Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Irish and English Race Courses - Mentions in Newspapers of the day, between 1670 and 1740.

My forebear, John PIGOTT (1704-1763), Captain of a West India Merchant ship, was married in London in January 1730, to Constantia Maria BURGOYNE, the only daughter of the late Sir Roger BURGOYNE, 4th Baronet of Sutton in Bedfordshire and Wroxall in Warwickshire, with a fortune estimated at 10,000 pounds. In 1732, John PIGOTT, now a Merchant in London, made what appears to have been a speedy exit into Ireland, in the middle of a series of law-suits he was prosecuting in the Court of Chancery, against his new wife's step-father. He settled firstly in Ballynonty, County Tipperary. See his separate blog-page on this blog-site, posted in 2008.

In trying to understand what attracted John PIGOTT to Ballynonty, I gleaned from newspaper entries of the time that there was a series of Horse Races run at the course just outside of Thurles, in the same county, and just 9 miles from Ballynonty. The timing is well nigh perfect, and I began to wonder if there might have been a link. While he is unlikely to have had the physical resources in London to have started a personal stable of Racing Horses, his wife certainly had the money to indulge in the "Sport of Kings" - and she may already have taken a personal interest in the sport through her family connections in Bedfordshire and/or Warwickshire (although I see no particular evidence that she did).
A few years later, on 23 October 1736, the London Evening Post reported that "Capt PIGGOT's Horse" had won the 20 Plate "...at the races on the County Kildare" - presumably at the Curragh.
Another three years later, in September 1739, a Plate was run for at the Curragh in Kildare, and in the first Heat, Mr Thomas PIGOTT's grey mare Infanta was eliminated.
And what I know about this Thomas PIGOTT is that he was almost certainly the eldest brother of my once Captain turned Merchant turned Irish Landowner John PIGOTT.

As I have researched these early racing activities in Ireland, it has become increasingly obvious that several very fine web-pages relating to the origins of race courses in England have not yet discovered the rich source of old newspapers of the times, and their advertising of the scheduled running of Race Meets at the various courses throughout England, as well as in Ireland, and the occasional publication of the news of some results.

I have accessed these newspapers in the State Library of New South Wales, in Sydney, using their institutional subscriptions to several web-sites, including the "Eighteenth Century Collections Online" web-site [ECCO] , but principally the GALE Group's "British Newspapers, 1600-1900" web-site -  a collection of digital images, made under license, of the Burney Collection of 17th-18th Century newspapers, and the British Library collection of newspapers - the latter, I believe, being limited to a number of newspapers that were deemed by the British Library to be "representative" of English life at the time, and are not the complete collection.

What follows is a chronological set of abstracts made from those digital images. My emphasis will initially be confined to mentions made mostly before the year 1715. Nearly all are from "British Newspapers, 1600-1900" - with the exception of those very few from "Eighteenth Century Collections Online" which are marked [ECCO].

Full abstracts are printed here in Italics. The conventional symbol used in many notices for the pound, the letter "l." (for the old Latin "Libra") after the figure amount, is here interpreted as the word "pound."
Otherwise, I have tried to be accurate in my transcripts, as far as the spelling and capitalisation in the original items, as published. Occasionally, the lesser quality of some digitalisations has left me struggling to decipher a word or two, here and there, which I have indicated thus - [ ? ].

Inevitably, despite trialling a large number of search criteria (such as "King's Plate", "Town Plate", "Guinea Plate", "to be run for on", "Horse, Mare or Gelding" etc, etc), it is likely that not all of the notices will have yet been unearthed. The ones that I have found are predominantly in the category of "Classified Advertisements."

Chris PIGOTT, Potts Point, N.S.W., July 2016.


London Gazette, 2-5 August 1669:
"...on the 17th of the same month (September) a Horse race for a Plate of 60 pound is to be run within the Liberties of the said Town of Richmond (in the county of York) and the next day by lower prized Horses for a Plate of 20 pound."

London Gazette, 5-8 September 1670:
"At Richmond in the county of York, a fair will be held on 13th September instant...; on the 17th a Plate of 50 pound value will be run for there by the best Horses; on the 19th another Plate of above 20 Pounds value by lower prized Horses."

London Gazette, 13-16 April 1674:
"These are to give notice, That there will be run for, at the city of [? Winton] two Pieces of Plate, the one on Thursday, and the other on Saturday in Easter Week."

London Gazette, 27-30 July 1674:
"Whereas several Persons of quality have already Subscribed for seven years between 60 and 80 pound yearly for a 13 Stone Plate to be run for a single Heat at the [? Chissons] down, the second Thursday in August next, and so to continue for 7 years; It is desired that those who have or will contribute to the said Plate, and have not already paid in their money, will enter their names and pay in this years contribution to Mr John [MAUSENS], Goldsmith in Fleet-street, London, or to Mr Edward [MOCKS] at Salisbury, before the eighth of next month, that a Plate may be provided accordingly. Every Contributor may put in a Horse for nothing; he that is not must put in 6 Guineys. And none may subscribe less than 3 Guineys yearly. And no man who is a servant, or not born a gentleman, may ride for this Plate; understand that the Servants of their Majesties or Royal Highnesses, who are born Gentlemen and are not Servants to any other, are not intended to be debarred."

London Gazette, 27-31 July 1676:
"The last Wednesday in August next, will be Run for on Winchester Downes a considerable Plate (for which none but Gentlemen are to ride), consisting of three four Mile heats, for which every Horse that Runs must carry either 14 Stone besides the saddle, or 14 Stone a pound and a half weighing the saddle, at the choice of the Riders. And the Lord Marquis of Winchester hath engaged to give another Plate to that Horse which shall Run second for this Plate; and to this first Plate any may be a Contributor for two Guineys per Annum, and put in a Horse for nothing; and he that is not a Contributor must give five Guineys. The City of Winchester will next day give another 14 Stone Gentlemen's Plate, for which any Contributor to the former mat put in a horse for nothing, and all others must pay two Guineys a Horse, which Plates are to continue for Seven Years. Now whereas several persons have not only for this Plate, but for another at Burford last Whitson Week, promised to Sign the Articles concerning them, as Contributors, and pay accordingly, and yet have omitted to do so, They are hereby desired to make good their said promises; and that all may know whither to go or send, This is to give Notice, that the Burford Articles are left at the shop of Mr John MAWSON, Goldsmith at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street, London; and that the Winchester Articles shall also be left there for about a fortnight, and then carried to Winchester; where in the meantime any may sign a Counterpart of them now in the hands of the Mayor of Winchester."

London Gazette, 21-25 March 1678:
"At Blanford Course in Dorsetshire, upon the first Thursday and Friday in May next ensuing, two Plates will be run for; the one, of 15 pound value, and the Riders to be 10 stone weight; the other is of 25 pound value, and the riders to be Gentlemen and of 12 stone weight. Whoever is disposed for this sport must enter the size and colour of his Mare or Gelding with the Bayliff of Blanford the Thursday before the race, depositing 20s. in the Bayliff's hands towards the next year's 15 Pound Plate, and 40s. for the other. If any Contributor offers 15 pound for either Mare or Gelding before they start, the Owner must set [sic - perhaps sell?], provided there are two left to Run, and the Purchaser is not to run him that year. So Likewise for the 15 pound Plate."

London Gazette, 11-15 July 1678:
"These are to give Notice, That upon a Heath within a mile of Wakefield in Yorkshire, upon the third Wednesday in August next, and so on the same day every year, will be two plates run for; The first worth 30 pound, for which every Horse, Gelding or Mare may run, carrying 12 Stone weight. The second worth 15 pound, for which no [Board?] Horse is to Run nor any Gelding or Mare that will not be sold for 20 pound before they Run. To Run three Heats for each Plate, and every Heat is Three Miles; the second Plate is run for with 10 Stone weight."

Currant Intelligence (London), 13 March 1680:
"Newmarket, March 11th. His Majestie hath appointed all the Races for the Plate to be run on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday next.; which were not wont to be run till the latter end of the meeting."

Smith's Currant Intelligence (London), 20-23 March 1680:
"Newmarket, the 20th. On the 18th instant was a Race run for 100 pound between the Duke of Albemarle  and Mr OSSLEY, the six mile Course; Mr OSSLEY rid his own Gelding himself against the Duke's Horse which is called Tinker. There was great odds against Mr OSSLEY, but he won the race. His Majesty and His Royal Highness were on horse-back to see it run.
"Yesterday the Town Plate was run for at the 3 mile Course, by three Lords and 3 Gentlemen; they all rid their own Horses, but Mr GRIFFIN won the Plate, and presented it to the Town, who accepted it very kindly."

London Gazette, 14-17 February 1681:
"These are to give notice that the Plate the King did use to give every Spring at the twelve stone Heats at Newmarket will be run for this year at Burford Heats, the 17th day of March next, by the same Articles it used to be at Newmarket."

London Gazette, 14-17 March 1681:
"Brackly Plate to be Run for the last Thursday in April, twelve stone weight, Gentlemen to Ride; It will be worth 50 pound, three Heats and a Courses. The next day will be a Plate of 5 pound run for, the same heats and Course, but 10 Stone weight and the Horses to be sold for 30 pound. The Plate is given by the Town of Brackley in the county of Northampton."

London Gazette, 27-31 July 1682:
"Winchester, July 25. The Inhabitants of this City being ambitious of the Honour of His Majesties Presence, and desirous that many of the Nobility and Gentry of this nation, who are lovers of Good Horses and Field Sports, may meet there to attend Him, and recreate themselves on their Downs; Have, pursuant to an Agreement in a Common Assembly, writ to Persons of Quality of their Corporation, humbly to propose to His Majesty at Windsor, That in case He would please to intimate, That He had thoughts of honouring their City with His Presence, they would set up a Ten-Stone-Plate for seven years, to be Run for at such times as He should think He might most conveniently go thither from Windsor, and divert Himself on their Downs. To which His Majesty was graciously pleased to make answer. That He was so well satisfied with the loyalty of that City, and good affection and Duty of the Inhabitants, that He resolved to go thither as often in the seven years as His Occasions would permit, and appointed the day seven-night after Datchet-ferry Plate (which is Run for on St Bartholomew's day, the 24th of August) for the Plate to be Run for; and for the bettering of it, hath sent the said City Ten Guineas for this year, and a promise of the like in every other of six years. And several Gentlemen to whom the said City hath given their Freedom, and others, have each of them promised to subscribe Two Guineas yearly as Contributors to it. And it being believed that when the design of this Meeting is made publick,, several others will contribute, and none of the said Freemen who wish well to the Town will stick out; The Mayor and Aldermen have desired that the chief Conditions of the Articles of this, and a Fifteen Stone Plate to be run for next day may herein be inserted; that as many as wish well to their Town, or are Incouragers of Sportly Meetings may hereby have notice, and come in as Contributors to either of the aforesaid Plates.
"The chief conditions are as follows; Any Man may be a Contributor to either of the Plates that will Subscribe two Guineas to them yearly for seven years, and have the Privilege of putting in one and but one Horse, Mare or Gelding for nothing, so as it be really his own; and whoever is not a Contributor is to pay five Guineas, and whoever put in either, is then to give in Writing to the Mayor of Winchester the Colour and Marks thereof, and the Places where they Stand, and Names of the Owners, a day at least before the day on which each Plate is to be run for, or not be admitted.

"The Plates are run for 3 times round the Round Heat (and half as hour allowed between each, the day seven-night after Bartholomew's Day); And the 11 Stone Plate the day after. And His Majesty, upon removing sooner or later from [ ? ] or any other motive, shall think fitting to alter the days for the following six years, then on such other times in August or September as He shall then be His Pleasure by giving notice thereof in the Gazette, a month before the time now fixt, and at least three weeks before such time he shall appoint.
"The time of Starting is at four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and His Majesty hath for his own convenience, a Power of altering it to any other hour of the day, upon giving notice thereof to the Mayor of Winchester two days before the day of their Running, and having it there Cryed in the Market-place; And for the convenience of such as will contribute to either of these Plates, and that they may be brought in according to the value of what the town giveth, and is and will be given by several Persons of Honour and Quality; It is hereby desired that such as will contribute to either or both of these Plates will make known their minds in writing, to Mr COWARD the present Mayor of Winchester, Mr Francis CHILD, Goldsmith at Temple-Bar, London, or the Hon Bernard HOWARD (at Mr CHILD's shop), whom the Mayor and Aldermen of Winchester have desired to take the trouble on him of providing this years Plates to be run for on the last of August and the first of September. And the Contributors are desire to ay their respective Contributions of two Guineas apiece to any of the three persons aforesaid on or before the Twentieth of August for this Year, and by the [ ? ] first of August for the following Years. And though no Man can have the Privilege of a Contributor to either of these Plates for contributing under two Guineas per Ann. (and none but His Majesty gives more) yet any Man may be a Benefactor for contributing any other sum that he shall think fitting, and may siginifie his resolution and pay his money to any of the three aforesaid persons."

London Gazette, 22-26 February 1683:
"There will be two Plates run for upon a Heath near the town of Wakefield, in Yorkshire, upon the third Wednesday and Thursday in August next; the first Plate to be run for on Wednesday of the value of 30 pound, Riding 10 stone, besides saddle and bridle. And the second to be run for upon Thursday, of the value of 15 pound, Riding 10 stone weight with allowance of saddle and bridle."

Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Intelligence, 26 February 1683:
"Banstead Downs, Feb'y 15. This day a dish with 100 Guineas was run for in the round four mile Course; They being to run three Heats, each to contain the said 4 mile course; at first setting out Eight Horses started, and but Four of them saved their way to the next Heat, and Mr ROE's Horse called the French Horse won. The second and third Heats Mr PRICE's Horse at the Crown Tavern in that Street (called Tinker) won, which was admired by many Gentlemen who understand Horses, because he hath been an old Racer, and has endured many hard Courses; His Majesty, His Royal Highness, attended by many of the Nobility and Gentry, besides a numerous company of all the country about, but the weather not being favourable did much impeded the recreation of the day."

London Gazette, 9-13 August 1683:
"At Rothwell Slade in the county of Northampton, the two usual Plates will be run for on the first Wednesday and Thursday in September; for the Thursday Plate each Horse to carry 12 Stone, gentlemen only to ride, three Heats, 4 miles each Heat; the Horses are obliged to be at Rothwell Town three weeks before the Day. For the Wednesday Plate each Horse to carry 10 stone weight, two miles each Heat; what horse runs for it is obliged to be at Rothwell ten days before the day of the Race."

London Gazette, 13-17 December 1683:
"Three Heats will be run for a Plate of the value of Forty Pounds on Clifford Moore near Weatherby, on Thursday after Easter-Week, by any [stoo'd] Horse, Mare or Gelding carrying Ten Stone weight."

London Gazette, 23-26 June 1684:
"The founders of the Plate to be run for the 23 day of July next at Doncaster Old Horse Course in the county of York, having lately met to settle the same, have agreed that the Horses, Mares and Geldings which run for the first Plate shall be such as never run before for Stakes of above 10 pound or a Plate of above that value, and not to exceed the price of 40 pound; and that the second Plate be run for by Horses, Mares and Geldings not exceeding the price of 10 pound, with eight Stone weight; Whereof all persons that intend to run any Horse there, are to take Notice."

London Gazette, 4-7 August 1684:
"A Plate to be run for in Quainton Meadow near Aylesbury in Bucks, the day before the last Thursday in August, which will be worth near 40 pound. The weight 12 stone, every Horse, Mare or Gelding that runs for the Plate must be shewed and have his name entered at the George Inn in Aylesbury between the hours of 3 and 5 in the Afternoon of Thursday before the last Thursday in August, otherwise shall not be permitted to Run. Nor no Horse, etc, that will not he sold for 35 Guineas before Starting, or that has run for any other Plate or for any sum of money above 20 pounds. The winning Horse, etc, to be sold to the second for 25 Guineas. And there will be another Plate of 10 pound value the last Thursday in August, The weight 11 Stone."

London Gazette, 11-14 August 1684:
"Winchester, Aug 2. The Inhabitants of this City are preparing all things for His Majesty's Reception; and the present Mayor hath got a Subscription of 80 pound sterling for the raising of a third double Plate to be run for on these Downs (three Heats and 10 Stone) on the second Fryday in September by the same Articles as the 10 Stone Plate to be run for on the last Thursday of this Month, with the difference That neither of the Horses which shall win the first 10 Stone or 15 Stone Plate on the last Thursday or Friday of the month shall be admitted to run for it; That whoever is a Contributor to any of these Plates may put in a Horse for nothing, and he that is not must pay two Guineas for putting him in, and those with a fourth part of what is gathered of the said Subscription are to go to the second best Horse for this Plate; and because several that have subscribed and promised to Contribute to the first two Plates have not yet paid their Contribution; It is desired that they will pay it with all speed, either to Mr Bernard HOWARD of Norfolk (the present Steward), to Mr Francis CHILD, Goldsmith of Temple-Bar, or to Mr Godson PENTON, the present Mayor of Winchester, for the said Mr HOWARD, that he may accordingly provide those Plates for His Majesty's diversion as they were designed."

London Gazette, 21-25 August 1684:
"These are to give Notice, that on the 15th of September next, there will be a Plate of near 40 pound value run for in Woodstock Park, the Horses to carry 13 Stone, three Heats round a Four mile Course; and are any of them upon demand obliged to be sold for 100 Pounds; and if any Person not a Contributor will put in a Horse, he is to pay 5 pound towards the next Year's Plate...
"These are to give Notice, That the inhabitants of Newport Pannel (sic) in Buckinghamshire have given a Plate of Twenty Pounds value to be run for there (3 Heats, and 10 Stone) on the second Wednesday in September next. And the Gentlemen have raised a Plate of about 40 Guineas value to be run for (3 Heats, and 12 Stone) the next day, and so every second Thursday in September for the two next ensuing Years. Any Gentlemen that will enter himself a Contributor, or desires a copy of the Articles for either Plate, may have it of the Clerk of the Race in Newport Pannel aforesaid."

The reigning King, Charles II, died on 6 February 1685, aged 54; he was succeeded by his brother James, then aged 51, as King James II (of England) and VII (of Scotland). There do not appear to have been any particular interruptions to the running of Royal Plate events.

London Gazette, 16-19 March 1685:
"There will be a Plate given at Brackley on Monday the 13th of April next, of the value of Fourscore Pounds, to be won by running Heats there at Twelve Stone weight, for which any Horse may run."

London Gazette, 6-10 August 1685:
"Windsor, August 7. His Majesty intending to remove to Winchester towards the end of this month ar the beginning of the next; and being willing to have the usual Plates run for while the Court is there, has been graciously pleased to Order, according to an Article of these Plates, that the 10 Stone Plate shall be run for on the 15th day of September, and the 15 Stone Plate the day following; And his Majesty further to encourage the Breeding of good Horses, and Recreation of those Downs, has been pleased to add Ten Guineas yearly to what He formerly gave to those Plates. And that the said Plates may be provided in due time, the Honourable Bernard HOWARD of Norfolk, Steward of the said Plates, does hereby desire all the Contributors who have not paid in their Contribution, to pay it in forthwith to him, or to Mr Francis CHILD, Goldsmith at Temple-Bar, or to the Mayor of Winchester, as they shall find most convenient."

London Gazette, 10-13 August 1685:
"These are to give notice, That on the second Wednesday in September next, the Town Plate of Newport Pagnel in Bucks, being of 20 Guineas value, will be run for there (three Heats and ten stone) round a 4 mile course; and that Gentlemen's Guineas being about 40, will be Run for there on the next day (three Heats and 12 stone) round the same course. Each Prize will be run for by the same Articles they were run for in September last."

London Gazette, 10-13 May 1686:
"At Ormskirk, Lancashire, upon the 1st of June next, a Horse-plate of 40 pound value will be Run for, each Horse to Ride 10 stone weight, Four Miles Course, three Heats. And the day following as 15 Pound Plate, three Heats, also 8 stone weight, not exceeding 13 hands and an half high. And the said Plates to be Run for yearly upon the first Tuesday and Wednesday in June, as likewise a 5 pound Plate for Gallawayes."

London Gazette, 27-31 January 1687:
"On Thursday, in Easter-week next, a Gold Plate of the value of 40 Guineas will be Run for at the Heath near Chippingnorton in Oxfordshire. The Horses are to carry 12 stone, and Run Three Heats. And no Horse is to Run that ever one a Plate. The Articles are to be seen at the White Horse in Chippingnorton."

London Gazette, 13-16 August 1688:
"These are to give notice, That the Town Plate and Guinea-Prize will be run for at Newport-pagnel in Bucks, on the second Wednesday and Thursday in September next, by the same Articles they were run for the last year."

London Gazette, 27-30 August 1688:
"The Twelve Stone Plate, Three Heats, at Newmarket (for which none but Gentlemen are to ride) is to be Run for on the 3d Wednesday in October next; the number of the Contributors not being as yet so many as was expected, This Plate will be worth 80 pound, but that in Easter Week 100 pound for the Term of Four Years to come."

For the Kingdom in general, and the Racing community in particular, a major event, which would postpone these future engagements for some years, was just around the corner - the "Glorious Revolution" by which William, the Protestant Prince of Orange, would see off his father-in-law James II, who fled to France on 23 December 1688 (which flight was regarded as his de-facto abdication), and by which William would serve as joint Monarch of Ireland, Scotland and Ireland, with his wife Mary STUART, a daughter of James II.
William had been invited to take the Crown by James's detractors, and landed at Torbay in Devon on 5 November 1688 (just weeks after the last of the Newmarket Plates were run); he and Mary were crowned in 1689, by approval of a newly assembled Convention Parliament; and on 1 July 1690, William led his Army to a signal victory over James (who had arrived in Ireland from France in March 1689) and his Jacobite Army at the River Boyne, in Ireland, forcing him to flee to back to France (where he died in 1702).
After Mary's death in December 1694, William reigned alone, as William III, until his death in March 1702.

London Gazette, 4-7 February 1689:
"On Wednesday in Easter Week, the 12 Stone Plate, Value 100 pound, will be run for at New-Market, three Heats, Gentlemen to ride. The Friday after a Plate of 60 pound value, the same Weight and Course, such Horses to put in, as the major part of the Contributors then present shall agree on the Wednesday before."

London Gazette, 7-11 February 1689:
"There being at Newmarket a Horse Match the 18th of April, and two more the 22nd and 24th days, it is thought by the Contributors that the 12 Stone Plate, Gentlemen to ride, is to be run on 25th April, Value 100 pound. On the morrow the 60 pound Plate, the same Weight and Course; Any Horse that runs for either Plate is to be kept a month in New Market before the day of Running."

London Gazette, 26-29 August 1689:
"There is a plate to be Run for on Basingstoke Downes near Basingstoke, the first Tuesday in October; all Gentleman Contributors are desired to Enter their Horses with Mr William COLEMAN, Mayor of Basingstoke, or with Mr John ANSELL at the Cross-Keys Tavern in Covent Garden, a month before the Plate is Run for."

London Gazette, 10-14 October 1689:
"These are to give Notice to all Gentlemen, That on Tuesday the 5th of November next, being the day His Majesty landed in England, will be a Plate Run for at Hurley in Berkshire, value 10 pound, each horse to carry 10 Stone weight; all Gentlemen that ride; and the winning Horse to be sold for 30 pound."

London Gazette, 2-6 April 1691:
"These are to give Notice, That the Plate given by the Right Honourable the Lord LOVELACE is to be Run for at Woodstock Park in Oxfordshire on Thursday the 19th of May next."

London Gazette, 2-5 November 1691:
"These are to give Notice, That there will be a Plate of 20 pound Value run for upon Banstead Downes, 3 Heats, and a Course; 10 Stone 4 Pounds weight, upon the 30th of this Instant November, and in May next another; to continue for 3 years; No Horse to run that has run for above 30 Guineas; the Horses to be at Carshalton or Barrows Hedges a fortnight before the day."

London Gazette, 9-13 March 1693:
"On Tuesday the 11th April next, there will be a Plate run for on [Bradenam] Common near High Wickam in Buckinghamshire, value 10 pound, every Horse, Mare or Gelding that runs to carry Eleven Stone weight, the Horse, etc, that wins to be at the refusal of the Right Honourable the Lord LOVELACE at 30 pound. And before the Plate is run for there will be an Entertainment at High Wickam at the charge of the said lord LOVELACE, who gives the Plate."

London Gazette, 17-20 June 1695:
"Whereas heretofore the Single Course for the Great Plate on Mounckton Moore near Ripon, was to be run for by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, without Exception, These are to give Notice, That the founders have thought fit to alter the same, and have agreed, that no Horse, Mare or Gelding shall run the said Course but such as one under 7 years old; And the said Plate is to be run for on Tuesday 6th of August 1695. The riders to be 10 stone weight. And on Wednesday, the following day, the second Plate will be run for by 3 Heats as formerly, the Riders to be Gentlemen, and 11 stone weight, both Plates of considerable value; And on Monday the 5th of August, and not before, the Horse Fair at Ripon will begin; and the Heat Fair on Thursday the 8th of August aforesaid."

London Gazette, 5-8 August 1695:
"On the first Thursday in September next, a Plate will be run for of a considerable value on Lincoln-Heath, the Lady GRANTHAM's Heat and Course, and every Horse, Mare or Gelding is to carry 12 Stone with Bridle and Saddle, and to run two Heats the long Course, and Gentlemen to ride."

London Gazette, 29 August - 2 September 1695:
"Whereas in the last Monday's Gazette notice was given of a Plate near 20 pound value, to be run for at Abingdon in Berkshire, on Tuesday the 17th instant, the Horses to be sold for 15 pound, no horse to run that hath won 10 pound in Plate or Money, and none but Gentlemen to Ride. It happens the same day as Woodstoke Plate, and therefore the same Plate will be run for on the 24th instant, and the next day a Town Plate will be run for by horses, Mares or Geldings under 114 hands high, to be sold for 6 pound, the Plate worth 7 pound, and the Riders for both Plates to be 11 stone weight, and to be won by the best of 3 Heats."

London Gazette, 23-26 September 1695:
"Several Gentlemen having Contributed to the value of 60 pound or upwards, to be run for by way of a 13 Stone Plate, on Winchester Course, on the first Thursday in October, for 6 years next to come; These are to give Notice; that the Said Money will be Run for on Thursday the 3d of October next, by 7 Horses already named to the Mayor of Winton, according to the Articles."

Post Boy (London), 19-22 October 1695:
"The Plate was run for on Saturday at New-Market, and the King's Horse won it."

London Gazette, 26-30 December 1695:
"These are to give Notice, that His Majesty is pleased to give two Plates yearly, of the value of 100 Guineas each, to be run for at Newmarket, on every first Thursday of April, and every first Thursday in October, according to Articles of the town Plate there."

London Gazette, 18-21 May 1696:
"The 2nd of June, being Tuesday in Whitsun-Week, a Plate will be run for of Burford Downes in Oxfordshire, of [12] pound value, all Gentlemen to Ride, each Horse, Mare or Gelding to carry Eleven Stone, and may be entered the same day before Noon, with the Owners name and Marks of the Horses, to William GOSSEN at the George Inn in Burford, who is Clerk of the Plate, where will be good Ordinary."

London Gazette, 1-4 June 1696:
"A Horse Race on Burrow-Hill by Daventry, for a plate of 10 pound Value, to be run last Thursday in June this year, and other years the Thursday in Whitsun-Week, 4 miles each Heat, to carry 11 Stone weight, and such that never run for above the value of 5 pound before; each that runs to be there 10 days before the time of running, and give the Names of the Horse and Owner, and to be sold for 15 pound each, to put in a Guinea to go towards the next years plate, according to the Articles."

Post Man, and the Historical Account (London), 29 August - 1 September 1696;
"On Tuesday the 29th of September next, will be run at Ormskirk in Lancashire, a Plate of 20 pound Value, given by the Earl of Derby. The Horses to run 3 Heats and carry 12 Stone weight, none but Gentlemen to ride, the winning Horse to be sold for 20 pound at the choice of the said Earl."

Post Man, etc, 12-15 September 1696:
"Whereas by mistake the 3rd Wednesday of this month has been mentioned in the Gazette for the shewing of Horses that are to run for the 70 pound Plate at Swaffham in Norfolk, all persons concern'd are desired to take notice that Wednesday the last day of this month will be the time for the said Horses to be showed at the weighing Post."

Post Man, etc, 7-9 April 1698:
"Newmarket, April 7... About 2 a clock his Majesty's Plate was run for; the first heat was wone by my Lord WHARTON's Snail, who being crossed and stopped by Spectator within 300 yards of the ending post, Sir John PARSON's Horse won the Plate by winning the Heat likewise. Then the Match between Mr HARVEY's Hoboy and [Retes] Quainton was run, and wone by the latter, who had 5 to 4 against him. The Duke of Shrewsbury and my Lord [CUTTS] arrived this afternoon."

Flying Post, or The Post Man (London), 9-11 August 1698:
"These are to give Notice, that besides the two Plates that are to be Run for on Quainton Meadow the 24th and 25th Instant, that there is also another Plate to be run for, 10 Stone weight, three Heats, on the same Meadow, on Friday the 26th, given by the Town of Ailsbury, value 10 pound. No Horse, etc, that has ever Run a Match for 10 Pounds value shall start; and that they are to be shewn on Monday the 22nd, at 5 in the Afternoon, at the Crown Inn at Ailsbury. And in the same town, on Wednesday and Friday, will be Ordinaries at the Kings-Head-Inn and at the Sacracen's-Head-Inn."

Flying Post, etc, 6-8 February 1700:
"A Ten Pound Plate, given by John WATSON and Robert DALLEY, to be run for on the 21st of March next, upon the usual Heat of Banstead-Downs, the Weight ten stone; No Horse to be permitted to run for it that has won above the value of ten Pound; And to be at Robert DALLEY's of Bartholomew HEDGE's seven Days before, and put in two Guinea's Entrance-Money, according to Articles, or not to be run for, before they put in three Guinea's."

London Gazette, 15-19 February 1700:
"At Lambourn in Berkshire, a Plate of 50 pond value will be run for on Tuesday in Easter-Week; each Horse to carry 12 Stone weight, and to be shewn the Tuesday before at the Starting-Post; The Winning horse to be sold for 50 pound."

London Gazette, 22-26 February 1700:
"A Ten Pound Plate, given by John WATSON and Rob. DALLEY... [ditto the above]...Banstead Downs...; The Horses to be at the Greyhound at Carshalton or at Barrow's Hed[ ? ] 7 days before, and to pay a Guinea Entrance, or not permitted to run until they pay 3 Guineas."

London Gazette, 10-13 June 1700:
"Two Plates to be run for upon Doncaster Moor, the second Thursday and Friday in July next; the first Plate, 3 Heats, 12 Stone, Gentlemen to ride; the other Plate, 4 Miles, 10 Stone, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding that never run before; And to be entered at the Angel that day Fortnight before the first Plate is run for, betwixt the hours of 9 and 12."

London Gazette, 11-15 July 1700:
"A Plate of about 60 pound value will be run for at Thetford in Norfolk, the last Friday in September next; 11 Stone weight, 3 Heats of 4 Miles near the Town; every Horse not a Contributor's to Stake 5 Guineas before starting, to be given to the next best Horse; and every Horse that starteth for the Plate to be sold for 10 Guineas. No Horse to run that ever run for above 30 pound in Plate or Money; the Horses to be shewn at the Bell-Inn in Thetford the Thursday fortnight before, and kept in Thetford till the day of Running."

Flying Post, etc, 15-17 August 1700:
"On the last Friday in August, a Plate of Ten Pound will be run for on Quainton Mead; the Running Horse to be shewn and ent'red on Wednesday the 28th Instant, at the George Inn in Aylesbury; every Horse to carry ten Stones, and the winning Horse to be sold to the Subscribers at 10 pound."

London Gazette, 17-20 February 1701:
"On Lady-day next, a Plate of 40 Guineas value will be run for on the New Heats near Andover in Hampshire; Every Horse that runs to be under 8 years old, at 11 Stone weight, and to be shewn at the Starting Post that day sevnnight before they run. The next day a Town Plate of 20 pound value will be run for, 10 Stone weight."

London Gazette, 31 March - 3 April 1701:
"On Wednesday the 28th of May next, will be run for on Wavendon Heath near Woburne in Bedfordshire, a Plate of about 60 pound value; Any Horse to run that never won 50 pound or run for the King's Plate at Newmarket; to carry 11 Stone, 3 Heats, and to be entered that day sevnnight before at the Cock in Woburne; Every Horse (not a Subscriber) pays five Guineas Entrance, the Stakes to the second Horse. The next day a Plate of 15 pound value will be run for, 9 stone, 3 Heats, and to be entered at any time before Starting. A good Ordinary will be at Woburne each day."

London Gazette, 2-9 June 1701:
"On 25th Sept next, a Plate of 100 pound value will be run on the Brackley-Green in Northants, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding under 8 years old, each carrying 11 stone weight, 3 Heats and any person to ride. And on 26th of same month, another Plate of 20 pound value will be run by any horse, 10 stone weight, 3 Heats, the winning Horse (if required) to be sold for 25 Pounds. And on the 27th, will be the Town Plate of 15 Pound value, run for by Galloways not exceeding 13 hands and an inch, and all under the height to be abated proportionably to the weight. They likewise are to be Run the best of 3 Heats."

Flying Post, or The Post Master (London), 1-4 November 1701:
"Upon Epsom Downs in Surrey, the last Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this present November, will be 3 Plates run for: The first a Plate of 20 pound to be run for by any Horses that shall be sold for 30 pound, the weight 10 stone and a half; the Horses to be at some of the Contributors stables in Epsom 14 days before the Plate, and 7 days before pay 3 Guineas for each Horses Stakes, or paying of 5 Guineas they may put in at any time. The 2nd a Galloway Plate of 5 pound, to be run for by any Galloway that shall not exceed 13 Hands and one Inch, the highest weight 8 stone; and all Galloways under that size to have Weight allowed according to Weight for inches; The stakes for each Galloway 17s. to be paid 3 days before the Plate, and the Galloway to be there and entered, or paying of one pound they may put in at any time. The 3rd a Plate of 10 pound to be run for by any Horse to be sold for 15 pound, the Weight 11 Stone, the Stakes for each Horse one Guinea and a half, to be paid 7 days before the Plate, and the Horse to be there and entered; on paying of 2 Guineas and a half they may put in at any time. The horses to be entered in Devereux WATSON's at the new stables in Epsom."

Epsom, by T.ALLOM, ca 1842. Courtsy of the www.epsomandewell historyexplorer.org.au web-site.

King William III died on 8 March 1702; he was succeeded by his sister-in-law, Queen Anne.

London Gazette, 15-18 June 1702:
"On the first Wednesday in August next, a Plate of 50 pound will be run for on Nottingham Course, by none but 6 year old Horses, etc, and to be Entered that day 3 weeks before. The next day a 50 pound Plate will be run for on the same Course, by any Horse, etc, that never won it, and to be Entered that day fortnight before; Gentlemen to ride the first Plate; and Grooms for the later."

London Gazette, 16-20 July 1702:
"Whereas there was lately an Advertisement in the Gazette of a Plate to be run for on Croydon Common, the last Thursday in July, This is to give Notice, That the Election of Parliament for Guildford happening on the same day, the said Plate will not be run for till Monday 3rd of August.
"A Plate of 30 Guineas value will be run for on Salcey-Green in Bucks, the 12th of August next, by any Horse, etc, that never ran for money or Plate, to carry 12 stone and 3 pounds weight, with Bridle and Saddle, the best of three Heats to win; and Gentlemen to ride. The Horses to be shewn at the White Swan in Hanslap 14 days before running, and to be kept in the Parish from that time. And the winning Horse to be sold for 50 Guineas.
"On the last Wednesday in August, a Plate of 50 Guineas value will be run for at Winchester; any horse under 8 years old to run, 12 stone weight, the winning Horse to be sold for 40 Guineas, and to be entered at the Starting Post that Day sevenight before they run."

London Gazette, 11-15 March 1703:
"On the 15th of April next, a Plate will be run for at Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, between 30 and 40 pound value, the best of 3 Heats, to carry 11 stone, and no Horse to have a Share in the Plate that ever started for a 20 pound Plate or Prize. The winning Horse to be rafled by the Contributors at 30 pound. The Horses to be entered at the Angel in Bury the 5th of April and to pay (if not Contributors) two Guineas before he starts."

London Gazette, 1-4 May 1704:
"On Wednesday in Whitsun Week, at Burford in Oxfordshire, is to be run a Plate for about 60 pound value, Gentlemen to Ride, the Horse to be shown 7 Days before, whereof that day they are entered may be at the George Inn in Burford; Any Horse that Starts to be sold for 50 Guineas. And on Thursday a Plate will be run for of 16 pound value; any Horse that Starts to be sold for 20 Guineas; the Horses to be Entered 7 Days before at the Bear Inn in Burford."

Post Man, or Historical Account (London), 6-8 March 1705:
"Whereas a Plate has usually been run for at Stamford in Lincolnshire on the last Thursday in March, these are to give Notice, that the said Plate will not be run for this year till the same time in Summer, of which publick notice will be given."

London Gazette, 23-27 August 1705:
"Whereas there were Two Things forgot in the Advertisement which was inserted in the last Gazette, concerning the Plate on Dochett Common; Therefore to prevent mistakes, it is rectified in this:
"A Plate value 30 Guineas is to be run for on Dochett Common near Windsor, on Wednesday the 26th of September next, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, carrying 10 Stone; each Horse, Mare or Gelding (not belonging to the Contributors) to pay two Guineas, and to be shewn and entered at William PEASLE's at Dochett Common aforesaid the day sevennight before they run; the winning Horse, Mare or Gelding to be sold for 30 Guineas; and the entrance money to go to the second Horse, Mare or Gelding.
"A Plate of 25 Guineas to be run for on 18th day of September next, on Lea Marsh near Preston in Lancashire, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, carrying 10 Stone, 3 Heats, and to be entered 9 days before the Plate is run for at the White Bull in Preston.
"On Tuesday the 11th of September, being the next day after the 50 pound Plate, will be run for a Plate of 15 pound, by any Horse, etc, carrying 10 Stone, 3 Heats, on Steyning Down, to be entered that day at Steyning, the winning Horse to be sold for 20 pounds."

London Gazette, 11-15 April 1706:
"On Thursday 16th May next, at Lewes in Sussex, there is a Plate to be run for of 25 Guineas value at least (so much being already received) by any Horse or Mare, that never has run for above the value of 30 Guineas before, the Weight 10 Stone, 3 Heats, the winning Horse to be sold to the Contributors for 30 guineas, every Horse to be entered at the Star in Lewes a week before they run; any Persons other than Contributors to pay 3 Guineas towards the Plate before they start."

Post Man and Historical Account (London), 11-13 March 1708:
"On Monday Week a Galloway Plate of 10 Guineas value at least, will be run for on Barnham Down Course, near Canterbury, the best of 3 heats by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, not exceeding 14 hands in height, 9 stone in weight, the highest to give and take under that size. The Horses are to be shewn, and entered that day seven-night before, at the Bowling Green House on Bridge Hill adjoining to the said Course, and to stand at Canterbury or within 3 Miles of the Course till the day of running. The Owner of every Horse, Mare or Gelding not a subscriber is to pay a Guinea and a half entrance, the winning Galloway to be sold for 20 pounds."

Post Boy (London), 10-19 October 1708:
"We hear from Newmarket That the Duke of Devonshire's horse won the Queen's Plate."

London Gazette, 2-5 July 1709:
"There will be a plate of near 40 pound value to be run for upon Uppingham Brand in the county of Rutland, upon the 28th July instant, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding that is under 7 years old, to carry 10 stone weight; to be entered and kept 10 days in the town of Uppingham before they run. He that is no Subscriber to give 5 guineas towards the next Year's Plate; the winning horse to be sold for 60 guineas. The next day, the Town Plate will be run for, of 16 pound value, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, to carry 10 stone; to be entered 12 Days before they run, and to pay a Guinea at their Entrance towards next Year's Plate; the winning Horse to be sold for 25 pound."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The following items were initially summarised be me only in very brief form - and will, over the next few weeks, says he hopefully, be filled out with fuller abstracts:

Uppingham Brand - A 30 Guineas Plate, a 15 pounds Plate, and a Galloway Plate of 10 pounds, to be run on the first Thursday in September 1710. [London Gazette, 13-15 July 1710.]

Lewes Plate Course, in County Sussex - A Great Plate, a Town Plate of 15 pounds, and a Galloway Plate, to be run on 27 May 1712. [London Gazette, 8-10 May 1712.]

Stowerbridge Heath, in the County of Worcester - A 20 Guinea Plate and a Galloway Plate of 10 Pounds, to be run on 7 and 8 September 1714, respectively. [London Gazette, 1-10 August 1714.]

Galloway Plates were run at Epsom Downs (May 1703, March 1709); Nottingham Course (June 1707, 1711); Guildford (May 1714); Merrow Downs, near Guildford (June 1715); Bath (1716); and Casehorton Downs (identified as a "new course" in Sep 1716).
Guinea Plates were run at Doncaster Common (June 1710); Peterborough Common, Northamptonshire (June 1716); Epsom Downs (August 7 September 1716, 1717); and Shottery Meadows near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire (July 1718).
King's Plates were run at Newmarket (1716, August and October 1717, 1718); Epsom Downs (Aug 1717); Woodstock Park, Oxfordshire (May 1717); Nottingham Course (1717); Clifton Ings, near York (May 1717); Lincoln Heath, Lincolnshire (May 1717); Hambleton, Yorkshire (May 1717); and Guildford (May 1718).

Queen Anne died on 1 August 1714, aged 49, without issue; she was succeeded by her second cousin, George of Hanover, a grandson of Elizabeth, the daughter of King James I and VI; he reigned as King George I, and it has been said that he spoke no English.


Flying Post, or The Post Master (London), 21-23 September 1699:
"Dublin, Sept 16. On the 21st Instant, a Plate of 100 pounds given by his Majesty, is to be run on the Currough of Kildare."

Post Boy (London), 7-10 October 1699:
"Dublin, Sept 30... Last Tuesday the Earl of Orory and my Lord Shannon's Horses ran at the Curagh for 100 Guineas; the latter won."
[The Tuesday next before 30 September fell on 26 September.]

Flying Post, etc, 19-21 September 1700:
"Dublin, Sept. 10... His Excellency the Earl of Galway, the Lord Chancellor, and several of the nobility, design for the Currough the latter end of this week to see the Racing. The King's Plate is to be run for the 19th instant."

Flying Post, etc, 1-3 October 1700:
"Dublin Sept. 21. On Thursday last the King's Plate was run for at the Currough. It is worth 125 pounds, and was won by the Earl of Meath's Horse. The Earl of Meath won another Race the same day, from the Lord Shannon, for 50 guineas."

The Post Boy (London), 18-20 March 1701:
"Dublin... The Earl of Galway is gone to the Curragh to see the Horse Racing that is to be there."

The Post Boy, 10-12 April 1701:
"Dublin, Apr. 3. .. The Earl of Galway went to the Curragh last Tuesday to see the horse Racing, but he is expected back this night."

Post Boy, 6-8 October 1702:
"Dublin, Sept 25... Their Excellencies, our Lords Justices, have been at the Curagh to take the Divertisement of Horse Racing, where the Lord Mazerine won the Queen's Plate..."

Throughout the rest of the reign of Queen Anne, it would appear that no Plates were advertised to be run at the Curragh, at least not in English papers. But there were a number of Troop reviews held there by heads of Government, and it evidently served as a large staging area for the Army, which also had a full-time garrison there, occupied by regiments on rotation. The Army was heavily involved with the War of the Spanish Succession, and most Regiments heading in and out of Ireland were staged through the Curragh. I suspect that their leisure activity on the racecourse, especially among the Officer corps of the Horse Regiments, was put on hold until after the War.
The War of the Spanish Succession resulted from a failure to settle competing claims to the Spanish Inheritance of the childless Charles II of Spain, who died in 1700; on his deathbed, Charles fixed the entire Inheritance on Philip, Duke of Anjou (a grandson of Louis XIV of France), despite competing claim by the other Royal Houses, in France (BOURBON), Austria (HAPSBURG) and Bavaria (WITTELSBACH). An Austrian, Dutch and English Alliance declared war against Spain and France in May 1702; in England, Queen Anne despatched a number of Whig Parliamentarians in 1710, resulting in a new Tory Government, which negotiated a cessation; England had ceased combat operations by 1712.

Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer (London), Saturday 27 September 1718:
"The Horse of Edward STRATFORD, Esq, of Belan, near Castledermot in Ireland, Run for the King's Plate at the Curragh of Kildare, and won it."

Weekly Journal, etc, Saturday 18 April 1719:
"They write from Dublin... that Col STRATFORD's Horse won the great Plate at the Curragh of Kildare, and the Lord ROSS's Mare the small Plate."

Weekly Journal, etc, Saturday 26 September 1719:
"Dublin, Sept. 15. Colonel STRATFORD's Horse won the King's Plate at the Curragh of Kildare, and Lord Antrim's Mare the Mayor's Plate.

Weekly Journal, or British Gazette (London), Saturday 23 April 1720:
"They write from Ireland on the 9th instant, that the Horse of the Hon St John BRODRICK, Esq, won the King's Plate at the Currough of Kildare on the 6th."

[ECCO] - "Hibernia notitia; or, a list of the present officers in church and state, and of all payments for civil and military affairs for the Kingdom of Ireland upon the Establishment," published in London and in Dublin in 1723, at pages 5 and 48 respectively:
"Ranger of the Curragh, Salary of 20 Pounds."
"Ranger of the Curragh, Mr John BATES."

Dublin Gazette, Wednesday 18 August 1725:
"These are to give Notice, that there will be a Ten Pound Plate run on the Great Heath near Maryborough on the last Thursday in August next, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding that never run upon the Curragh of Kildare. The Horse is to be shewed, and entered the Day sen'night before the race, at Mr George COSSINS (this surname was very hard to read, and may be incorrect) at Ballymaddock, where the articles may be seen at large, which tells several other Matches to be run the Day following. Dated this 26 July 1725."

PUE's Occurrances and Dublin Gazette mentioned a race meeting to be held at Thurles, County Tipperary, and the date mentioned was Monday 19 June 1732 (I'm not sure whether this was the issue date of the paper, or the date of the race - I have not yet seen the page image for this item), it being a 15 Pound Plate, run in three heats, each of 4 miles, the entrance fee being "...one pistole to be paid to Mr John NEALE." I cannot now cite the source for this item, and it is evident that digitalized images of this newspaper are not part of the GALE Group project, at least not this early.
The London Daily Post of Wednesday 30 August 1732 published an advertisement, for the sale by auction, at Great-Poulteney Street near Golden Square, of  "...the entire household furniture of Capt John PIGOTT, lately gone abroad..."

Daily Gazetteer (London), Tuesday 21 September 1736:
"...last Thursday sen'night... The day before, his Majesty's Hundred Pound Plate was run for at the Currough of Kildare and won by a Mare belonging to Mr HANNELL, Surveyor of Rings End."

London Evening post, 29 September - 1 October 1737:
"Dublin, Sept. 23. On Wednesday last, nine Horses started at the Curragh for the King's Plate of 100 Guineas, and was won by Mr Thomas PIGOTT's young Chestnut Horse, Infant; who is son to Mr LANGLEY's Horse, Infant, and bred by the said Mr LANGLEY.
"On Thursday was run at the Curragh for 100 Guineas a side, between a Bay Gelding of Major HILL's, and a Brown Gelding of Theobald TAFFE's, Esq, which was won at the greatest Ease by the former, tho' the Odds at Starting were 3 to 1 upon Mr TAFFE's gelding.
"The same day a Grey Galloway belonging to Benjamin BUTTON, Esq'r, stood match'd to run with Sir Edward O'BRIEN's Grey Galloway, Madam Catherina, for 100 Guineas a Side, half Forfeit; pay'd half Forfeit to Madam Catherina."

London Evening Post, 23 October 1736:
"IRELAND... At the races on the County of Kildare, Capt PIGGOT's Horse won the 20 Plate."

Daily Gazetteer (London), Saturday 29 April 1738:
"Dublin, Apr. 22...
"A challenge has been sent over to England, to run four miles at Newmarket, Mr PIGOTT's Chestnut Horse Infante, who won the Great Plate at the Curragh, against any Horse in Great Britain, for Two Thousand Guineas, at any weight under Twelve Stone."

London Evening Post, 14-17 April 1739:
"Dublin, April 7...
"Last Wednesday, the subscription Plate of Sixty Guineas was run for on the Curragh, by Sir Edward O'BRIEN's Bay Horse, Philum-Laddy (formerly called Merry-Andrew); Thomas PIGOTT Esquire's famous Horse, Infant; Mr PLACE's Grey Galloway, Merry-Pintle; --- DARCY Esquire's Black Horse; Sir Marmaduke WYVILL's Dun Horse; and Mr MURPHY's Chestnut Horse. The Odds at Starting were two to one upon Infant against the Field, notwithstanding which Philum Laddy beat him with great Ease, and won the Plate; and the little Galloway, to the Surprize of every Body, came in second."

Falkner's Dublin Journal, 15-18 September 1739:
"The Horses which ran at the Curragh last Wednesday were as follows, viz Lucius Henry O'BRIEN, Esq's, Chestnut Horse Plaistow, won the Plate. Sir Edward O'BRIEN's Bay Horse Merry Andrew, Maurice KEATINGE Esq's Grey Gelding Mad Tom, distanced, being drawn after the first Heat. Benjamin BUNBUREY, Esq's Chestnut Blossom, and Thomas PIGOTT, Esq's Grey Mare Infanta, distances, having run but in the first Heat. Plaistow won the Plate with so much Ease, that he could have double distanced then all."
[This was not sighted in the on-line newspapers, but is transcribed in "Royal Plates", on the www.highflyer.supanet.com web-site compiled by James R. HARDIMAN. This was reported verbatim in the London Press, with the additional item attached, as follows.]

General Evening Post (London), 25-27 September 1739:
"The Horses which ran at the Curragh last Wednesday were... [ditto above]...
"And last Friday the following Mares ran, viz, Sir Edward O'BRIEN's Miss Doe; Mr BURGH's two Grey Mares; and Mr PIGOTT's Infanta. Sir Edward O'BRIEN's won the first Heat, and Mr BURGH's old grey mare won the two last Heats; Mr PIGOTT's mare drawn after the first Heat."

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