1820; his will dated 25 Apr 1896, proved Middlesex County Surrogate's Office, 28 Dec 1898, making provisions for his nieces Elizabeth L. PIGOTT (all moneys due to him on deposit with The Seaman's Savings Bank of New York City), and Ethel and Amy MAGUIRE, both of Dublin (equal shares in all moneys due to him on deposit in The Emigrant Savings Bank) of New York City) and his nephew Christian D. STALLING and his two children Mercy and Margaret STALLING.
Richard married Anna Margaret STALLING (born Oldenburg, Germany, 12 December 1825 - sister of Deidrich Christian STALLING, 1822-1870); she died at South Amboy, 11 January 1892; apparently without surviving issue.
Richard married Anna Margaret STALLING (born Oldenburg, Germany, 12 December 1825 - sister of Deidrich Christian STALLING, 1822-1870); she died at South Amboy, 11 January 1892; apparently without surviving issue.
11. Joseph MAGUIRE, born on 26 February 1820, and baptised 27 February, the last triplet; Architect in Dublin; at 9 Peter Place, 1846; Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 1847-49; Leicester Avenue, Rathgar, 1849-57; Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, 1858-88 (different numbers 2, 4, 8, 14 and 57); 19 Rathgar Avenue, 1893-95; Charleville Road, Rathmines, 1896-98; and 17; Castlewood Place, Rathmines, 1899-1900; and 13 Grosvenor Square, 1904; died at his daughter's residence, 84 Rathgar Road, 2 December 1904, and buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section 5C, Plot 1913]; married at Rathfarnham (C.of I.), 1 May 1845, Mary HAYES (born Dublin, 26 February 1817, daughter of Andrew HAYES and Mary SPARLING); she died at 14 Rathgar Avenue, 25 July 1896; issue:
i. Mary MAGUIRE, born about August 1846; buried on 27 April 1855, in her father's plot, aged 8 years and 8 months.
ii. Elizabeth MAGUIRE, born County Dublin, 1848; died on 12 December 1835; married at Dublin, 9 April 1881, Charles Banks CORDNER (son of Pendock Charles CORDNER); Commercial Traveller, Tea and Wine; he died on 24 April 1923; issue:
a. Cecil Charles CORDNER, born about 1882, unmarried.
b. Albert Noel CORDNER, born about 1883; married Ethel Marie HUTCHINS.
c. Ida Lillian CORDNER, born about 1885.
d. Hubert Victor CORDNER, born about 1886; unmarried; emigrated to Australia.
e. Elsie CORDNER, born about 1890.
iii. Anna Jane MAGUIRE, born in 1850; died at 14 Kenilworth Square South, 16 September 1866, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery, aged 16.
iv. Letitia MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1851; known as Tissie; Nursing Sister; District Nurse, 54 London Road, Braintree, Essex, 1891 Census; Superintendent of Firs House, Trinity Road, Bournemouth, 1901 and 1911 Censuses; died at Tower Hill Lodge, Dalkey, 11 August 1933, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery; unmarried.
v. William Andrew MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, 30 June 1853; Rathmines School; Sanitation Engineer; at 59 Kenilworth Square, 1888; of 2 Home Villa, Rathmines, 1889; at 65 Canford Road, Wandsworth, London, 1891 Census; died at Wandsworth, 7 March 1892; married at Saint Olave's Parish Church, Southwark, 5 October 1888, his cousin Ephraimina Adams MAGUIRE (daughter of his uncle Rev Robert MAGUIRE - see below); issue: (
a. Wilfred Adams MAGUIRE, born 1889; died 1890.
b. Effie MAGUIRE, born 1891; died 1892.
vi. Amy MAGUIRE, born about 1855; probably the other niece mentioned in the 1896 will of Richard MAGUIRE of New Jersey; School Governess, with her married cousin at the Villa d'Este, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1901 Census; died at Tower Hill Lodge, Dalkey, 17 February 1940; married, as his second wife, her cousin William Robert MAGUIRE (son of her uncle John MAGUIRE of Dawson Street - see above); no issue.
vii. Mary Caroline MAGUIRE, born at Rathgar, 1 December 1856; died at Castlewood Park, Rathmines, 30 January 1939, and buried Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section C6, Plot 8946]; married at Rathfarnham (C.of I.), 2 April 1879, James WELLS (son of William Frederick WELLS, Pharmacist); of 52 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin, Pharmacist; he died at Rathgar Road, 7 March 1893; issue:
a. Albert Owen WELLS, born 1880; unmarried.
b. Annie Elizabeth WELLS, born 1881; married Charles Tancred KEATINGE.
c. William Frederick WELLS, born 1883; married Annie.
d. Violet Mary WELLS, born 1884; unmarried.
e. Norah Beatrice WELLS, born 1886; unmarried.
f. Eileen Lillian WELLS, born 1888; married Thomas FITZHENRY.
g. Agnes Margaret WELLS, born 1891; married John Caldwell FERGUSSON.
[The well-barricaded WELLS Pharmacy in Dublin, 1916.]
Grand-parents of Yvonne RUSSELL alias ROBINSON, of Dublin, who supplied much material for this family.
viii. Georgina Henrietta MAGUIRE, baptised at Rathfarnham (C.of I.), 15 August 1858; informed her mother's death, 1896; Nurse, "Rest for the Dying," Heytesbury Street, Dublin, 1904, when she informed her father's death; Matron, 20 Camden Row, 1911 Census, aged 52 and unmarried; died on 25 February 1941, and buried in Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section B205, Plot 23981] with her niece Mrs Agnes Margaret FERGUSSON alias WELLS.
ii. Elizabeth MAGUIRE, born County Dublin, 1848; died on 12 December 1835; married at Dublin, 9 April 1881, Charles Banks CORDNER (son of Pendock Charles CORDNER); Commercial Traveller, Tea and Wine; he died on 24 April 1923; issue:
a. Cecil Charles CORDNER, born about 1882, unmarried.
b. Albert Noel CORDNER, born about 1883; married Ethel Marie HUTCHINS.
c. Ida Lillian CORDNER, born about 1885.
d. Hubert Victor CORDNER, born about 1886; unmarried; emigrated to Australia.
e. Elsie CORDNER, born about 1890.
iii. Anna Jane MAGUIRE, born in 1850; died at 14 Kenilworth Square South, 16 September 1866, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery, aged 16.
iv. Letitia MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, about 1851; known as Tissie; Nursing Sister; District Nurse, 54 London Road, Braintree, Essex, 1891 Census; Superintendent of Firs House, Trinity Road, Bournemouth, 1901 and 1911 Censuses; died at Tower Hill Lodge, Dalkey, 11 August 1933, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery; unmarried.
v. William Andrew MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, 30 June 1853; Rathmines School; Sanitation Engineer; at 59 Kenilworth Square, 1888; of 2 Home Villa, Rathmines, 1889; at 65 Canford Road, Wandsworth, London, 1891 Census; died at Wandsworth, 7 March 1892; married at Saint Olave's Parish Church, Southwark, 5 October 1888, his cousin Ephraimina Adams MAGUIRE (daughter of his uncle Rev Robert MAGUIRE - see below); issue: (
a. Wilfred Adams MAGUIRE, born 1889; died 1890.
b. Effie MAGUIRE, born 1891; died 1892.
vi. Amy MAGUIRE, born about 1855; probably the other niece mentioned in the 1896 will of Richard MAGUIRE of New Jersey; School Governess, with her married cousin at the Villa d'Este, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1901 Census; died at Tower Hill Lodge, Dalkey, 17 February 1940; married, as his second wife, her cousin William Robert MAGUIRE (son of her uncle John MAGUIRE of Dawson Street - see above); no issue.
vii. Mary Caroline MAGUIRE, born at Rathgar, 1 December 1856; died at Castlewood Park, Rathmines, 30 January 1939, and buried Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section C6, Plot 8946]; married at Rathfarnham (C.of I.), 2 April 1879, James WELLS (son of William Frederick WELLS, Pharmacist); of 52 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin, Pharmacist; he died at Rathgar Road, 7 March 1893; issue:
a. Albert Owen WELLS, born 1880; unmarried.
b. Annie Elizabeth WELLS, born 1881; married Charles Tancred KEATINGE.
c. William Frederick WELLS, born 1883; married Annie.
d. Violet Mary WELLS, born 1884; unmarried.
e. Norah Beatrice WELLS, born 1886; unmarried.
f. Eileen Lillian WELLS, born 1888; married Thomas FITZHENRY.
g. Agnes Margaret WELLS, born 1891; married John Caldwell FERGUSSON.
[The well-barricaded WELLS Pharmacy in Dublin, 1916.]
Grand-parents of Yvonne RUSSELL alias ROBINSON, of Dublin, who supplied much material for this family.
viii. Georgina Henrietta MAGUIRE, baptised at Rathfarnham (C.of I.), 15 August 1858; informed her mother's death, 1896; Nurse, "Rest for the Dying," Heytesbury Street, Dublin, 1904, when she informed her father's death; Matron, 20 Camden Row, 1911 Census, aged 52 and unmarried; died on 25 February 1941, and buried in Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section B205, Plot 23981] with her niece Mrs Agnes Margaret FERGUSSON alias WELLS.
12. Susannah MAGUIRE, born in October 1821, and baptised 4 October; died on 12 October 1824 (W.M. Diary); burial details not yet known.
13. Edward MAGUIRE, (pictured above); born in Dublin on 21 September 1822, and baptised 23 September; B.A., Trinity College, Dublin, June 1845; D.D., 1888; Church of Ireland Clergyman; Curate of Donaghmore, County Donegal, 15 October 1846; Perpetual Curate of Muckamore, County Antrim, 1847; Perpetual Curate of Ballymena, County Antrim, 1860; Rector of Dunluce, County Antrim, and Rural Dean of Coleraine, 1865; Rector of Ballinderry, County Antrim, 1872; Rector of Bangor, County Down, 1876; Dean of Down, 1887, retaining the Rectory of Bangor; he died at Ardmara, County Down, 7 October 1913, aged 91; he was married firstly, at Saint Anne's (C.of I.), Belfast, on 21 January 1847, to Sarah Jane EWART (daughter of William EWART and Mary Ann ROSSMAN, and sister of Sir William EWART, 1st Baronet of Glenmachen House); she died at Torquay, Devonshire, 14 May 1856, with issue:
i. Marian MAGUIRE, born about 1849; died 1 August 1870, and buried at Dunluce, aged 20 [M.I.]; unmarried.
ii. Mary MAGUIRE, born 1851; died 1851, and buried at the New Burying Ground, Belfast, aged 1 week.
iii. William Ewart MAGUIRE, born at Glenbank, Belfast, 22 September 1855; died at Torquay, Devonshire, 28 February 1856, aged 6 months.
Edward was married secondly, at Knock Breda (C.of I.), 9 November 1865, to Mary KINAHAN (daughter of Rev John KINAHAN and Emily GEORGE); she died at Ardmara, County Down, 19 February 1904, aged 70; with further issue:
ii. Mary MAGUIRE, born 1851; died 1851, and buried at the New Burying Ground, Belfast, aged 1 week.
iii. William Ewart MAGUIRE, born at Glenbank, Belfast, 22 September 1855; died at Torquay, Devonshire, 28 February 1856, aged 6 months.
Edward was married secondly, at Knock Breda (C.of I.), 9 November 1865, to Mary KINAHAN (daughter of Rev John KINAHAN and Emily GEORGE); she died at Ardmara, County Down, 19 February 1904, aged 70; with further issue:
iv. Edward John MAGUIRE, born at Dunluce Rectory, Bushmills, 14 September 1866; baptised there 14 October; Rossall School, Thornton-le-Fylde, Lancashire; B.A., Trinity College Dublin, 1888; aged 44, Schoolmaster, with his father, 1911 Census, unmarried; assistant schoolmaster at Horris Hill, near Newbury, Berkshire, from 1889; died in 1959, late of Ladle Hill House, Burghclere; married at Saint George, Hanover Square, London, June qtr 1923 [Vol.1a, p.854], Alice Angelet HELSHAM-JONES (baptised at Pinner, Middlesex, 16 April 1886, daughter of Arthur HELSHAM-JONES, Barrister, by Alice Harriett TOOKE); they had issue an only child:
a. Helen Mary MAGUIRE, born 1925; mentioned in her Aunt Muriel's account of Eva MAGUIRE's life and work, as a competent Pianist; she died in 2005; she married David PUGH (he died 1993, aged 71); with issue two daughters.
v. Frederick George MAGUIRE, born 10 November 1867, and baptised at Dunluce, County Antrim, 5 January 1868; worked for some years in Ceylon; at Seacourt, Bangor, County Down, 1907; Director, Sirocco Engineering Works, Belfast, 1911; he died at Glenbank, Bangor, 31 July 1933; married on 15 January 1903, Clara May DAVIDSON (born Belfast, 13 May 1875, daughter of Sir Samuel Cleland DAVIDSON, founder of the Sirocco Engineering Works); she died at Belfast, 7 April 1950; with issue:
a. Doreen May MAGUIRE, born at Seacourt, Bangor, 4 December 1903; unmarried.
b. Richard Frederick MAGUIRE, born at Bangor, 26 July 1907; married in 1938, Elizabeth Brice SMYTH; emigrated to Phoenix, Arizona, and died there 7 February 1955.
c. Edward Davidson MAGUIRE, born at Bangor, 18 January 1909, the birth informed by his father; married Sarah F.M. HARRISON.
vi. Mary Emily MAGUIRE, born at Dunluce, 20 April 1869; living with her father, 1911, aged 41, unmarried; Miss Emily MAGUIRE was recorded as an Orderly with the 3rd Scottish Women's Hospital Unit, Serbia, 1 July 1915 to 1 March 1916 [Scarlet Finders web-site]; this unit left England in April 1915, under Dr Alice HUTCHINSON, and was detained for a fortnight at Malta to attend to British wounded; on arrival in Serbia, they were sent to Valjevo ["A History of the Scottish Women's Hospitals," Chapter 11, page 103].
vii. Kathleen Henrietta MAGUIRE, born at Dunluce, 6 October 1870; housekeeper to her brother Frederick in Ceylon; at Repton House, Riding Mill, Hexham, Northumberland, 1911 Census, aged 40, with her husband; married at Saint James's, Piccadilly, London, 15 September 1910, Capt Joseph STRAKER, of Earls Colne, Essex.
viii. Charles James Kinahan MAGUIRE, born on 31 March 1872, and baptised at Dunluce, 12 May; with his married SCOTT cousin, at Hove, Sussex, 1891 Census; Captain, 1st Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, Boer War; killed-in-action at the Battle of Diamond Hill, Pretoria, 12 June 1900; unmarried; a "costly" memorial window was erected at Bangor Church in his memory.
ix. Eva Marion MAGUIRE, born at Ballinderry Rectory, 12 August 1873; Royal University, Belfast; M.A. with Gold Medal in Modern Languages; worked tirelessly for most of her life for Elise SANDES in her Soldiers Homes, firstly at Quetta, India (1898-1902); then at the Curragh Camp; at Athlone West, County Westmeath (1911 Census); and at Ballykinler, County Down (after the 1922 partition of Ireland); Eva took over as Head of the Homes after Elise SANDES died in 1934; she worked closely with the U.S. Military brass in World War 2, including Dwight D. EISENHOWER; created O.B.E.; she died at Ballykinler, 27 October 1967, and buried, with full Military Honours, at Tyrella Cemetery [M.I.]; unmarried.
x. Muriel Alice May MAGUIRE, born County Antrim, about 1877; worked for a time with her sister Eva in the Miss Sandes Homes; published her book "Eva Maguire of the Sandes Soldiers Homes" in 1945; died on 11 March 1973; married at the Abbey Church, Bangor, 10 June 1913, Rev James QUINN (born 9 October 1878, son of Joseph QUINN and Rebecca BOYCE); Curate of Knockaney, 1904; Curate of Bangor, 1906; Rector of Saint Michael's, Belfast, 1913; Incumbent of Saint Jude's, Ballynafeigh, Belfast, 1924; Chancellor of Down Cathedral; retired 1956; died on 8 May 1964, and buried at Knotty Ash Cemetery, Rostrevor; with issue:
a. Joseph Edward Gough QUINN, born at Ballygomartin, 28 March 1914; unmarried.
b. James Charles Frederick QUINN, born 1919, married Hannah GWYNN.
a. Helen Mary MAGUIRE, born 1925; mentioned in her Aunt Muriel's account of Eva MAGUIRE's life and work, as a competent Pianist; she died in 2005; she married David PUGH (he died 1993, aged 71); with issue two daughters.
v. Frederick George MAGUIRE, born 10 November 1867, and baptised at Dunluce, County Antrim, 5 January 1868; worked for some years in Ceylon; at Seacourt, Bangor, County Down, 1907; Director, Sirocco Engineering Works, Belfast, 1911; he died at Glenbank, Bangor, 31 July 1933; married on 15 January 1903, Clara May DAVIDSON (born Belfast, 13 May 1875, daughter of Sir Samuel Cleland DAVIDSON, founder of the Sirocco Engineering Works); she died at Belfast, 7 April 1950; with issue:
a. Doreen May MAGUIRE, born at Seacourt, Bangor, 4 December 1903; unmarried.
b. Richard Frederick MAGUIRE, born at Bangor, 26 July 1907; married in 1938, Elizabeth Brice SMYTH; emigrated to Phoenix, Arizona, and died there 7 February 1955.
c. Edward Davidson MAGUIRE, born at Bangor, 18 January 1909, the birth informed by his father; married Sarah F.M. HARRISON.
vi. Mary Emily MAGUIRE, born at Dunluce, 20 April 1869; living with her father, 1911, aged 41, unmarried; Miss Emily MAGUIRE was recorded as an Orderly with the 3rd Scottish Women's Hospital Unit, Serbia, 1 July 1915 to 1 March 1916 [Scarlet Finders web-site]; this unit left England in April 1915, under Dr Alice HUTCHINSON, and was detained for a fortnight at Malta to attend to British wounded; on arrival in Serbia, they were sent to Valjevo ["A History of the Scottish Women's Hospitals," Chapter 11, page 103].
vii. Kathleen Henrietta MAGUIRE, born at Dunluce, 6 October 1870; housekeeper to her brother Frederick in Ceylon; at Repton House, Riding Mill, Hexham, Northumberland, 1911 Census, aged 40, with her husband; married at Saint James's, Piccadilly, London, 15 September 1910, Capt Joseph STRAKER, of Earls Colne, Essex.
viii. Charles James Kinahan MAGUIRE, born on 31 March 1872, and baptised at Dunluce, 12 May; with his married SCOTT cousin, at Hove, Sussex, 1891 Census; Captain, 1st Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, Boer War; killed-in-action at the Battle of Diamond Hill, Pretoria, 12 June 1900; unmarried; a "costly" memorial window was erected at Bangor Church in his memory.
ix. Eva Marion MAGUIRE, born at Ballinderry Rectory, 12 August 1873; Royal University, Belfast; M.A. with Gold Medal in Modern Languages; worked tirelessly for most of her life for Elise SANDES in her Soldiers Homes, firstly at Quetta, India (1898-1902); then at the Curragh Camp; at Athlone West, County Westmeath (1911 Census); and at Ballykinler, County Down (after the 1922 partition of Ireland); Eva took over as Head of the Homes after Elise SANDES died in 1934; she worked closely with the U.S. Military brass in World War 2, including Dwight D. EISENHOWER; created O.B.E.; she died at Ballykinler, 27 October 1967, and buried, with full Military Honours, at Tyrella Cemetery [M.I.]; unmarried.
x. Muriel Alice May MAGUIRE, born County Antrim, about 1877; worked for a time with her sister Eva in the Miss Sandes Homes; published her book "Eva Maguire of the Sandes Soldiers Homes" in 1945; died on 11 March 1973; married at the Abbey Church, Bangor, 10 June 1913, Rev James QUINN (born 9 October 1878, son of Joseph QUINN and Rebecca BOYCE); Curate of Knockaney, 1904; Curate of Bangor, 1906; Rector of Saint Michael's, Belfast, 1913; Incumbent of Saint Jude's, Ballynafeigh, Belfast, 1924; Chancellor of Down Cathedral; retired 1956; died on 8 May 1964, and buried at Knotty Ash Cemetery, Rostrevor; with issue:
a. Joseph Edward Gough QUINN, born at Ballygomartin, 28 March 1914; unmarried.
b. James Charles Frederick QUINN, born 1919, married Hannah GWYNN.
14. Henry MAGUIRE, (pictured above); born on 5 February 1824, and baptised 21 February; Collector of Public Monies, 9 Peter Place, 1846-53; Collector of Taxes, Paving Board, 1848; Rate Collector, Office of the Collector-General of Rates, 1856; at Rathgar Cottage, Rathgar, 1862-63; 27 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 1864-65; 36 Cullenswood Avenue, Ranelagh, 1867; 27 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 1864-85; 74 Grosvenor Street, Rathmines, 1893-98; Kenilworth Road, Rathgar, 1901 and 1911 Censuses; died at 30 Kenilworth Road, 15 November 1911, aged 86, Engineer, and buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery [Section 230, Plot 8082]; married at Saint Peter's (C.of I.), Dublin, 5 July 1861, Emily JONES (daughter of William JONES of Cambridge Terrace, Rathgar) [see image at ]; she died at 27 Ormonde Road, Rathmines, 15 March 1890; with issue:
i. Henry MAGUIRE, born 1861; died at 27 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 14 January 1877, aged 16.
ii. Emily MAGUIRE, born 1862; died 27 Garville Avenue, 8 April 1874, aged 11 years 6 months.
iii. Frederick William MAGUIRE, born Garville Avenue, 13 January 1864; Ironmonger, 8 Desmond Terrace, 1893; 121 Tritonvlle Terrace, Sandymount, 1898-1902; at 6 Claremont Terrace, Rathmines, 1911 Census; died at 193 Harold's Cross Road, 19 August 1950; married at Dublin North, 16 August 1887, Fannie Theresa EARLS; she died at 196 Harold's Cross Road, 28 November 1950, aged 86, Widow of Business Director, the death informed by her son W.E. MAGUIRE, 46 Farney Park, Sandymount; they had issue:
a. Lyndon Frederick MAGUIRE, born 1891.
b. Irene Laura MAGUIRE, born 1895; married Herbert NIBLOCK.
c. Norman Earls MAGUIRE, born 1898; died at 46 Ferny Park, Sandymount, 19 July 1953, aged 55, Agent, informed by his widow Ethel; he was married at Abbey Street Methodist Church, 3 September 1928, to Ethel Lillian POWDERLY.
d. Vera Noel MAGUIRE, born 1900; married Gerald CLARKE.
e. Eva Constance MAGUIRE, born 1902; married Cecil DICKSON.
f. Edna Kathleen MAGUIRE, born 1902; married George Percy Garfield CRAWFORD.
iv. Herbert MAGUIRE, born Rathfarnham, 25 March 1865; Commission Agent, with his father, 1901 and 1911 Censuses; died in 1938; possibly married in 1936.
v. Ethel Mary MAGUIRE, born at 36 Cullenswood Avenue, 8 October 1866; probably the niece named in the 1896 will of Richard MAGUIRE of New Jersey; with father, 1901 and 1911 Censuses, unmarried, and housekeeper; probably died on 29 October 1918, and buried in the family plot at Mount Jerome Cemetery.
vi. Eily MAGUIRE, born at 11 Leinster Road West, 26 September 1868; died at 5 Bloomfield Avenue, 21 June 1887, aged 18, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery.
vii. Ada Georgina MAGUIRE, born at 27 Garville Avenue, 17 June 1870; died on 25 August 1870, and buried in her JONES grandparents' plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery; an infant.
viii. Hedley Vickers MAGUIRE, born at 27 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 5 September 1871; aged 30, Clerk, with father, 1901; Commercial Traveller, Drugs, at 16 Rathgar Avenue, Rathmines, 1911 Census, with wife and two children; married at Trinity Church, Rathmines, 29 August 1902, Gertrude Emily JAMES (daughter of the late Henry JAMES of Rathdowney); she died on 10 November 1927; with issue:
a. Eric MAGUIRE, born 1903.
b. Ena Kathleen MAGUIRE, born 1906.
c. Hedley Vickers MAGUIRE, born and died at 30 Albert Road, Rathdown, Dublin, 10 January 1920, aged 18 hours.
ix. Eveline Maude MAGUIRE, born on 15 September 1874; died at 28 Ormonde Road, 20 February 1889, aged 14, and buried Mount Jerome Cemetery.
x. Muriel Marrable MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, 24 March 1876; died on 30 June 1889, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery..
xi. Edgar MAGUIRE, born in Dublin South, 1878; with his father, 1911 Census, aged 33 and "Retired from the Army."
ii. Emily MAGUIRE, born 1862; died 27 Garville Avenue, 8 April 1874, aged 11 years 6 months.
iii. Frederick William MAGUIRE, born Garville Avenue, 13 January 1864; Ironmonger, 8 Desmond Terrace, 1893; 121 Tritonvlle Terrace, Sandymount, 1898-1902; at 6 Claremont Terrace, Rathmines, 1911 Census; died at 193 Harold's Cross Road, 19 August 1950; married at Dublin North, 16 August 1887, Fannie Theresa EARLS; she died at 196 Harold's Cross Road, 28 November 1950, aged 86, Widow of Business Director, the death informed by her son W.E. MAGUIRE, 46 Farney Park, Sandymount; they had issue:
a. Lyndon Frederick MAGUIRE, born 1891.
b. Irene Laura MAGUIRE, born 1895; married Herbert NIBLOCK.
c. Norman Earls MAGUIRE, born 1898; died at 46 Ferny Park, Sandymount, 19 July 1953, aged 55, Agent, informed by his widow Ethel; he was married at Abbey Street Methodist Church, 3 September 1928, to Ethel Lillian POWDERLY.
d. Vera Noel MAGUIRE, born 1900; married Gerald CLARKE.
e. Eva Constance MAGUIRE, born 1902; married Cecil DICKSON.
f. Edna Kathleen MAGUIRE, born 1902; married George Percy Garfield CRAWFORD.
iv. Herbert MAGUIRE, born Rathfarnham, 25 March 1865; Commission Agent, with his father, 1901 and 1911 Censuses; died in 1938; possibly married in 1936.
v. Ethel Mary MAGUIRE, born at 36 Cullenswood Avenue, 8 October 1866; probably the niece named in the 1896 will of Richard MAGUIRE of New Jersey; with father, 1901 and 1911 Censuses, unmarried, and housekeeper; probably died on 29 October 1918, and buried in the family plot at Mount Jerome Cemetery.
vi. Eily MAGUIRE, born at 11 Leinster Road West, 26 September 1868; died at 5 Bloomfield Avenue, 21 June 1887, aged 18, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery.
vii. Ada Georgina MAGUIRE, born at 27 Garville Avenue, 17 June 1870; died on 25 August 1870, and buried in her JONES grandparents' plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery; an infant.
viii. Hedley Vickers MAGUIRE, born at 27 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, 5 September 1871; aged 30, Clerk, with father, 1901; Commercial Traveller, Drugs, at 16 Rathgar Avenue, Rathmines, 1911 Census, with wife and two children; married at Trinity Church, Rathmines, 29 August 1902, Gertrude Emily JAMES (daughter of the late Henry JAMES of Rathdowney); she died on 10 November 1927; with issue:
a. Eric MAGUIRE, born 1903.
b. Ena Kathleen MAGUIRE, born 1906.
c. Hedley Vickers MAGUIRE, born and died at 30 Albert Road, Rathdown, Dublin, 10 January 1920, aged 18 hours.
ix. Eveline Maude MAGUIRE, born on 15 September 1874; died at 28 Ormonde Road, 20 February 1889, aged 14, and buried Mount Jerome Cemetery.
x. Muriel Marrable MAGUIRE, born in Dublin, 24 March 1876; died on 30 June 1889, and buried in the family plot, Mount Jerome Cemetery..
xi. Edgar MAGUIRE, born in Dublin South, 1878; with his father, 1911 Census, aged 33 and "Retired from the Army."
15. Robert MAGUIRE (2), (pictured above); born on 3 March 1826, and baptised 17 April.
Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail, Saturday 2 December 1843:
"... Professor of Irish in Trinity College (the Rev Thos D. CONEYS)... and on 22d November, an examination of candidates was held the rev professor, when Mr Thomas W. SKELTON, candidate bachelor, and Mr Robert MAGUIRE, senior freshman, were elected scholars. The latter young gentleman was educated at the Rev Dr WALL's school, Hume Street, and commenced the study of the language there (never having as much as heard it spoken before). This is a practical illustration of the possibility of attaining a knowledge of the language without living in a part of the country where it is generally spoken, the examination being held in the Irish language; and is an encouragement to others similarly circumstanced with him to undertake the task which he did without in the slightest degree interfering with any portion of his school business. We learn he has not yet attained his eighteenth year, and is the youngest son of Mr William MAGUIRE, of Peter Place, long known to the citizens of Dublin from his appointment in St Patrick's Cathedral and the Paving Board."
B.A., Trinity College, Dublin, 1847; Principal of the Church Mission College, Ballinasloe, County Galway, 1847; Church of Ireland Clergyman, 1849; Curate of Saint Nicholas's, Cork, 1849; Clerical Secretary, Islington Protestant Institute, 1852; Rector of Saint James's, Clerkenwell, April 1857; at 39 Myddleton Square, Clerkenwell, 1861 and 1871 Censuses; Rector of Saint Olave's, Southwark, June 1875; not found in England in 1881 Census records, perhaps visiting Ireland; he died at 6 Lesmure Road, Eastbourne, 3 September 1890, and was buried in his family grave at Highgate Cemetery; he married firstly, at Saint Nicholas' (C.of I.), Cork, on 24 April 1851, Ephraimina ADAMS (daughter of Ephraim ADAMS and Anna TRANSKOWSKI); she died at 3 Clermont Villas, Richmond, 13 June 1864, aged 37; issue:
Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail, Saturday 2 December 1843:
"... Professor of Irish in Trinity College (the Rev Thos D. CONEYS)... and on 22d November, an examination of candidates was held the rev professor, when Mr Thomas W. SKELTON, candidate bachelor, and Mr Robert MAGUIRE, senior freshman, were elected scholars. The latter young gentleman was educated at the Rev Dr WALL's school, Hume Street, and commenced the study of the language there (never having as much as heard it spoken before). This is a practical illustration of the possibility of attaining a knowledge of the language without living in a part of the country where it is generally spoken, the examination being held in the Irish language; and is an encouragement to others similarly circumstanced with him to undertake the task which he did without in the slightest degree interfering with any portion of his school business. We learn he has not yet attained his eighteenth year, and is the youngest son of Mr William MAGUIRE, of Peter Place, long known to the citizens of Dublin from his appointment in St Patrick's Cathedral and the Paving Board."
B.A., Trinity College, Dublin, 1847; Principal of the Church Mission College, Ballinasloe, County Galway, 1847; Church of Ireland Clergyman, 1849; Curate of Saint Nicholas's, Cork, 1849; Clerical Secretary, Islington Protestant Institute, 1852; Rector of Saint James's, Clerkenwell, April 1857; at 39 Myddleton Square, Clerkenwell, 1861 and 1871 Censuses; Rector of Saint Olave's, Southwark, June 1875; not found in England in 1881 Census records, perhaps visiting Ireland; he died at 6 Lesmure Road, Eastbourne, 3 September 1890, and was buried in his family grave at Highgate Cemetery; he married firstly, at Saint Nicholas' (C.of I.), Cork, on 24 April 1851, Ephraimina ADAMS (daughter of Ephraim ADAMS and Anna TRANSKOWSKI); she died at 3 Clermont Villas, Richmond, 13 June 1864, aged 37; issue:
i. Anna Maria MAGUIRE, born Islington, 1853; with her parents, 1861 and 1871.
ii. Ephraimina Adams MAGUIRE, born Islington, 1856; died at Burton-upon-Trent, 1907; married firstly, at Saint Olave's Southwark, 5 October 1888, to her cousin William Andrew MAGUIRE (son of her uncle Joseph MAGUIRE - see above); with issue, not surviving (see above also); he died in 1892; she was married secondly, at Saint Stephen's, Wandsworth, 19 August 1896, to Rev Thomas George STRONG, a widower; possible additional issue:
a. Effie Louise STRONG, born 1897.
iii. Mary Esther MAGUIRE, born at 24 Lonsdale Street, Islington, 28 April 1857; died at Clerkenwell, 1859; a child.
iv. Dorothea Letitia MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 2 May 1858; School Teacher, aged 32, unmarried, with sister and; brother-in-law, 1891; aged 52, Own Means, Kensington, 1911 Census.
v. Robert Ephraim MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 16 March 1861; with parents, 1861 and 1871 Censuses; the only surviving issue not named in his father's will, 1890; went to Australia; died at Sydney Hospital, 26 July 1915, late of Queensland; unmarried.
ii. Ephraimina Adams MAGUIRE, born Islington, 1856; died at Burton-upon-Trent, 1907; married firstly, at Saint Olave's Southwark, 5 October 1888, to her cousin William Andrew MAGUIRE (son of her uncle Joseph MAGUIRE - see above); with issue, not surviving (see above also); he died in 1892; she was married secondly, at Saint Stephen's, Wandsworth, 19 August 1896, to Rev Thomas George STRONG, a widower; possible additional issue:
a. Effie Louise STRONG, born 1897.
iii. Mary Esther MAGUIRE, born at 24 Lonsdale Street, Islington, 28 April 1857; died at Clerkenwell, 1859; a child.
iv. Dorothea Letitia MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 2 May 1858; School Teacher, aged 32, unmarried, with sister and; brother-in-law, 1891; aged 52, Own Means, Kensington, 1911 Census.
v. Robert Ephraim MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 16 March 1861; with parents, 1861 and 1871 Censuses; the only surviving issue not named in his father's will, 1890; went to Australia; died at Sydney Hospital, 26 July 1915, late of Queensland; unmarried.
Robert married secondly, at Staffordshire, 5 August 1869, Margaret Mary DEACON (daughter of Edward Erastus DEACON, Barrister-at-Law); she was at Croydon, Msx, 1901 Census, aged 67, with two children; further issue:
vi. Margaret Mary Deacon MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 14 August 1870; named in her father's will, 1890.
vii. Gertrude Owen MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 2 June 1872; aged 28, with her mother, 1901 Census, unmarried; a Patient at Heigham Hall, Old Palace Road, Norwich, 1911 Census.
viii. Edith Frances MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 19 February 1874; died at Saint Olave's Rectory, 26 September 1877, aged 3.
ix. Francis Edward MAGUIRE, born at Saint Olave's Rectory, 14 November 1876; Chartered Accountant, with mother, 1901 Census; of 22 Montague Gardens, Wallington, Surrey, 1909 (grave transfer, Highgate Cemetery Burial Register), and in 1911 Census, aged 34, Assistant Secretary, with wife Ada (aged 36, born Hulton, Cranwick, Yorks); died in 1971; married at Bromley, Kent, December quarter 1908, Ada Gertrude PUDSEY; issue included two daughters.
vii. Gertrude Owen MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 2 June 1872; aged 28, with her mother, 1901 Census, unmarried; a Patient at Heigham Hall, Old Palace Road, Norwich, 1911 Census.
viii. Edith Frances MAGUIRE, born at 39 Myddleton Square, 19 February 1874; died at Saint Olave's Rectory, 26 September 1877, aged 3.
ix. Francis Edward MAGUIRE, born at Saint Olave's Rectory, 14 November 1876; Chartered Accountant, with mother, 1901 Census; of 22 Montague Gardens, Wallington, Surrey, 1909 (grave transfer, Highgate Cemetery Burial Register), and in 1911 Census, aged 34, Assistant Secretary, with wife Ada (aged 36, born Hulton, Cranwick, Yorks); died in 1971; married at Bromley, Kent, December quarter 1908, Ada Gertrude PUDSEY; issue included two daughters.

Church of Saint James's, Clerkenwell, May 1867, to mark the 10th anniversary of his induction as incumbent -
as portrayed on the web-site.]
16. Georgina MAGUIRE, born on 3 August 1828, and baptised 8 August; died in March 1865, and buried Vicar's Bawn, 30 March, aged 36; unmarried.
Mathew MAGUIRE, John MAGUIRE and William MAGUIRE were the elder sons of John MAGUIRE (1693-1774) of Clara, near Redhills, County Cavan, by his wife Martha BUCK; they appear to have been born about 1725-35. One of these may have been ancestor to John and Matthew MAGUIRE, both of Mullalougher, Redhills, County Cavan, and probaby Methodists, who on 5 December 1823, both then over 23 and of the yeomanry, petitioned the Colonial Office for assistance to emigrate to Carleton County, Canada West (later Ontario), perhaps to join relations already there.
Bruce S. ELLIOTT, in his "Irish Immigrants in the Canadas: a new approach," 1988, McGill-Queen's Uni Press, at page 125, wrote the following:
"A third group of settlers in Carleton County was represented in Colonel COCKBURN's List by William KEMP of Cavan. Several dozen families of Protestant farmers and weavers from north Cavan parishes of Annagh, Annacliffe. and Castleterra petitioned the Colonial Office for assistance to emigrate to join relatives in the Richmond military settlement between 1820 and 1830 [footnote 31].
"Though the government refused them aid, most came in any case, and settled in Goulburn, Huntly, March and Nepean Townships,where they were joined by a number of families from their old neighbourhoods, who did not bother to petition the government before leaving Ireland. Many of the emigrants were pioneers of Methodism in Carleton County, and their faith, which they adopted in Ireland and not on the Canadian frontier, helped keep the families close for many generations."
And at p 327 (the preceding page, 326, was not shown in the search result):
"Footnote 31. ..James WILSON and John MAGUIRE, 18 December 1822; CO 384/9, f.357, petition of John and Matthew MAGUIRE, Mullaloghter, Redhills, 5 December 1823; PAC, RG 1, L 3, P14/83, petition of William, Isaac and Abraham PRATT, John McGUIRE Senior and Junior, Matthew McGUIRE and John MOORE, Huntly, read 28 September 1825."
There can be little doubt that the Mullaloghter MAGUIRES were related to the family of Thomas MAGUIRE of Mullalougher, near Redhills, Parish of Castleterra, County Cavan, by his wife Letitia PHAYRE. Their son John MAGUIRE (the second of the name, and born County Cavan, probably at Mullalougher, on 10 May 1774), was recorded in William MAGUIRE's 1823 "Memoir" as having gone to America on 18 March 1795; and of having died there (this additional entry was not in William MAGUIRE's hand, so may have occurred after his death in 1844).
He is certainly of the right age for the John McGUIRE who was enumerated at No 2 Township (Edwardsburgh), Grenville County, Canada West (Ontario), 1851 Census, aged 77, Married, a Farmer, born Ireland, with Leticia McGUIRE, aged 51, Married, also born Ireland; daughter Margaret E. THOMSON, aged 21, Married (not of this family), and sons Jacob McGUIRE, aged 18, and James McGUIRE, aged 11, both Labourers and both born Canada.
In the adjacent dwelling, also a single storied log-cabin, was Mathew McGUIRE, aged 27, Farmer, born Ireland (later census information suggests his age was recorded in error for 37), with Sarah McGUIRE, also aged 27 (also probably in error for 37), Married, born Ireland, and their children John (aged 13), Sarah (13), Helen (12), James (10), Matthew (8), Jacob (6), Fanny (4) and Mary Ann (2); also in this dwelling were James BOYDE, aged 17, born Ireland (undoubtedly a brother of Sarah McGUIRE Senior), and Thomas McGUIRE, 40, born Ireland (probably Matthew Senior's brother). If Matthew Senior was 37, and if Thomas was his brother, and they were John McGUIRE Senior's son, then it is clear they must have been by an earlier marriage.
And the appearance of the name Matthew also suggests this might have been one of the Mullalougher immigrants.
However, there is some information at large (a 2004 Rootsweb posting by Mary Lou FRY, of Dunrobin, Ontario, citing a "...hand-written note-book"), which suggests that this John McGUIRE was married to Letitia BOYD, and that his parents were John McGUIRE and Alice ROYAL. Further, and perhaps informed from the same source, a MURRAY family tree ( indicates that John McGUIRE (the Alice ROYAL spouse) had been born in Belturbet, County Cavan (a few miles to the west of Redhills).
Indeed, Mary Lou's daughter has since informed me that this hand-written pedigree note-book containing this information is lodged in the Prescott Library, near Spencerville, Ontario, and that it duplicates William MAGUIRE's 1823 Memoir notes that their common ancestor was Captain Bryan MAGUIRE of the Crom Castle incident.
"A third group of settlers in Carleton County was represented in Colonel COCKBURN's List by William KEMP of Cavan. Several dozen families of Protestant farmers and weavers from north Cavan parishes of Annagh, Annacliffe. and Castleterra petitioned the Colonial Office for assistance to emigrate to join relatives in the Richmond military settlement between 1820 and 1830 [footnote 31].
"Though the government refused them aid, most came in any case, and settled in Goulburn, Huntly, March and Nepean Townships,where they were joined by a number of families from their old neighbourhoods, who did not bother to petition the government before leaving Ireland. Many of the emigrants were pioneers of Methodism in Carleton County, and their faith, which they adopted in Ireland and not on the Canadian frontier, helped keep the families close for many generations."
And at p 327 (the preceding page, 326, was not shown in the search result):
"Footnote 31. ..James WILSON and John MAGUIRE, 18 December 1822; CO 384/9, f.357, petition of John and Matthew MAGUIRE, Mullaloghter, Redhills, 5 December 1823; PAC, RG 1, L 3, P14/83, petition of William, Isaac and Abraham PRATT, John McGUIRE Senior and Junior, Matthew McGUIRE and John MOORE, Huntly, read 28 September 1825."
There can be little doubt that the Mullaloghter MAGUIRES were related to the family of Thomas MAGUIRE of Mullalougher, near Redhills, Parish of Castleterra, County Cavan, by his wife Letitia PHAYRE. Their son John MAGUIRE (the second of the name, and born County Cavan, probably at Mullalougher, on 10 May 1774), was recorded in William MAGUIRE's 1823 "Memoir" as having gone to America on 18 March 1795; and of having died there (this additional entry was not in William MAGUIRE's hand, so may have occurred after his death in 1844).
He is certainly of the right age for the John McGUIRE who was enumerated at No 2 Township (Edwardsburgh), Grenville County, Canada West (Ontario), 1851 Census, aged 77, Married, a Farmer, born Ireland, with Leticia McGUIRE, aged 51, Married, also born Ireland; daughter Margaret E. THOMSON, aged 21, Married (not of this family), and sons Jacob McGUIRE, aged 18, and James McGUIRE, aged 11, both Labourers and both born Canada.
In the adjacent dwelling, also a single storied log-cabin, was Mathew McGUIRE, aged 27, Farmer, born Ireland (later census information suggests his age was recorded in error for 37), with Sarah McGUIRE, also aged 27 (also probably in error for 37), Married, born Ireland, and their children John (aged 13), Sarah (13), Helen (12), James (10), Matthew (8), Jacob (6), Fanny (4) and Mary Ann (2); also in this dwelling were James BOYDE, aged 17, born Ireland (undoubtedly a brother of Sarah McGUIRE Senior), and Thomas McGUIRE, 40, born Ireland (probably Matthew Senior's brother). If Matthew Senior was 37, and if Thomas was his brother, and they were John McGUIRE Senior's son, then it is clear they must have been by an earlier marriage.
And the appearance of the name Matthew also suggests this might have been one of the Mullalougher immigrants.
However, there is some information at large (a 2004 Rootsweb posting by Mary Lou FRY, of Dunrobin, Ontario, citing a "...hand-written note-book"), which suggests that this John McGUIRE was married to Letitia BOYD, and that his parents were John McGUIRE and Alice ROYAL. Further, and perhaps informed from the same source, a MURRAY family tree ( indicates that John McGUIRE (the Alice ROYAL spouse) had been born in Belturbet, County Cavan (a few miles to the west of Redhills).
Indeed, Mary Lou's daughter has since informed me that this hand-written pedigree note-book containing this information is lodged in the Prescott Library, near Spencerville, Ontario, and that it duplicates William MAGUIRE's 1823 Memoir notes that their common ancestor was Captain Bryan MAGUIRE of the Crom Castle incident.
However, it does appear that John McGUIRE had probably served in the Battle of Waterloo.
This is asserted by Hazel M. HARMISON and Esther E. MASKE [in an article published in an as yet unsourced book, unknown title, under a chapter heading of Independence Township, at pages 268-270], who stated that John McGUIRE "...had been an Orangeman in the Old Country, and had fought in the battle of Waterloo under WELLINGTON" - and that he "...sailed from Belfast, Ireland, 'May Eve of 1826.' With him were Thomas, William and Matthew. They went up the St Lawrence River to Canada."
HARMISON and MASKE also state that his son Jacob later changed his name from MacGUIRE to McGUIRE (although throughout his father's army career, discussed below, the name was spelt McGUIRE), and that the "...MacGUIREs came originally from Scotland, and were of the Clan MacQUARRIE." I have yet to investigate this possible variant source for my own MAGUIRE ancestors, but suspect that if this branch was originally of the MacQUARRIE clan, then perhaps they are a separate family.
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Indeed, there was a John McGUIRE who enlisted in the 17th Regiment of Dragoons on 2 December 1803 [W.O. Reference 899]; another entry records the date as 26 June 1804 with the same W.O. Reference number, so either another John McGUIRE, or a second enlistment date for the same man?There are a number of references to a John McGUIRE who was born in the north of County Cavan in the 1770's, in records of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Some are found in "Regimental and Services Records" on under "Chelsea Pensioners' Discharge Documents, 1760-1887" [A] others at under "UK, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Regimental Registers of Pensioners who Served in Canada, 1713-1882" [B], both sets with digital images, and yet another set, some duplicates of the former, also at, under "UK, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Pensioner Admissions and Discharges, 1715-1925" [C], but with images intercepted by or out-sourced to the Fold3 web-site, to which I do not have a subscription. Some of these are evidently the 17th Dragoons man - others have sufficient degrees of differences to details like age, birthplace, and some physical characteristics to make it look there may have been two men of the same name, of similar age, and from the same general neighbourhood in County Cavan. I have included them all here for comparison.
[Part of a Parish Map for northern County Cavan. This may be a map of R.C. Parishes (as indicated by the spelling of Castletara), but the general locations should probably correspond approximately with their Church of Ireland counterparts.]
13 March 1807. [A] John McGUIRE, Private in Captain Phillip TISDALE's Troop, H.M.'s Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons. Aged 28; born in in the Parish of Urney, in or near the Market Town of Cavan, County Cavan (about 6 km west of Ballyhaise). Condition - a contraction of the elbow joint of the right arm through (Vene?)section. Height 5 feet 8 inches; Brown hair; Grey eyes; Fresh complexion. Discharge document signed at Maidstone Depot. [W.O. 121-008]
6 April 1807. [B] Two further and separate entries concerning the contraction of the right elbow injury. [W.O. 120/1; and W.O. 120/9]
Evidently born in Urney about 1778.
August 1813 (day obscured). [B] John (first name in index, obscured in image) McGUIRE, [Number obscured in image but indexed as Ninth) Regiment of Dragoons. Aged 35. Service - 13 years 6/12. Rate per day - 9d. Condition - Visceral obstruction contracted in Portugal. Born Kill., Cavan; Labourer; 5 feet 7 and 3/4 inches; Hazel, Dark, and Dark. [W.O. 120/20]
Evidently born in Kilmore about 1778.
16 November 1814. [B] Jno McGUIRE, Seventeenth Regiment of Dragoons, aged 38. Born in Kilmore, County Cavan. Condition - Chronic Asthma. Labourer; 58 (probably height in feet and inches), bro, hazel, fair (probably eye hair colour and complexion). Remarks - O.P. from House, 25 June 1815. Service details - Private 10 years 11/12, East Indies 5 years 4/12, Total 13 years 7/12 (although this does not add up), 8 V'ns OP 2 April for 1 year 3/12, 2 V'ns 1 Nov 1825 for 3 years 10/12 with sub-total 5 years 1/12 (which does), and grand total of 18 years 8/12. Rate per day - 6d (appearing to have been "overwritten" by 9d).
Evidently born in Kilmore about 1776.
And John McGUIRE, [A], a Private in the Second Royal Veteran Battalion, was discharged at Londonderry on 24 October 1825, aged 49 years, due to Reduction, after an Army service of 21 years 211 days, and Regimental service from 25 December 1821 (when he was aged 46 years) to discharge date. His earlier service was recorded in his Chelsea Pensioner Discharge Certificate [], in which he was recorded as born in the Parish of Kilmore, in or near the Town of Ballyhaise, County Cavan; that he served in the 17th Dragoons (or an abbreviation that does fit that interpretation) for 14 years and 304 days (without actual dates), and two separate periods on Half-pay (16 November 1814 to 21 December 1819; and 25 March 1821 to 24 December 1821. He was described as being 5 feet 6 and-a-half inches in height, with grey hair, hazel eyes, and dark complexion. His occupation was recorded as labourer. The entry was endorsed with a note that he received 10s 6d being 7d per diem allowance for himself and 14s 2d for his family, and that he received his last quarter pension in Cavan, and intending residing in Cavan. He acknowledged that he was fully paid out by "signing" with his "X" mark. [W.O. 121/020]
Evidently born in Kilmore about 1776.
This service, for a man of similar age as the one recorded in the 1851 Census at Grenville County, also fits in rather well with an arrival in Ontario in May 1826.
However, there are several glitches:
1. The length service of 21 years 211 days, added on to one or other Enlistment Dates does not converge on the Date of Discharge, 24 October 1825 - the earlier date leads to 1 July 1824; the other to 25 January 1825. Perhaps one or the other or both took some time out and the service was interrupted?
2. The ages deduced are all two to four years younger than the John McGUIRE born in 1774
3. In the published lists of Regiments engaged at Waterloo, specifically in the Order of Battle for the day of the Battle, the 17th Regiment of Dragoons is not named.
But a very interesting mention is made of one of them by David DOBSON in his "Irish Emigrants in North America: Part Six" [Clearfield, Baltimore, 2003], at page 76, evidently citing records held in the Public Archives of Ontario in Ottawa:
"McGUIRE, John, formerly a private of the 17th Light Dragoons, with his wife, from Ireland, settled in Drummond, Ontario, on 17 October 1816. [PAO. MS 154]."
It would appear that this is far too early for the arrivals indicated in Ontario in 1826. Unless this John returned to Ireland to re-enlist, as at least one of the above Chelsea Pensioner records suggest - or unless there were two, and one stayed in Ireland.
But on the basis of this information, I now think it highly likely that there were two - and perhaps even three - but the disentangling (or de-conflation) of them may prove to be a bit of a task.
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There is another John McGUIRE, who may be already implicated here.One source records his birth in Ashfield, County Cavan, on 3 March 1787, which rather rules him out of current considerations, on the grounds of his youth. Indeed, several British Regimental Registers indicate that he probably instead served in the 44th Foot, and perhaps subsequently in the 74th Foot. He is said to have married in 1814, Mary WALLACE of County Cork (she died in Ottawa in 1860); and there are indications that they had a large family of 15 children, of whom 10 survived childhood; this John is probably the one enumerated in the 1861 Census at Gloucester Township, Carleton County, Ontario, a Farmer, aged 74, born Ireland, R.C., his wife Mary having died in 1860, aged 64, of senility, and residing in a log house, 1 and a half storeys, with three of his children; John is believed to be the one who died in Carleton County, near Ottawa, on 30 March 1880, aged 94 years, a Pensioner (and probably therefor an Army Pensioner), and born in Ireland.
He may have been the 1816 arrival (see above) - however, family trees indicate that his children were all born in County Cavan, and not in Canada. And there are other indications that he was a Catholic, and therefore unlikely to have been related to the Mullalougher Methodists.
Among the 10 surviving children appear to have been the following, with details gleaned from several very similar family trees on
1. John McGUIRE, born about 1815; at Gloucester County, Ontario, 1851 Census, aged 36, born Ireland, R.C., with wife Mary Ann and their five children; he died on 1 June 1890; he married at Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa, 22 August 1843, Mary Ann FINLAY (interpreted as FINNELLY), a daughter of John FINLAY, of Gloucester, and Bridget HAY, with issue.
2. Anna McGUIRE, born about 1820; died in Carleton County, Ontario, 28 May 1907; married John CLARKE, with issue.
3. Denis McGUIRE, born about 1823; died in Cook County, Illinois, about 1875; married in Ottawa, July 1851, Nancy Ann WALSH, with issue.
4. James McGUIRE, born about 1828; died on 15 June 1851.
5. Frank McGUIRE, born about 1829; married Ann M. McCAULEY, with issue.
6. Catherine McGUIRE, born about 1831; died on 10 June 1848.
7. Philip McGUIRE, born about 1834; aged 27, born Ireland, unmarried, and residing with his father, 1861; he died in Carleton County, Ontario, on 28 October 1916.
8. Charles McGUIRE, born about 1840; died on 10 September 1862; married Mary TIERNEY, with issue.
9. Mary McGUIRE, born about 1840; aged 21, born Ireland, unmarried, and living with her father in 1861.
10. Johanna McGUIRE; died on 18 September 1904; married Mathew KELLY, with issue.
11. Rosey McGUIRE, born about 1844; aged 17, born Ireland, unmarried, and living with her father in 1861.
Given the nature of these details, I think we can safely "eliminate" them from our quest for descendants of Captain Bryan MAGUIRE of Redhills.
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Despite all of the above difficulties, it is tempting to speculate the following descent:John MAGUIRE, born in Kilmore parish, County Cavan, in 1774; possibly served in the 17th Dragoons, from December 1803 until November 1814, and fought at Waterloo; possibly also served in the 8th Veteran Battalion for 3 years, and re-enlisted in the 2nd Royal Veteran Battalion in December 1821, for nearly 4 years; he appears to have emigrated to Ontario in May 1826, with Thomas, William and Matthew McGUIRE; he died in Ontario in 1859, and is said to have been buried in Prescott [HARMISON and MASKE]; he was evidently married firstly, with issue:
1. Thomas McGUIRE, born in Ireland, about 1811; arrived in Canada with his father, 1826; residing with his brother Matthew, 1851 Census, aged 40; probably died at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, 12 June 1881, aged 71 years, Farmer, born Ireland, C. of E.
2. Matthew McGUIRE, born in Ireland, about 1814; arrived in Canada with his father, 1826; at Edwardsburgh, 1861 Census, aged 46, with wife and four children; ditto, 1871, aged 58; died at Edwardsburgh, Grenville County, Ontario, 7 July 1877; married Sarah (Sally) BOYD; she was born in Ireland, about 1813; she was at Edwardsburgh, 1881 Census, aged 70, with two daughters; issue:
a. John McGUIRE, born Spencerville, Ontario, 1 May 1837; aged 13, with parents, 1851; at Edwardsburgh, 1861 Census, aged 23, Cabinet Maker; at Almonte, Lanark County, 1871, aged 34, with wife and three children; married Grenville County, Ont, 15 March 1864, Jane HENDRY; issue - James McGUIRE (aged 6 in 1871), Ellen McGUIRE (aged 5 in 1871), Alice McGUIRE (aged 3 in 1871), Letitia Henrietta McGUIRE (born Almonte, 19 June 1873) and John Matthew McGUIRE (born Almonte, 7 March 1877).
b. Sarah Jane McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 1 November 1839; aged 13, with parents, 1851; aged 21, with brothers, 1861; died at Spencerville, 14 May 1928; married at Edwardsburgh, 3 May 1864, Thomas Hunter SMAIL, with issue.
c. Helen McGUIRE, born Spencerville 13 November 1840; aged 12, with parents, 1851; aged 20, ditto, 1861; aged 40, with mother, 1881.
d. James McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 30 May 1842; aged 10, with parents, 1851; aged 18, ditto, 1861; at Almonte, 1871 Census, aged 28, Cabinet Maker, with wife Elizabeth.
e. Matthew McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 13 March 1844; aged 8, with parents, 1851.
f. Jacob McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 12 September 1845; aged 6, with parents, 1851; Apprenticed to his brother John, 1861 Census, aged 15; with parents, 1871, with wife; Farmer; died at Edwardsburgh, 2 May 1932; married at Spencerville, 24 January 1870, Mary Ann DUKELOW; issue - Matthew McGUIRE (born 1871; died 1953; married 1894, Margaret Scott FRASER); Gertrude Anne McGUIRE (born 1873; died 1935; married John Andrew RIDDELL); Sarah Jane McGUIRE (born 1875; died 1927); Margaret Ellen McGUIRE (born 1877); Mary Esther McGUIRE (born and died 1880); Fanny Helena McGUIRE (born 1881); Charles Joseph McGUIRE (born 1886); Hester Alice McGUIRE (born 1881; married Edward James HUNTER).
g. Fanny McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 17 October 1847; aged 4, with parents, 1851; aged 13, ditto, 1861; probably married Daniel MILLS with issue.
h. Mary Ann McGUIRE, born Spencerville, 27 April 1850; aged 2 mos, with parents, 1851; aged 10, ditto, 1861; aged 30, with mother, 1881.
John married secondly, Letitia BOYD; she was born Ireland, about 1800; with husband, 1851 Census, aged 51; further issue:
3. Margaret E. McGUIRE, born in Canada, about 1830; married Mr THOMPSON; of Gananoque; visiting her parents, 1851 Census, aged 21.
4. Jacob Boyd McGUIRE, probably born at Grenville County, Ontario, on 31 December 1831; aged 18, Labourer, with parents, 1851; after 1858, he moved from Prescott to Ohio, then to Red Wing, Minnesota; named in Minnesota Draft Registration Records, 1863-65, as a Farmer, aged 30, born Ireland; by 1872 he was in Osbourne County, Kansas; he married at Prescott, Ontario, on 3 June 1858, Sarah McCADDEN, by whom he had issue nine children:
a. Margaret Elisa McGUIRE, born 11 March 1859; died 8 July 1892.
b. Jennie A. McGUIRE, born 22 February 1861; died 13 April 1896.
c. James McGUIRE, born 28 June 1862; died 23 March 1896.
d. Ellen Jane McGUIRE, born 12 April 1864; died 26 April 1933.
e. Sarah Letitia McGUIRE, born 1 June 1866; died 23 July 1935.
f. Catherine Ann McGUIRE, born 22 February 1868; died 7 June 1923.
g. Mary McGUIRE, born 24 December 1869; died 22 December 1923.
h. Jacob William McGUIRE, born 10 June 1876; died 9 September 1957; married 15 April 1903, Ella Catherine BOTKIN; with issue.
j. David McGUIRE, born 30 November 1878; died 6 May 1957.
5. James A. McGUIRE, probably born near Prescott, in Grenville County, Ontario, 6 August 1839; aged 11, with parents, 1851; named in Minnesota Draft Registration Records, 1863-65, as a Farmer, aged 25, born Ireland; at Hiawatha, Brown county, Kansas, 1895 State Census, aged 55, with wife; at South Creek, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, 1910 Federal Census, aged 70, with wife Sarah, and a widowed FERRINGTON Boarder; he died at Prague, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, on 11 August 1910; he was married at Ellington, Dodge County, Minnesota, on 9 February 1866, to Sarah Elizabeth FERRINGTON; she purchased 159 acres in Lincoln County, Oklahoma, on 15 July 1909; they had issue:
a. John Abner McGUIRE, born in Minnesota, 14 November 1866 [see James McGUIRE's Memorial on, with details provided by Nancy (ZEISE) CLOUTIER]; he was at Hiawatha, Brown County, Kansas, 1900 Federal Census, aged 33, married 11 years, with wife Cora, aged 31, and three children - James D., Sarah E., and Daniel L. McGUIRE, aged 10 to 6 years.
[St Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Spencerville, Ontario. A McGUIRE family burial ground.]
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Another family of relations who emigrated to Ontario, on 28 April 1823 [William MAGUIRE's Memoir] were Thomas BUCK and his wife Martha MAGUIRE (she was born on 13 July 1765, and was William's eldest sister), with their three children:
1. Thomas BUCK.
Thomas and Daniel BUCK both witnessed a marriage in Johnstown District, Grenville County, November 1835, between Samuel MEECH and Eliza ENGLISH, and peformed by William BROWN, a Methodist Episcopal Church Minister [Johnstown District Marriage Registers, Archives of Ontario, Microfilm MS248, Reel 3].
2. Daniel BUCK.
Daniel BUCK, Carpenter, was appointed Lockmaster, Clowes Lock (#20), Rideau Canal Waterway, 1832; transferred to Poonmalie Lock (#32), 1844; transferred to Old Slys Lock, 1847; Newboro Lock, 1847; Old Slys, 1849-1871; at Montague, South Lanark County, Ont, 1871 Census, aged 67, Married, born Ireland, with wife Margaret; at Smith's Falls, Lanark South, Ontario, 1881, aged 78, Widower, Pensioner, C. of E.; ditto, 1891, aged 83; retired on a pension of nearly $200 p.a.; died at Smith's Falls, 1893, aged 90.
3. Letitia BUCK.
Hiram HOLDEN was married firstly, Canada West, 9 September 1834, to Letitia BUCK, daughter of Thomas BUCK, both of Marchville, Grenville County, ceremony performed by Rev Anson GREEN, a Methodist Episcopal Church Minister; with issue:
a.Thomas Buck HOLDEN, born Oneida County, New York, 7 February 1840; went to Canada at age 2; Victoria College, Cobourg, 1860; Lawyer; called to the Canadian Bar, 1863; stood for Parliament or the Reform Party,1872, 1874 and 1879, without success; Alderman, Belleville City Council, Baldwin Ward, 1871, and Kitcheson Ward, 1880; Police Magistrate; a Methodist; died 28 June 1884; married 20 July 1864, Mary Elizabeth PIPER; she was born 12 January 1846, and died 25 February 1920; issue - Hiram William HOLDEN (born 1865; his portrait presented 1915 to the Chicago Law Institute; married Ethel Mae BOBBITT); John Bell HOLDEN (born 1866, d 1947; married Maude Louise MILLMAN); Louisa Lydia HOLDEN (born 1870; died 1941; married Thomas S. CLARK); Letitia HOLDEN (born 1871; died 1952); Mary Ella HOLDEN (born 1872; died 1958); Henry Wilberfore Aikens HOLDEN (born 1874); and Thomas Frederick HOLDEN (born 1877; died 1897).
Hiram was married secondly, Belleville, 27 May 1845, to Maria HOWARD.
Inevitably there is interest in the ancestry of William's great-grandfather, Capt Bryan McConnagher MAGUIRE (1648-1724), said to have been native to Lisnaskea in County Fermanagh. All we have from William's diary is that his great-grandfather, "... being a junior descendant from the great Stem, had his sword for his fortune." Which suggests that he had no idea as to the identity of this great-grandfather; but that he was aware that he had next to no chance of inheriting MAGUIRE property or title.
[The brass insert in the top of the MAGUIRE obelisk in the burial ground at St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, depicting the Arms of MAGUIRE of Fermanagh.
"Vert, a white horse fully caparisoned (Gules), thereon a Knight in complete armour,
"Vert, a white horse fully caparisoned (Gules), thereon a Knight in complete armour,
on his helmet a plume of ostrich feathers, his right hand brandishing a sword, all ppr."]
But William availed himself of a family Coat-of-Arms (pictured above), which he used to adorn the memorial obelisk he erected in the Vicar's Bawn in his son Thomas's memory. There is no evidence in the Genealogical Office in Dublin (the lineal successor to the Office of the Chief Herald in Ireland) that he sought any approval to use the Arms; nor do I suspect that the bronze caster needed any particular authority before proceeding with the manufacture of the plaque.
William almost certainly would have "rubbed shoulders" with staff of the Chief Herald's Office while they were preparing escutcheons for adornment of Cathedral choir stalls of members of the Order of Saint Patrick's, so had ample opportunity to make enquiries as to protocols concerning usage of these Arms. And William impressed the same Arms on the wax seal to the bottle containing his explanatory messages which he placed in Dean SWIFT's coffin in 1835, presumably by the use of a signet ring, made for that purpose. William probably had the ring made for his own use, as his being the youngest son would have meant his father's (if he had one) would instead have gone to the eldest surviving son Thomas. In this case, William may have needed to persuade the jeweller that he had a claim to the Arms (they are most often used to authenticate signatures on property deeds, as the "seal" part of "sign and seal"). But, if it was a family heirloom, it would be fascinating to discover where it is now located, assess it for age from maker's marks, and see if it may have belonged to his great-grandfather before him. And William replicated the arms in his diary, which showed the Arms identical to the brass insert, with the exception of the horse's left fore-leg (splayed forward), and included the Ducal Stag as Crest (without Ducal coronet), and a Motto, in what appears to be celtic style lettering, and which I deciphered as "Creorvis Romad" - which does not make sense to me.
His middle name may have been a corruption of Cuconnaght, and that may have been used by him or others, as a patronymic, to distinguish him from another or other Bryan MAGUIREs of his age. Which is not entirely convincing, as the other Bryan MAGUIRE he is most likely to have been confused with was Bryan (about 1665-1712) of Tempo, whose father was in fact Cuconnaght (see below). But it was probably instead a patronymic of Cnogher alias Conchobhair.
There is a hint of his being connected to the Tempo MAGUIRE family (see J.G. SIMMS's 1979 paper, "The Williamite War in South Ulster," published in the Clogher Journal). Even suggestions that Bryan may have been shunned by his family, and his details perhaps "removed" from family pedigrees does not help, as it only increases the speculative nature of any further interest in, or "claim" upon that illustrious lineage.
However, there is published pedigree which does record, for about the right generation, a Bryan MAGUIRE who was the son of Connacher MAGUIRE. This is Pedigree No 572 of the "Geinealaighe Fearmanach" (G.F.), as published by the Irish Manuscripts Commission in "Analecta Hibernica," Number 3, September 1931, at page 101.
And it records a direct descent from Eamuinn na Cuile, the 8th MAGUIRE Chief of Fermanagh, through his only legitimate son Giolla Padruicc MAGUIRE, all as follows, with expanded detail from other sources, including the Annals of the Four Masters and the Annals of Ulster.
DONN CARRACH; the first MAGUIRE Chief of Fermanagh, 1264-1302; son of Domnhail who was son of Giolla Iosa; father of:
FLAITHBEARTAGH (Flaherty) MAGUIRE; 2nd Chief of Fermanagh, 1302-1327; father of:
RORY EINIGH (the Generous) MAGUIRE; 3rd Chief of Fermanagh, 1327-1338; father of:
AODH RUADH (Red Hugh) MAGUIRE; 4th Chief of Fermanagh, 1338-1363; father of:
PHILIP NA TUAIGHE (Battleaxe) MAGUIRE; 5th Chief of Fermanagh, 1363-1393; father of:
THOMAS MOR MAGUIRE (Giolla Dubh or Black Lad); 6th Chief of Fermanagh, 1395-1430; died 1430; some sources suggest he married Margaret O'NEIL (daughter of Conn O'NEIL, Chief of Tyrone), with issue seven sons, including second son Philip (Tanist of the Clan, and progenitor of the Tempo MAGUIREs - see below), and his eldest son:
THOMAS OGE MAGUIRE; 7th Chief of Fermanagh, 1430-1471; by Juliana CAMPBELL, the father of Conchubar Mor MAGUIRE (the 10th Chief, 1503-27), and of his eldest son:
EAMONN MAGUIRE; the 8th Chief of Fermanagh, 1471-86; lost territory and prestige to raids by O'NEILL and O'DONNELL, 1483; his chiefship was further savaged by internal feuding, and in particular by the fratricidal assassination of his only legitimate son Giolla-Phadraig, 1484; relinquished the Chiefship in 1486, fearing his illegitimate sons would also murder his only legitimate grandson Phelimidh Dubh, then only a child; last of the chiefs from the senior branch of MAGUIREs based at Knockninny and/or Lisnaskea; died in 1488 [Annals of the Four Masters]; father of:
GIOLLA-PHADRAIG MAGUIRE, the only legitimate son amongst the 14 sons that Eamonn had; his father preserved for him the Barony of Cuile (Coole) and Cnoch Ninnie (Knockninny) for his posterity, before abdicating the Chiefship in favour of his nephew and Giolla-Phadraig's cousin, Sean MAGUIRE (the 9th Chief of Fermanagh, 1486-1503); Giolla-Phadraig was slain at the altar of the Church of Achadh-Urchair (Aghalurcher), 13 September 1484, by five of his half-brothers - Don, John, Edmond, Art Carrach and Hugh MAGUIRE; father of:
PHELIMIDH DUBH MAGUIRE; (Phelimy Duffe); died 1533 [Annals of Ulster]; father of:
SEAIN MAGUIRE of Knockninny; father of:
BRYAN MAGUIRE of Knockninny; "... appears in a fiant of 1592 [Fiants of Elizabeth, No 5716] as a follower of Hugh MAGUIRE, 'chief of his name,' but it is clear that Brian mac Seain was a relatively minor figure" [Bernadette CUNNINGHAM and Raymond GILLESPIE, "The Purposes of Patronage: Brian MAGUIRE of Knockninny and his Manuscripts," Clogher Record, Volume XIII, No. 1, 1988, page 40].
BRYAN was father of:
1. Fheidhlime MAGUIRE (his issue recorded in Pedigree G.F. 542, "Analecta Hibernica").
2. Aodh Ruaidh MAGUIRE (ditto Pedigree G.F. 543).
3. Conchonacht MAGUIRE (ditto Pedigree G.F. 544).
4. Concobhair Mhodortha (alias Connor or Cnocher) MAGUIRE. See next.
CNOGHER MODARTHA MAGUIRE of Knockninny; the "Melancholy" or perhaps "Courtly"; identified as Concobhair mhodortha in "Geinealaighe Fearmanach" Pedigrees G.F. 549 and 572 ("Analecta Hibernica"); "... in 1629, Conor mac Brian, almost certainly Brian's father who was usually known as Conor Modartha mac Brian, held a one year lease from [Lord James] BALFOUR of 109 acres of the Townland of Drumquillia in the Barony of Coole; by 1634 he held the lands of Tomnefernoge at £4 5 shilings per annum from BALFOUR on an annual lease; and by 1636 he had progressed yet further to the 'great tate' of Chime at £12, 2 muttons and 12 hens per annum. In 1641 he, and his son Turlogh, one of Brian's three brothers, merited the title 'gentlemen' in a list of the inhabitants of the parish of Kinawley in the barony of Knockninny" [CUNNINGHAM and GILLESPIE, "The Purpose of Patronage," Op. Cit., pages 40-41]. John DOLAN recorded that, by the early eighteenth century, Connor Modartha had refurbished the chapel of Callowhill (about 2.5 miles from Knockninny Hill) in the parish of Kinawley, for use as a burial ground for the family.

[Ruins of Knockninny House; photo taken in November 2010.]
Cnocher was buried in Callowhill Churchyard (near Derrylin, County Fermanagh), in February 1691 - the Monumental Inscription, bearing Arms which feature, as one among several items, the armour-clad Knight on horseback (as illustrated on our William MAGUIRE's Obelisk in Vicar's Bawn of Saint Patrick's Cathedral), now largely illegible, appears on a stone built into the exterior of the front wall of the church, now ruined, on the right-hand side of the entrance doorway.

It has been transcribed as - "This monument was erected by Brien MAGUIRE for his beloved father
Knogher Modoerre MAGUIRE and his posterity, who lieth hereunder, and dyed in February..."
Cnocher was father of:
1. Toirdhealbhach MAGUIRE (his issue recorded in Pedigree 550, "Analecta Hibernica").
2. Eamonn MAGUIRE.
3. Rughraoi MAGUIRE (ditto, Pedigree 569); and
4. BRYAN MAGUIRE. See next.
BRYAN McCONACHER MAGUIRE of Knockninny; an Army Captain, who, after the Williamite wars, was a patron of literature and manuscript collector, responsible for marshalling resources which led to the preparation of six surviving composite manuscripts at Knockninny between 1712 and 1721, in which "the principal subject categories... are historical and genealogical material, legendary tales, lives of saints and devotional tracts" [CUNNINGHAM and GILLESPIE, "The Purposes of Patronage," Op. Cit., page 42]; described by one of the scribes, Michael O'CLERY, as a " of the greatest honour, learning and patriotism, who collected all the best chronicles in Ireland to Cocninne, where he entertained the most learned Irish Scholars, whilst they collated the books of the Cluanmacnois, the Collections of O'Duvegan, the Book of Udri, the Book of the O'Cleri's, written in the reign of Maolsechlan the Great, who died in 1022, the Book of the O'Duigenan's, commonly called of Glendaloch, and the Book of Congabhla, with several others" ["Biblioteca Stowensis: A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Stowe Library" by Rev Charles O'CONNOR, D.D., for the British Museum's Department of Manuscripts, 1818, Volume 1, page 143, in a note to Folio 7 of Irish Manuscripts Number 31].
Bryan MAGUIRE of Knockninny, Gent, was named as grantee in a Deed of Lease dated 19 March 1719 (Memorial Number 15239, Deeds Registry, Henrietta Street, Dublin), from Edmond Morton PLEYDELL of Millburne Saint Andrew, Wiltshire (possibly in error for Dorset), concerning the "Territory of Doobally... in the Barony of Tullagho and County Cavan," measuring 24 cartrons, for a term of 31 years, at a rental of £150 sterling per annum, to be paid half yearly; this deed and the memorial of it were witnessed by Brian MAGUIRE of the City of Dublin, Woollen Draper, although his relationship to Bryan of Knockninny, if any, is not stated. This property was the subject of another Deed of Mortgage, dated 2 December 1726, in which Bryan's eldest son Edmund MAGUIRE mortgaged the estate to James SANDERSON of Castledown, County Dublin, for the sum of £1,200, citing the earlier 1719 deed of his now deceased father, as well as two other deeds of his mother, Mary MAGUIRE, dated 31 March 1725, and mentioning his own brother Cornelius MAGUIRE; Edmund's eldest son is identified as Connell MAGUIRE, named in another deed dated 1 July 1726 (Mem No 35198), and in which his agent is named as Ross MAGUIRE.
BRYAN was father (but probably not by Mary LLOYD) of:1. Eamonn (Edmond) MAGUIRE; father of Connall MAGUIRE and Lucas MAGUIRE [G.F. 573].
2. Peattar (Peter) MAGUIRE.
3. Conchobar (Cornelius) Modartha MAGUIRE.
Brian is identified by Rev Patrick MULLIGAN, in his "Early History of Fermanagh" [an edited version of John DOLAN's Manuscript History of Fermanagh, published in the Clogher Record, Vol. II, No. 1, 1957, page 62], as the Jacobite Captain involved in the prisoner exchange at Crom Castle in 1689, who also heads the William MAGUIRE of Dublin pedigree. However, there appear to be some evidentiary difficulties in verifying this "assumption" with entire satisfaction.
The coincidence of Bryan's death, apparently shortly before 1725, and of his widow's name being Mary, is very notable. However, nowhere in the "Fermanagh Genealogies" in Analecta Hibernica is there a pedigree recording a son of Bryan named John MAGUIRE - and nowhere is there a Bryan of near age with a brother identifed as a Priest (or "brathir").
And it does appear from other evidence that Bryan's eldest brother Turlough was of age at the beginning of the 1641 Rebellion (and recorded as a gentleman), and so born in or before 1620; which makes a birth for Bryan in 1648 a bit problematic - although not impossible, especially if Cnocher had made a second marriage (the Fermanagh Genealogies in "Analecta Hibernica" do not name wives or daughters; nor are there anywhere recorded any event dates).
In addition, there is some small difficulty in reconciling the activities of the Jacobite Army Captain at Crom with the prolific patronage of Catholic Arts and Letters, and for which Bryan of Knockninny is renowned - not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.
My own feeling on the matter is summed up by the expression - where there is smoke, there is fire; but that the connection is, as Scottish juries are wont to hand down in judgement, not proven - at least not yet.
But, in broad statistical terms, I would make the following notional guestimates:
1. That William MAGUIRE's great-grandfather was named Bryan MAGUIRE - 95% +/- 5%.
2. That the Bryan was the Captain involved in the Crom incident - 70% +/- 25%
3. That he was also Bryan McConagher MAGUIRE of Knockninny - 35% +/- 15%.
4. That he was of the Tempo family - 15% +/- 15%.
Some sources have suggested a possible origin for the prisoner at Crom from the Tempo branch of the MAGUIRE family, some considerable detail of which we find in the writings of Dr W. (Bill) MAGUIRE in his "Heydays and Fairdays and not so good old days." The lineage of this branch is summarised as follows:
THOMAS MOR MAGUIRE (An Giolla Dubh); 6th MAGUIRE Chief of Fermanagh, 1395; died 1430; married Margaret O'NEIL (daughter of Conn O'NEIL, Chief of Tyrone), with issue seven sons, including the second son:
Philip MAGUIRE; Tanist of the Clan MAGUIRE of Fermanagh; died 1470; he had issue three sons - second son Sean MAGUIRE, the 9th Chief of Fermanagh (1486-1503); and third son Tirlough MAGUIRE. The eldest son was:
Brian MAGUIRE of Tempo; his grandson was:
Cuconnaght (the Coarb) MAGUIRE; 11th Chief of the Fermanagh MAGUIRE's, 1527; died 1537; married Siobhan O'NEIL (daughter of Sean O'NEIL); issue - an eldest son Sean MAGUIRE (the 13th Chief; died 1566); second son Brian MAGUIRE (Abbott of Lisgool); third son Cormac MAGUIRE (slain in 1539); fifth son Donncadh MAGUIRE (died 1562); and 6th son Domnhall MAGUIRE; he also had a fourth son:
Cuconnaght Oge MAGUIRE; 14th Chief, 1566; died 17 January 1589; married firstly, Nuala O'DOMNHALL (daughter of Magnus O'DOMNHALL), by whom he had issue - an eldest son Hugh MAGUIRE, the 15th Chief (killed by Warham ST LEGER near Cork, March 1600); Cuconnaght married secondly, Margaret O'NEIL (daughter of Sean O'NEIL), by whom he had further issue - second son Cuconnaght MAGUIRE, who contested the 16th Chiefship, but fled to Europe with the "Flight of the Earls" in 1607, and died in Genoa in 1608); fourth son Tirlough MAGUIRE; and fifth son Sean Baccach MAGUIRE; he also had a third son:
Brian MAGUIRE; granted the Manor of Inseloghagease, near Loch Eyes, by James I, and one of the first grantees to settle on his estate; by 1611 he had built a substantial residence there, surrounded by a fortified bawn; also of Tempodessel and Tullyweel, County Fermanagh; probably regranted those 90 Townlands by Patent of Charles I, 1639; at his death he was the last remaining Irish landowner in County Fermanagh; died at Tullyweel, 24 April 1655; married Susanna O'CONNOR (daughter of Calvagh O'CONNER of Balintober, County Roscommon); issue an only son:
Hugh MAGUIRE; of Tempo, County Fermanagh; killed in 1650, "fighting the English"; married Mary O'REILLY (daughter of the Chief of Breffney); he had by her a son and heir (without any mention of younger children, ? presumed none):
Cuconnacht Mor MAGUIRE; born Eniskillen, about 1645-50; Sheriff of County Fermanagh under King James II; mortgaged large parts of his estate to raise a Regiment for the service of his Catholic King; killed at the Battle of Aughrim, 23 July 1691, when it is said that a clansman removed his head in a sack and returned it to Fermanagh for burial in the family vault on Devenish Island, Lough Erne; his Fermanagh estates were confiscated by the new King William's government; married Mary MAGENNIS (daughter of Ever MAGENNIS of Castlewellan, County Down); with issue:
1. Bryan MAGUIRE, born about 1665-66; restored the confiscated estates of his late father, 1702, arguing that his father only held a life interest in them; died at Tullyweel, 13 October 1712; married Bridget NUGENT (daughter of James NUGENT of Coolamber, County Longford), using her dowry to pay off debts on the estate; she died in 1754, aged 77, having had issue four or five sons - Cuconnaght MAGUIRE (died 1739, unmarried); Brian MAGUIRE (not listed on most pedigrees, and in the one he is, recorded as "nothing is known of him"); Robert MAGUIRE of Tempo (conformed to Protestantism in 1739 to preserve the estates; died in 1778; married in 1741, Elizabeth McDermott ROE; s.p.); Hugh MAGUIRE (an Army Colonel; died 1766; married 1745, as her "imprisoning" husband, the Lady Dowager CATHCART, whom he kept locked up in a room at Tempo for over 20 years); and Philip MAGUIRE (died in Dublin, 1789, having had, by Frances MORRES, a son and heir Hugh MAGUIRE of Tempo).
2. Hugh MAGUIRE, born 1668.
3. Stephen MAGUIRE, born 1670.
Dear Chris
I would be very grateful for further details of the marriage between Eileen Lillian Wells and Thomas Fitzhenry, as I haven't been able to find them in the Irish/English GRO indexes or on Ancestry.
Thank you
Jo Fitz-Henry
The Fitz(-)henry one name study
I Live beside the Graveyard where Knogher Moidra ( Bryans Father) is is Callowhill Graveyard...near Derrylin Co. Fermanagh...Maurice Maguire, Camletter Derrylin
I live near K. Moidra's Grave in Callowhill Grave yard near Derrylin Co. Fermanagh...Maurice Maguire
Please contact me direct on for exchange of useful information concerning Knogher Moidra MAGUIRE. Are you a descendant, or otherwise related?
M. Maguire here - I am from the nearby Townland of Camletter beside Callowhill. We were ( as far as back as we can trace) the closest Maguire family to the Graveyard until a local built a house nearby there about ten years ago ( Maguire's are top if not top 2 or 3 names in the area)I think that Robert Maguire Photo looks like my Dad are we by chance related. Could we do a DNA test ?
You live in a beautiful part of the world, & I visited Callowhill only last month, although it was overcast & drizzling.
I don't know much about DNA, but I suspect you will only be able to make meaningful comparisons with others who share the same surname, as that side of the DNA is only passed down through the male genes.
I lost my nearest MAGUIRE male progenitor in Dublin in 1844.
And of all the cousins I have so far discovered (4 in number), none are name MAGUIRE.
Chris PIGOTT, Potts Point, N.S.W. at
In all honesty Fermanagh aside from the wonderfull addition of the Lakes and its relatively flat landscape in comparison to its neighbouring counties. Has a better landscape to most other North Western, Western and Midland border Counties. As the people didnt suffer teh Famine as much also the Landlords were much more reasonable in the harsh times of the 1600s through to today. Also there was much less fighting than in Other countys...which also explains why Fermanagh people are so laid vack in truth we got off lightly !
Note please check your email as I sent a fairly long message to you ....
This is very interesting. The name Hugh Maguire came up in my research here in the US but once my family tree crossed back over to Ireland I can not locate much information. Could you contact me via email:
Matt McGuire
Tennessee, USA
An old family photo album has led me to your excellent site. My wife is the elder daughter of Helen Pugh (nee Maguire), grand-daughter of Edward J Maguire. I have been trying to research his sister Emily's involvement with the Scottish Women's Hospitals in Serbia in 1915/16. Thank you for your thorough recording of this family! Ian Lawson.
Hello Chris,
It's been a long time since I contacted you so I'm unsure if you use this site or your yahoo email address anymore...anyway recently, last year a competent accomplished local historian Brendan Scott published a book about Bryan Maguire and the books he commisioned to legitimise his status as a member of the upper classes in the knockninney area...I only bought this book myself recently it goes into great detail explaining how Bryan used his cunning strategies and tact to further his status in the area...which had recently changed from a Gaelic clan society to an area dominated by planter landlords who encouraged the use of English ways above the older Gaelic ways in society, business, economics, behaviour, language, patronage etc etc......
Hello! Great work. There's just one small thing to tweak: Rory/Rúaidhrí an Einigh and Aodh Rúadh were both sons of Flaithbertach. (
Rory/Rúaidhrí's son Brían died on 18 January 1341, and this is most likely why the line of succession went back to Aodh Rúadh. ( Pilib Na Tuaighe was Aodh's heir.
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